Cant package my robot - robocode

I'm trying to package a robocode robot created with .Net but it does not appear on my list under the "Package robot or team" window.
I am using VisualStudio 2013 with .Net 2.0 to create the DLL. I have the DLL in my robots folder and I can select it when playing battles. However it does not appear on the Package robots list (only teams robots appear).
Am I missing a step?

Just realized it is not possible to package .Net robots


Search for owning NuGet Package of an assembly in Visual Studio 2019

I have an assembly that is causing me problems (Sigil v4.7). I can see that it is in my project (via AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() and Object Browser).
But I can't figure out what NuGet package brought it in.
Visual Studio has a Tree View of packages:
But short of drilling all the way down all of them, I cannot find a way to see which package is causing an assembly to be included in my project.
Is there a way to search to find which NuGet Package caused Sigil 4.7 to be added to my project?
Looks like you can search for dependencies by name in the solution explorer:
If you can't find it there, you can look at the <Project>.deps.json file in the bin\<Configuration>\<Platform> folder.
For example, I have a project called Potato.csproj building in Debug for net core 3.0, so the file is bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.0\Potato.deps.json
It lists all dependencies, as well as what project a dependency came from.

Create Visual Studio project from existing Umbraco Website

So this is my problem:
I currently have an existing Umbraco Website, v7.2.1, not installed with Visual Studio, so there is no solution file.
I want to migrate this site to the typical Umbraco solution, so I can run it locally, and make it more familiar to my way of working with Umbraco.
I have tried to create an .NET project and installed the Umbraco Core nugget (also version 7.2.1) followed by importing the website. With no avail.
I rather not move everything manually into a new Umbraco solution.
Help me Umbraco community, you're my only hope.
It depends on how much customization has been done, I think?
I would probably install UmbracoCms -version 7.2.1 (not "just" Core) from Nuget into a fresh solution, build it and then point the connection string to the existing database (if not an .sdf file already). Then you'll (hopefully) only have to copy over folders like /Views and /config plus whatever scripts/styles folder you have, I think? Once copied over, all you have to do is include the folders in your project, and voila.
Unless that too is too much "manual" work? ;-) I'm not sure if you could get by with creating a package on the original site (with templates, doctypes, content, styles, scripts and everything) and importing it into a new, blank site :-s
Again, if you have installed any packages either via Umbraco Package Repository or Nuget, or indeed if you have made changes to /umbraco or /umbraco_client, I don't see any other way to do it other than manually copying them over.
Try doing a, complete, fresh install of Umbraco 7.2.1, then literally copy all the files from the current site, and simply paste and replace them into the new Umbraco solution. That should work.
This is indeed "manual work", but you can literally move all files at once and just overwrite the existing ones in the newly created solution.
Good luck.
Like Jannik said, it depends how much you've build around your current solution and what exact results you're expecting.
Option 1 - WebSite project
You can easily create an empty solution in VS and add new Web Site project (ASP.NET Empty Web Site). Then, paste and include all the files from your current location. You'll have new solution and VS project with your files / website.
Option 2 - ASP.NET Application
If you would like to have it as a ASP.NET app, I would follow these steps (almost the same as Jannik's steps described above):
Create empty ASP.NET Web Application in Visual Studio.
Nuget: Install package -UmbracoCms -version 7.2.1
Repoint connection string to current site database (or replace SDF database file in App_Data directory if it was on SQL CE).
Analyze what packages you've used and try to also install them from Nuget (if they have Nuget packages). If not - move them manually (DLLs etc.).
Copy all static files from your current site (App_Plugins, Configs, Views, Partials, MacroScripts, Scripts, CSS etc.).
But I see also the 3rd option, which may interest you especially if you want to kill two birds with one stone and update Umbraco to the latest version at the same time.
Install uSync and uSync Content Edition on your current website. Perform Full Export. Read more:
Create empty ASP.NET Web Application in Visual Studio.
Nuget: Install package -UmbracoCms
Install uSync and uSync Content Edition on your new web app.
Install all packages used in the previous version.
Copy files from uSync folder in old website and place them into the new one. Perform Import / Full Import.

Can't create new projects in VS2013 -- most references are missing

About a week ago I noticed strange behavior with my install of Visual Studio 2013 Pro. Creating new projects always results in missing references to EntityFramework and most of the Microsoft.* components. I had reinstalled .NET 4.5 in repair mode around that time but can't recall if this problem happened before or after that install.
As it stands, I can no longer create a functioning project. I have an existing project I'm working on that will compile and run without issue, but creating any new projects (which I need for spike solutions etc) is no longer possible until this is fixed.
Screenshots follow. These are all from creating a new MVC project with all defaults accepted.
References list showing missing references
Error list upon building
Reference paths are empty (this was mentioned in another answer that did not directly address my specific question, so I'm including it)
Regedit showing .NET versions installed
Even though I have "repaired" .NET 4.5 it appears from regedit that I only have up to .NET 4 installed? Am I reading that correctly?
Also, due to network restrictions I cannot download packages from Nuget automatically -- I have to download them manually from a laptop off-network and then sneakernet them over to install. The network physically blocks all connections to Nuget, github, etc.
If allowing VS to connect to Nuget is the only viable option then I have considered installing VS on the laptop, creating the project there and installing all necessary dependencies, and then moving the project folder over to the restricted computer and continuing from there. But I don't know if that is a solution to this problem or not.
Any advice appreciated, thanks.
The network blocks all connections to Nuget, github, etc.
It's almost like they don't want you to be productive.
Anyway the project templates (which you seem to be talking about) reference specific NuGet packages. Packages by default are stored relative to your solution.
Place a nuget.config in your disk's root (or any point into your projects directory, if you keep them organized like C:\Dev\Visual Studio\Projects, then each of those subfolders will be file) and point in that file to a shared package directory on your development machine. Here you can dump all packages you require.

