Good day,
I've been looking around for a solution to my problem, but could not find it documented anywhere. Feel free to link to another thread if useful.
I'm building a form on Wordpress using Caldera Forms. In this form, I have a multiselect dropdown for which each selection should show dynamically an extra field. Unfortunately, I cannot load more than one conditional field when selecting multiple values. It will only load the first field populated by the condition of my first selection.
Try it out:
On the "Role" field, select "Software Engineer"
This should populate a "Top Skills" field
On the "Top Skills" field, if you autocomplete ANY of the options, the first condition is met and you will see the right field for it
Selecting more options from the "Top Skills" field should be populating other fields, but instead, it flicks in the view and then only shows the first met conditional field.
Anyone has had this issue? Was there anything special to do on the Conditions tab to make it work as intended?
You may Import this form by importing this JSON:
{"_last_updated":"Sun, 19 Jan 2020 23:23:23 +0000","ID":"CF5e213a11b5adc","cf_version":"1.8.9","name":"Career Matrix","scroll_top":0,"success":"Form has been successfully submitted. Thank you.\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t","db_support":1,"pinned":0,"hide_form":1,"check_honey":1,"avatar_field":"","form_ajax":1,"custom_callback":"","layout_grid":{"fields":{"fld_97450":"1:1","fld_5750655":"1:1","fld_4465116":"1:1","fld_2852708":"1:1"},"structure":"12"},"fields":{"fld_97450":{"ID":"fld_97450","type":"filtered_select2","label":"Top Skills","slug":"your_top_skills_software_engineer","conditions":{"type":"con_9081220263929126"},"required":1,"caption":"Select your top skills.","config":{"custom_class":"","placeholder":"","multi":1,"color":"#5b9dd9","border":"#4b8dc9","default_option":"","auto_type":"","taxonomy":"category","post_type":"post","value_field":"name","orderby_tax":"name","orderby_post":"name","order":"ASC","default":"","show_values":1,"option":{"opt2039319":{"calc_value":"x","value":"x","label":"x"},"opt2036344":{"calc_value":"y","value":"y","label":"y"},"opt2092176":{"calc_value":"z","value":"z","label":"z"}},"email_identifier":0,"personally_identifying":0}},"fld_4465116":{"ID":"fld_4465116","type":"star_rating","label":"z Proficiency","slug":"z_proficiency","conditions":{"type":"con_4202235771498248"},"caption":"Rate your z proficiency","config":{"custom_class":"","default":"","number":5,"type":"star","size":13,"space":3,"color":"#FFAA00","track_color":"#AFAFAF","email_identifier":0,"personally_identifying":0}},"fld_2852708":{"ID":"fld_2852708","type":"star_rating","label":"y Proficiency","slug":"y_proficiency","conditions":{"type":"con_6383484066940033"},"caption":"Rate your y proficiency","config":{"custom_class":"","default":"","number":5,"type":"star","size":13,"space":3,"color":"#FFAA00","track_color":"#AFAFAF","email_identifier":0,"personally_identifying":0}},"fld_5750655":{"ID":"fld_5750655","type":"star_rating","label":"x Proficiency","slug":"x_proficiency","conditions":{"type":"con_5108268722503233"},"caption":"Rate your x proficiency","config":{"custom_class":"","default":"","number":5,"type":"star","size":13,"space":3,"color":"#FFAA00","track_color":"#AFAFAF","email_identifier":0,"personally_identifying":0}}},"page_names":["Page 1"],"mailer":{"on_insert":1,"sender_name":"Caldera Forms Notification","sender_email":"","reply_to":"","email_type":"html","recipients":"","bcc_to":"","email_subject":"Career Matrix","email_message":"{summary}"},"conditional_groups":{"conditions":{"con_5108268722503233":{"id":"con_5108268722503233","name":"SE x Skill","type":"show","fields":{"cl6611176254177354":"fld_97450"},"group":{"rw1073423041345211":{"cl6611176254177354":{"parent":"rw1073423041345211","field":"fld_97450","compare":"is","value":"opt2039319"}}}},"con_6383484066940033":{"id":"con_6383484066940033","name":"SE y Skill","type":"show","fields":{"cl4932869345780543":"fld_97450"},"group":{"rw2445485636298987":{"cl4932869345780543":{"parent":"rw2445485636298987","field":"fld_97450","compare":"is","value":"opt2036344"}}}},"con_4202235771498248":{"id":"con_4202235771498248","name":"SE z Skill","type":"show","group":{"rw3854064841859657":{"cl7317560418250427":{"parent":"rw3854064841859657","field":"fld_97450","compare":"is","value":"opt2092176"}}},"fields":{"cl7317560418250427":"fld_97450"}}}},"settings":{"responsive":{"break_point":"sm"}},"privacy_exporter_enabled":false,"version":"1.8.9","db_id":"19","type":"primary"}
Thank you very much!
