How to composite multiple API call in API gateway? - api-design

I am looking in to how to use API gateway in my project. My current API gateway pattern idea is to create a layer of composite APIs calling multiple APIs, and expose the composite APIs through the API gateway.
Researching elsewhere, I've found that it is not recommended to create composite APIs if using an API gateway, but rather that composition should happen in the API gateway itself. But if I need to do the composition in API gateway, doesn't that mean that I need to expose some domain logic there, because would I need to construct a meaningful request contract and possibly a sequence of calling APIs? Personally, I don't feel comfortable doing that.
Is there other way to do this without exposing some logic?

From what I research, it is not recommended to create composite API if using API gateway but composition should happen in the API gateway itself.
could you refer where did you find the statement?
IMHO the service composition is not task of the api gateway. It's task of n integration layer (you don't need to have a separate esb product or service, under integration lyer you can understand any services or service layer implementing the capabilities, such as composition, transformation, etc)
You did not specify any api product or service, it depends on the product if it is capable to execute any logic or not (some do, some some don't). Even if the api gateway product is capable of executing any logic, indeed I don't recommend it either (you will have to fight with maintenance, error and state handling,..)
But if I need to do the composition in API gateway, doesn't it means that I need to expose some domain logic there
(personally, I don't feel comfortable doing that) because I need to construct a meaningful request contract and possibly sequence of calling APIs?
what do you mean by composition in API gateway? I assume under the term executing some logic. Then the logic is hidden from the api clients.
Or could it be layer of composite API sounds better?
Generally try to treat an api gateway as a smart proxy (doing authorization, throttling, client facing api store,..) but the exposed backend services should be already exposed as they are


Is it possible to virtualize the API LAYER and don't write code?

I was surfing on internet for solutions and tools related to the API Layer and I find a company (maybe a startup) that is developing an ecosystem that allow to "virtualize the API Layer" (at the moment only in .net Core). It seems they allow to don't code the Api layer, don't write documentation of endpoints, don't writeE2E test (automatically inferred), change behaviour of endpoints at runtime and reuse the entire stack in another project. Do you think is it really possible something like this and useful in the world of API development? thanks
If I understand the question, your wondering about setting up an API layer with just the endpoints, but the endpoints have empty logic in them, right?
If so, then yes its possible to do this with a variety of tools. One tool I use is Postman, which allows you to setup a "skeleton" API you can call for design/testing purposes.
It allows standing up a mock server that hosts your skeleton API, in which any consumer can hook into.

Cloud Endpoints + API Keys - exposing own API to third party

I have an API that is hosted on GCP (no matter if its Compute Eninge, App Engine or any other) and I want to give access to it for selected applications that run outside of my company. I do not need such sophisticated service like Apigee (it is too expensive also), I just want to distinguish applications that call my API and do some individual restrictions for each (like which endpoint they can call).
As I have done some research I think that Cloud Endpoints + API Keys fits my requirements. I could create API Key for each client (API Key is sent in query, so I suppose I can get it in my backend?), but I am a bit confused if it is "the right/recommended" way. As stated here it should help me to identify project, or rather for my case application, which is communicating with my API, but it feels like its more dedicated for apps that run within my organizations because it can have access to Google services Apis (like I should not give API Key to someone else outside, although I can even restrict IP addresess which can use it).
Would be glad to hear if someone had a smiliar goal and if solved it this way.

Can client-side call frontend microservices bypassing API gateway?

Our system is build using microservices, that all sit behind an API gateway. Since all of them are REST API services, the benefits and whole point of using API gateway is clear to me. Now what about frontend microservices - the small components, that have both UI and corresponding backend to handle internal communication? Are there any scenarios where proxying every microservice HTTP calls is harmful?
One of our microservice is a payment provider integration. As dealing with payments have specific regulations, one of those is a required web browser redirect to the user's bank page for authorization. Since this is impossible to do in a purely backend way, we deliver a frontend microservice - a service that essentially serves a HTML you must nest inside an iframe and should be able to process the payment in an e2e way. Very simplified and stripped example below.
Let's say you are on and want to pay, where such snippet is embedded:
<iframe src="
Basically a fire and forget thing for the developers of What happens inside an iframe stays there. however now worries about: collecting credit card details, validating them, redirecting user to the bank page to enter 2FA code or whatever needed, waiting until the payment is approved and finally moving user back to the returnUrl with a proper trail for which order the payment was finalized (orderId).
Now, what about frontend <-> backend communication? Would it be OK to let microservice talk to itself, or rather all, even the internal communication that doesn't make any sense for API consumers, must go through the API gateway? That is of course possible to do and still keep the microservice decoupled and unaware of the API gateway, but this is much more costful than deviating from the always do constraint and bring very small benefits, as we don't use any advanced rate limiting or proxying features for now.
There is simple approach - To have UI gateway. Gateway that instead of API calls will route and proxy asset request calls (static files serving).
If entities belong to the same bounded context ( frontend <-> backend) they should definitely exist as single backend microservice that serves one of:
isomorphic js
thin client apps with real-time reload (then UI gateway will need to proxy ws connection)
thick client app (SPA)
Such microservice is regular microservice which API (if exists) should be accessible through API gateway, and UI should be proxied via UI proxy/gateway.
Hope that helps.

