with ggplot in R - r

I need little help. I try to do plot with ggplot package. When I want to make plot, depends of more than 1 factor (for example here: plot changes when średnia1 and odchylenie1 change):
alpha = 0.05
N = 100
sample_l = 10
srednia1 = seq(-7, 7, by = 1)
odchylenie1 = seq(1, 10, by = 1)
srednia2 = 2
odchylenie2 = 2
prob = 0.7
params = expand.grid(sample_l, srednia1, odchylenie1, srednia2, odchylenie2, prob)
names(params) = c("dlugość", "średnia1", "odchylenie1", "średnia2", "odchyelnie2", "prawdopodobienstwo")
now <- Sys.time()
powers <- sapply(1:nrow(params), function(p){
l <- params[p, 1]
par_1 <- c(params[p, 2],params[p, 3])
par_2 <- c(params[p, 4], params[p, 5])
p <- params[p,6]
p_sim <-sapply(rep(l, N), function(x){
my_sample <- rmix(l,"norm", par_1, "norm", par_2, p)
mean(p_sim < alpha)
Sys.time() - now
power_df <- bind_cols(params, power = powers)
power_df %>% ggplot(aes(x = średnia1,
y = power,
col = factor(odchylenie1))) +
it work perfect, but now, when I want to make plot only depends of 1 factor - prob something goes wrong. I have error : Error: Aesthetics must be either length 1 or the same as the data (150): x, y. Here is a code:
alpha = 0.05
N = 100
sample_l = 10
srednia1 = 2
odchylenie1 = 2
srednia2 = 1
odchylenie2 = 1
prob = seq(0.1,0.9,by=0.1)
now <- Sys.time()
powers <- sapply(1:nrow(params), function(p){
l <- params[p, 1]
par_1 <- c(params[p, 2],params[p, 3])
par_2 <- c(params[p, 4], params[p, 5])
p <- params[p,6]
p_sim <-sapply(rep(l, N), function(x){
my_sample <- rmix(l,"norm", par_1, "norm", par_2, p)
mean(p_sim < alpha)
Sys.time() - now
power_df <- bind_cols(params, power = powers)
power_df %>% ggplot(aes(x = prob, y = power)) + geom_line()


Residual plots of a regression model in ggplot2

I'm trying to transform two residual plots performed below into ggplot2.
As a description, in order to perform these graphs, it is necessary to previously define some functions associated with the specifics of the class of the adopted model, which I am providing below.
The model is in the fit argument whose data is from the nlme library, and the graphs are plotted at the end of the code using the qqPlot2 function.
rm(list = ls()); cat('\014')
extract.lmeDesign2 <- function(m){
start.level = 1
data <- getData(m)
grps <- nlme::getGroups(m)
n <- length(grps)
X <- list()
grp.dims <- m$dims$ncol
Zt <- model.matrix(m$modelStruct$reStruct, data)
cov <- as.matrix(m$modelStruct$reStruct)
i.col <- 1
n.levels <- length(m$groups)
Z <- matrix(0, n, 0)
if (start.level <= n.levels) {
for (i in 1:(n.levels - start.level + 1)) {
if (length(levels(m$groups[[n.levels - i + 1]])) != 1)
X[[1]] <- model.matrix(~m$groups[[n.levels - i +
1]] - 1,
contrasts.arg = c("contr.treatment",
else X[[1]] <- matrix(1, n, 1)
X[[2]] <- as.matrix(Zt[, i.col:(i.col + grp.dims[i] -
i.col <- i.col + grp.dims[i]
Z <- cbind(mgcv::tensor.prod.model.matrix(X),Z)
Vr <- matrix(0, ncol(Z), ncol(Z))
start <- 1
for (i in 1:(n.levels - start.level + 1)) {
k <- n.levels - i + 1
for (j in 1:m$dims$ngrps[i]) {
stop <- start + ncol(cov[[k]]) - 1
Vr[ncol(Z) + 1 - (stop:start),ncol(Z) + 1 - (stop:start)] <- cov[[k]]
start <- stop + 1
X <- if (class(m$call$fixed) == "name" && !is.null(m$data$X)) {
} else {
y <- as.vector(matrix(m$residuals, ncol = NCOL(m$residuals))[,NCOL(m$residuals)] +
matrix(m$fitted, ncol = NCOL(m$fitted))[,NCOL(m$fitted)])
Vr = Vr,
X = X,
Z = Z,
sigmasq = m$sigma ^ 2,
lambda = unique(diag(Vr)),
y = y,
k = n.levels
fit = lme(distance ~ age, method="REML",data = Orthodont)
data.fit <- extract.lmeDesign2(fit)
data <- getData(fit)
y <- data.fit$y
X <- data.fit$X
N <- length(y)
id <- sort(as.numeric(getGroups(fit, level = 1)), index.return = TRUE)$x
n <- length(as.numeric(names(table(id))))
vecni <- (table(id))
p <- ncol(X)
n.levels <- length(fit$groups)
start.level <- 1
Cgrps <- nlme::getGroups(fit, level = start.level)
