API call for GA Acquisition Channels report? - google-analytics

Is there a Google Analytics API call for the Acquisition Channels report? The report is specifically https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/#/report/acquisition-channels
I don't see it in this list https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/dimsmets#cats=traffic_sources

Yes there is, you need to add the ga:channelGrouping dimension to your API calls to split results per channel.
If you want to get data about the Acquisition -> Multi-Channel Funnels reports, you need to use a different API than the core: the mcf API.


Difference between the 3+ Google Analytics APIs

What is the difference between Google Analytics Reporting API, Google Analytics API, and Google Analytics Data API? What I need is to report on the data for a 3rd party site/account, but it sounds like all 3 of these APIs are for reporting on data. Could you advise? I've been looking through their docs and they all still sound the same.
Analytics hub is for big query.
Google analytics reporting api - Gives access to extract data from Universal analytics accounts
Google analytics api - is a little harder to nail down. It almost sounds like it gives access to extract data and and configure google analytics data. Which would imply that its management api for for universal analytics Google analytics admin api and possibly the reporting api as well.
Google analytics data api - used to extract data from Google analytics ga4 accounts
What I need is to report on the data for a 3rd party site/account
Im not sure what you mean by this. None of those are for sending data to google analytics. To send data to google analytics. you would use one of the collection options.

Can we access the benchmarking report/data from Google Analytics reporting API?

I am trying to access the Google analytics data for Benchmarking reports via API or programmatically
I couldn't find this in the reporting API or metadata API. Am I missing something?
The google analytics website uses the Google analytics api to get its data. So as long as you find the exact same dimensions and metrics you used in the report you are talking about then yes you could recreate the report using the Reporting API. Some of the reports contain calculated fields which you will have to calculate yourself by requesting the data that is needed for the calculation in order to get the correct results.
If you want the actual results to be computed for you and see the graph itself the answer is no. The api is just raw data you have to do all the calculations and display yourself.

GET Goals from Google Analytics using API Method with Date Range

I am trying to get the goals from our google analytics account but applying a date range. I haven't seen in the documentation a way to pass a date range for this method. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Testing using their API test page here: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/config/mgmt/v3/mgmtReference/management/goals/get
GET https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/management/accounts/accountId/webproperties/webPropertyId/profiles/profileId/goals/goalId
When I pull the request using the their test API page, I am assuming it is only pulling the goal conversions for the day I am making the request, not for all of time.
I think you might be confusing the reporting api with the management api.
If you want to get data out of GA, use the reporting api.
If you want to configure GA or read GA configurations, use the management api.
In your case, you want to REPORT on the goals, but you're using the management api to do so.
You should use the reporting API to get a list of goals completed.
Reporting API reference/documentation: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v4/

can I access the unique client Id through GA API?

I am currently querying my Google Analytics data using the Google Analytics API via R.
I would like to query based on the unique client ID as my primary dimension, but I can't find this dimension using the API.
Is it possible to query Google analytics from the API using the client Id as a dimensions?
Update: Client ID is now available in Google Analytics Core Reporting api as ga:clientId.
I've added it in my script and works seamlessly.
Query explorer doesn't support it yet, hopefully soon...
The only dimensions and metrics that you can use with the Google Analytics API can be found in the Dimensions and metrics explorer you could also check the metadata API.
As you can see client id is not a valid dimension exposed via the Google Analytics API. You could set this in a custom dimension yourself however for it to work your going to have to make sure that its set on every single request you send to Google Analytics.
then you can use the custom dimension metadata
As of late 2018 early 2019 it is now possible to query ga:clientid from the google analytics api.

Individual visitor flow from Google Analytics API

Is it possible to get a visitor flow associated with a given ga:transactionId through the Google Analytics API?
There's limited availability in ga:landingPagePath, ga:secondPagePath, ga:exitPagePath and ga:pageDepth
but a more complete path would be desirable
You can access the flow with the ga:previousPagePath and ga:pagePath dimensions and the ga:visits metric. You can play around with the output in the Query Explorer. For what its worth, here are a few of other related questions:
Get Google Analytics "Visitors Flow" data from API
Accessing Google Analytics Reports using the API
How to extract engagement flow data using google analytics reporting api
