Optimize dataset for floating point add/sub/mul/div - math

Suppose we have a data set of numbers, with which we want to do some calculations using addition/subtraction/multiplication/division using a computer.
The coverage of the real numbers by the floating point representation varies a lot, depending on the number being represented:
In terms of absolute precision in the real->FP mapping the "holes" grow towards the bigger numbers, with a weird hole around 0, depending on the architecture. Due to this, the add/sub precision towards the bigger numbers will drop.
If we divide 2 consecutive numbers which are represented in our floating point representation, the result of the division will be bigger both while going to the bigger numbers and when going to smaller and smaller fractions.
So, my question is:
Is there a "sweet interval" for floats on an ordinary PC today, where the results for the arithmetics with the said operators (add/sub/mul/div) are just more precise?
If I have a data set of many-significant-digit numbers like "123123123123123", "134534513412351151", etc., with which I want to do some arithmetics, which floating point interval should it be converted to, to have the best precision for the result?
Since floating points are something like 1.xxx*10^yyy, 2.xxx*10^yyy, ..., 9.xxx*10^yyy, I would assume, converting my numbers into the [1, 9] interval would give the best results for the memory consumed, but I may be terribly wrong...
Suppose I use C, can such conversion even be made? Is there a best-practice to do that? Before an operation, C will convert the operands to the same format, so I guess I would have to use a string representation, inject a "." somewhere and parse that as float.
Please note:
This is a theoretical question, I don't have an actual data set on my hand that would decide what is best. On the same note, the mentioning of C was random, I am also interested in responses like "forget C, I would use this and this, BECAUSE it supports this and this".
Please spare me from answers like "this cannot be answered, because it depends on the actual operations, since the results may be in another magnitude range than the original data, etc., etc.". Let's suppose that the results of the calculation is more or less in the same interval, as the operands. Sure, when dividing the "more-or-less the same magnitude" operands, the result will be somewhere between 1-10, maybe 0.1-100, ... , but that is probably exactly the best interval they can be in.
Of course, if the answer includes some explanation, other than a brush-off, I will be happy to read it!

The absolute precision of floating-point numbers changes with the magnitude of the numbers because the exponent changes. The relative precision does not change, except for numbers near the bottom of the exponent range, where underflow occurs. If you multiply binary floating-point numbers by a power of two, perform arithmetic (suitably adjusted for the scaling), and reverse the scaling, the results will be identical to doing the arithmetic without scaling, barring effects from overflow and underflow. If your arithmetic does involve underflow or overflow, then scaling could help avoid that. For example, if your precision is suffering because your numbers are so small that some intermediate results are below the normal range of the floating-point format, then scaling by a power of two can avoid the loss of precision from underflow.
If you scale by something other than a power of two, the results can be different, due to changes in the significands. The effects will generally be tiny, and whether the results are better or worse will effectively be random chance, except in carefully engineered special situations.