CCind <- levels((Cgrps))
sigma2 <- fit$sigma^2
obs <- numeric()
for (i in 1:n)
obs <- append(obs,1:vecni[i])
if (n.levels > 1) {
lZi <- list()
lgi <- list()
numrow <- numeric()
mgroups <- fit$groups
for (n in 1:length(CCind)) {
dgi <- data.frame(as.matrix(mgroups[mgroups == CCind[n], ]))
nrowzi <- dim(dgi)[1]
ncolzi <- 0
girep <- as.numeric(length(levels(dgi[,1])))
for (k in 2:n.levels) {
girep <- c(girep,as.numeric(length(levels(dgi[,k]))))
for (k in 1:n.levels) {
ncolzi <- ncolzi + as.numeric(length(levels(dgi[,k])))
auxi <- as.vector(table(dgi[,1]))
for (i in 2:n.levels) {
auxi <- c(auxi,as.vector(table(dgi[,i])))
l <- 1
Zi <- matrix(0,nrowzi,ncolzi)
for (j in 1:ncolzi) {
Zi[l:(l + auxi[j] - 1),j] <- rep(1,auxi[j])
l <- l + auxi[j]
if (l == (nrowzi + 1)) l <- 1
lZi[[n]] <- Zi
numrow[n] <- dim(Zi)[1]
comp.var <- as.matrix(fit1$modelStruct$reStruct)
auxg <- rep(as.numeric(comp.var[1])*sigma2,girep[1])
for (i in 2:length(girep)) {
auxg <- c(auxg,rep(as.numeric(comp.var[i])*sigma2,girep[i]))
lgi[[n]] <- diag(auxg)
q <- dim(lgi[[1]])[1]
for (h in 2:length(CCind)) {
q <- c(q,dim(lgi[[h]])[1])
Z <- lZi[[1]]
for (k in 2:length(CCind)) {
Z <- bdiag(Z,(lZi[[k]]))
Z <- as.matrix(Z)
nrowZi <- lZi[[1]]
for (h in 2:length(CCind)) {
nrowZi <- c(nrowZi,dim(lZi[[h]])[1])
Gam <- lgi[[1]]
for (k in 2:length(CCind)) {
Gam <- bdiag(Gam,(lgi[[k]]))
Gam <- as.matrix(Gam)
mataux <- model.matrix(fit$modelStruct$reStruct,data)
mataux <- as.data.frame(cbind(mataux,id))
lZi <- list()
lgi <- list()
for (i in (as.numeric(unique(id)))) {
lZi[[i]] <- as.matrix((subset(split(mataux,id == i,
drop = T)$`TRUE`,select = -id)))
lgi[[i]] <- getVarCov(fit,type = "random.effects")
Z <- as.matrix(bdiag(lZi))
g <- getVarCov(fit,type = "random.effects")
q <- dim(g)[1]
Gam <- as.matrix(kronecker(diag(length(as.numeric(unique(id)))),g))
if (n.levels > 1) {
if (!inherits(fit, "lme"))
stop("object does not appear to be of class lme")
grps <- nlme::getGroups(fit)
n <- length(grps)
n.levels <- length(fit$groups)
if (is.null(fit$modelStruct$corStruct))
n.corlevels <- 0
else n.corlevels <- length(all.vars(nlme::getGroupsFormula(fit$modelStruct$corStruct)))
if (n.levels < n.corlevels) {
vnames <- all.vars(nlme::getGroupsFormula(fit$modelStruct$corStruct))
lab <- paste(eval(parse(text = vnames[1]), envir = fit$data))
if (length(vnames) > 1)
for (i in 2:length(vnames)) {
lab <- paste(lab, "/", eval(parse(text = vnames[i]),
envir = fit$data), sep = "")
grps <- factor(lab)
if (n.levels >= start.level || n.corlevels >= start.level) {
if (n.levels >= start.level)
Cgrps <- nlme::getGroups(fit, level = start.level)
else Cgrps <- grps
Cind <- sort(as.numeric(Cgrps), index.return = TRUE)$ix
rCind <- 1:n
rCind[Cind] <- 1:n
Clevel <- levels(Cgrps)
n.cg <- length(Clevel)
size.cg <- array(0, n.cg)
for (i in 1:n.cg) size.cg[i] <- sum(Cgrps == Clevel[i])
else {
n.cg <- 1
Cind <- 1:n
if (is.null(fit$modelStruct$varStruct))
w <- rep(fit$sigma, n)
else {
w <- 1/nlme::varWeights(fit$modelStruct$varStruct)
group.name <- names(fit$groups)
order.txt <- paste("ind<-order(data[[\"", group.name[1],
"\"]]", sep = "")
if (length(fit$groups) > 1)
for (i in 2:length(fit$groups)) order.txt <- paste(order.txt,
",data[[\"", group.name[i], "\"]]", sep = "")
order.txt <- paste(order.txt, ")")
eval(parse(text = order.txt))
w[ind] <- w
w <- w * fit$sigma
w <- w[Cind]
if (is.null(fit$modelStruct$corStruct))
lR <- array(1, n)
else {
c.m <- nlme::corMatrix(fit$modelStruct$corStruct)
if (!is.list(c.m)) {
lR <- c.m
lR <- lR[Cind, ]
lR <- lR[, Cind]
else {
lR <- list()
ind <- list()
for (i in 1:n.cg) {
lR[[i]] <- matrix(0, size.cg[i], size.cg[i])
ind[[i]] <- 1:size.cg[i]
Roff <- cumsum(c(1, size.cg))
gr.name <- names(c.m)
n.g <- length(c.m)
j0 <- rep(1, n.cg)
ii <- 1:n
for (i in 1:n.g) {
Clev <- unique(Cgrps[grps == gr.name[i]])
if (length(Clev) > 1)
stop("inner groupings not nested in outer!!")