Orchestrating microservices

What is the standard pattern of orchestrating microservices?
If a microservice only knows about its own domain, but there is a flow of data that requires that multiple services interact in some manner, what's the way to go about it?
Let's say we have something like this:
And for the sake of the argument, let's say that once an order has been shipped, the invoice should be created.
Somewhere, someone presses a button in a GUI, "I'm done, let's do this!"
In a classic monolith service architecture, I'd say that there is either an ESB handling this, or the Shipment service has knowledge of the invoice service and just calls that.
But what is the way people deal with this in this brave new world of microservices?
I do get that this could be considered highly opinion-based. but there is a concrete side to it, as microservices are not supposed to do the above.
So there has to be a "what should it by definition do instead", which is not opinion-based.
The Book Building Microservices describes in detail the styles mentioned by #RogerAlsing in his answer.
On page 43 under Orchestration vs Choreography the book says:
As we start to model more and more complex logic, we have to deal with
the problem of managing business processes that stretch across the
boundary of individual services. And with microservices, we’ll hit
this limit sooner than usual. [...] When it comes to actually
implementing this flow, there are two styles of architecture we could
follow. With orchestration, we rely on a central brain to guide and
drive the process, much like the conductor in an orchestra. With
choreography, we inform each part of the system of its job and let it
work out the details, like dancers all find‐ ing their way and
reacting to others around them in a ballet.
The book then proceeds to explain the two styles. The orchestration style corresponds more to the SOA idea of orchestration/task services, whereas the choreography style corresponds to the dumb pipes and smart endpoints mentioned in Martin Fowler's article.
Orchestration Style
Under this style, the book above mentions:
Let’s think about what an orchestration solution would look like for
this flow. Here, probably the simplest thing to do would be to have
our customer service act as the central brain. On creation, it talks
to the loyalty points bank, email service, and postal service [...],
through a series of request/response calls. The
customer service itself can then track where a customer is in this
process. It can check to see if the customer’s account has been set
up, or the email sent, or the post delivered. We get to take the
flowchart [...] and model it directly into code. We could even use
tooling that implements this for us, perhaps using an appropriate
rules engine. Commercial tools exist for this very purpose in the form
of business process modeling software. Assuming we use synchronous
request/response, we could even know if each stage has worked [...]
The downside to this orchestration approach is that the customer
service can become too much of a central governing authority. It can
become the hub in the middle of a web and a central point where logic
starts to live. I have seen this approach result in a small number of
smart “god” services telling anemic CRUD-based services what to do.
Note: I suppose that when the author mentions tooling he's referring to something like BPM (e.g. Activity, Apache ODE, Camunda). As a matter of fact, the Workflow Patterns Website has an awesome set of patterns to do this kind of orchestration and it also offers evaluation details of different vendor tools that help to implement it this way. I don't think the author implies one is required to use one of these tools to implement this style of integration though, other lightweight orchestration frameworks could be used e.g. Spring Integration, Apache Camel or Mule ESB
However, other books I've read on the topic of Microservices and in general the majority of articles I've found in the web seem to disfavor this approach of orchestration and instead suggest using the next one.
Choreography Style
Under choreography style the author says:
With a choreographed approach, we could instead just have the customer
service emit an event in an asynchronous manner, saying Customer
created. The email service, postal service, and loyalty points bank
then just subscribe to these events and react accordingly [...]
This approach is significantly more decoupled. If some
other service needed to reach to the creation of a customer, it just
needs to subscribe to the events and do its job when needed. The
downside is that the explicit view of the business process we see in
[the workflow] is now only implicitly reflected in our system [...]
This means additional work is needed to ensure that you can monitor
and track that the right things have happened. For example, would you
know if the loyalty points bank had a bug and for some reason didn’t
set up the correct account? One approach I like for dealing with this
is to build a monitoring system that explicitly matches the view of
the business process in [the workflow], but then tracks what each of
the services do as independent entities, letting you see odd
exceptions mapped onto the more explicit process flow. The [flowchart]
[...] isn’t the driving force, but just one lens through
which we can see how the system is behaving. In general, I have found
that systems that tend more toward the choreographed approach are more
loosely coupled, and are more flexible and amenable to change. You do
need to do extra work to monitor and track the processes across system
boundaries, however. I have found most heavily orchestrated
implementations to be extremely brittle, with a higher cost of change.
With that in mind, I strongly prefer aiming for a choreographed
system, where each service is smart enough to understand its role in
the whole dance.
