Multilateration of Sound in 3D Space - math

TL:DR - How can you find the 3D coordinates of a emitter than transmits an impulse signal?
I'm working on something to improve my bird-watching. I've got a camera that can take pictures of the birds when I'm not around, but currently it has to be zoomed out all the way to guarantee they're in frame. This doesn't make for good pictures, so here's what I've done:
Mounted camera on a motor so it can rotate, zoomed in enough that the pictures will be better quality, and attempted multilateration to make the camera turn.
My multilateration is simple. 4 microphones listen for sound. When an impulse (such as a chirp) is created from an emitter (bird), the microphones can detect the impulse, and my microcontroller can calculate the time differences between all 4 mics receiving the impulse.
My microcontroller then uses a home brew program that converts these time differences and the known locations of the microphones relative to each other into matrix form.
Once the program has the matrices, it can solve for the distance from each microphone to the bird's origin, which then can be used to figure out the coordinates of the bird relative to the microphones.
The problem with this, is that it needs to be really precise. I'm talking ~10 nanoseconds of difference in reception time between mics in theoretical math space will cause the program to miscalculate where the bird is.
I've muddled with the code to see if implementing more mics will lessen the need for precision, but I can't find a way to achieve a tolerance greater than ~±25ns.
With my setup, I can only calculate a reception time difference on the level of 10-5 seconds, so it's not possible for me to guarantee the level of precision that this type of math needs.
Can anyone think of a way for me to improve my setup so that it works? Are there other ways to accomplish multilateration? How else could I find where the bird is when it's chirping?
Thanks guys, you're always awesome!!!
I have written out the mathematical process I have used for this problem. Pictures of that, an excel sheet for generating initial conditions, and Matlab code for handling the maths can be found here.


Signal to filter in R

I need to filter a signal without it losing its properties so that later this signal is inserted into an artificial neural network. I'm using the R and the signal library, I thought about using a low-pass filter or an FFT.
This is the signal to be filtered, it is about shifting pixels in a video. In the case I calculated the resultant of vectors X and Y to obtain only one value and thus generate this graph / signal:
Using the signal library and the fftfilt function, I obtained the following signal, which seems to be easier for a neural network to be trained, but I did not understand what the function is doing and if the signal properties have remained.
resulting <- fftfilt(rep(1,50)/50,resulting)
Could someone explain how this function works or suggest a better method to filter this signal.
As for the fftfilt(...) function I can tell you roughly what it does: it is an approximate finite impulse response filter implementation that uses FFT of the filter impulse response function with some padding as a window. It gets the signal's FFT within the window and filter's IR FFT, then generates the filtered signal in frequency domain by just multiplying the two results and then uses the reverse FFT to get the actual result in time domain. If your FIR filter has a huge number of coefficients (even though in many cases it is just a sign of a bad system design and should not be needed) the function works much faster than filter(Ma(...),...). With more reasonable number of coefficients (like definitely below 100) the direct and precise approach is actually faster.
As for the proper methods of filtering there are so many of them that there are full thick books on just the topic. And my personal experience in the field is a little bit skewed towards somewhat specific very low computing power microcontroller-based sensor signal DSP tricks with fixed point arithmetics, precise unity gains in a selected pass band point, power of 2 scale coefficients and staged implementations so I doubt it would help you in this case. Basically first you just need to know what result do you want to get from your filter (and do you even need to filter or maybe just something like peak detection and decimation is enough) and then just know what you are doing. From your message it is hard to guess what your "neural network" requirements are, what you think you need for it and what you actually need.