k <- (1:n.cg)[Clevel == Clev]
j1 <- j0[k] + nrow(c.m[[i]]) - 1
lR[[k]][j0[k]:j1, j0[k]:j1] <- c.m[[i]]
ind1 <- ii[grps == gr.name[i]]
ind2 <- rCind[ind1]
ind[[k]][j0[k]:j1] <- ind2 - Roff[k] + 1
j0[k] <- j1 + 1
for (k in 1:n.cg) {
lR[[k]][ind[[k]], ] <- lR[[k]]
lR[[k]][, ind[[k]]] <- lR[[k]]
if (is.list(lR)) {
for (i in 1:n.cg) {
wi <- w[Roff[i]:(Roff[i] + size.cg[i] - 1)]
lR[[i]] <- as.vector(wi) * t(as.vector(wi) * lR[[i]])
else if (is.matrix(lR)) {
lR <- as.vector(w) * t(as.vector(w) * lR)
else {
lR <- w^2 * lR
if (is.list(lR)) {
R <- lR[[1]]
for (k in 2:n.cg) {
R <- bdiag(R,lR[[k]])
R <- as.matrix(R)
R <- diag(lR)
R <- getVarCov(fit,type = "conditional",individual = 1)[[1]]
for (i in 2:length(as.numeric(unique(id)))) {
R <- as.matrix(bdiag(R,getVarCov(fit,
type = "conditional",individual = i)[[1]] ) )
sqrt.matrix <- function(mat) {
mat <- as.matrix(mat)
singular_dec <- svd(mat,LINPACK = F)
U <- singular_dec$u
V <- singular_dec$v
D <- diag(singular_dec$d)
sqrtmatrix <- U %*% sqrt(D) %*% t(V)
V <- (Z %*% Gam %*% t(Z)) + R
iV <- solve(V)
varbeta <- solve((t(X) %*% iV %*% X))
Q <- (iV - iV %*% X %*% (varbeta) %*% t(X) %*% iV )
zq <- t(Z) %*% Q
norm.frob.ZtQ <- sum(diag(zq %*% t(zq)))
eblue <- as.vector(fixef(fit))
eblup <- Gam %*% t(Z) %*% iV %*% (y - X %*% eblue)
predm <- X %*% eblue
predi <- X %*% eblue + Z %*% eblup
resm <- (y - predm)
resc <- (y - predi)
var.resm <- V - X %*% solve(t(X) %*% iV %*% X) %*% t(X)
var.resc <- R %*% Q %*% R
ident <- diag(N)
auxnum <- (R %*% Q %*% Z %*% Gam %*% t(Z) %*% Q %*% R)
auxden <- R %*% Q %*% R
CF <- diag(auxnum)/diag(auxden)
rescp <- resc/sqrt(diag(var.resc))
R.half <- sqrt.matrix(R)
auxqn <- eigen((R.half %*% Q %*% R.half), symmetric = T, only.values = FALSE)
lt <- sqrt(solve(diag((auxqn$values[1:(N-p)])))) %*% t(auxqn$vectors[1:N,1:(N-p)]) %*% solve(sqrt.matrix(R[1:N,1:N]))
var.resmcp <- lt %*% var.resc[1:N,1:N] %*% t(lt)
resmcp <- (lt %*% resc[1:N] )/sqrt(diag(var.resmcp))
if (n.levels > 1) {
aux <- Gam %*% t(Z) %*% Q %*% Z %*% Gam
qm <- q - 1
dm <- matrix(0,length(CCind),1)
gbi <- aux[1:(q[1]),(1:q[1])]
eblupi <- eblup[1:(q[1]),]
dmi <- t(eblupi) %*% ginv(gbi) %*% eblupi
dm[1] <- dmi
for (j in 2:length(CCind)) {
gbi <- aux[((j - 1)*q[(j - 1)] + 1 ):(q[j] + q[(j - 1)]),((j - 1)*q[(j - 1)] + 1 ):(q[j] + q[(j - 1)])]
eblupi <- eblup[((j - 1)*q[(j - 1)] + 1 ):(q[j] + q[(j - 1)]),]
dmi <- t(eblupi) %*% ginv(gbi) %*% eblupi
dm[j] <- dmi
aux <- Gam %*% t(Z) %*% Q %*% Z %*% Gam
qm <- q - 1
dm <- matrix(0,n,1)
for (j in 1:length(CCind))
if (q == 1)
gbi <- aux[j,j]
eblupi <- eblup[(q*j - qm):(q*j)]
dmi <- t(eblupi) %*% ginv(gbi) %*% eblupi
dm[j] <- dmi
gbi <- aux[(q*j - qm):(q*j),(q*j - qm):(q*j)]
eblupi <- eblup[(q*j - qm):(q*j)]
dmi <- t(eblupi) %*% ginv(gbi) %*% eblupi
dm[j] <- dmi
qqPlot2 <- function(x, distribution="norm", ..., ylab=deparse(substitute(x)),
xlab=paste(distribution, "quantiles"), main = NULL,
las = par("las"),
envelope = .95,
col = palette()[1],
col.lines = palette()[2], lwd = 2, pch = 1, cex = par("cex"),
cex.lab = par("cex.lab"), cex.axis = par("cex.axis"),
line = c("quartiles", "robust", "none"),
labels = if (!is.null(names(x))) names(x) else seq(along = x),
id.method = "y",
id.n = if (id.method[1] == "identify") Inf else 0,
id.cex = 1, id.col=palette()[1], grid = TRUE)
line <- match.arg(line)
good <- !is.na(x)
ord <- order(x[good])
ord.x <- x[good][ord]
ord.lab <- labels[good][ord]
q.function <- eval(parse(text = paste("q", distribution, sep = "")))
d.function <- eval(parse(text = paste("d", distribution, sep = "")))
n <- length(ord.x)
P <- ppoints(n)
z <- q.function(P, ...)
