I have implemented GTM in my webpages, when user plays video GTM tracks logs for normal web pages, But i dont know how to implement for AMP pages.
Can someone explain it how to write scripts for AMP page video
Right now I have a mobile app with both ios and android version using firebase.
Users and events tracking is done with firebase.
The firebase account is also linked to google analytics for better reports and analytics.
I can add inside both firebase and analytics a web tracking source which would be a third tracking source for this case.
But since I want to track a landing page and not a web version of my mobile app I feel that doesn't correspond to my use case.
What I would want is to be able to tell how many of my users downloaded the app by clicking on the landing page download button.
I also would also like to be able to track how users got on the landing page.
For example I would like to have stats on how many views and app download a post on a specific blog or a specific ad generated.
I though this would be quite simple to setup with firebase / google analytics but I'm not so sure anymore.
If I add my landing page as a third web tracking source, I actually think it will affect the stats of my mobile app usage.
Does someone here had the need for something similar ?
How did you set your landing page tracking ?
We are building a web app/widget for a publisher. We want the widget to be Google AMP ready (<amp-iframe> documentation).
Does anyone know if a standard iframe will work on an AMP page?
A regular Iframe will NOT work in an AMP page. If you want the widget to be google AMP ready you'll need to serve it through an AMP-IFRAME tag.
I'm guessing that your widget needs user authored javascript and possibly other JS libraries with it. If this is the case it all has to be pulled into an AMP-IFRAME tag in order to work. The other caveat to this is the AMP-IFRAME tag must make the call securely via HTTPS.
For example, our 8 news stations have a custom video player that requires a ton of external user authored JS that has to be pulled in to run our preroll, ads and tracking. We also use m3u8 url's which is not supported by the AMP-VIDEO tag or HTML5. So in a way or custom video player is basically a widget that allows you to play custom video with ads and preroll. Because of this we have an embed directory that we have served via HTTPS and the embed template that we hit via HTTPS will spit out our video player into the AMP-IFRAME tag. So everything for the widget is all served as a single call from an HTTPS directory.
This is a great resource for AMP page questions and understanding: Turn Your AMP Up To 11.
Hope this helps.
No, it won't work as stated in the documentation on their website here .
I have a Web site built in Drupal 7 - we'll call it website.com. Outside of that site, I have a campaign specific landing page - we'll call that website.com/landingpage. On this page, there are a couple of buttons back to the main website (website.com). I have goals set up that track a user from that landing page, back to the main site home page, then through a few other steps. for some reason, even though I know users are clicking through to the site, I'm getting a 100% drop-off from the landing page to the main site...
...anyone have any thoughts as to why this is?
Is it a dynamic webapp? Is the routing is handled in the client and not on the server side?
If it is a dynamic webapp and routing is handled in the client, then GA won't track your pageviews automatically, and you have to do it manually. https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/single-page-applications
If you are using angularjs you can use this great tool:
I have a .net web site(eg: www.mysite,com) and I use some external links in my site that redirect to other sites (like www.google.com). But how I know a user spend time in second site(ie www.google.com)
Assuming you have no control over the external website - you cannot.
You cannot inject your own client-side scripting into external website (well, sometimes you can, but it's XSS and it's bad).
Google Analytics tracks the activity of the users on a certain website because website owner included javascript code.
It may be possible for Google to track user's activity over multiple websites but only if those website display Google Ads. It is not bullet-proof since users can block ads.
I need to enable event tracking of Youtube-videos embedded in a site, but since Youtube has switched to iframe-based embedding-code, I'm kinda lost ...
Google/Youtube documentation ( http://code.google.com/intl/da-DK/apis/youtube/iframe_api_reference.html ) only describes how to enable the API when videos are embedded programmatically using the API itself - not when they are copy-pasted onto a page in, say, a CMS.
On top of that, the documentation states that the Youtube Player API for iframe tracking is experimental and should not be used for production sites!
Has anyone found a way to make this work? To listen to events fired by an iframe-embedded Youtube video?
It looks like this can be used to get events and call functions on a YouTube video embedded via an iframe.
There are a few resources available on the web for this:
For the DIY'er on google analytics:
For someone who's looking for a product catered youtube analytics (currently free):