Finding and counting audio drop-outs in an ecological recording

I am trying to assess how many audio drop outs are in a given sound file of an ecological soundscape.
Format: Wave
Samplingrate (Hertz): 192000
Channels (Mono/Stereo): Stereo
PCM (integer format): TRUE
Bit (8/16/24/32/64): 16
My project had a two element hydrophone. The elements were different brands/models, and we are trying to determine which element preformed better in our specific experiment. One analysis we would like to conduct is measuring how often each element had drop-outs, or loss of signal. These drop-outs are not signal amplitude related, in other words, the drop-outs are not caused by maxing out the amplitude. The element or the associated electronics just failed.
I've been trying to do this in R, as that is the program I am most familiar with. I have very limited experience with Matlab and regex, but am opening to trying those programs/languages. I'm a biologist, so please excuse any ignorance.
In R I've been playing around with the package 'seewave', and while I've been able to produce some very pretty spectrograms (which, to be fair, is the only context I've previously used that package). I attempted to use the envelope and automatic temporal measurements function within seewave (timer). I got some interesting, but opposite results.
foo=readWave("Documents/DASBR/DASBR2_20131119$032011.wav", from=53, to=60, units="seconds")
timer(foo, f=96000, threshold=6.5, msmooth=c(30,5), colval="blue")
I've altered the values of msmooth and threshold countless times, but that's just fine tinkering. What this function preforms is measuring the duration between amplitude peaks at the given threshold. What I need it to do either a) find samples in the signal without amplitude or b) measure the duration between areas without amplitude. I can work with either of those outputs. Basically I want to reverse the direction the threshold is measuring, does that make sense? So therefore any sample that is below a threshold will trigger a measurement, rather than any sample that is above the threshold.
I'm still playing with seewave to see how to produce the data I need, but I'm looking for a bit of guidance. Perhaps there is a function in seewave that will accomplish what I'm trying to do more efficiently. Or, if there is anyway to output the numerical data generated from timer, I could use the 'quantmod' package function 'findValleys' to get a list of all the data gaps.
So yeah, guidance is what I'm requesting, oh data crunching gods.
This problem sounds reminiscent of power transfer problems often seen in electrical engineering. One way to solve the problem is to take the RMS (the root of the mean of the square) of the samples in the signal over time, averaged over short durations (perhaps a few seconds or even shorter). The durations where you see low RMS are where the dropouts are. It's analogous to the VU meters that you sometimes see on audio amplifiers - which indicate the power being transferred to the speakers from the amplifier.
I just wanted to summarize what I ended up doing so other people will be aware. Unfortunately, the RMS measurement is not what I was looking for. Though rms could technically give me a basic idea of drop-outs could occur, because I'm working with ecological recordings there are too many other factors at play.
Background: The sound streams I am working with are from a two element hydrophone, separated vertically by 2 meters and recording at 100 m below sea level. We are finding that the element sitting at ~100 meters is experiencing heavy drop outs, while the element at ~102 meters is mostly fine. We are currently attributing this to a to-be-identified electrical issue. If both elements were poised to receive auto exactly the same way, rms would work when detecting drop-outs, but because sound is received independently the rms calculation is too heavily impacted by other factors. Two meters can make a larger difference than you'd think when it comes to source levels and signal reception, it's enough for us to localize vocalizing animals (with left/right ambiguity) based on the delay between signal arrivals.
All the same, here's what I did:
I then looped this process through a directory, which I detail here: for.loop with WAV files
So far, this issue is still unresolved, but thank you for the discussion!

DSP method to detect specific frequency which may not be the most dominant in the current sound