plot(z, ord.x, type = "n", xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab, main = main,
las = las,cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (grid) {
grid(lty = 1, equilogs = FALSE)
points(z, ord.x, col = col, pch = pch, cex = cex)
if (line == "quartiles" || line == "none") {
Q.x <- quantile(ord.x, c(.25,.75))
Q.z <- q.function(c(.25,.75), ...)
b <- (Q.x[2] - Q.x[1])/(Q.z[2] - Q.z[1])
a <- Q.x[1] - b*Q.z[1]
abline(a, b, col = col.lines, lwd = lwd)
if (line == "robust") {
coef <- coef(rlm(ord.x ~ z))
a <- coef[1]
b <- coef[2]
abline(a, b)
conf <- if (envelope == FALSE) .95 else envelope
zz <- qnorm(1 - (1 - conf)/2)
SE <- (b/d.function(z, ...))*sqrt(P*(1 - P)/n)
fit.value <- a + b*z
upper <- fit.value + zz*SE
lower <- fit.value - zz*SE
if (envelope != FALSE) {
lines(z, upper, lty = 2, lwd = lwd, col = col.lines)
lines(z, lower, lty = 2, lwd = lwd, col = col.lines)
qqPlot2(resmcp, ylab = "Resíduos",
xlab = "Quantil N(0,1)", pch = 20)
qqPlot2(dm, distribution = 'chisq', df = q, pch = 20,
ylab = expression(paste("Quantis de Mahalanobis")),
xlab = "Quantis da Qui-quadrado")
My attempt to reproduce them in ggplot2 was as follows:
P1 = qqPlot2(resmcp, ylab = "Resíduos",
xlab = "Quantil N(0,1)", pch = 20)
PP1 = ggplot(data = P1, aes(resmcp)) +
geom_point(aes(y = resmcp), show.legend = FALSE)
P2 = qqPlot2(dm, distribution = 'chisq', df = q, pch = 20,
ylab = expression(paste("Quantis de Mahalanobis")),
xlab = "Quantis da Qui-quadrado")
PP2 = ggplot(data = P2, aes(dm)) +
geom_point(aes(y = dm), show.legend = FALSE)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(PP1,PP2, ncol = 2)
However, something is happening, as I have gotten the following result:
See my attempt below for the quantile mahalanobis distance graph vs. chi-square quantiles:
gVals <- function(y, dist, conf){ # distribution; confidence interval
y <- sort(y) # make sure they're in order
p <- ppoints(length(y))
if(dist == "chisq") {
zi <- qchisq(p, df = length(p) - 1)
zd <- dchisq(zi, df = length(p) - 1)
qz <- qchisq(c(.25, .75), length(p) - 1)
} else {
zi <- qnorm(p)
zd <- dnorm(zi)
qz <- qnorm(c(.25, .75))
# if quartiles preferred
qx <- quantile(y, c(.25, .75))
b <- (qx[2] - qx[1]) / (qz[2] - qz[1])
a <- qx[1] - b * qz[1]
# if robust preferred
# coef <- coef(rlm(y~zi))
# a <- coef[1]
# b <- coef[2]
z <- qnorm(1 - (1 - conf)/2) # z = 1.96 for 95%...
se <- (b / zd) * sqrt(p * (1 - p)/length(p))
ft <- a + b * zi
uc <- ft + z * se
dc <- ft - z * se
dff = data.frame(z = zi, y = y, uc = uc, dc = dc)
list(a = a, b = b, dff = dff) # returns intercept, slope, and data frame
cdf <- gVals(dm, "chisq", .95) # dm is defined in the previous code above
ggplot(cdf$dff, aes(x = z, y = y)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(intercept = cdf$a[[1]], slope = cdf$b[[1]]) +
annotate("line", x = cdf$dff$z, y = cdf$dff$uc, color = "red", lty = 2) +
annotate("line", x = cdf$dff$z, y = cdf$dff$dc, color = "red", lty = 2)
Note that the x axis should go from 0 to 8, and the y axis should go from 0 to 14. Also, the shape of the simulation envelope is not similar. I am not able to fix this problem.
Instead of having the code for the option quartile commented out, I have commented out the code for the option robust in the function. Additionally, instead of returning a data frame, it returns a list. FYI, you only need the MASS package if you use the robust option (for the function rlm).
This function is based on the code used in qqPlot2 in your question. However, it doesn't return a plot; it returns data.
gVals <- function(y, dist, conf){ # distribution; confidence interval
y <- sort(y) # make sure they're in order
p <- ppoints(length(y))
if(dist == "chisq") {
zi <- qchisq(p, df = length(p) - 1)
zd <- dchisq(zi, df = length(p) - 1)
qz <- qchisq(c(.25, .75), length(p) - 1)
} else {
zi <- qnorm(p)
zd <- dnorm(zi)
qz <- qnorm(c(.25, .75))
# if quartiles preferred
qx <- quantile(y, c(.25, .75))
b <- (qx[2] - qx[1]) / (qz[2] - qz[1])
a <- qx[1] - b * qz[1]
# if robust preferred
# coef <- coef(rlm(y~zi))
# a <- coef[1]
# b <- coef[2]
z <- qnorm(1 - (1 - conf)/2) # z = 1.96 for 95%...
se <- (b / zd) * sqrt(p * (1 - p)/length(p))
ft <- a + b * zi
uc <- ft + z * se
dc <- ft - z * se
dff = data.frame(z = zi, y = y, uc = uc, dc = dc)
list(a = a, b = b, dff = dff) # returns intercept, slope, and data frame
Here is a comparison with some arbitrary data.