How to perform mathematical operations on large numbers

I have a question about working on very big numbers. I'm trying to run RSA algorithm and lets's pretend i have 512 bit number d and 1024 bit number n. decrypted_word = crypted_word^d mod n, isn't it? But those d and n are very large numbers! Non of standard variable types can handle my 512 bit numbers. Everywhere is written, that rsa needs 512 bit prime number at last, but how actually can i perform any mathematical operations on such a number?
And one more think. I can't use extra libraries. I generate my prime numbers with java, using BigInteger, but on my system, i have only basic variable types and STRING256 is the biggest.
Suppose your maximal integer size is 64 bit. Strings are not that useful for doing math in most languages, so disregard string types. Now choose an integer of half that size, i.e. 32 bit. An array of these can be interpreted as digits of a number in base 232. With these, you can do long addition and multiplication, just like you are used to with base 10 and pen and paper. In each elementary step, you combine two 32-bit quantities, to produce both a 32-bit result and possibly some carry. If you do the elementary operation in 64-bit arithmetic, you'll have both of these as part of a single 64-bit variable, which you'll then have to split into the 32-bit result digit (via bit mask or simple truncating cast) and the remaining carry (via bit shift).
Division is harder. But if the divisor is known, then you may get away with doing a division by constant using multiplication instead. Consider an example: division by 7. The inverse of 7 is 1/7=0.142857…. So you can multiply by that to obtain the same result. Obviously we don't want to do any floating point math here. But you can also simply multiply by 14286 then omit the last six digits of the result. This will be exactly the right result if your dividend is small enough. How small? Well, you compute x/7 as x*14286/100000, so the error will be x*(14286/100000 - 1/7)=x/350000 so you are on the safe side as long as x<350000. As long as the modulus in your RSA setup is known, i.e. as long as the key pair remains the same, you can use this approach to do integer division, and can also use that to compute the remainder. Remember to use base 232 instead of base 10, though, and check how many digits you need for the inverse constant.
There is an alternative you might want to consider, to do modulo reduction more easily, perhaps even if n is variable. Instead of expressing your remainders as numbers 0 through n-1, you could also use 21024-n through 21024-1. So if your initial number is smaller than 21024-n, you add n to convert to this new encoding. The benefit of this is that you can do the reduction step without performing any division at all. 21024 is equivalent to 21024-n in this setup, so an elementary modulo reduction would start by splitting some number into its lower 1024 bits and its higher rest. The higher rest will be right-shifted by 1024 bits (which is just a change in your array indexing), then multiplied by 21024-n and finally added to the lower part. You'll have to do this until you can be sure that the result has no more than 1024 bits. How often that is depends on n, so for fixed n you can precompute that (and for large n I'd expect it to be two reduction steps after addition but hree steps after multiplication, but please double-check that) whereas for variable n you'll have to check at runtime. At the very end, you can go back to the usual representation: if the result is not smaller than n, subtract n. All of this should work as described if n>2512. If not, i.e. if the top bit of your modulus is zero, then you might have to make further adjustments. Haven't thought this through, since I only used this approach for fixed moduli close to a power of two so far.
Now for that exponentiation. I very much suggest you do the binary approach for that. When computing xd, you start with x, x2=x*x, x4=x2*x2, x8=…, i.e. you compute all power-of-two exponents. You also maintain some intermediate result, which you initialize to one. In every step, if the corresponding bit is set in the exponent d, then you multiply the corresponding power into that intermediate result. So let's say you have d=11. Then you'd compute 1*x1*x2*x8 because d=11=1+2+8=10112. That way, you'll need only about 1024 multiplications max if your exponent has 512 bits. Half of them for the powers-of-two exponentiation, the other to combine the right powers of two. Every single multiplication in all of this should be immediately followed by a modulo reduction, to keep memory requirements low.
Note that the speed of the above exponentiation process will, in this simple form, depend on how many bits in d are actually set. So this might open up a side channel attack which might give an attacker access to information about d. But if you are worried about side channel attacks, then you really should have an expert develop your implementation, because I guess there might be more of those that I didn't think about.
You may write some macros you may execute under Microsoft for functions like +, -, x, /, modulo, x power y which work generally for any integer of less than ten or hundred thousand digits (the practical --not theoretical-- limit being the internal memory of your CPU). Please note the logic is exactly the same as the one you got at elementary school.
E.g.: p= 1819181918953471 divider of (2^8091) - 1, q = ((2^8091) - 1)/p, mod(2^8043 ; q ) = 23322504995859448929764248735216052746508873363163717902048355336760940697615990871589728765508813434665732804031928045448582775940475126837880519641309018668592622533434745187004918392715442874493425444385093718605461240482371261514886704075186619878194235490396202667733422641436251739877125473437191453772352527250063213916768204844936898278633350886662141141963562157184401647467451404036455043333801666890925659608198009284637923691723589801130623143981948238440635691182121543342187092677259674911744400973454032209502359935457437167937310250876002326101738107930637025183950650821770087660200075266862075383130669519130999029920527656234911392421991471757068187747362854148720728923205534341236146499449910896530359729077300366804846439225483086901484209333236595803263313219725469715699546041162923522784170350104589716544529751439438021914727772620391262534105599688603950923321008883179433474898034318285889129115556541479670761040388075352934137326883287245821888999474421001155721566547813970496809555996313854631137490774297564881901877687628176106771918206945434350873509679638109887831932279470631097604018939855788990542627072626049281784152807097659485238838560958316888238137237548590528450890328780080286844038796325101488977988549639523988002825055286469740227842388538751870971691617543141658142313059934326924867846151749777575279310394296562191530602817014549464614253886843832645946866466362950484629554258855714401785472987727841040805816224413657036499959117701249028435191327757276644272944743479296268749828927565559951441945143269656866355210310482235520220580213533425016298993903615753714343456014577479225435915031225863551911605117029393085632947373872635330181718820669836830147312948966028682960518225213960218867207825417830016281036121959384707391718333892849665248512802926601676251199711698978725399048954325887410317060400620412797240129787158839164969382498537742579233544463501470239575760940937130926062252501116458281610468726777710383038372260777522143500312913040987942762244940009811450966646527814576364565964518092955053720983465333258335601691477534154940549197873199633313223848155047098569827560014018412679602636286195283270106917742919383395056306107175539370483171915774381614222806960872813575048014729965930007408532959309197608469115633821869206793759322044599554551057140046156235152048507130125695763956991351137040435703946195318000567664233417843805257728.
The last step took about 0.1 sec.
wpjo (willibrord oomen on academia.edu)

