List of OpenTSDB metrics - opentsdb

Is it possible to obtain a list of available OpenTSDB metrics (not tsuids) by HTTP api without any additional plugin? Or is is possible to find out a list of metrics by HTTP api matching any pattern (e.g. sys.cpu.* or something like that)?
What is the best way?
Thank you

I figured out.
Looks like it is possible to use /api/suggest/ endpoint with following params:
'type': 'metrics',
'q': '',
'max': <int>,


Exclude nextjs api url from sentry events

I have nextjs app with sentry. I want to add new api route, for example api/status, but I want to exclude it from being sent to sentry as it will clutter logs really fast and use my qouta.
I did a small research and it seems that there is an array of urls you can exclude from being tracked. It's called denyUrls. Read more. I have tried to add my url to this array, but it still tracks this url as part of events:
denyUrls: [
Am I configuring something wrong or this array is not for the purpose of filtering everts.
If so, what's the best way to filter those? Other option I found which I will try next is beforeSend but it feels a bit overkill to simply exclude url. denyUrls feels like much better fit for what I am trying to achieve
I had the same issue and contacted the support for it. I am directly quoting the support here.
The BeforeSend and DenyUrl are options to filter error events, not transactions. For transaction events, please use the tracesSampler function as described on the page:
Here is an example to drop all transactions that match a certain name:
tracesSampler: samplingContext => {
if( == "GET /api/health"){
return 0.0 // never send transactions with name GET /api/health
return 0.2 // sampling for all other transactions
Note that you might need to customise the function above to better match your scenario.
I hope it will help you ;)
Have a nice day.

Overpass does not find all cinemas - Overpass API documentation

In the openstreetmap overpass API-documentation there is the following example:
Why does this query does not give the Kinopolis (in Bonn Bad Godesberg) as a result? See here: for the results from the API. The following two images illustrate that it really is <100m by foot.
Unfortunately i wasnt able to show it graphically on the openstreetmap... I dont know how to get the busstop as startingpoint of a route in the web interface...
Here is the Google-Maps version.
Since you've asked for cinema nodes only in your example query, the result will not include way 42473787. Here's how your query should look like to return ways with amenity=cinema instead:
out meta;
To get both nodes and ways in one query, simply use a union:
out meta;
Try it in overpass turbo!

Override the method of packing HTTP form-urlencoded parameters in Meteor HTTP call

I'm using Meteor to consume a remote API. One of the endpoints of this API requires an (ordered) array of credentials, so the data would look like
"country": "de",
"credentials": ["admin", "password"],
"whatever": "whatever"
When I provide this plain-object as the value to param property of like this'', {
headers: {
"Authorization": "Basic ".concat(...)
params: {
"country": "de",
"credentials": ["admin", "password"],
"whatever": "whatever"
then the parameters are packed this way:
but they should be packed this way:
I tried using a Content-Type header but it didn't help.
I tried using content and data instead of params with different outcomes and then ended concatenating all the values into a query string an putting it into content property. But this isn't really a nice piece of code and surely not one that is easy to maintain.
I've read docs but haven't found anything that would help.
Where should I look for the information regarding this topic? Is there a better way to override the way (or, in general, computes the body of the query to send?
Where should I look for the information regarding this topic?
In the source code.
I know nothing about Meteor, but I’m looking into its source code and I see no public hook which could help you. Of course, you can replace URL._encodeParams with your own function, but that is less maintainable than submitting the encoded params as raw data.

Change nginx access log data in logstash or elasticsearch

In my project I provide api for a mobile app , and in every api the front end use session_id to mark user authenticity, and in the server side accept and validate it.
Recently we want to use ELK(elasticsearch, logstash, kibana) to preserve and analyze web server access log to extract some commonly occurred user activities. I encountered some problems, I wanna change session_id in the log to user_id(in program I can get user_id from session_id through query database) but I just don't know how?
Can logstash's filter do this? or should I change data when log was indexed in elasticsearch?
Alright, I try to give you an answer assuming that you have some kind of interface from which you can retrieve the user_id. Actually you need to do two things:
Split your log line into separate fields to have a field which contains your session_id
Get the corresponding user_id using some kind of api
Split your log line
You need to split your input into separate fields. This could be done with filters like grok and/or kv. Take a look at some SO questions to find a matching grok pattern or use the grok debugger. Please provide a few log lines if you need help with that.
EDIT: For your given examples your configuration should look something like this:
filter {
grok {
match => [ 'message', '"%{WORD:verb} %{URIPATHPARAM:request} HTTP/%{NUMBER:httpversion}" %{NUMBER:response} (?:%{NUMBER:bytes}|-) (?:"(?:%{URI:referrer}|-)"|%{QS:referrer}) %{QS:agent} %{QS:xforwardedfor}' ]
kv {
field_split => "&?"
Please try it and adjust it yourself to get the session_id.
Once you have a field called session_id you can go on with step 2.
Get the user_id
As you have already mentioned you need a filter plugin because the session_id must be available. There are several official plugins but I think none of them suits your purpose. Since the session_id is assigned dynamically you cannot use a static translate filter or something like that.
It depends on your api but one possible approach is to get the corresponding user_id via http requests. For that purpose you could use a community plugin. For example logstash-filter-rest with a config like this:
filter {
rest {
url => "http://yourserver/getUserBySessionId/"
sprintf => true
method => "post"
params => {
"session_id" => "%{session_id}"
response_key => "user_id"

Firebase REST API Query Parameters?

Is it possible to filter data returned by the Firebase REST API using query parameters? I don't see it mentioned one way or an other in the docs, but the client libraries support it, so I'm hoping it's possible. Thanks.
It might be a bit late to answer, but Firebase does allow querying data via REST.
You can use the orderby option together with limitToLast, startAt etc just like you would when using the SDK.
Checkout the Firebase guide for more details
I fought a little bit to have it working.
I actually needed 2 things:
combine limitToLast with orderBy as mentioned by idan
URL getUrl = new URL( url + "news.json?orderBy=\"timestamp\"&limitToLast=5" );
add a rule in the database to declare an index on this "column"
"news" : { ".indexOn": "timestamp" }
Firebase provides querying parameters. However, I don't think they are the querying parameters you are expecting them to be, which are ones that filter data. Firebase REST API provides querying options like auth, print, callback, format, and download. Check docs here
Without ordering by certain field, By combining params orderBy="$key" and limitToLast=5 you can get the last 5 of inserted data ordered by it's key
The documentation can be looked at here