Note: To this day I'm still not sure if choreography is just another name for event-driven architecture (EDA), but if EDA is just one way to do it, what are the other ways? (Also see What do you mean by "Event-Driven"? and The Meanings of Event-Driven Architecture). Also, it seems that things like CQRS and EventSourcing resonate a lot with this architectural style, right?
Now, after this comes the fun. The Microservices book does not assume microservices are going to be implemented with REST. As a matter of fact in the next section in the book, they proceed to consider RPC and SOA-based solutions and finally REST. An important point here is that Microservices does not imply REST.
So, What About HATEOAS? (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State)
Now, if we want to follow the RESTful approach we cannot ignore HATEOAS or Roy Fielding will be very much pleased to say in his blog that our solution is not truly REST. See his blog post on REST API Must be Hypertext Driven:
I am getting frustrated by the number of people calling any HTTP-based
interface a REST API. What needs to be done to make the REST
architectural style clear on the notion that hypertext is a
constraint? In other words, if the engine of application state (and
hence the API) is not being driven by hypertext, then it cannot be
RESTful and cannot be a REST API. Period. Is there some broken manual
somewhere that needs to be fixed?
So, as you can see, Fielding thinks that without HATEOAS you are not truly building RESTful applications. For Fielding, HATEOAS is the way to go when it comes to orchestrating services. I am just learning all this, but to me, HATEOAS does not clearly define who or what is the driving force behind actually following the links. In a UI that could be the user, but in computer-to-computer interactions, I suppose that needs to be done by a higher level service.
According to HATEOAS, the only link the API consumer truly needs to know is the one that initiates the communication with the server (e.g. POST /order). From this point on, REST is going to conduct the flow, because, in the response of this endpoint, the resource returned will contain the links to the next possible states. The API consumer then decides what link to follow and move the application to the next state.
Despite how cool that sounds, the client still needs to know if the link must be POSTed, PUTed, GETed, PATCHed, etc. And the client still needs to decide what payload to pass. The client still needs to be aware of what to do if that fails (retry, compensate, cancel, etc.).
I am fairly new to all this, but for me, from HATEOAs perspective, this client, or API consumer is a high order service. If we think it from the perspective of a human, you can imagine an end-user on a web page, deciding what links to follow, but still, the programmer of the web page had to decide what method to use to invoke the links, and what payload to pass. So, to my point, in a computer-to-computer interaction, the computer takes the role of the end-user. Once more this is what we call an orchestrations service.
I suppose we can use HATEOAS with either orchestration or choreography.
The API Gateway Pattern
Another interesting pattern is suggested by Chris Richardson who also proposed what he called an API Gateway Pattern.
In a monolithic architecture, clients of the application, such as web
browsers and native applications, make HTTP requests via a load
balancer to one of N identical instances of the application. But in a
microservice architecture, the monolith has been replaced by a
collection of services. Consequently, a key question we need to answer
is what do the clients interact with?
An application client, such as a native mobile application, could make
RESTful HTTP requests to the individual services [...] On the surface
this might seem attractive. However, there is likely to be a
significant mismatch in granularity between the APIs of the individual
services and data required by the clients. For example, displaying one
web page could potentially require calls to large numbers of services., for example,
describes how some
pages require calls to 100+ services. Making that many requests, even
over a high-speed internet connection, let alone a lower-bandwidth,
higher-latency mobile network, would be very inefficient and result in
a poor user experience.
A much better approach is for clients to make a small number of
requests per-page, perhaps as few as one, over the Internet to a
front-end server known as an API gateway.
The API gateway sits between the application’s clients and the
microservices. It provides APIs that are tailored to the client. The
API gateway provides a coarse-grained API to mobile clients and a
finer-grained API to desktop clients that use a high-performance
network. In this example, the desktop clients make multiple requests
to retrieve information about a product, whereas a mobile client
makes a single request.
The API gateway handles incoming requests by making requests to some
number of microservices over the high-performance LAN. Netflix, for
how each request fans out to on average six backend services. In this
example, fine-grained requests from a desktop client are simply
proxied to the corresponding service, whereas each coarse-grained
request from a mobile client is handled by aggregating the results of
calling multiple services.
Not only does the API gateway optimize communication between clients
and the application, but it also encapsulates the details of the
microservices. This enables the microservices to evolve without
impacting the clients. For example, two microservices might be
merged. Another microservice might be partitioned into two or more
services. Only the API gateway needs to be updated to reflect these
changes. The clients are unaffected.
Now that we have looked at how the API gateway mediates between the
application and its clients, let’s now look at how to implement
