I've got a Flexdashboard-based Shiny application with several tabs, and within each tab, grids of multiple plots. Performance is a bit of an issue, particularly when deployed on the free Shiny Server.
Initially, the main issue was that clicking each tab would require re-rendering of the plots. I set the suspendWhenHidden option to be FALSE, and this helps - Now switching the input has a slow delay to load all the plots, but at least when navigating the UI, performance is snappy.
This got me thinking, however - is there any way to achieve a hybrid of the two behaviors? So say I'm on an active tab which just produces a single plot. This plot renders quickly. Can we tell shiny to render this plot, display it to the user, and then in the background, continue loading all the elements of the other tabs? As it stands now, the active tab will not finish rendering the plot until all plots on the hidden tabs are also rendered.
In summary, a hybrid suspendWhenHidden = FALSE and TRUE:
Render the active tab elements first, display to the user, then
Continue rendering the elements on the hidden tabs
I thought perhaps setting priority might achieve this, but it doesn't seem to work. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Here's a minimal reproducible example. The goal would be for the first plot (in tab 1) to render and appear before beginning rendering of the second plot (in tab 2) - But the plot should start rendering in tab 2 without requiring a click of tab 2.
ui <- fluidPage(
numericInput('n', 'Size', 10)
tabPanel("Tab1", plotOutput("plot1")),
tabPanel("Tab2", plotOutput("plot2"))))
# Define the server code
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({plot(1:input$n)},height = 400,width=800)
output$plot2 <- renderPlot({ Sys.sleep(5); plot(1:input$n,col="red")},height = 400,width=800)
outputOptions(output, "plot2", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
# Return a Shiny app object
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
There is two ways to achieve this
Load all the tabs and then show the output
Use eventReactive to activate the other tabs
For the first option just put below additionally
outputOptions(output, "plot1", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
and if you want reactivity write eventReactive functions for each tab.
I am currently building a shiny app to build biological networks. To build them, you can choose between many different parameters, which i included in different selectInputs or numericInputs.
Is it possible to have some kind of info text, when hovering the mouse over those input fields? I dont want to add 3-4 sentences of text to the title of each select/numericInput.
Thanks :)
If you don't mind an extra package dependancy then you can use bsTooltip from the shinyBS package. Note that the hover tooltip sometimes doesn't show up unless you click on the input in the RStudio viewer pane, but if you run your app in your browser, the hover trigger should work:
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("input1", "Select input", c("choice1", "choice2")),
bsTooltip(id = "input1",
title = "Here is some text with your instructions")
server <- function(input, output) {
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
TL;DR: observeEvent is only working on the first instance, but not subsequent.
In a small shiny app below, I dynamically build a URL based on user input, which points to the corresponding pre-rendered "timer" gif images I have hosted on GH. In this shiny app code below, observeEvent works great to pull the sliderInput value (e.g. 5sec), build a URL, and then clicking 'go' will show the timer using a clever shinyjs package. However, if I do not change the input (still 5sec), clicking go doesn't rebuild the image. If I change the value to a different number (4sec), it will show the correct gif. If I change back to the original number (5sec), no gif. If I go to a new number (3sec), correct gif. If I print the value of input$time or of rv$time in my observeEvent, then each of those values are updating correctly (both print the corresponding value).
Goal: to show the gif that corresponds to the input$time upon each update of input$go
# Define UI
ui <- navbarPage(title = "Reprex",
## RHYME TIME -----
min = 3,
max = 10,
value = 5
actionButton(inputId = "go",
label = "Go"),
# Define server logic
server <- function(input, output, session) {
#a container to store my time var
rv <- reactiveValues(
time = 0
#the event that is triggered by input$go getting clicked
observeEvent(input$go, {
rv$time <- input$time #this should update rv$time after go is clicked
shinyjs::show("simple_timer") #this is the clever package with simple show/hide funs
#the reactive text that generates my HTML
output$simple_timer <- renderText({
glue::glue('<img src ="https://github.com/matthewhirschey/time_timer/raw/main/data/{rv$time}_sec.gif",
align = "center",
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
There are a couple of issues with your code:
renderText won't refire if you press input$go again (w/o changing the slider). Becasue the idea is that observer/render fires whenever their reactives change. As your renderText depends on rv$time which does not change when input$time does not change, the render function is not fired on subsequent button presses. This can be remedied by including input$go in the render function setting an additional dependency on the button.
