ASP.Net Website - publishing doesn't move all files -

When publishing my ASP.Net Website (not a Web Application), the publisher does not include the Web.ConnectionStrings.config file that is next to the web.config. This is required since my web config looks like this:
<connectionStrings configSource="Web.ConnectionStrings.config"/>
How can I get a File System Publish to include files that Visual Studio seems to be ignoring. Please note that this is a website created using [File] > [New Website] in Visual Studio, not a [File] > [New Project] ASP.Net site so Content=Include will not work.
Steps to reproduce:
In Visual Studio: File > New > Website..
Create the Web.ConnectionStrings.config xml document (see ConnectionStrings.config code below).
In the web config link up the Web.ConnectionStrings.config file to the Web.Config file (see Web.config code below)
Publish the website to a folder on your file system, the Web.ConnectionStrings.config doesn't move with the rest of the files.
<connectionStrings configSource="Web.ConnectionStrings.config"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add name="connString" connectionString="yourConnectionstringhere"/>

The way you publish the website is OK.
But the name of the file into which the connectionstrings get stored must not start with the prefix web., just call it connectionstrings.config instead.
In web.config you put:
<connectionStrings configSource="connectionStrings.config"/>
In the renamed file connectionstrings.config you place:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add name="connString" connectionString="yourConnectionstringhere"/>

I think this article will help
Basically you edit the picture .pubxml file to tell it to include additional files during deployment


IIS error 500.19 error when reading web.config

I am running IIS under Windows Server 2016 and I'm trying to run an ASP.Net core 3.1 application but I can't get past this error:
500.19 error
(The language in the picture is Hungarian, but it contains no useful information whatsoever, just an example)
Here is my web.config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
<add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" resourceType="Unspecified" />
<aspNetCore processPath=".\Minibizz.Routing.Web.exe" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" hostingModel="inprocess" />
What am I missing?
P.S.: The web.config was created by Visual Studio 2019.
The reason behind the issue:
That error message goes on to say what exactly is bad about your configuration file, hence you should refer the “Config Error” and “Config Source” sections. This problem occurs because of the ApplicationHost.config file or the Web.config file contains a malformed or unsupported XML element.
if you are using url rewrite rule then install url rewrite Extention of iis. Enable ANCM logging, ie. set stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout\" (I think the path needs to end by a backslash), then run the web app and see if something gets logged into the stdout folder. Verify that the log directory exists at the path referenced by the web config. If it does not, create it. The path shown in your config would place the "logs" directory in the root folder of the deployed site. Verify that the application pool has to write access to the logs directory.
Make sure you installed the .net bundle.check that you installed below iis feature:
You may also need to verify that the path to the dotnet executable exists in the deployment machine's environment variables. To check this, first find the path where dotnet.exe is installed. It is generally located in either C:\Program Files\dotnet or C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet. Once you know the path, ensure that the path exists in your Environment Variables.
The web.config content seems to be correct. If you use a clean web.config copy, does the problem persist? If the issue can be solved by replacing web.config with clean configuration content, then the problem is exactly with this web.config. In this case, I suggest you remove parts of the web.config content to narrow down the issue. If the pages show correctly after you remove one section, then the problem is with that section. You need double-check what's wrong with the section and update the correct configuration.
If the problem remains even with clean web.config content, I suggest you access other pages in different folders in your site to see if the problem still exists.
you could refer this below link for how to publish core site in iis:

app.config inside Visual Studio Extension?

I have created a Visual Studio extension representing a Visual Studio Project wizard (vsix package). I am attempting to wire up log4net, and this has been unsuccessful. I have chased the issue down to my app.config not being loaded properly.
I have added this to my app.config in my visual studio extension:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="test" value="hello world"/>
and within my IWizard implementation, I have added this line of code:
var test = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["test"];
However, the test variable above is always null when debugging.
I have verified these things:
App.config is set to Build Action: Content
App.config is set to Copy to Output Directory: Copy Always
App.config is set to Include in VSIX: True
App.config file is present in my C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\16.0_...\Extensions\<Name>\<Company>\1.0 folder
What am I missing? And if App.config is not allowed within VSIX extension development, how would you go about wiring up log4net?
What am I missing? And if App.config is not allowed within VSIX
extension development, how would you go about wiring up log4net?
An App.Config file is copied and renamed during build to .exe.config, so only executables can have and use "App.Config" files using ConfigurationManager directly.
Usually,a VSIX project generates a DLL that is loaded in the Visual Studio executable (devenv.exe), so your project, using ConfigurationManager directly, can only read settings from the devenv.exe.config (folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 16.0\Common7\IDE).
And when l test it with my only app.config file in a vsix project,the project seems to be unable to get the value of my custom files only from the default devenv.exe.config which contains only two values TestProjectRetargetTo35Allowed and EnableWindowsFormsHighDpiAutoResizing.This means that in any case, it gets values from devenv.exe.config.
1#. you can just define the new key in the devenv.exe.config file and you can get it directly from the file.
<add key ="TestProjectRetargetTo35Allowed" value ="true"/>
<add key ="EnableWindowsFormsHighDpiAutoResizing" value ="true"/>
insert new key here
2#. You can get this app.config by code and get the values of the keys directly from it.
ExeConfigurationFileMap configMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap();
configMap.ExeConfigFilename = #"xxxxxxxx"; // the path of the custom app.config
Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(configMap, ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
var test = config.AppSettings.Settings["test"].Value;
In addition, I recommend solution2 is better and easier to solve your issue.
Hope it could help you.