communication between microservices.
This sounds pretty similar to the orchestration style mentioned above, just with a slightly different intent, in this case, it seems to be all about performance and simplification of interactions.
Trying to aggregate the different approaches here.
Domain Events
The dominant approach for this seems to be using domain events, where each service publish events regarding what have happened and other services can subscribe to those events.
This seems to go hand in hand with the concept of smart endpoints, dumb pipes that is described by Martin Fowler here:
Another apporach that seems common is to wrap the business flow in its own service.
Where the proxy orchestrates the interaction between the microservices like shown in the below picture:
Other patterns of the composition
This page contains various composition patterns.
So, how is orchestration of microservices different from orchestration of old SOA services that are not “micro”? Not much at all.
Microservices usually communicate using http (REST) or messaging/events. Orchestration is often associated with orchestration platforms that allow you to create a scripted interaction among services to automate workflows. In the old SOA days, these platforms used WS-BPEL. Today's tools don't use BPEL. Examples of modern orchestration products: Netflix Conductor, Camunda, Zeebe, Azure Logic Apps, Baker.
Keep in mind that orchestration is a compound pattern that offers several capabilities to create complex compositions of services. Microservices are more often seen as services that should not participate in complex compositions and rather be more autonomous.
I can see a microservice being invoked in an orchestrated workflow to do some simple processing, but I don’t see a microservice being the orchestrator service, which often uses mechanisms such as compensating transactions and state repository (dehydration).
So you're having two services:
Invoice micro service
Shipment micro service
In real life, you would have something where you hold the order state. Let's call it order service. Next you have order processing use cases, which know what to do when the order transitions from one state to another. All these services contain a certain set of data, and now you need something else, that does all the coordination. This might be:
A simple GUI knowing all your services and implementing the use cases ("I'm done" calls the shipment service)
A business process engine, which waits for an "I'm done" event. This engine implements the use cases and the flow.
An orchestration micro service, let's say the order processing service itself that knows the flow/use cases of your domain
Anything else I did not think about yet
The main point with this is that the control is external. This is because all your application components are individual building blocks, loosely coupled. If your use cases change, you have to alter one component in one place, which is the orchestration component. If you add a different order flow, you can easily add another orchestrator that does not interfere with the first one. The micro service thinking is not only about scalability and doing fancy REST API's but also about a clear structure, reduced dependencies between components and reuse of common data and functionality that are shared throughout your business.
HTH, Mark
If the State needs to be managed then the Event Sourcing with CQRS is the ideal way of communication. Else, an Asynchronous messaging system (AMQP) can be used for inter microservice communication.
From your question, it is clear that the ES with CQRS should be the right mix. If using java, take a look at Axon framework. Or build a custom solution using Kafka or RabbitMQ.
You can implement orchestration by using spring State machine model.
Add below dependency to your project ( if you are using Maven)
Define states and events e.g. State 1, State 2 and Event 1 and Event 2
Provide state machine implementation in buildMachine() method.
Send events to state machine
Refer to documentation page for complete code
i have written few posts on this topic:
Maybe these posts can also help:
API Gateway pattern - Course-grained api vs fine-grained apis
Coarse-grained vs Fine-grained service API
By definition a coarse-grained service operation has broader scope than a fine-grained service, although the terms are relative. coarse-grained increased design complexity but can reduce the number of calls required to complete a task. at micro-services architecture coarse-grained may reside at the API Gateway layer and orchestrate several micro-services to complete specific business operation. coarse-grained APIs needs to be carefully designed as involving several micro-services that managing different domain of expertise has a risk to mix-concerns in single API and breaking the rules described above. coarse-grained APIs may suggest new level of granularity for business functions that where not exist otherwise. for example hire employee may involve two microservices calls to HR system to create employee ID and another call to LDAP system to create a user account. alternatively client may have performed two fine-grained API calls to achieve the same task. while coarse-grained represents business use-case create user account, fine-grained API represent the capabilities involved in such task. further more fine-grained API may involve different technologies and communication protocols while coarse-grained abstract them into unified flow. when designing a system consider both as again there is no golden approach that solve everything and there is trad-off for each. Coarse-grained are particularly suited as services to be consumed in other Business contexts, such as other applications, line of business or even by other organizations across the own Enterprise boundaries (typical B2B scenarios).
the answer to the original question is SAGA pattern.