This will not, however, solve your problem, because the browser uses caching. It sees that the <img> tag did not change (same src), thus it does not reload the picture. To circumvent that you can use the trick from Disable cache for some images by adding a timestamp to the src.
To make a long story short, this code does the trick:
output$simple_timer <- renderText({
input$go # make code dependent on the button
# add `?timestamp=<timestamp>`to the src URL to convince the browser to reload the pic
glue::glue('<img src ="https://github.com/matthewhirschey/time_timer/raw/main/data/{rv$time}_sec.gif?timestamp={Sys.time()}",
align = "center",
Is there a possibility to reuse a dataTableOutput in several tabs? The only possibility I found was using a layout where the dataTableOutput gets its own row but I don't want it above all tabs.
If I just call the dataTableOutput multiple times, none of the tables get printed.
Thanks to the answer of daattali I got this almost done. The only thing I didn't mentioned before was, I need the two tables synchronised in a way. At the moment, when I try to update each other via proxy, the whole system gets buggy when selecting to many rows in a short time...
You can't use the same id (since you can't have two elements on the same page with the same id), but what you can do is generate the table once as a reactive value and then simply return that value inside the render table functions. This has the benefit of only running the code for generating the table once, and re-using the table in as many outputs as you want.
ui <- fluidPage(
tabPanel("tab1", "tab 1", DT::dataTableOutput("table1")),
tabPanel("tab2", "tab 2", DT::dataTableOutput("table2"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
table_data <- reactive({
output$table1 <- DT::renderDataTable(table_data())
output$table2 <- DT::renderDataTable(table_data())
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I am trying to include a selectizeInput widget in a Shiny app. However, one aspect of its behavior is problematic: each time I make a selection, the box containing the choices closes.
I took a look at the example app here: http://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/selectize-examples.html. Specifically, input number 2: Multi-select. The selection window remains open in this example, yet I see no differences between that code and mine which would account for the variance in behavior.
For the sake of a reproducible example, I have put together the following code:
ui <- fluidPage(uiOutput("example"))
server <- function(input, output, session){
output$example <- renderUI({
choices=paste("A", 1:50, sep="_"),
multiple = TRUE,
} # close server
shinyApp(ui = ui, server=server)
My guess is that I'm missing something obvious, so here's a chance for an easy answer for someone that knows their way around Shiny. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
When you remove the selected=input$people line, it works as intended.
I'm building a ShinyApp where different plots can be coloured based on several variables according to a selectInput panel, and a different image should also be inserted depending on the user's selection on such panel.
I'm failing to be able to render the images. I just get a blank space where they should appear.
I'm pretty sure I'm missing something obvious here, but I'm still experimenting with shiny and just can't figure it out. Thanks for your help.
Relevant parts of my code (let me know if you need more):
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$Imagen<- renderImage({
if(input$ColorBy=="Raza") Leg<-"Razaimagen.png"
if(input$ColorBy=="Log") Leg<-"Logimagen.png"
h3("Imagen", align = "center"),
"Razaimagen.png" and "Logimagen.png" are sitting happily in my www folder. They work well if I try eg img(src="Razaimagen.png") directly in the ui.R
Your deleting the images, use:
output$Imagen<- renderImage({
if(input$ColorBy=="Raza") Leg<-"www/Razaimagen.png"
if(input$ColorBy=="Log") Leg<-"www/Logimagen.png"
}, deleteFile = FALSE)