Connection string in parent folder of WCF project is throwing error as The configSource '..\connectionStrings.config' is invalid

We have multiple WCF projects and we want place the all connection strings in one connectionStrings.config file and use it from there. For this I have tried the following:
connectionStrings.config file in parent folder of all WCF projects (path: D:\Projects\connectionStrings.config)
<add name="Name"
connectionString="Valid Connection String;" />
web.config file of each WCF Project (path: D:\Projects\SampleWCFProject\web.config)
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<connectionStrings configSource="..\connectionStrings.config"/>
But I get this error:
The configSource attribute is invalid.: The configSource '..\connectionStrings.config' is invalid. It must refer to a file in the same directory or in a subdirectory as the configuration file.
It works if we place the connectionStrings.config in same folder as the web.config or in a child folder. But that's not what we require.
Can anyone help us with this? Thanks in advance.
In my opinion, we could refer to this file by Adding Existing Item.
Then switch the “build action” to “content” and “copy to output directory” to “Always” in the property page of the referring file.
We could choose to add a file to the current project or a link to this file.
Finally, the file in other directory cannot work may be due to problems with read and write permissions to the file.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.

Publish is not transforming web.config?

I made a web.config (full file, it doesn't show XML errors)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns="">
<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
<add name="ElmahLog" connectionString="data source=~/App_Data/Error.db" />
<add name="database" connectionString="w" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient"/>
with a transform file (web.Staging.config)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
<add name="database"
xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)" />
<compilation xdt:Transform="RemoveAttributes(debug)" />
<customErrors defaultRedirect="error.aspx"
mode="RemoteOnly" xdt:Transform="Replace">
I am publishing in Staging mode (right click website > Publish > Method: File System ...)
------ Build started: Project: Drawing, Configuration: Staging Any CPU ------
Drawing -> D:\Project\bin\Staging\Drawing.dll
------ Build started: Project: MySystem, Configuration: Staging Any CPU ------
MySystem -> D:\Project\bin\Staging\MySystem.dll
But when I look at the web.config in the output folder it isn't changed.
I found the following on the Build log:
D:\Project\Web.Staging.config(3,2): Warning : No element in the source document matches '/configuration'
D:\Project\Web.Staging.config(3,2): Warning : No element in the source document matches '/configuration'
D:\Project\Web.Staging.config(3,2): Warning : No element in the source document matches '/configuration'
Transformed web.config using Web.Staging.config into obj\Staging\TransformWebConfig\transformed\web.config.
What could be the problem? Am I doing this right?
Answering late but perhaps I can save someone a headache. In Visual Studio 2013, there are two places to select configuration for your build and deploy. The Configuration Manager and then again with Publish Web where the third step in the Wizard entitled Settings allows you to select Config you want to use. If you don't select your new configuration it will use the transform for the selected configuration instead of yours.
I found out two things:
You cannot set a namespace on the <configuration> tag (ex: for <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">)
You have to watch for the correct hierarchy in the transform file.
Instead of
Ensure that in the properties of the Web.Config file Build Action is set to Content.
If the build action is set to None, it will not be transformed, even if it is being copied to the output directory.
Make sure to include InsertIfMissing if the section you are trying to add does not already appear in the output.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
<security xdt:Transform="InsertIfMissing">
<requestFiltering allowDoubleEscaping="true" />
Don't forget to copy all the other attributes of "configuration" from the original "web.config", as it seems that VS2012 doesn't do it automatically and of course there will be no match...
Answering late as well, but this may help someone.
I realized that if you have two websites in the same solution, when you try to publish one of them the transformation might not work if you have one only configuration for both projects.
One of my websites was always transforming, but the other sometimes was and sometimes wasn't.
For example, I had the configuration "Auto" in the solution, and had web.Auto.config for both websites.
I resolved that by creating a new configuration with a different name - "AutoAdmin" - creating also its web.AutoAdmin.config file for the second project, and when I published it again the transformation finally occurred.
I followed the below steps to fix this issue. Thanks, #michaelhawkins for pointing in the right direction. You need to make sure you change the configuration to release in two places.
And right click on your project and select "Properties". IF not working try selecting x86 in CPU Architecture
#Karthikeyan VK your post resolved my issue. Although I was selecting Production configuration in my publish profile, in configuration manager it was set to dev therefore It didn't transform my settings.
Microsoft needs to fix this bug. Once you pick a configuration in the publishing profile it should automatically update the configuration manager as well.

Known Issues about having multiple web.config files and visual studio 2005/2008 SP1

I seem to be having a problem with my visual studio 2005/2008 installation or something because it isn't providing any IntelliSense whatsoever for controls registered on web.config files in folders different from the root, but it isn't showing any errors neither. Is this behavior normal?
I have access only to the folder of my sub-app, so I can't modify the root's web.config file. Well I COULD, but I'm NOT allowed to.
What I'm trying is to register some WebUserControl's on the web.config file for my sub-app folder, so all the pages in my sub-app can use the WebUserControl's without having to register them on every page, but I'm not getting IntelliSense for those controls registered on the web.config file on my sub-app folder, but I do get IntelliSense if I register them on the root's web.config file. IntelliSense for everything else appears to be working fine.
In the web.config file on my sub-app folder I have something like the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add tagPrefix="qme" tagName="EmptySearchMessage" src="~/QMinerals/WebUserControls/EmptySearchMessage.ascx"/>
<add tagPrefix="uc1" tagName="uc_general" src="~/uc_general.ascx" />
<add tagPrefix="uc1" tagName="uc_menu" src="~/uc_menu.ascx" />
am I doing something wrong?
Now I have upgraded to VS2008 SP1 and the issue persist
Did you try removing "~" from the path and using it relative to web.config? (yeah, even if works now)
Do you have Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1?
