TypeError: undefined is not an object on Paw app - paw-app

I installed some new plugin on Paw app (Postman 1 and 2 export, Swagger 2). And since I have this error when I try to make a new export. I tried to uninstall and reinstall only one plugin, and I still have this error.
But before I install some new plugin, I made some export without error.
This is the error I get when I attempt to make an export:
Export Failed
JavaScript Exception: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'ds.length') ({
column = 20;
line = 2277;

Sorry for the very late follow up. We've been able to reproduce this issue, and release a fix last week.
Please update your Paw extensions by going to the Paw menu > Extensions > Check for Extensions Updates…
This will trigger the updating of all your installed extensions. Then, please try again to export your project, it should be working correctly.


Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'current')

I'm using NeXTs and sanity for this project; Yesterday This code was worked but I delete the node modules folder for sending the project to a friend
But today when I reinstall the Node module folder it shows me this error and I can't find why it doesn't work!!
The error look like this
This the code for get data from sanity
And This is the code for fetching data
i try to reinstall node module packages for many time i'ma using --legacy-peer-deps but the error Doesn't disappear

Bit.dev error creating a component dur to package mismatch

I have an issue and it wont let me create a component because of mismatch versions, I tried deleting vue-loader, vue-template-compiler node modules. Deleting #vue/compiler-sf an reinstalling etc and i always get the same message.
new components
(use "bit tag --all [version]" to lock a version with all your changes)
> test-test ... issues found
error found while parsing the file (edit the file and fix the parsing error):
src/components/testTest.vue ->
Vue packages version mismatch:
vue#3.2.31 (C:\Users\Alex 2019\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\vue\index.js)
vue-template-compiler#2.7.13 (C:\Users\Alex 2019\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\bit-bin\node_modules\vue-template-compiler\package.json)
This may cause things to work incorrectly. Make sure to use the same version for both.
If you are using vue-loader#>=10.0, simply update vue-template-compiler.
If you are using vue-loader#<10.0 or vueify, re-installing vue-loader/vueify should bump vue-template-compiler to the latest.

why does functions.config() return {}?

I have a firebase functions project. It’s giving me the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'privatekey' of undefined
The error is coming from this line here:
Functions.config() is returning {} <— An empty object.
So my question is: why is it returning {}, and how can I fix it?
I’ve been able to solve similar problems with functions.config() in the past with this:
firebase functions:config:get > .runtimeconfig.json
But this isn’t working this time.
Is it something to do with how firebase init is configured? A node package?
Any help would be very much appreciated.
I had the same issue with the same folder structure and fixed it by changing directory (in PowerShell) into the "functions" folder and then running firebase serve from there.
If anyone gets this error after creating the .runtimeconfig.json
Try checking the encoding of your file. For me it was failing because the file was encoded as UTF-16 LE. I changed it to UTF-8 and it works fine

Execute IPyWidgets in Google Cloud Datalab

For a project we try to expand the Google Cloud Datalab with IPyWidgets. When we try out IPyWidgets in jupyter notebook (not in google-cloud-datalab) locally, everything run as expected (i.e. we tried to show a Text field, which worked). When we try to execute the same code in Google Cloud Datalab, it fails. In the web console we see following error:
Error 1:
Error message: "Class ipython.widget not found in registry "
Error stack: "load_class/<#http://localhost:8081/static/notebook/js/main.min.js:12751:28load_class#http://localhost:8081/static/notebook/js/main.min.js:12736:1CommManager.prototype.comm_open#http://localhost:8081/static/notebook/js/main.min.js:21802:31.proxy/i#http://localhost:8081/static/notebook/js/main.min.js:89:5486Kernel.prototype._handle_iopub_message#http://localhost:8081/static/notebook/js/main.min.js:23101:20Kernel.prototype._finish_ws_message#http://localhost:8081/static/notebook/js/main.min.js:22936:1Kernel.prototype._handle_ws_message/this._msg_queue<#http://localhost:8081/static/notebook/js/main.min.js:22926:39"
Error 2:
Message: Could not open comm
Error message: "Couldn't process kernel message"
Error stack: "WrappedError#http://localhost:8081/static/notebook/js/main.min.js:12706:19reject/<#http://localhost:8081/static/notebook/js/main.min.js:12785:33"
The strange thing is, is when google-cloud-datalab is running and we go to the jupyter notebook (on port 9000), and we execute the code over there it works.
Do we need to make changes to nb.html, and/or static.ts to make this work?
Question: Is there a way to execute IPyWidgets on Google Cloud Datalab?
Greetings, Brecht
Edit: I can now load the js and the css files from IPyWidgets in google-cloud-datalab (you need to change static.ts, for those who wonder). The only remaining issue (hopefully), is that we get following error:
"Error: Could not determine where the display message was from. Widget will not be displayed".
This is because
var cell = this.get_msg_cell(msg.parent_header.msg_id);
is null (line 556, of ipywidgets/widgets/js/manager.js). I assume that changing static.ts is not enough?
"Error: Could not determine where the display message was from. Widget will not be displayed".
issue can be fixed by changing this line in datalab.js:
originalExecute.apply(this, [ code, callbacks, options ]);
return originalExecute.apply(this, [ code, callbacks, options ]);

Meteor Jade Handlebars on Windows 8 - Jade compiler error: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

I'm attempting to use jade in meteor with this package https://github.com/SimonDegraeve/meteor-jade-handlebars
I'm on a windows machine. I've so far managed to use most meteorite packages by following the instructions here (www.discovermeteor.com/2013/03/20/using-meteor-and-atmopshere-on-windows/)
When i run 'meteor' on my project with .jade files, I'm getting this error:
While building the application:
client\todos.jade: Jade compiler error: Cannot read property 'length' of undefin
=> Your application has errors. Waiting for file change.
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
I tried to use this new fork too -> https://github.com/kynan/meteor-jade-handlebars/tree/refactor-for-meteor-0.6.5
Same problem.
I further tested this in a Linux machine and it works perfectly. I have no idea why this is failing with the above mention error on windows.
Try adding a blank extra line to the end of your file. For example, an extra line would be needed here.
h1 Hello!
I've been dealing with a lot of problems getting jade-templating to work with meteor, but finally got it to work.. Here's how:
Add this to smart.json, belt-jade-handlebars is jade for newer versions of meteor:
"packages": {
"belt-jade-handlebars": {}
Add this to .meteor/packages:
And finally add the extra blank line to all *.jade files. ( suggested by user3064375 )
Start the app by using:
$ meteor run --release template-engine-preview-3
This will use the latest template engine and start meteor.
