I installed XAMPP on my Windows machine and I want to show my work to friends. I set up Virtual server on router(Huawei B315) and when I send my public IP to friends or try to open on my computer it doesn't work. It shows me "This site can’t be reached" message. I disabled firewall on both computer and router but it is still the same. Pinging my public IP address is also not working.
On my computer I have deployed my web site on IIS. If I access this website locally with :8080 works perfect, but when I try to access this site from another machine or my Android phone I get 'The site can't be reached. my_ip_address took too long to respond ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT –' this error.
I have tried solutions from this question, but nothing worked for me. Need some help!
There are few factors which can affect the accessibility of the site hosted on your local computer:
Is the client machine (including your phone) in the same network as the Server (In this case your site)
Is the firewall configured to allow connections on port 8080
Have you tried accessing the server using the IP Address. For e.g.
Steps to isolate
Ping the server Ip from the client machine and see if it is able to connect to it.
If the above fails, then I would assume that you are not on the same network. If it succeeds then check if the port is open.
You can also use nmap to see whether the ports are open or not
nmap -p 8080 kaushal.com
If the above fails, then open the port in your Firewall configuration and then try again.
Try this and share the results.
I'm having some problem regarding wamp server and my IP Address. In our company we have a machine that has a LOCAL IP of 192.168.x.xxx so basically we have wamp installed on it and every PC on the local network can access the websites hosted on it. However, that machine as also a PUBLIC IP of 116.50.xxx.xxx which when accessed on the outside network you can still access the websites hosted on it (C:/wamp/www) which I think shouldn't be happening. Is there a way that whenever I tried to access the Public IP there's a password prompt or something that will block the access using the public IP? Thanks
If you are using windows systems, you can restrict the access by using firewall settings using the inbound rules.
This may help your with your rules configuration
I have windows 8 host and i have installed ubuntu 14.10 server as a virtual machine in vmware. i have installed LAMP server and i am trying to host a website from it. i have created a virtual host. my website is accessible in the host machine when i go to the address
my router info:
IP Address :
IP Address :10.30.XXX.XXX
"what is my ip" in google: 113.XXX.XXX.XXX
how do i make my website accessible from the internet ? I know it is a dumb question, but i tried searching everywhere and could not get the solution.
Since you say that you can connect to the site from the host machine, it does not matter that it is in a VM.
You say that you can connect to your site via: on the LAN. You need to forward connections to your WAN address ( to your LAN address ( You can do this in most router settings in a section called Port forwarding. Use port 80 if you're hitting the LAN IP from a browser and you don't have to add a port after the address like http:\\ Otherwise, use whatever port you like.
Once you get that working, it is a good idea to use a dynamic DNS service, which will connect your IP to a domain name and update the connection whenever your WAN IP changes. This way, instead of using the WAN IP in a browser, you can use your domain name and it should always work. But that's not your first problem. First get it working with the WAN IP by itself. Once you've got that working, get some DynDNS.
If you think it should be working but can't figure out why it isn't, use a tool like nmap/zenmap to scan your WAN and LAN IPs. That will help you diagnose the problem.
A DynDNS should do the job!
It will automatically renew your dynamic ip address. All you need is; a tool that runs on your server with website.
Search for it on google, and you'll find a solution. Btw: there are, Free and paid solutions.
EDIT: by the way, your router requires additionally some port forwarding to make your website accessible from outside. Even with the DynDNS stuff installed.
Just to give you some indications.
I've got a school demo tomorrow and because I don't have a laptop I need to use remote desktop to access a DB on my home machine for the demo. I can access my desktop from another machine on my ethernet by using the IP address I get from ipconfig, but here's the problem:
The address of my home machine from ipconfig is of the form 192.168.1.XXX
where my subnet mask is
I'm worried that once I'm on a machine outside of my ethernet the 192.168.1.XXX address will no longer work because I think that that address is relative to my ethernet. Is there a way I can find out my computer's public IP address or am I just being paranoid and the address I have is the public one?
Thanks a lot for your help!
You are correct that 192.168.1.xxx will not work from your school's network, or at least it won't point to your home network. That is a local-only address.
What you can do is set up port-forwarding on your home router to forward remote-desktop packets to your machine at home, say
So what you'll need is:
a) the public IP of your router; you can either go to one of those "what is my IP" websites to find it, or use traceroute/tracert to see it.
b) configure port-forwarding on your home router to (the machine with the DB on it that you want to remote in to). Not sure of the exact port but usually the router will have a named option like "Remote Desktop" to figure it out for you.
- to do this, you can usually go to http://192.168.1.xxx (or whatever your router's local IP is), enter admin credentials, and configure the port-forwarding from there.
Then when at school, you would remote to your home router's public IP, and everything should just work. Good luck!
192.x.x.x and 10.x.x.x are internal ip addresses to your network so you are right, it won't work. Are you able to install software on your home computer and the computer you are connecting from? If so you could use http://www.teamviewer.com/en/index.aspx (it is free for private use). I use it on my family's computers to remotely help them with troubleshooting issues. If you have a Windows box you can also use remote assistance.
I'm working on a website for a friend, developing using Eclipse/Tomcat. I'm running it locally and trying to open it via my internet port IP address, but I can't get it to work. The computer I am running it from is connected to a router, so it is running off of, and works. However when I try and open it via my internet port IP, http://67.xxx.244.xx:8080/Mobile_Site/index.jsp it doesn't find it from any device, even outside my local network. Is there a way to send the link when running locally when connected to a router?
You have to configure your router port forwarding (or virtual servers depending on the router) to forward TCP connections from 67.xxx.244.xx:NNNN to
Then you give the 67.xxx.244.xx:NNNN address to your friend.
Note: NNNN at your router doesn't need to be 8080, as long as the port forwarding is set properly.