qqPlot2(mtcars$mpg, dist = "chisq", df = 31)
ndf <- gVals(mtcars$mpg, "norm", .95)
ggplot(ndf$dff, aes(x = z, y = y)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(intercept = ndf$a[[1]], slope = ndf$b[[1]]) +
annotate("line", x = ndf$dff$z, y = ndf$dff$uc, color = "red", lty = 2) +
annotate("line", x = ndf$dff$z, y = ndf$dff$dc, color = "red", lty = 2)
cdf <- gVals(mtcars$mpg, "chisq", .95)
ggplot(cdf$dff, aes(x = z, y = y)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(intercept = cdf$a[[1]], slope = cdf$b[[1]]) +
annotate("line", x = cdf$dff$z, y = cdf$dff$uc, color = "red", lty = 2) +
annotate("line", x = cdf$dff$z, y = cdf$dff$dc, color = "red", lty = 2)
I managed to solve it through the library qqplotr.
dist <- "chisq"
dpar <- list(df = q)
QT <- data.frame(QUANTIS = dm); ggplot(QT, aes(sample = QUANTIS)) +
stat_qq_band(distribution = dist, dparams = dpar) +
stat_qq_point(distribution = dist, dparams = dpar) +
stat_qq_line(distribution = dist, dparams = dpar, color = "blue");
qqPlot2(dm, distribution = 'chisq', df = q, pch = 20,
ylab = expression(paste("Quantis de Mahalanobis")),
xlab = "Quantis da Qui-quadrado")

Solving for an input value of an R function

In my attached R function, I was wondering how to solve for mdes (suppose it is unknown) which is currently one of the input values IF everything else is known?
Is it also possible to solve for mdes and power (both currently input values) IF everything else is known?
foo <- function(A = 200, As = 15, B = 100,Bs = 10,iccmax = 0.15,mdes = .25,SD = 1.2,power = 80)
tail <- 2
alpha <- 5
inv_d <- function(mdes) {
c(mean_dif = 1, Vmax = 2/mdes^2)
SDr <- 1/SD
pars <- inv_d(mdes)
mean_dif <- pars[[1]]
Vmax <- pars[[2]]
zbeta <- qnorm((power/100))
zalpha <- qnorm(1-(alpha/(100*tail)))
maxvarmean_difhat <- (mean_dif / (zbeta + zalpha))**2
ntreat <- sqrt((A/As)*((1-iccmax)/iccmax))
ncont <- sqrt((B/Bs)*((1-iccmax)/iccmax))
costpertreatcluster <- A + (As*ntreat)
costperconcluster <- B + (Bs*ncont)
gtreat <- (sqrt(A*iccmax) + sqrt(As*(1-iccmax)))**2
gcon <- (sqrt(B*iccmax) + sqrt(Bs*(1-iccmax)))**2
pratio <- sqrt(gtreat/gcon)
budgetratio <- 99999
budgetratio <- ifelse( ((pratio <= SD) & (pratio >= SDr)), pratio**2, ifelse((pratio > SD), pratio*SD, pratio*SDr))
fraction <- budgetratio/(1 + budgetratio)
mmvnumer <- 99999
mmvnumer <- ifelse( ((pratio <= SD) & (pratio >= SDr)),
ifelse((pratio > SD),
gcon*Vmax*(((pratio*SDr)+1)**2/((SDr**2) + 1))) )
budget <- mmvnumer/maxvarmean_difhat
treatbudget <- fraction*budget
conbudget <- (1-fraction)*budget
ktreat <- treatbudget/costpertreatcluster
kcont <- conbudget/costperconcluster
ktreatrup <- ceiling(ktreat)
kcontrup <- ceiling(kcont)
ktreatplus <- ifelse(pmin(ktreatrup,kcontrup) < 8, ktreatrup + 3, ktreatrup + 2)
kcontplus <- ifelse(pmin(ktreatrup,kcontrup) < 8, kcontrup + 3, kcontrup + 2)
budgetplus <- (ktreatplus*costpertreatcluster) + (kcontplus*costperconcluster)
return(c(ncont = ncont, kcont = kcontplus,
ntreat = ntreat, ktreat = ktreatplus, budget = budgetplus))
ncont kcont ntreat ktreat budget
7.527727 73.000000 8.692270 62.000000 33279.051347
Define a function of one variable as
p0 = foo()
fn1 = function(x) sum((foo(mdes=x) - p0)^2)
and find a minimum that should be 0, and which corresponds to your mdes = 0.25 input!
optimize(fn1, c(0.0, 1.0))
## $minimum
## [1] 0.2497695
## $objective
## [1] 0
For two variables, this is more difficult, as the function has many local minima and is ill-defined outside certain regions. Applying optim() you will need well-chosen starting points.

How to fix Object(...) not found while it is declared in R

I am trying to take a derivative of a double sum function. I am running into this error:
Error in deriv.f.1(X = X.data, y = y.vec, alpha = alpha.vector[1, ]) :
object 'L_D_grad' not found
I have tried to move the {} brackets around, double check if I missed a closing/opening bracket, if I have extra opening/closing bracket. However, the error still exists.
# Generate Sample Data
gen.sample <- function(n){
x <- rnorm(n,5,10)
y <- ifelse(x < 2.843,1,-1)
deriv.f.1 <- function(X,y,alpha){
N <- length(X)
L_D_grad < numeric(N)
xy.alpha.sum <- numeric(N)
for(k in 1:N){
for(l in 1:N){
if(l == k){
xy.alpha.sum[l] = 0}
xy.alpha.sum[l] <- alpha[l]*y[k]*y[l]*X[k]*X[l]}
L_D_grad[k] <- 1 - sum(xy.alpha.sum) - alpha[k]*(y[k])^2*(X[k])^2
## Illustration
options(digits = 4,scipen = -4)
sample.data <- gen.sample(n=N)
X.data <- sample.data$x
y.vec <- sample.data$y
alpha.vector <- matrix(rep(seq(from=-5,to = 5, length.out = N),N*N),
ncol = N, nrow = N, byrow = TRUE)
alpha_vec <- alpha.vector[1,]
deriv.f.1(X = X.data, y = y.vec, alpha = alpha_vec)
Thanks in advance!
