OpenMDAO: When is it needed to define the partial derivative? - openmdao

I've noticed that defining unneccesary partial derivatives can significantly slow down the optimizer. Therefore I'm trying to understand: how can I know whether I should define the partial derivative for a certain input/output relationship?

When you say "unnecessary" do you mean partial derivatives that are always zero?
Using declare_partials('*', '*'), when a component is really more sparse than that will significantly slow down your model. Anywhere where a partial derivatives is always zero, you should simply not declare it.
Furthermore, if you have a vectorized operation, then your Jacobian is actually a diagonal matrix. In that case, you should declare a [sparse partial derivative] by giving rows and cols arguments to the declare_partial call1. This will often substantially speed up your code.
Technically speaking, if you follows the data path from all of your design variables, through each components, to the objective and constraints, then any variable you passed would need to have its partials defined. But practically speaking you should declare and specify all the partials for every output w.r.t. every input (unless they are zero), so that changes to model connectivity don't break your derivatives.
It takes a little bit more time to declare your partials more sparsely, but the performance speed up is well worth it.

I think they need to be defined if they are ever relevant to a response (constraint or objective) in the optimization, or as part of a nonlinear solve within a group. My personal practice is to always define them. Should I every change my optimization problem, which I do often, I don't want to have to go back and make sure I'm always defining the appropriate derivatives.
The master-branch of OpenMDAO contains some jacobian-coloring techniques which can significantly improve performance if your problem is particularly sparse in nature. This method is enabled by setting the following options on the driver:
p.driver.options['dynamic_simul_derivs'] = True
p.driver.options['dynamic_simul_derivs_repeats'] = 5
This method works by filling in the user-described sparsity pattern (specified with rows and cols in declare partials) with random numbers and computing the total jacobian. The repeat option is there in improve confidence in the results, since it's possible but unlikely that a single pass will result in an "incidental zero" in the jacobian that is not truly part of the sparsity structure.
With this technique, and by doing things like vectorizing by calculations instead of using nested for loops, I've been able to get very good performance in a lot of situations. Of course, the effectiveness of these methods is going to change from model to model.


How do you choose to compute partials with the adjoint method?

Is there a specific option? Can you choose forward or reverse mode? Does it not matter since under the hood openMDAO computes the derivatives with the unified method?
When you call Problem.setup you can include the argument mode which is one of `fwd', 'rev', or 'auto'.
Note that the choice of forward or reverse (adjoint) derivatives affects how total derivatives (the ones that the optimizers and solvers need) are computed from the partial derivatives (the ones the provided by the components). It does not affect how the partial derivatives are provided in the compute_partials or linearize methods though.
Choosing the correct mode can make a big difference in performance, and in most use cases 'auto' will figure out the correct mode based on the number of design variables and the number of constraints + objective.
Problems with many constraints and few design variables (many rows, few columns in the total jacobian) will usually be much faster in forward mode.
Those with few constraints but many design variables (few rows, many columns) will be significantly faster in reverse.
Advanced Bidirectional Derivatives
OpenMDAO will also attempt to figure out the fastest way to compute totals through "coloring" the total jacobian. The analogy of this is, in finite-difference, sometimes you can perturb multiple design variables simultaneously to speed the calculation of the jacobian, assuming these variables don't both contribute to the same constraints/objective.
Traditionally, if a total jacobian had a dense column, then it can't efficiently be colored in reverse mode (multiple constraints "impact" the same design variable).
Similarly, a dense row would kill the efficiency of coloring the jacobian in forward mode.
However, OpenMDAO can figure out which derivatives can be efficiently colored in forward mode, and which can be colored in reverse mode, using both approaches to fill in the total jacobian.
You can read more about this capability here:

Can I use automatic differentiation for non-differentiable functions?