Should it be a WebAPI or asmx

Should I leverage an ASMX service or the ASP.NET Web API for my two simple API's?
I want to create two simple APIs in my ASP.NET MVC project. One takes in 3 parameters (currentUserID, DataType, ActionName). It returns them and an XML string of the data they have requested. The API is consumed by client-side JavaScript code. The other API receives an XML string and uses that on the server side to perform actions on the database.
I just answered a related question:
What is the future of ASP.NET MVC framework after releasing the Web API
Basically, the frameworks provided by Microsoft to develop Web Services are:
ASMX. XML Services based on SOAP.
WCF. Web services based on SOAP. These services were the evolution of the traditional ASMX services and basically they focused to separate the service itself from the transport protocol. That's why you can expose the same service using several endpoints and therefore several protocols (TCP, HTTP, Named Pipes, MSMQ, HTTPS). This flexibility came with the configuration problem. One of the main complaints in the community about the WCF is the tedious and extensive configuration
WEB API. Based on HTTP not in SOAP. This new API is a new framework to create services. The main difference with the other two predecesors, is the fact that it's based on HTTP and not on SOAP, therefore you can use several HTTP features like:
It contains message headers that are very meaningful and descriptive - headers that suggest the content type of the message’s body, headers that explain how to cache information, how to secure it etc.
use of verbs to define the actions (POST, PUT, DELETE..)
it contains a body that can be used to send any kind of content
It uses URIs for identifying both information paths (resources) and actions
WEB API is focused on writing services to expose them via HTTP (only on HTTP at the moment). If you want to expose your service using another protocol, then you should consider using WCF.
WEB API is based on MVC (if you want to know the reasons why it's based on MVC, they are simple)
Another goal of the WCF Web APIs was to incorporate known concepts that would help developers to overcome some of the drawbacks they faced with WCF, such as huge configurations, overuse of attributes, and the WCF infrastructure that did not support testing well. Thus the Web APIs used IoC, enabled convention-over-configuration, and tried to offer simpler configuration environment.
ASP.NET MVC infrastructure with its elegant handling of HTTP requests and responses, and its support of easy-to-create controllers seemed like the proper way to go for creating this new type of services.
Take the following points into consideration to choose between WCF or WEB API
If your intention is to create services that support special scenarios – one way messaging, message queues, duplex communication etc, then you’re better of picking WCF
If you want to create services that can use fast transport channels when available, such as TCP, Named Pipes, or maybe even UDP (in WCF 4.5), and you also want to support HTTP when all other transports are unavailable, then you’re better off with WCF and using both SOAP-based bindings and the WebHttp binding.
If you want to create resource-oriented services over HTTP that can use the full features of HTTP – define cache control for browsers, versioning and concurrency using ETags, pass various content types such as images, documents, HTML pages etc., use URI templates to include Task URIs in your responses, then the new Web APIs are the best choice for you.
If you want to create a multi-target service that can be used as both resource-oriented service over HTTP and as RPC-style SOAP service over TCP – talk to me first, so I’ll give you some pointers.
For a more detailed comparison:
It seems you are really doing much with Views so I think Web API would be more concise solution at this point.
If possible, I would use an Web Api Controller in mvc4. You can return an generic ienumerable list or model and it will automatically output the data to whatever format is requested such as xml or json. Its pretty amazing.
