Dynamic output issue when rowset is empty - u-sql

I'm running a u-sql script similar to this:
#output =
FROM #table;
OUTPUT #output
TO #"/Dir/{Tag}/filename.txt"
USING Outputters.Text(quoting : false);
The problem is that #output is empty and the execution crashes. I already checked that if I don't use {tag} in the output path the script works well (it writes an empty file but that's the expectable).
Is there a way to avoid the crash and simply don't output anything?
Thank you

The form you are using is not yet publicly supported. Output to Files (U-SQL) documents the only supported version right now.
That said, depending on the runtime that you are using, and the flags that you have set in the script, you might be running the private preview feature of outputting to a set of files. In that case, I would expect that it would work properly.
Are you able to share a job link?


is there a way to read the contents of the last jupyter markdown cell as a string?

I'm using jupyter and pandas read_sql, this works fine but looks ugly.
for instance I have a query:
FROM table_a AS a
I could show it nicely in a markdown cell as so:
``` mysql
FROM table_a AS a
and I could execute it in a code cell as so:
pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM table_a AS a LIMIT 10;', conn)
this involves copy/paste and displaying the query twice (not too good if I want to simply export my notebook to a pdf report)
is there a way to avoid the duplication by reading the markdown text into a string python variable, or any other way?
The cellmagic answer cited by #Micah Kornfield in the question comments may be a good fit for many situations. In the question however it is said that it is desirable to avoid duplicates. Let's imagine that the SQL is huge and we don't want see the same query more than once.
Unfortunatelly right now in 2021 there's no easy solution for this. In a jupyter notebook there are two worlds, the backend which is the kernel and in our case runs python, and the frontend which runs javascript. Only javascript sees the markdown cells. It is possible to make the backend and frontend communicate with each other, those methods are usually a little hacky, but anyway we will rely on some of them.
I have written a script that does our job in two different ways, which will probably bring similar results. I will call those methods the file read method and the javascript method.
First, please save the following file markdown.py in the same folder as the ipython (we are using a separate file because you specified that your notebook willl eventually go to a report and it is undesirable to have this script together with the notebook):
from IPython.display import Javascript
from urllib.parse import unquote
from json import loads as jsonloads
def markread(cellnumber,notebookname=None,callbackvar=None):
if type(cellnumber) is int:# maybe check if (varname in globals()):
if callbackvar is not None and type(callbackvar) is str:
return Javascript("const mdtjs = Jupyter.notebook.get_cells().filter(c=>c.cell_type==\"markdown\")["+str(cellnumber)+"].get_text(); IPython.notebook.kernel.execute(\"mdtp = unquote('\"+encodeURI(mdtjs)+\"');mdtp=mdtp[mdtp.find('\\\\n',mdtp.find('```'))+1:min(mdtp.rfind('\\\\n'),mdtp.rfind('```'))].strip();"+callbackvar+"=mdtp;del mdtp\");")
if notebookname is not None and type (notebookname) is str:
if not notebookname.endswith('.ipynb'):
notebookname += '.ipynb'
with open(notebookname) as f:
j = jsonloads(f.read())
mdts = [''.join(c['source'][1:]).strip().strip('`').strip() for c in j['cells'] if c['cell_type']=='markdown']
return mdts[cellnumber]
return None
return None
Now back to the notebook, to load the script, you have to import it:
from markdown import markread, unquote
The unquote is needed to use the javascript method, otherwhise you can skip it.
1. File read method:
marktext = markread(2, notebookname='mynotebookname')
Here marktext will get the value from the third markdown cell in the mynotebookname (third because we live in a zero-indexed world, so 2 means third; if you skip '.ipynb' extension in the notebookname as in this case it will be automatically appended). Important - this method reads the notebook file writen on disk and not the hot state of things. If you changed anything since last save, things may go wrong.
2. Javascript method:
markread(1, callbackvar='marktext')
Here we write the value of our second markdown cell to a variable called marktext. Javascript method is trickier - it is async, so we have to send the name of the variable that we want to write to (must be a string representing its name, not the variable itself). Is is important to know also that markread must be the last command in the cell due to a limitation in javascript invoking.
How it works
Internally, the file read method just reads the notebook file which is json, picks the value from 'cells' and filters out the ones which are markdown.
The javascript method however is more complex. It invokes JS because JS has access to the cells including markdown, so JS reads cells values (from the Jupyter.notebook.get_cells), filters the markdown ones, invoke python back and send back those markdown cells - url enconded. Those encoded cells are decoded back and assigned to the callbackvar. In both methods I made some assumptions that may not be correct about trimming the start and the end of the cell value (the ``` and whitespaces).
There are ways to improve the code, for example making it auto detect the notebook name for the file read method, but it involves even more hacks, relying again on javascript to get the notebook name or making an call to the api on port 8888, but having to deal with session password. I believe the most important is covered already by our script. If one method does not work, you will probably still have the other.

Table methods not working anymore

I have a table with different methods, for example, one of them is validateWrite, when setting Field A to value X, Field B and C has to be filled in.
Suddenly (without changing code, I have compared the code with the test enviroment, it does work there) the validateWrite has stopped working.
I have tried to recompile the table, but that did not work.
Any idea why it suddenly (without making other modifications in this enviroment, or generating a CIL) stopped working and what i can try to solve it?
If some piece of code is calling table.doInsert(), it skips the validateWrite() method.
If the environments are truly identical, then I would try closing your AX client and deleting your user caches (see http://dynamics-ax-live.blogspot.com/2010/03/more-information-about-auc-file.html) where you delete all of the *.auc files located at C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local