I am testing performance of different solvers on minimizing an objective function derived from simulated method of moments. Given that my objective function is not differentiable, I wonder if automatic differentiation would work in this case? I tried my best to read some introduction on this method, but I couldn't figure it out.
I am actually trying to use Ipopt+JuMP in Julia for this test. Previously, I have tested it using BlackBoxoptim in Julia. I will also appreciate if you could provide some insights on optimization of non-differentiable functions in Julia.
It seems that I am not clear on "non-differentiable". Let me give you an example. Consider the following objective function. X is dataset, B is unobserved random errors which will be integrated out, \theta is parameters. However, A is discrete and therefore not differentiable.
I'm not exactly an expert on optimization, but: it depends on what you mean by "nondifferentiable".
For many mathematical functions that are used, "nondifferentiable" will just mean "not everywhere differentiable" -- but that's still "differentiable almost everywhere, except on countably many points" (e.g., abs, relu). These functions are not a problem at all -- you can just chose any subgradient and apply any normal gradient method. That's what basically all AD systems for machine learning do. The case for non-singular subgradients will happen with low probability anyway. An alternative for certain forms of convex objectives are proximal gradient methods, which "smooth" the objective in an efficient way that preserves optima (cf. ProximalOperators.jl).
Then there's those functions that seem like they can't be differentiated at all, since they seem "combinatoric" or discrete, but are in fact piecewise differentiable (if seen from the correct point of view). This includes sorting and ranking. But you have to find them, and describing and implementing the derivative is rather complicated. Whether such functions are supported by an AD system depends on how sophisticated its "standard library" is. Some variants of this, like "permute", can just fall out AD over control structures, while move complex ones require the primitive adjoints to be manually defined.
For certain kinds of problems, though, we just work in an intrinsically discrete space -- like, integer parameters of some probability distributions. In these case, differentiation makes no sense, and hence AD libraries define their primitives not to work on these parameters. Possible alternatives are to use (mixed) integer programming, approximations, search, and model selection. This case also occurs for problems where the optimized space itself depends on the parameter in question, like the second argument of fill. We also have things like the ℓ0 "norm" or the rank of a matrix, for which there exist well-known continuous relaxations, but that's outside of the scope of AD).
(In the specific case of MCMC for discrete or dimensional parameters, there's other ways to deal with that, like combining HMC with other MC methods in a Gibbs sampler, or using a nonparametric model instead. Other tricks are possible for VI.)
That being said, you will rarely encounter complicated nowhere differentiable continuous functions in optimization. They are already complicated to describe, are just unlikely to arise in the kind of math we use for modelling.

Understanding the complex-step in a physical sense

I think I understand what complex step is doing numerically/algorithmically.
But the questions still linger. First two questions might have the same answer.
1- I replaced the partial derivative calculations of 'Betz_limit' example with complex step and removed the analytical gradients. Looking at the recorded design_var evolution none of the values are complex? Aren't they supposed to be shown as somehow a+bi?
Or it always steps in the real space. ?
2- Tying to picture 'cs', used in a physical concept. For example a design variable of beam length (m), objective of mass (kg) and a constraint of loads (Nm). I could be using an explicit component to calculate these (pure python) or an external code component (pure fortran). Numerically they all can handle complex numbers but obviously the mass is a real value. So when we say capable of handling the complex numbers is it just an issue of handling a+bi (where actual mass is always 'a' and b is always equal to 0?)
3- How about the step size. I understand there wont be any subtractive cancellation errors but what if i have a design variable normalized/scaled to 1 and a range of 0.8 to 1.2. Decreasing the step to 1e-10 does not make sense. I am a bit confused there.
The ability to use complex arithmetic to compute derivative approximations is based on the mathematics of complex arithmetic.
You should read about the theory to get a better understanding of why it works and how the step size issue is resolved with complex-step vs finite-difference.
There is no physical interpretation that you can make for the complex-step method. You are simply taking advantage of the mathematical properties of complex arithmetic to approximate a derivative in a more accurate manner than FD can. So the key is that your code is set up to do complex-arithmetic correctly.
Sometimes, engineering analyses do actually leverage complex numbers. One aerospace example of this is the Jukowski Transformation. In electrical engineering, complex numbers come up all the time for load-flow analysis of ac circuits. If you have such an analysis, then you can not easily use complex-step to approximate derivatives since the analysis itself is already complex. In these cases, it is technically possible to use a more general class of numbers called hyper dual numbers, but this is not supported in OpenMDAO. So if you had an analysis like this you could not use complex-step.
Also, occationally there are implementations of methods that are not complex-step safe which will prevent you from using it unless you define a new complex-step safe version. The simplest example of this is the np.absolute() method in the numpy library for python. The implementation of this, when passed a complex number, will return the asolute magnitude of the number:
abs(a+bj) = sqrt(1^2 + 1^2) = 1.4142
While not mathematically incorrect, this implementation would mess up the complex-step derivative approximation.
Instead you need an alternate version that gives:
abs(a+bj) = abs(a) + abs(b)*j
So in summary, you need to watch out for these kinds of functions that are not implemented correctly for use with complex-step. If you have those functions, you need to use alternate complex-step safe versions of them. Also, if your analysis itself uses complex numbers then you can not use complex-step derivative approximations either.
With regard to your step size question, again I refer you to the this paper for greater detail. The basic idea is that without subtractive cancellation you are free to use a very small step size with complex-step without the fear of lost accuracy due to numerical issues. So typically you will use 1e-20 smaller as the step. Since complex-step accuracy scalea with the order of step^2, using such a small step gives effectively exact results. You need not worry about scaling issues in most cases, if you just take a small enough step.