Here is my code:
# Generate Sample Data
gen.sample <- function(n){
x <- rnorm(n,5,10)
y <- ifelse(x < 2.843,1,-1)
deriv.f.1 <- function(X,y,alpha){
N <- length(X)
L_D_grad <- numeric(N)
xy.alpha.sum <- numeric(N)
for(k in 1:N){
for(l in 1:N){
if(l == k){
xy.alpha.sum[l] = 0}
xy.alpha.sum[l] <- alpha[l]*y[k]*y[l]*X[k]*X[l]}
L_D_grad[k] <- 1 - sum(xy.alpha.sum) - alpha[k]*(y[k])^2*(X[k])^2
## Illustration
options(digits = 4,scipen = -4)
sample.data <- gen.sample(n=N)
X.data <- sample.data$x
y.vec <- sample.data$y
alpha.vector <- matrix(rep(seq(from=-5,to = 5, length.out = N),N*N),
ncol = N, nrow = N, byrow = TRUE)
alpha_vec <- alpha.vector[1,]
deriv.f.1(X = X.data, y = y.vec, alpha = alpha_vec)
#x y
#1 -5.303e+00 1
#2 1.493e+01 -1
#3 9.797e+00 -1
#4 1.991e+01 -1
#5 -1.454e+01 1
#6 1.423e+01 -1
#7 1.025e+01 -1
#8 5.455e+00 -1
#9 3.719e+00 -1
#10 2.021e+01 -1
And deriv.f.1(X = X.data, y = y.vec, alpha = alpha_vec)
# -1.271e+01 -3.759e+01 -2.432e+01 -5.046e+01 -3.659e+01 -3.577e+01 -2.548e+01 -1.310e+01
# -8.612e+00 -5.123e+01
I made two changes:
Assign N a value: N=10
Correct assignment form L_D_grad: L_D_grad <- numeric(N)

How do I speed up my function, specifically the ggplot commands?

I put together a function to identify outliers. It takes a dataframe and then shows plots of the data with lines to indicate potential outliers. It'll give a table with outliers marked, too.
But, it is SLOOOW. The problem is it takes a really long time for the plots to load.
I was curious if you might have advice on how to speed this up.
Related: Is the default plotting system faster than ggplot?
I'll start with the dependencies
#These next four functions are not mine. They're used in GetOutliers()
ExtractDetails <- function(x, down, up){
outClass <- rep("N", length(x))
indexLo <- which(x < down)
indexHi <- which(x > up)
outClass[indexLo] <- "L"
outClass[indexHi] <- "U"
index <- union(indexLo, indexHi)
values <- x[index]
outClass <- outClass[index]
nOut <- length(index)
maxNom <- max(x[which(x <= up)])
minNom <- min(x[which(x >= down)])
outList <- list(nOut = nOut, lowLim = down,
upLim = up, minNom = minNom,
maxNom = maxNom, index = index,
values = values,
outClass = outClass)
Hampel <- function(x, t = 3){
mu <- median(x, na.rm = TRUE)
sig <- mad(x, na.rm = TRUE)
if (sig == 0){
message("Hampel identifer implosion: MAD scale estimate is zero")
out <- list(up = up, down = down)
ThreeSigma <- function(x, t = 3){
mu <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
sig <- sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
if (sig == 0){
message("All non-missing x-values are identical")
up<-mu+t* sig
down<-mu-t * sig
out <- list(up = up, down = down)
BoxplotRule <- function(x, t = 1.5){
xL <- quantile(x, na.rm = TRUE, probs = 0.25, names = FALSE)
xU <- quantile(x, na.rm = TRUE, probs = 0.75, names = FALSE)
message("Boxplot rule implosion: interquartile distance is zero")
out <- list(up = up, down = down)
FindOutliers <- function(x, t3 = 3, tH = 3, tb = 1.5){
threeLims <- ThreeSigma(x, t = t3)
HampLims <- Hampel(x, t = tH)
boxLims <- BoxplotRule(x, t = tb)
n <- length(x)
nMiss <- length(which(is.na(x)))
threeList <- ExtractDetails(x, threeLims$down, threeLims$up)
HampList <- ExtractDetails(x, HampLims$down, HampLims$up)
boxList <- ExtractDetails(x, boxLims$down, boxLims$up)
sumFrame <- data.frame(method = "ThreeSigma", n = n,
nMiss = nMiss, nOut = threeList$nOut,
lowLim = threeList$lowLim,
upLim = threeList$upLim,
minNom = threeList$minNom,
maxNom = threeList$maxNom)
upFrame <- data.frame(method = "Hampel", n = n,
nMiss = nMiss, nOut = HampList$nOut,
lowLim = HampList$lowLim,
upLim = HampList$upLim,
minNom = HampList$minNom,
maxNom = HampList$maxNom)
sumFrame <- rbind.data.frame(sumFrame, upFrame)
upFrame <- data.frame(method = "BoxplotRule", n = n,
nMiss = nMiss, nOut = boxList$nOut,
lowLim = boxList$lowLim,
upLim = boxList$upLim,