Truncating 64-bit IEEE doubles to 61-bits in a safe fashion

I am developing a programming language, September, which uses a tagged variant type as its main value type. 3 bits are used for the type (integer, string, object, exception, etc.), and 61 bits are used for the actual value (the actual integer, pointer to the object, etc.).
Soon, it will be time to add a float type to the language. I almost have the space for a 64-bit double, so I wanted to make use of doubles for calculations internally. Since I'm actually 3 bits short for storage, I would have to round the doubles off after each calculation - essentially resulting in a 61-bit double with a mantissa or exponent shorter by 3 bits.
But! I know floating point is fraught with peril and doing things which sound sensible on paper can produce disastrous results with FP math, so I have an open-ended question to the experts out there:
Is this approach viable at all? Will I run into serious error-accumulation problems in long-running calculations by rounding at each step? Is there some specific way in which I could do the rounding in order to avoid that? Are there any special values that I won't be able to treat that way (subnormals come to mind)?
Ideally, I would like my floats to be as well-behaved as a native 61-bit double would be.
I would recommend borrowing bits from the exponent field of the double-precision format. This is the method described in this article (that you would modify to borrow 3 bits from the exponent instead of 1). With this approach, all computations that do not use very large or very small intermediate results behave exactly as the original double-precision computation would. Even computations that run into the subnormal region of the new format behave exactly as they would if a 1+8+52 61-bit format had been standardized by IEEE.
By contrast, naively borrowing any number of bits at all from the significand introduces many double-rounding problems, all the more frequent that you are rounding from a 52-bit significand to a significand with only a few bits removed. Borrowing one bit from the significand as you suggest in an edit to your question would be the worst, with half the operations statistically producing double-rounded results that are different from what the ideal “native 61-bit double” would have produced. This means that instead of being accurate to 0.5ULP, the basic operations would be accurate to 3/4ULP, a dramatic loss of accuracy that would derail many of the existing, finely-designed numerical algorithms that expect 0.5ULP.
Three is a significant number of bits to borrow from an exponent that only has 11, though, and you could also consider using the single-precision 32-bit format in your language (calling the single-precision operations from the host).
Lastly, I give visibility here to another solution found by Jakub: borrow the three bits from the significand, and simulate round-to-odd for the intermediate double-precision computation before converting to the nearest number in 49-explicit-significand-bit, 11-exponent-bit format. If this way is chosen, it may useful to remark that the rounding itself to 49 bits of significand can be achieved with the following operations:
if ((repr & 7) == 4)
repr += (repr & 8) >> 1); /* midpoint case */
repr += 4;
repr &= ~(uint64_t)7; /* round to the nearest */
Despite working on the integer having the same representation as the double being considered, the above snippet works even if the number goes from normal to subnormal, from subnormal to normal, or from normal to infinite. You will of course want to set a tag in the three bits that have been freed as above. To recover a standard double-precision number from its unboxed representation, simply clear the tag with repr &= ~(uint64_t)7;.
This is a summary of my own research and information from the excellent answer by #Pascal Cuoq.
There are two places where we can truncate the 3-bits we need: the exponent, and the mantissa (significand). Both approaches run into problems which have to be explicitly handled in order for the calculations to behave as if we used a hypothetical native 61-bit IEEE format.
Truncating the mantissa
We shorten the mantissa by 3 bits, resulting in a 1s+11e+49m format. When we do that, performing calculations in double-precision and then rounding after each computation exposes us to double rounding problems. Fortunately, double rounding can be avoided by using a special rounding mode (round-to-odd) for the intermediate computations. There is an academic paper describing the approach and proving its correctness for all doubles - as long as we truncate at least 2 bits.
Portable implementation in C99 is straightforward. Since round-to-odd is not one of the available rounding modes, we emulate it by using fesetround(FE_TOWARD_ZERO), and then setting the last bit if the FE_INEXACT exception occurs. After computing the final double this way, we simply round to nearest for storage.
The format of the resulting float loses about 1 significant (decimal) digit compared to a full 64-bit double (from 15-17 digits to 14-16).
Truncating the exponent
We take 3 bits from the exponent, resulting in a 1s+8e+52m format. This approach (applied to a hypothetical introduction of 63-bit floats in OCaml) is described in an article. Since we reduce the range, we have to handle out-of-range exponents on both the positive side (by simply 'rounding' them to infinity) and the negative side. Doing this correctly on the negative side requires biasing the inputs to any operation in order to ensure that we get subnormals in the 64-bit computation whenever the 61-bit result needs to be subnormal. This has to be done a bit differently for each operation, since what matters is not whether the operands are subnormal, but whether we expect the result to be (in 61-bit).
The resulting format has significantly reduced range since we borrow a whopping 3 out of 11 bits of the exponent. The range goes down from 10-308...10308 to about 10-38 to 1038. Seems OK for computation, but we still lose a lot.
Both approaches yield a well-behaved 61-bit float. I'm personally leaning towards truncating the mantissa, for three reasons:
the "fix-up" operations for round-to-odd are simpler, do not differ from operation to operation, and can be done after the computation
there is a proof of mathematical correctness of this approach
giving up one significant digit seems less impactful than giving up a big chunk of the double's range
Still, for some uses, truncating the exponent might be more attractive (especially if we care more about precision than range).