OpenMDAO efficiency with using multiple comp

I recently read this sentence in a paper:
One important feature of OpenMDAO is the ability to subdivide a
problem into components that have a small number of inputs and outputs
and contain relatively simple analyzes.
Moreover, looking at the examples in the manual there are few number of inputs and outputs for each component.
Would that mean it is more efficient to use an execcomp that takes in two inputs from from an explicit component and outputs a constraint instead of doing everything within the explicitcomp. I try to come up with an example here:
x1,x2 --> ExplicitComp -->y1
y1 --> Execcomp --->constraint
x1,x2 --->ExplicitComp -->y1,constraint
What the comment in that paper is referring to is not computational efficiency, but rather the benefit to the user in terms of making models more modular and maintainable. Additionally, when you have smaller components with fewer inputs, it is much easier to compute analytic derivatives for them.
The idea is that by breaking your calculation up into smaller steps, the partial derivatives are them simpler for you to compute by hand. OpenMDAO will then compute the total derivatives across the model for you.
So in a sense, you're leaning on OpenMDAO's ability to compute derivatives across large models to lessen your work load.
From a computational cost perspective, there is some cost associated with having more components vs less. Taken to the extreme, if you had one component for each line of code in a huge calculation then the framework overhead could become a problem. There are some features in OpenMDAO that can help mitigate some of this cost, specifically the in-memory assembly of Jacobians, for serial models.
With regard to the ExecComp specifically, that component is meant for simple and inexpensive calculations. It computes its derivatives using complex-step, which can be costly if large array inputs are involved. Its there to make simple steps like adding variables easier. But for expensive calculations, you shouldn't use it.
In your specific case, I would suggest that you consider if it is hard to propogate the derivatives from x1,x1 through to the constraint yourself. If the chain rule is not hard to handle, then probably I would just lump it all into one calculation. If for some reason, the derivatives are nasty when you combine all the calculations, then just split them up.

Adjoint method with black boxes

If multiple solvers are attached to the model as external code components (complete black boxes) is there a way to implement adjoint method?
Many of the usages of openMDAO that I have seen so far seems to use some black box flow solvers or structural solvers etc.
But I dont see how one can implement an adjoint method without touching the source codes.
As it is also unlikely to implement a complex step method. The only way is finite difference if one wants to use a gradient based optimizer?
You can implement a semi-analytic adjoint method, even if you don't have any analytic derivatives in your model. Assume you have a single black-bock code, that has an internal solver to converge some implicit equations before computing some set of output values.
You wrap the code in OpenMDAO as an ImplicitComponent, using custom file wrapper. (note: You can't use the ExternalCode component because it is a sub-class of ExplicitComponent)
In your new wrapper, you will implement two methods in your custom ImplicitComponent:
The first method is simply the normal run of your code. The second method however takes the input values and given output values and computes a residual.
Then in order to get partial derivatives, OpenMDAO will finite-difference the apply_linear method to compute dResidaul_dinputs and dResidual_dOutputs, which it can then use to compute total derivatives using reverse (or adjoint) mode.
This approach is typically both more efficient and more accurate then wrapping the code as an ExplicitComponent. First of all, the apply_nonlinear method (residual evaluation) should be very significantly less expensive the solve_nonlinear method, so the finite-difference should be much cheaper. Perhaps more importantly though, finite-difference across a residual evaluation should be much more accurate than when you finite-difference around a full solver convergence loop (see this technical paper for an example of why that is).
There are a few things to note in this approach. First, there may be a large number of residual equations and implicit variables. So you may be doing many more finite-difference calls than if you wrapped your code as an ExplicitComponent. However, since the residual evaluation is much cheaper it should be acceptable. Second, not all codes have the ability to return residual evaluations, so that might require some modification of the black-box. Without the residual evaluation, you can't use an adjoint method.
One other general approach is to mix codes with analytic derivatives and finite-difference partial derivatives. Lets say you have an expensive CFD analysis that does have an existing adjoint, and you want to couple in a inexpensive black-box code. You can finite-difference the black-box code to compute its partials, and then OpenMDAO will use those with the exisiing adjoint to compute semi-analytic total derivatives.
