Missing e-commerce data - google-analytics

I have to debug the following message which I get in google analytics:
The data view XY was configured for e-commerce, but no data is transmitted.
This is the site.
As you can see in the source code, the tag manager is implemented properly, and a network analysis shows that data is transmitted, I get status code 200.
I used the extension "Google Tag Assistant", it showed that everything works fine (go to the site and click on something, then you will get this:)
As you can see it works. So why do I get this message?

Could you show us a little bit more what you have setup in GTM? As far as i can see i assume you should be getting pageviews since the beacons are correct:
But im also seeing you have some kind of event that wont work cause your Action and Category are undefined and Analytics says this fields are mandatory.
If you are not even seeing the pageviews you may have your UA-45904794-4 wrong (Or not well configured on GTM) or a filter on Google Analytics that shouldnt be there.
If you have any further questions just ask and i ll edit this and add more information.
Hope it helps!

You can check that you don't have ecommerce tracking in the container:
Since you do not, you should disable it in analytics on the property:
This warning means that according to the Analytics property settings you intend to track ecommerce data, but you are not sending any.
Or you can finish setting up ecommerce and publish the resulting container. For example, by following that section in the quick start guide:


Google Analytics not displaying data from GTM

I'm trying to create a Tag in GTM that will show as an event in GA when triggered. In addition, I'm trying to see the debug mode flow on GA that is coming from GTM in preview mode.
Debug mode not working
Earlier when setting up the account, I noticed the Debug Mode in GA isn't receiving any data from GTM. I tried implementing the debug_mode = true (Fields to set) in the GA4 Configuration Tag, as well as using the Google Debugger extension. Both didn't work.
GA4 Events not working
Although GA is reporting regular activity (sessions, engagement, etc.) it fails to gather the new GA4 event I set up in GTM. I followed a step-by-step tutorial by MeasureSchool on YT (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkMRRcwEfi8) to accomplish this. Didn't work either.
Preview mode not showing GA Container activity
When entering "preview" mode, while the GTM container is reporting successful Tag fires, the GA is displaying a "No hits were sent by this container" message.
At this point, I am convinced there is a broken connection between GTM and GA, since quite remarkably, the two work perfectly on their own.
However, before I restart the entire process and start from scratch, I was wondering whether anyone has a clue to how this can be solved?
Many thanks!
You haven't completed debugging properly.
Use the network tab in chrome's devtools for debugging. Or use adswerve's datalayer debugger to get the same info in the console. Make sure you see events flowing to google's "collect" endpoint. Disable your adblockers. Make sure the tid field in the event payload is the same as your GA's property id if you still attempt to use GA UA, or it has to match your measurement id if you're using GA4.

Custom Campaigns with Google Tag Manager

I used to work with Google Analytics and build Custom Campaigns with the Campaign URL Builder.
Once I've moved to Google Tag Manager, I've stopped seeing any new campaigns in my Google Analytics page.
some facts:
No I'm not an idiot, and I've triple checked that I'm building the URL right in the Campaign Builder. (https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/campaign-url-builder/)
Again, I'm not an idiot, there are no Filters In my GA which hides all the new Campaigns.
I'm getting this error in my GA page:
"Property betzavta.me is not receiving hits. Either your site is not receiving any sessions or it is not tagged correctly."
=> though all the other GA functionalities are working currectly (Events, logged users, Real Time data and so on...)
I did install the Tag assistant chrome extension, and it only gave me warnings which say that I should ignore those warnings :-) :-)
Is there anything specific (Trigger, Tag, Variable) that I should define in GTM so the campaign URL will be sent to GA, because so far I didn't see anything about that.
Again, all the other GA things have migrated successfuly to the GMT ( the GMT sends them correctly to the GA).
All my Tags
GTM is nothing more than an additional layer between site and GA. GTM doesn't do anything by itself, so utm parameters don't reach GA (and we presume they are correct), then you did something wrong setting up GA through GTM. What exactly you did wrong - it is pure guesswork, unless you provide more details. At least, example of a utm-tagged link and screenshot of the settings of you main GA tag in GTM.

Is it possible to see real-time updates for a custom dimension?

I have a custom dimension that I am trying to set in Google analytics. It hasn't worked yet and I am looking for a way to debug it. Is there a way to see if my dimension is being received by analytics real time?
The only reports I can find only show yesterday stats.
Delay in reporting
There is delay in custom dimension processing.
Console debugger
Use some debugger.
Google Analytics debugger: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-analytics-debugger/jnkmfdileelhofjcijamephohjechhna
OR Charles Web Debugging Proxy: http://www.charlesproxy.com/
OR Live HTTP headers : https://addons.mozilla.org/cs/firefox/addon/live-http-headers/
OR Omnibug: http://omnibug.rosssimpson.com/chrome.html
What to check:
Check for URL parameter cd## where ## represents your Custom Dimensions number. If this is setted, be sure that Google Analytics will process this variable.
Check either, that your property has setted Custom Dimensions and they have right scope. HIT, SESSION and USER will work for all non product related metrics and dimensions. PRODUCT scope can be used only with Enhanced Ecommerce.

What is the source of this "No Hits" GA notification when using GTM?

I have done the following:
Added GTM tracking snippet
Set up a GA (UA) tag of type 'Pageview'
Published version
I am getting data in, (Users, Sessions and Pageviews and Real-Time)
But, also receiving this notification in the GA UI:
"No Hits Property [MYPROPERTYID] is not receiving hits."
All I have been able to find suggests that maybe the tracking code is somehow "broken", but the code on the page seems to be identical to that which is given by GTM.
Also, as mentioned, data seems to be coming in fine.
How can I beat this error? Is there something I have neglected to do in my workflow that is leaving GA unsatisfied (such as an additional GA tag of some kind)?
Did you just very recently create the Account or Property in Google Analytics? It may take up to 24 hours before the data is completely processed, which would explain that Notification.

Event Tracking data isnt showing in google analytics

I am facing really weird problem related to event tracking. We have implemented google analytics standard code and event tracking for one website and that site is uploaded on online version of test staging sever (not live yet for public).
Google Analytics shows data for pageviews but not showing for event tracking. I looked at code and seems that its working fine.
Anybody has clue what is happening ? Please advise me
I'd check to make sure the __utm.gif tracking pixel request for the event is being made. Things to check:
Javascript errors when the event is triggered.
Verify __utm.gif via the network tab in Firebug or Chrome Dev tools, or Fiddler, or ga_debug.js
If your'e following a link right after the event is triggered, you may have to add a delay to allow time for the image request to be processed.
A code snippet showing your _trackEvent code might be helpful.
Looking at your comments, it is difficult for us to review and answer. Is it possible for your ti share the URL in which you have incorporated the event tracking.
However, possible reasons could be:
* a silly error in JS.
* proper closer of tags.
* need to set up goals as well (not mandatory though).
