Google analytics for web widget - google-analytics

I have developed a web widget which is a bootstrap modal.This can be implement any HTML website.Widget has basically youtube videos. I need to track user interactions on this widget. How can I do it with google analytics? or is there any better way to do it?
Thank you.

Just to install your Analytics tracking code (and eventual events) in the web app as you would in a website.


Can I add or embed google analytics behavior flow report to my website?

I want to add google analytics Behavior Flow reports(embedded or from api) to my website. Is it possible ?
No you can not take the Google Analytics dashboard and display it on another website. The best option is to use the Embedded API.

Tracking embed Facebook video on GTM

I am trying to track embedded Facebook video in my website using Google Tag Manager. How do I proceed to track it? Not able to find any solution from the website.
Thank You.

google analytic technical: gif request & options for web apps

I want to build own analytic platform base on google analytic (GA).
So I had a quick investigation on GA.
But I have some misunderstand below:
In the website and web apps field, google analytic give three options: gtag.js, analytic.js, AMP HTML. But I don't know what will I choose whichever. or could you help me point out the case that we will use for each option?
I tried to follow gtag.js, debug and realize that google analytic send a gif request to post data to google analytic server. I think they use this way to avoid cross-domain Ajax. But the question is how they send data to google server by Android/IOS sdk? They still used gif request or normal restful api.
If anyone know or have idea please help and sharing to me.
Thanks in advance
gtag.js (global tag) is the current version of Google tracking code - "global" because it aims to provide a unified tracking code for Analytics, Adwords, and other Google products.
With the release of the gtag libary analytics.js is now the legacy version of the Google Analytics Javascript tracker, so currently most available information refers to that. However if you are getting started with Analytics you probably should use the current version.
AMP are accelerated mobile pages, a special format with reduced markup and scripting options that is cached on and delivered from Google servers (you relinquish control over your pages in favour of faster delivery, basically). If you have to ask what this is then you are not using it, and do not need this type of tracking code.
If you use Google Analytics in a mobile website you'd use the Javascript tracker and that will indeed return a gif.
If you want to track a native App you would, these days, use Google Analytics for Firebase which comes with it's own SDK. You would implement Firebase in your App and then connect the Firebase project to a mobile property in GA.

How to use Google Analytics on my embeddable widget?

I'm providing a simple embeddable js widget that people can put on their site.
I'd like to track impressions and behavior.
What's the right way to integrate Google Analytics on this widget?
Most likely the host page will already have Google Analytics so I shouldn't interfere with it, and the events should be sent to my own GA account.
I have the similar needs to elado, thanks for your post.
This was my recent post
Hope that its possible to simply track interactions on my widget, not concerned about the host site or blog statistics.

Is it possible to display Google Analytics reporting interface in an IFRAME?

Has anyone had much luck in embedding the Google Analytics reporting interface in an IFRAME?
We'd like to add an "Analytics" tab to our CMS which displays the Google Analytics for each specific page. So, the user could view a page in the CMS, and see the analytics for that page right in the interface.
We have everything worked out, and we're bringing up the correct URL in the IFRAME. We get the Google login page, but when we log in, Google "busts" the IFRAME and loads the analytics page in the full window.
Is there anyway to keep Google Analytics reporting interface in an IFRAME?
Why not use the Google Analytics Data Export API to access the data and build your own reports?
It's not possible to IFRAME Google Analytics.
A work around to this is to build a chrome extension and append your codes/page into analytics site via content_scripts to put some "toolbar" on top or to do some modifications you want.
This is what I'm doing at the moment, sorry that I couldn't share the chrome extension code at the moment.