I have a scenario where in team leader enter his team members with their name and email id. I want to restrict team size to maximum of 10 team members. I am thinking of using Field Collection module to capture name and email values of team members. What I found is, this module provides "Add more item" button only if I select "Unlimited" in "Number of values" field for this collection. If I select "Number of values" to 10 it show 10 times "Name" and "Email". What I want is, it should show 1 set of "Name" and "Email" field, next to it should be "Add more" button which will show next "Name" and "Email" field set and so on till the count reaches 10(in my case).
Can any one help me with this or suggest me with some other module.
Thank you in advance..
Found solution to my question. Select "Unlimited" in "Number of values" field for field collection and written below code in hook_form_alter. It shows "Add more" 10 times.
if($form_id == 'form_id') {
if (isset($form['field_collection_name']['und']['#max_delta']) && $form['field_collection_name']['und']['#max_delta'] >= 10) {
Seems like this is a perfect scenario for the Webform Add More module. Unless you really need content types for this, would certainly recommend using the Webform. You may need to install the Webform module as a dependency for this which can allow you to quickly create forms you want for this purpose.
Another solution is to use the Custom Add Another module to customise the button text and the benefit is that you can have different text for the button per field per bundle.
I have been creating an order status ASPX page that shows the Date, Carrier, Customer and Tracking Number. The data on this page is generated by a search form where the user can search either via the date or the customer's name. In our SQL Database, for Tracking Number, it only contains the numerical number such as "759102160484401" (Random FedEx Tracking Number). Whenever a search is pulled up I wanted to hyperlink these to the proper tracking papers respectively to each Shipping company. The current output is as follows:
10/8/2012 --- FEDEX --- JAMES FRANCO --- 759102160484401
Now The Problem. We have the current DataNavigateUrlFormatString set to a FedEx url. We would like this to alternate to the UPS link when it detects that the SQL field for Carrier says "UPS". How would I accomplish this? Below is the current line for the Tracking number column for the Tracking.aspx file.
<asp:HyperLinkField DataTextField="TRACKNUM" DataNavigateUrlFields="TRACKNUM" HeaderText="Tracking#" Target="_blank" Text="Tracking#"
HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" />
Hope this is detailed and much appreciated!
In outline form,
Register an event on OnRowDataBound (Same concept for other databinding controls)
Extract from the row the HyperLinkField. Usually using FindControl on the .Row property of the event, or sometimes .Row[x] where x is the index of the cell that holds your control.
Set the DataNavigateUrlFormatString to one string or another depending on what ever lets you know if you need a fedex or ups url.
I'm currently working on an ASP.Net WebForms application that allows a user to select an item from a list, which ultimately results in a SSRS report being shown, using Report Viewer 2010 (in server mode). The report has been coded with a parameter #id to allow the report to display the correct data for the selected item.
The reports dataset can return multiple rows where some of the data is displayed in a summary area at the top (not in the header section) for example a textbox would have the expression =FIRST(Fields!Address.Value, "dsMain"). The data returned is denormalized so Address will always be the same value. Which is why using FIRST() works. And the rest of the data is shown in a Tablix with grouping applied etc.
But now I'm looking to change this so users can select multiple items and therefore effectively show the report multiple times, but shown in the same report viewer control. The main requirement is to batch print the reports, so showing it in one report view control is important to allow for one click printing of everything.
Now because I didn't design the report in the first place and because its fairly complex in its layout and the sql that is executed; the sql is geared towards running for one id and not a list of them. I'm looking for options to not have to rewrite the report or the sql.
Is it possible to give the report viewer the id parameter as a list and let the report viewer execute same report for each id passed? - I know report parameter can accept multiple values but this isn't the same since the report will unintelligently pass the first value to my stored procedure but not repeat the report for the other values. Perhaps there's a setting in the report designer that allows it to repeat if it is passed multiple values?
Can someone suggest something else to get this working? Or is my only option to extend the report and sql to accept multiple id's and effectively redesign the report?
Thanks any suggestions or help with this.
The answer is to use sub-reports.
Create a new report that takes a list of ids as a multi valued parameter.
Use that parameter as the dataset for a list control.
Have a subreport inside the list. Report inside the list is your original report.
You can then pass each element of your dataset(your list of parameters) as parameter to the your sub-report.
SSRS will repeat it as your want.
Does anyone know how to retrieve and display data from database using combo list? What I mean is this..I have a the form there is a combo list and two textfiels..the user need to choose their company using that combo list..once they have chose their company, the address and contact number of the company will be display in the next two textfields called CAddress and CContact..for example, if the user chose company can I display the company ABC address and contact number in those textfields? Need help. Thanks.
first of all you could use javascript and make a call ajax to an asp page passing the id of the company ... in that page you can jsut response.write the infos u need as a xml format ... even csv format would work ... then jsut take the response and write it in the textbox