I'm trying to determine the best DSP method for what I'm trying to accomplish, which is the following:
In real-time, detect the presence of a frequency from a set of different predefined frequencies (no more than 40 different frequencies all within a 1000Hz range). I need to be able to do this even when there are other frequencies (outside of this set or range) that are more dominant.
It is my understanding that FFT might not be the best method for this, because it tells you the most dominant frequency (magnitude) at any given time. This seems like it wouldn't work because if I'm trying to detect say a frequency at 1650Hz (which is present), but there's also a frequency at 500Hz which is stronger, then it's not going to tell me the current frequency is 1650Hz.
I've heard that maybe the Goertzel algorithm might be better for what I'm trying to do, which is to detect single frequencies or a set of frequencies in real-time, even within sounds that have more dominant frequencies than the ones trying to be detected .
Any guidance is greatly appreciated and please correct me if I'm wrong on these assumptions. Thanks!
In vague and somewhat inaccurate terms, the output of the FFT is the magnitude and phase of all[1] frequencies. That is, your statement, "[The FFT] tells you the most dominant frequency (magnitude) at any given time" is incorrect. The FFT is often used as a first step to determine the most dominant frequency, but that's not what it does. In fact, if you are interested in the most dominant frequency, you need to take extra steps over and beyond the FFT: you take the magnitude of all frequencies output by the FFT, and then find the maximum. The corresponding frequency is the dominant frequency.
For your application as I understand it, the FFT is the correct algorithm.
The Goertzel algorithm is closely related to the FFT. It allows for some optimization over the FFT if you are only interested in the magnitude and/or phase of a small subset of frequencies. It might be the right choice for your application depending on the number of frequencies in question, but only as an optimization -- other than performance, it won't solve any problems the FFT won't solve. Because there is more written about the FFT, I suggest you start there and use the Goertzel algorithm only if the FFT proves to not be fast enough and you can establish the Goertzel will be faster in your case.
[1] For practical purposes, what's most inaccurate about this statement is that the frequencies are grouped together in "bins". There's a limited resolution to the analysis which depends on a variety of factors.
I am leaving my other answer as-is because I think it stands on it's own.
Based on your comments and private email, the problem you are facing is most likely this: sounds, like speech, that are principally in one frequency range, have harmonics that stretch into higher frequency ranges. This problem is exacerbated by low quality microphones and electronics, but it is not caused by them and wouldn't go away even with perfect equipment. Once your signal is cluttered with noise in the same band, you can't really distinguish on from off in a simple and reliable way, because on could be caused by the noise. You could try to do some adaptive thresholding based on noise in other bands, and you'll probably get somewhere, but that's no way to build a robust system.
There are a number of ways to solve this problem, but they all involve modulating your signal and using error detection and correction. Basically, you are building a modem and/or radio. Ultimately, what I'm saying is this: you can't solve your problem on the detector alone. You need to build some redundancy into your signal, and you may need to think about other methods of detection. I know of three methods of sending complex signals:
Amplitude modulation, which is what it sounds like you are doing now.
Frequency modulation, which tends to be more robust in the face of ambient noise. (compare FM and AM radio)
Phase modulation, which is more subtle and tricky.
These methods can be combined and multiplexed in various ways. Read about them on wikipedia. Moreover, once your base signal is transmitted, you can add error correction and detection on top.
I am not an expert in this area, but off the top of my head, I am not sure you'll be able to use PM silently, and AM is simply too sensitive to noise, as you've discovered, although it might work with the right kind of redundancy. FM is probably your best bet.

rapid exploring random trees
Can anyone explain how rrt works with simple wording that is easy to understand?
I read the description in the site and in wikipedia.
What I would like to see, is a short implementation of a rrt or a thorough explanation of the following thing:
Why does the rrt grow outwards instead of just growing very dense around the center?
How is it different from a naive random tree?
How is the next new vertex that we attempt to reach picked?
I know there is an Motion Strategy Library I could download but I would much rather understand the idea before I delve into the code rather than the other way around.
The simplest possible RRT algorithm has been so successful because it is pretty easy to implement. Things tend to get complicated when you:
need to visualise planning concepts in more than two dimensions
are unfamiliar with the terminology associated with planning, and;
in the huge number of variants of RRT that are have been described in the literature.
Pseudo code
The basic algorithm looks something like this:
Start with an empty search tree
Add your initial location (configuration) to the search tree
while your search tree has not reached the goal (and you haven't run out of time)
3.1. Pick a location (configuration), q_r, (with some sampling strategy)
3.2. Find the vertex in the search tree closest to that random point, q_n
3.3. Try to add an edge (path) in the tree between q_n and q_r, if you can link them without a collision occurring.
Although that description is adequate, after a while working in this space, I really do prefer the pseudocode of figure 5.16 on RRT/RDT in Steven LaValle's book "Planning Algorithms".
Tree Structure
The reason that the tree ends up covering the entire search space (in most cases) is because of the combination of the sampling strategy, and always looking to connect from the nearest point in the tree. This effect is described as reducing the Voronoi bias.
Sampling Strategy
The choice of where to place the next vertex that you will attempt to connect to is the sampling problem. In simple cases, where search is low dimensional, uniform random placement (or uniform random placement biased toward the goal) works adequately. In high dimensional problems, or when motions are very complex (when joints have positions, velocities and accelerations), or configuration is difficult to control, sampling strategies for RRTs are still an open research area.
The MSL library is a good starting point if you're really stuck on implementation, but it hasn't been actively maintained since 2003. A more up-to-date library is the Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL). You'll also need a good collision detection library.
Planning Terminology & Advice
From a terminology point of view, the hard bit is to realise that although lots of the diagrams you see in the (early years of) publications on RRT are in two dimensions (trees that link 2d points), that this is the absolute simplest case.
Typically, a mathematically rigorous way to describe complex physical situations is required. A good example of this is planning for a robot arm with n- linkages. Describing the end of such an arm requires a minimum of n joint angles. This set of minimum parameters to describe a position is a configuration (or some publications state). A single configuration is often denoted q
The combination of all possible configurations (or a subset thereof) that can be achieved make up a configuration space (or state space). This can be as simple as an unbounded 2d plane for a point in the plane, or incredibly complex combinations of ranges of other parameters.