minNom = boxList$minNom,
maxNom = boxList$maxNom)
sumFrame <- rbind.data.frame(sumFrame, upFrame)
threeFrame <- data.frame(index = threeList$index,
values = threeList$values,
type = threeList$outClass)
HampFrame <- data.frame(index = HampList$index,
values = HampList$values,
type = HampList$outClass)
boxFrame <- data.frame(index = boxList$index,
values = boxList$values,
type = boxList$outClass)
outList <- list(summary = sumFrame, threeSigma = threeFrame,
Hampel = HampFrame, boxplotRule = boxFrame)
#strip non-numeric variables out of a dataframe
num_vars <- function(df){
X <- which(sapply(df, is.numeric))
num_vars <- df[names(X)]
This is the function
GetOutliers <- function(df){
#strip out the non-numeric columns
df_out <- num_vars(df)
#initialize the data frame
df_out$Hampel <- NA
df_out$threeSigma <- NA
df_out$boxplotRule <- NA
df_out_id <- df_out
#identify outliers for each column
for (i in 1:length(names(num_vars(df)))){
#find the outliers
Outs <- FindOutliers(df_out[[i]])
OutsSum <- Outs$summary
#re-enter the outlier status
df_out$Hampel <- NA
df_out$threeSigma <- NA
df_out$boxplotRule <- NA
ifelse(is.na(Outs$Hampel), print(), df_out[unlist(Outs$Hampel[1]),]$Hampel <- TRUE)
ifelse(is.na(Outs$threeSigma), print(), df_out[unlist(Outs$threeSigma[1]),]$threeSigma <- TRUE)
ifelse(is.na(Outs$boxplotRule), print(), df_out[unlist(Outs$boxplotRule[1]),]$boxplotRule <- TRUE)
#visualize the outliers and print outlier information
Temp <- df_out
A <- colnames(Temp)[i]
AA <- paste(A,"Index")
colnames(Temp)[i] <- 'curr_column'
#table with outlier status
X <- arrange(subset(Temp,Hampel == TRUE | boxplotRule == TRUE | threeSigma == TRUE), desc(curr_column))
#scatterplot with labels
Y <- ggplot(Temp,aes(seq_along(curr_column),curr_column)) + geom_point() +
geom_hline(yintercept=OutsSum$lowLim[1],linetype = 'dashed') +
geom_hline(yintercept=OutsSum$lowLim[2],linetype = 'dashed') +
geom_hline(yintercept=OutsSum$lowLim[3],linetype = 'dashed') +
geom_hline(yintercept=OutsSum$upLim[1],linetype = 'dashed') +
geom_hline(yintercept=OutsSum$upLim[2],linetype = 'dashed') +
geom_hline(yintercept=OutsSum$upLim[3],linetype = 'dashed') +
geom_text(aes(40,OutsSum$lowLim[1],label="ThreeSigma Lower",vjust=-1)) +
geom_text(aes(40,OutsSum$lowLim[2],label="Hampel Lower",vjust=-1)) +
geom_text(aes(40,OutsSum$lowLim[3],label="Boxplot Lower",vjust=-1)) +
geom_text(aes(40,OutsSum$upLim[1],label="ThreeSigma Upper",vjust=-1)) +
geom_text(aes(40,OutsSum$upLim[2],label="Hampel Upper",vjust=-1)) +
geom_text(aes(40,OutsSum$upLim[3],label="Boxplot Upper",vjust=-1)) +
xlab(AA) + ylab(A)
#scatterplot without labels
Z <- ggplot(Temp,aes(seq_along(curr_column),curr_column)) + geom_point() +
geom_hline(yintercept=OutsSum$lowLim[1],linetype = 'dashed') +
geom_hline(yintercept=OutsSum$lowLim[2],linetype = 'dashed') +
geom_hline(yintercept=OutsSum$lowLim[3],linetype = 'dashed') +
geom_hline(yintercept=OutsSum$upLim[1],linetype = 'dashed') +
geom_hline(yintercept=OutsSum$upLim[2],linetype = 'dashed') +
geom_hline(yintercept=OutsSum$upLim[3],linetype = 'dashed') +
xlab(AA) + ylab(A)
U <- ggplot(Temp,aes(curr_column)) + geom_density() + xlab(A)
#mark the extreme outliers, the rest are reasonable outliers
A <- colnames(df_out_id[i])
Q <- as.numeric(readline(prompt="Enter the index for final Extreme value on the upper limit (if none, enter 0): "))
W <- as.numeric(readline(prompt="Enter the index for first Extreme value on the lower limit (if none, enter 0): "))
col <- df_out_id[i]
df_out_id[i] <- sapply(col[[1]], function(x){
if(Q>1 & x %in% X$curr_column[1:Q]) return('Extreme')
if(W>1 & x %in% X$curr_column[W:length(X$curr_column)]) return('Extreme')
else if (x %in% X$curr_column[Q+1:length(X$curr_column)]) return('Reasonable')
else return('Non-Outlier')
#return a dataframe with outlier status, excluding the outlier ID columns
It'll show you the outliers for each numeric variable.