Understanding Floating point precision analysis for Parallel Reduction

I am trying to analyze how reduction (parallel) can be used to add a large array of floating point numbers and precision loss involved in it. Definitely reduction will help in getting more precision compared to serial addition . I'll be really thankful if you can direct me to some detailed source or provide some insight for this analysis. Thanks.
Every primitive floating point operation will have a rounding error; if the result is x then the rounding error is <= c * abs (x) for some rather small constant c > 0.
If you add 1000 numbers, that takes 999 additions. Each addition has a result and a rounding error. The rounding error is small when the result is small. So you want to adjust the order of additions so that the average absolute value of the result is as small as possible. A binary tree is one method. Sorting the values, then adding the smallest two numbers and putting the result back into the sorted list is also quite reasonable. Both methods keep the average result small, and therefore keep the rounding error small.

Does a data type exist in any language that spans a parameter range 0-1?

I am often programming mathematical algorithms that assume a nondimensional parameter spans the continuous space from 0..1 inclusive. These algorithms could in theory benefit from maximum resolution over the parameter space and I've considered that it would be of use to expend the full 32 or 64 bits of precision over the parameter space, with none wasted for exponents or signs.
I imagine the methods would look similar to an unsigned integer divided by its maximum representable value. Does this exist already and if so where, if not, is there a compelling reason why?
Can't you simply do all calculations in integers from 0 to MAX_INT, keeping all the same formulas/algorithms/whatever and then use "unsigned integer divided by its maximum representable value" conversion as very final step before printing result to user (or otherwise outputting it - for example in intermediate logs)?
The representation doesn't make sense without algorithms. E.g. you could represent it as fixed point (i.e. 0..MAX_INT / MAX_INT) or floated point a mantissa and exponent (e.g. to have an ability to store a values like 1e-1000) or something custom (e.g. to have an ability to represent a number 1/π precisely). After it you have define algos to manipulate the numbers in such representations. So, in other words there is no silver bullet to cover all cases. Only you know your task and could choose the best solution.
Moreover, the continuous space is impossible to represent using computes, because the space has infinite number of elements, so it cannot be algorithmized.

When is it appropriate to use floating precision data types?