Examples of mathematics algorithms that apply to game development

I am designing a RPG game like final fantasy.
I have the programming part done but what I lack is the maths. I am ok at maths but I am having trouble incorporating the players stas into mu sums.
How can I make an action timer that is based on the players speed?
How can I use attack and defence so that it is not always exactly the same damage?
How can I add randomness into the equations?
Can anyone point me to some resources that I can read to learn this sort of stuff.
EDIT: Clarification Of what I am looking for
for the damage I have (player attack x move strength) / enemy defence.
This works and scales well but i got a look at the algorithms from final fantasy 4 a while a got and this sum alone was over 15 steps. mine has only 2.
I am looking for real game examples if possible but would settle for papers or books that have sections that explain how they get these complex sums and why they don't use simple ones.
I eventually intent to implement but am looking for more academic knowledge at the moment.
Not knowing Final fantasy at all, here are some thoughts.
Attack/Defence could either be a 'chance to hit/block' or 'damage done/mitigated' (or, possibly, a blend of both). If you decide to go for 'damage done/mitigated', you'll probably want to do one of:
Generate a random number in a suitable range, added/subtracted from the base attack/defence value.
Generate a number in the range 0-1, multiplied by the attack/defence
Generate a number (with a Gaussian or Poisson distribution and a suitable standard deviation) in the range 0-2 (or so, to account for the occasional crit), multiplied by the attack/defence
For attack timers, decide what "double speed" and "triple speed" should do for the number of attacks in a given time. That should give you a decent lead for how to implement it. I can, off-hand, think of three methods.
Use N/speed as a base for the timer (that means double/triple speed gives 2/3 times the number of attacks in a given interval).
Use Basetime - Speed as the timer (requires a cap on speed, may not be an issue, most probably has an unintuitive relation between speed stat and timer, not much difference at low levels, a lot of difference at high levels).
Use Basetime - Sqrt(Speed) as the timer.
I doubt you'll find academic work on this. Determining formulae for damage, say, is heuristic. People just make stuff up based on their experience with various functions and then tweak the result based on gameplay.
It's important to have a good feel for what the function looks like when plotted on a graph. The best advice I can give for this is to study a course on sketching graphs of functions. A Google search on "sketching functions" will get you started.
Take a look at printed role playing games like Dungeons & Dragons and how they handle these issues. They are the inspiration for computer RPGs. I don't know of academic work
Some thoughts: you don't have to have an actual "formula". It can be rules like "roll a 20 sided die, weapon does 2 points of damage if the roll is <12 and 3 points of damage if the roll is >=12".
You might want to simplify continuous variables down to small ranges of integers for testing. That way you can calculate out tables with all the possible permutations and see if the results look reasonable. Once you have something good, you can interpolate the formulas for continuous inputs.
Another key issue is play balance. There aren't necessarily formulas for telling you whether your game mechanics are balanced, you have to test.