It'll plot the variable density and then a scatterplot with identifier lines
It will also accept input so you can mark some outliers as reasonable and other as extreme

loop with certain values is not working

I just need help for the first loop! I would like to run the loop for each certain value of m (see first line in code) but its running only for 1:10? The outcome shoud be stored in the last rows msediff1 to msediff100! Also i need the graphics for each value of m!Thanks in advance!
m = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,25,50,100)
for (m in 1:length(unique(m))){
n <- 150
x1 <- rnorm(n = n, mean = 10, sd = 4)
R <- 100 # Number of reps
results.true <- matrix(NA , ncol = 2, nrow = R)
colnames(results.true) <- c("beta0.hat", "beta1.hat")
results.diff <- matrix(NA, ncol = 2, nrow = R)
colnames(results.diff) <- c("beta0.hat", "betadiff.hat")
sigma <- 1.2
beta <- c(1.2)
X <- cbind(x1)
if (m==1){d0 <- .7071; d <- c(-.7071)}
if (m==2){d0 = .8090; d = c(-.5,-.309)}
if (m==3){d0 = .8582; d = c(-.3832,-.2809,-.1942) }
if (m==4){d0 = .8873; d = c(-.3090,-.2464,-.1901,-.1409)}
if (m==5){d0 <- .9064; d <- c(-.2600,-.2167,-.1774,-.1420,-.1103)}
if (m==6){d0 = .92; d = c(-.2238,-.1925,-.1635,-.1369,-.1126,-.0906)}
if (m==7){d0 = .9302; d = c(-.1965,-.1728,-.1506,-.1299,-.1107,-.093,-.0768)}
if (m==8){d0 = .9380; d = c(-.1751,-.1565,-.1389,-.1224,-.1069,-.0925,-.0791,-.0666)}
if (m==9){d0 = .9443; d = c(-.1578,-.1429,-.1287,-.1152,-.1025,-.0905,-.0792,-.0687,-.0538)}
if (m==10){d0 <- .9494;
d <- c(-.1437, -.1314, -.1197, -.1085, -.0978, -.0877, -.0782, -.0691, -.0606, -.0527)}
if (m==25){d0 <- 0.97873;
d <- c(-0.06128, -0.05915, -0.05705, -0.05500, -0.05298, -0.05100, -0.04906, -0.04715, -0.04528, -0.04345, -0.04166, -0.03990, -0.03818, -0.03650, -0.03486, -0.03325, -0.03168, -0.03015, -0.02865, -0.02719,
-0.02577, -0.02438, -0.02303, -0.02171, -0.02043) }
if (m==50) {d0 <- 0.98918;
d <- c(-0.03132, -0.03077, -0.03023, -0.02969, -0.02916, -0.02863, -0.02811, -0.02759, -0.02708, -0.02657, -0.02606, -0.02556, -0.02507, -0.02458, -0.02409, -0.02361, -0.02314, -0.02266, -0.02220, -0.02174, -0.02128, -0.02083, -0.02038, -0.01994, -0.01950, -0.01907, -0.01864, -0.01822, -0.01780, -0.01739,-0.01698,-0.01658,-0.01618,-0.01578,-0.01539,-0.01501,-0.01463,-0.01425,-0.01388,-0.01352,
-0.01316,-0.01280,-0.01245,-0.01210,-0.01176,-0.01142,-0.01108,-0.01075,-0.01043,-0.01011) }
if (m==100) { d0 <- 0.99454083;
d <- c(-0.01583636,-0.01569757,-0.01555936,-0.01542178,-0.01528478,-0.01514841,-0.01501262,-0.01487745,-0.01474289,-0.01460892,
-0.00576864,-0.00568397,-0.00559989,-0.00551638,-0.00543345,-0.00535110,-0.00526933,-0.00518813,-0.00510750,-0.00502745) }
for(r in 1:R){
u <- rnorm(n = n, mean = 0, sd = sigma)
y <- X%*%beta + u
yy = d0* y[(m+1):n]; Xd <- d0* x1[(m+1):n];
for (i in 1:m) { yy <- yy + d[i]* y[(m+1-i):(n-i) ]
Xd = Xd + d[i]* x1[(m+1-i):(n-i)] }
reg.true <- lm(y ~ x1)
reg.diff <- lm(yy ~ Xd)
results.true[r, ] <- coef(reg.true)
results.diff[r, ] <- coef(reg.diff)
apply(results.true, MARGIN = 2, FUN = mean)
apply(results.diff, MARGIN = 2, FUN = mean)
co <- 2
dens.true <- density(results.true[, co])
dens.diff <- density(results.diff[, co])
xlim = range(c(results.true[, co], results.diff[, co])),
ylim = range(c(dens.true$y, dens.diff$yy)),
main = "beta estimation true vs. diff", lwd = 2,)
lines(density(results.diff[, co]), col = "red", lwd = 2)
abline(v = beta, col = "blue", lwd = 2)
legend(x=1.24,y=12,c("outcome true","outcome diff"),lty=c(1,1),col =c("black","red") )
#Mean Squared Error
if (m==1) {msediff1=mean(reg.diff$residuals^2)}
if (m==2) {msediff2=mean(reg.diff$residuals^2)}
if (m==3) {msediff3=mean(reg.diff$residuals^2)}
if (m==4) {msediff4=mean(reg.diff$residuals^2)}
if (m==5) {msediff5=mean(reg.diff$residuals^2)}
if (m==6) {msediff6=mean(reg.diff$residuals^2)}
if (m==7) {msediff7=mean(reg.diff$residuals^2)}
if (m==8) {msediff8=mean(reg.diff$residuals^2)}
if (m==9) {msediff9=mean(reg.diff$residuals^2)}
if (m==10) {msediff10=mean(reg.diff$residuals^2)}
if (m==25) {msediff25=mean(reg.diff$residuals^2)}
if (m==50) {msediff50=mean(reg.diff$residuals^2)}
if (m==100) {msediff100=mean(reg.diff$residuals^2)}
I can see an error in the code.
m = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,25,50,100)
for (m in 1:length(unique(m))){
As soon as the loop starts, m is changed. It's not what's in the first line anymore...
Try, for (ind in 1:length(unique(m))){ if that's not the intention.