It's clear that one shouldn't use floating precision when working with, say, monetary amounts since the variation in precision leads to inaccuracies when doing calculations with that amount.
That said, what are use cases when that is acceptable? And, what are the general principles one should have in mind when deciding?
Floating point numbers should be used for what they were designed for: computations where what you want is a fixed precision, and you only care that your answer is accurate to within a certain tolerance. If you need an exact answer in all cases, you're best using something else.
Here are three domains where you might use floating point:
Scientific Simulations
Science apps require a lot of number crunching, and often use sophisticated numerical methods to solve systems of differential equations. You're typically talking double-precision floating point here.
Think of games as a simulation where it's ok to cheat. If the physics is "good enough" to seem real then it's ok for games, and you can make up in user experience what you're missing in terms of accuracy. Games usually use single-precision floating point.
Like science apps, statistical methods need a lot of floating point. A lot of the numerical methods are the same; the application domain is just different. You find a lot of statistics and monte carlo simulations in financial applications and in any field where you're analyzing a lot of survey data.
Floating point isn't trivial, and for most business applications you really don't need to know all these subtleties. You're fine just knowing that you can't represent some decimal numbers exactly in floating point, and that you should be sure to use some decimal type for prices and things like that.
If you really want to get into the details and understand all the tradeoffs and pitfalls, check out the classic What Every Programmer Should Know About Floating Point, or pick up a book on Numerical Analysis or Applied Numerical Linear Algebra if you're really adventurous.
I'm guessing you mean "floating point" here. The answer is, basically, any time the quantities involved are approximate, measured, rather than precise; any time the quantities involved are larger than can be conveniently represented precisely on the underlying machine; any time the need for computational speed overwhelms exact precision; and any time the appropriate precision can be maintained without other complexities.
For more details of this, you really need to read a numerical analysis book.
Short story is that if you need exact calculations, DO NOT USE floating point.
Don't use floating point numbers as loop indices: Don't get caught doing:
for ( d = 0.1; d < 1.0; d+=0.1)
{ /* Some Code... */ }
You will be surprised.
Don't use floating point numbers as keys to any sort of map because you can never count on equality behaving like you may expect.
Most real-world quantities are inexact, and typically we know their numeric properties with a lot less precision than a typical floating-point value. In almost all cases, the C types float and double are good enough.
It is necessary to know some of the pitfalls. For example, testing two floating-point numbers for equality is usually not what you want, since all it takes is a single bit of inaccuracy to make the comparison non-equal. tgamblin has provided some good references.
The usual exception is money, which is calculated exactly according to certain conventions that don't translate well to binary representations. Part of this is the constants used: you'll never see a pi% interest rate, or a 22/7% interest rate, but you might well see a 3.14% interest rate. In other words, the numbers used are typically expressed in exact decimal fractions, not all of which are exact binary fractions. Further, the rounding in calculations is governed by conventions that also don't translate well into binary. This makes it extremely difficult to precisely duplicate financial calculations with standard floating point, and therefore people use other methods for them.
It's appropriate to use floating point types when dealing with scientific or statistical calculations. These will invariably only have, say, 3-8 significant digits of accuracy.
As to whether to use single or double precision floating point types, this depends on your need for accuracy and how many significant digits you need. Typically though people just end up using doubles unless they have a good reason not to.
For example if you measure distance or weight or any physical quantity like that the number you come up with isn't exact: it has a certain number of significant digits based on the accuracy of your instruments and your measurements.
For calculations involving anything like this, floating point numbers are appropriate.
Also, if you're dealing with irrational numbers floating point types are appropriate (and really your only choice) eg linear algebra where you deal with square roots a lot.
Money is different because you typically need to be exact and every digit is significant.
I think you should ask the other way around: when should you not use floating point. For most numerical tasks, floating point is the preferred data type, as you can (almost) forget about overflow and other kind of problems typically encountered with integer types.
One way to look at floating point data type is that the precision is independent of the dynamic, that is whether the number is very small of very big (within an acceptable range of course), the number of meaningful digits is approximately the same.
One drawback is that floating point numbers have some surprising properties, like x == x can be False (if x is nan), they do not follow most mathematical rules (distributivity, that is x( y + z) != xy + xz). Depending on the values for z, y, and z, this can matters.
From Wikipedia:
Floating-point arithmetic is at its
best when it is simply being used to
measure real-world quantities over a
wide range of scales (such as the
orbital period of Io or the mass of
the proton), and at its worst when it
is expected to model the interactions
of quantities expressed as decimal
strings that are expected to be exact.
Floating point is fast but inexact. If that is an acceptable trade off, use floating point.