In addition to what that tells you to delete, I'd also remove the *.kti file and all of the files & folders inside of C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Dynamics Ax
Then open AX, see if the problem still exists. Then full system compile, CIL build, and delete your usage data.
The preferred route though would be to just drop a breakpoint in and debug the code to see what the execution stack is.

Maxscript, backburner rendering renderElements

I have made a script that takes files from directory, and sends them to backburner for network rendering. When I run the script it renders fine but without the render elements they dont show in the backburner monitor nor do they save.
If I open some of the files manualy and send them to render with backburner it works fine, but not with the script?
The render element is VrayAlpha, but I dont think it matters.
This is the code Im using
on btnRender pressed do
outputFilesDir = textModelsOut.text + "*.max"
toRender = getFiles outputFilesDir
man = NetRender.GetManager()
man.connect #automatic ""
for s in toRender do
renderModelPath = getFilenamePath s + filenameFromPath s
job = man.newJob file:renderModelPath
And this is quote from maxscript documentation, it says that render element data will not be available but it will be processed.
Jobs can not have maps included, and render element data will not be
available for submitted job but render elements will process
correctly. These problems are resent when submitting a job from a
file, but not when submitting the current scene.
Anyways my solution was to use job.newJob() to open each scene and submit the current scene.
You should always include your code (or at least some of it) so that we can check it for issues and test it our selves.
However, I usually use a struct called NetRenderAutomation, developed by Gravey.
You can find it here:
I haven't had any problems with it, and it is fairly easy to use, and you are even allowed to modify it, if you need some special features for your self.
Hope you can use the answer.
Else feel free to post some code, and I'll look into it.

Set Program to use LIBXML_PARSEHUGE

I am using the commandline app xmlsec to encrypt and decrypt files. I got an XML File with a node at 40 MB of size.
I already found out i need to set
to parse nodes bigger than 10 MB
Does anyone know how to enable this?
I searched the source code of xmlsec for the Parser init, but couldn't find a way to integrate the option
Do i have to set this inside the source and recompile it? When so, do i have to recompile libxml or xmlsec?
Ok, so i found the solution and post it here just in case anyone needs this sometime
xmlDocPtr xmlSecParseFile(const char *filename){}
Contains this
/* enable parsing of XML documents with large text nodes */
xmlCtxtUseOptions (ctxt, XML_PARSE_HUGE);
Orinigally, the second line is commented out. You have to uncomment it and recompile the tool
You can also activate the parameter via the simplexml_load_string function itself:
simplexml_load_string($xmlString,'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_PARSEHUGE);

I'm having problems with configuring a filter that replicates specific tables only

I am trying to use filters to select specific tables to replicate.
I tried running this with the installer
./tools/tungsten-installer --master-slave -a \
--svc-extractor-filters=replicate \
and got this exception in trepctl status after the master had not installed properly:
Plugin class name property is missing or null: key=replicator.filter.replicate
which file is this properties file? How do I find it? Moreover, in specifying the settings for the filter, how do I know what exactly to put?
I discovered that I am supposed to Modify the configuration template file prior to configuration according to Issue 219 but what changes am I supposed to make in tungsten-replicator-2.0.5-diff that will later on be patched to the extraction?
Issue 254 suggests that If you want to apply a filter out of the box, you can use these options with tungsten-installer:
-a --property=replicator.filter.Replicate.ignoreFilter=schema_x.tablex,schema_x,tabley,schema_y,tablez
However when I try using this for --property=replicator.filter.replicate.do,
but the problem is still the same:
pendingExceptionMessage: Plugin class name property is missing or null: key=replicator.filter.replicate
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
I had a look at this file: /root/tungsten/tungsten-replicator/samples/
conf/filters/default/tableignore.tpl .Acoording to this sample, a
static-SERVICE_NAME.properties file is supposed to have something like
this configured, please confirm if this is the correct syntax:
replicator.filter.tabledo=com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.filter.JavaScr iptFilter
However, I did not find tabledo.js (or something similar) in the
directory where tableignore.js exists. Could I please have the
location of this file. If there is an alternative way of specifiying
--property=replicator.filter.replicate.do=test without the use of
this .js file, your suggestions are most welcome.
Download the latest version of tungsten replicator. The missing tpl file was added about a month ago. After installation, the filtered tables should be added to static-service.properties under the section FILTERS.
Locate your replicator configuration file in static-YOUR_SERVICE_NAME.properties, e.g.
Make sure the individual dbms properties are set, in particular the setting replicator.applier.dbms:
# Batch applier basic configuration information.
# Timezone and character set.
# Parameters for loading and merging via stage tables.
Depending on the database you are replicating to you may have to omit/modify some of the lines.
For more information see:
I don't know if this problem is still open or not.
I am using this version 2.0.6-xxx and installing the service using the parameters works for me.
I would like to point it out, that as the parameter says "--svc-extractor-filters" defines an extractor filter. Meaning that the parameters will guide the extraction of data in the master server.
If you intend to use it on the slave service, you should use the "--svc-applier-filters".
The parameters
--svc-extractor-filters=replicate \
supposed to create the following in the properties file:
This is the filter set up.
And you should also be able to find the
parameter set.
If you intend to use this filter in the slave, please find the line with:
and change it as
Hope this brief description did help to you!