Can't upgrade from MVC2 to MVC3

I've got myself an MVC2 web applicatin using .NET Framework 4 and am following these instructions to the T. However at step 10 when I save the updated ProjectTypeGuids I get a message saying "The project file projectname.csproj cannot be opened. The project type is not supported by this installation."
I do have MVC3 installed and am running VS2010, so I don't know what could the going wrong. Anyone have any thoughts on the matter? Thanks!
For what it's worth. If I create a blank project from scratch, I have the ability to create a new MVC3 project. However, if I right click on my solution and click add->New Project... I can only add MVC2 projects. This leads me to think that the solution is configured somehow to only support MVC2, however I can't figure out how to change it.
There is an extra package which is ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update, you must download and install it too.
Solution 1:
Open the visual Studio Find In Files Dialog and Select your project folder, then search for old GUID and replace it with new one exactly. Backup the directory before doing this.
Actually You must select the whole solution folder and search all the files not a specific extension.
Solution 2:
You must take a careful look at your csproj and sln files and compare it with a working one on your system to find the difference. if you have file compare tools like winmerge, use it to compare files character by character

Adding NUnit to the options for ASP.NET MVC test framework

I have nUnit installed.
I have VS2008 Team Edition installed.
I have ASP.Net MVC Preview 4 (Codeplex) installed.
How do I make Visual Studio show me nUnit as a testing framework when creating a new MVC project? At this point I still only have the Microsoft Testing Framework as a choice.
Update: I installed nUnit 2.5, but still with no success. From what I've found Googling, it would seem I need to create templates for the test projects in order for them to be displayed in the "Create Unit Test Project". I would have thought that templates be readily available for nUnit, xUnit, MBUnit, et. al. Also, it looks like I need to created registry entries. Anybody have any additional information?
Update: I determined the answer to this through research and it's posted below.
After a bunch of research and experimentation, I've found the answer.
For the record, the current release of nUnit 2.5 Alpha does not seem to contain templates for test projects in Visual Studio 2008.
I followed the directions here which describe how to create your own project templates and then add appropriate registry entries that allow your templates to appear in the drop-down box in the Create Unit Test Project dialog box of an MVC project.
From a high level, what you have to do is:
Create a project
Export it as a template (which results in a single ZIP archive)
Copy it from the local user's template folder to the Visual Studio main template test folder
Execute devenv.exe /setup
Run regedit and create a few registry entries.
So much for the testing framework selection being easy! Although, to be fair MVC is not even beta yet.
After all that, I did get the framework of choice (NUnit) to show up in the drop down box. However, there was still a bit left to be desired:
Although the test project gets properly created, it did not automatically have a project reference to the main MVC project. When using Visual Studio Unit Test as the test project, it automatically does this.
I tried to open the ZIP file produced and edit the MyTemplate.vssettings file as well as the .csproj project file in order to correct the aforementioned issue as well as tweak the names of things so they'd appear more user friendly. This for some reason does not work. The ZIP file produced can not be updated via WinZip or Win-Rar -- each indicates the archive is corrupt. Each can extract the contents, though. So, I tried updating the extracted files and then recreating the ZIP file. Visual Studio did not like it.
So, I should probably read this as well which discusses making project templates for Visual Studio (also referenced in the blog post I linked to above.) I admit to being disappointed though; from all the talk about MVC playing well with other testing frameworks, etc, I thought that it'd be easier to register a 3rd party framework.
Man, they have VS 2008 project template listed in their release notes. I guess that doesn't mean they have it integrated with the dialog yet.
I use MbUnit with Gallio and everything worked like a charm. I had to install an Alpha of Gallio and MbUnit and when I read the above in the release notes, I figured they implemented it also.
Just keep a look out on nUnit's site for future alpha releases. I am sure they'll have it implemented soon. You could also implement the feature yourself and submit a patch. :-)
Although they do not have one bundled with the framework here is a link to post containing a download to automatically create the test project for "NUnit with moq" for you NUnit with Moq
(did not work right away on my computer, W7 Beta, make sure you use elevated permissions)
Do install to integrate NUnit with Visual Studio. MbUnit and later versions of NUnit also contain project templates for unit tests.
You can use those project templates to create a test project and then reference to your ASP.NET MVC project and be able to test its code.
