Windows 10 IoT Core change DPI scaling - scaling

Is it possible somehow, to cgange the DPI scaling setting on Windows 10 IoT Core? On my Dragonboard 410c it is set to 150%, so UI controls are really large.

The DPI setting has been deprecated in Windows IoT Core. But generally you can change the resolution of the device(Raspberry Pi & MinnowBoard) via following options:
Run SetDisplayResolution command to adjust the resolution of a display connected to your Windows 10 IoT Core device.
Change the display resolution via Device Portal.
Edit the config.txt on SD card of your device.You can read more about this here.
For Dragonboard 410c,you could take a look at the Windows IoT Display Drivers Guide here( The Qualcomm DragonBoard 410c Windows 10 IoI-Core image only supports 1280x720 screen resolution. It has been noted that is possible to modify the BSP so as to support the higher resolution 1080p, but no other resolution.


Problem emulating phone camera with a normal USB webcam

I'm developing a simple Xamarin Form using VS2019 and Oreo as simulated android.
I would like to use my USB Logitech Webcam 200 in order to simulate phone camera.
This basically to avoid the deploymnet of the app in the phone with USB and save time.
I've configured the ADM adding property and enabling it. Than i've tried to set to webcam0 and to none, but when i open camera in the emulated device it gives an error and camera app crash, also my app doesn't work.
I've tried to check the log and mainly i've found: E/CamDev#3.2-impl(1393): open: cannot open camera 0!
My webcam is good and drivers are installed on my win10 (i use it regularly with Skype and other apps).
I also tried with VS2017 in my PC and also tried in another PC with VS2019.
Any idea?
Thank you.

Issue in Raspberry Pi running Multi Screen Java FX App. Screen goes black after some time

I want to create some multi screen (scenes) Java FX GUI app for Raspberry Pi 3B with 800x480 display (Official Raspberry Pi Touch Screen of 7 Inch).
I have set GPU to 128M.
As i switch between screens in the Java FX application, GPU memory usage increases, and free memory gets smaller and smaller and display turns black at the end and i get the error saying "glGetError 0x505"
I am monitoring GPU memory with following command:
sudo vcdbg rloc
Where does the memory go? Has any body faced such issue? Please someone help me out?

Unable to retrieve/remove/add tiles when more than 13 tiles are on the band

I'm having a problem with the Band SDK Samples when I have more than 13 tiles enabled on my band (it now supports 20). Whenever I try to do something with the TileManager, I get a BandIOException telling me it attempted to read past the end of the stream.
I have noticed this on two Band 2's, connected to different phones, on the latest Windows Insider Fast Ring Builds (10.0.14295.1000). Band firmware version is 2.0.4441.0, hardware version 26.
Is this a known problem? Do I have to wait for an SDK update to support more tiles?
Kind Regards,
Based on Band SDK release notes and my experience on iOS, it appears that we do need to wait for a new SDK. If there 12 or more tiles you cannot inject more presently.

How to change intel BIOS screen from Ubuntu 11.04

I have dell voestro 220s series desktop computer with BIOS version : 1.2.2. Ubuntu 11.04 is installed on it. At the time of system boot it shows Dell voestro and Intel logo on the screen. I want to change this intel and dell voestro BIOS splash screen. I got the solution for widows system but I want to change it from my ubuntu 11.04 system. How is it possible ?
I believe the only way to do this is by changing the BIOS. Either you dump the original BIOS image (using for example a Linux live image with flashrom, like sysrescuecd) and open it with a HexEditor to search where the image is located (it's probably a Bitmap image), or you can consider changing the BIOS into an open source one (like Coreboot + SeaBIOS) and rebuild them to include a custom image (see this page for more info).
I should warn you that neither option is easy. The first involves low level "hacking" and tinkering (and is possibly dangerous), while the second depends mainly on if your motherboard is supported (unfortunately, most motherboards for Intel processors aren't) and how familiar you are with compiling stuff in Linux.
Hope this helps. =)

Using the VLC backend with phonon in Qt (Windows)

I'm trying to make an media player application with Qt and the phonon library.
Everything goes well when I'm playing a SD DivX, but when I'm trying to play a 12 GB HD MKV it's freezing (with a I7, 8GB RAM, NV GTX260).
Currently I'm using the default backend (phonon_ds94.dll). I would like to use the phonon_vlc.dll one but I don't know how to make the switch. Any one have an idea ?
Thank you,
