U-SQL Ignore Empty Files - u-sql

I receive a daily dump of files from a data provider. On occasion we receive empty files (20bytes). Is there any way to automatically avoid processing or skip these files?
I have tried:
USING Extractors.Csv(skipFirstNRows:1, silent:true);
But I seem to get a vertex failure related to what I believe is the empty files.

We recently added a FILE.LENGTH property as a computed virtual column that you can use to filter out files of a certain size.
For example the following should only operate on the files that are larger than 20 bytes:
#data =
// ... columns to extract
, file_sz = FILE.LENGTH()
FROM "/mydata/{*}"
USING Extractors.Csv();
#res =
FROM #data
WHERE file_sz > 20;


How do I create a loop function to apply acoustic indices from "soundecology" to specific sections of .wav files using R

I have a large quantity of .wav files that I need to analyze using the acoustic indices from the "soundecology" package in R. However, the recordings do not have uniform start times and I need to analyze specific periods of time within the files. I want to create a function and loop for automating the process.
I have created a spread sheet for each folder of recordings (each folder is a different location) that lays out the recording and the times within each recording that I need to analyze. Basically, a row contains: the sound file name, the time when the sample should start (eg. 09:00:00, the number of seconds from the start of the file that that time occurs, and the munber of seconds from the start time of the file that the end of the sample should occur.
That data looks like this:
Spread sheet of data
I am using the package "tuneR" and "warbleR" to select the specific portion of a sound file that I want to analyze. Here is the the code and the output that I would like to loop across all the sound files:
wavrow1 <-read_wave(mvb$sound.files[1], from = mvb$start[1], to = mvb$end[1])
wavrow1.aci <- acoustic_complexity(wavrow1, j=10)
which yeilds
max_freq not set, using value of: 22050
min_freq not set, using value of: 0
This is a mono file.
Calculating index. Please wait...
Acoustic Complexity Index (total): 934.568
However, when I put this into a function in order to then put it into a loop I get a different output.
acianalyzeFUN <- function(mvb, i){
r <- read_wave(mvb$sound.files[i], mvb$start[i], mvb$end[i])
soundfile.aci <- acoustic_complexity(r, j=10)
row1.test <- acianalyzeFUN(mvb, 1)
This gives the output:
max_freq not set, using value of: 22050
min_freq not set, using value of: 0
This is a mono file.
Calculating index. Please wait...
Acoustic Complexity Index (total): 19183.03
Acoustic Complexity Index (by minute): 931.98
Which is different.
So I need to fix this function and put it into a loop so that I can apply it across all the files and save the results into a data frame or ultimately another spread sheet.
I was thinking a loop like the following might work but I am also getting errors with it:
output <- vector("logical", length(97))
for (i in seq_along(mvb$sound.files)) {
output[[i]] <- acianalyzeFUN(mvb, i)
Which returns this error:
max_freq not set, using value of: 22050
min_freq not set, using value of: 0
This is a mono file.
Calculating index. Please wait...
Acoustic Complexity Index (total): 19183.03
Acoustic Complexity Index (by minute): 931.98
Error in output[[i]] <- acianalyzeFUN(mvb, i) :
more elements supplied than there are to replace
Thanks for any help and advice on this. Please let me know if there are any other pieces of information that would be helpful.
the read_wave function takes following arguments :
read_wave(X, index, from = X$start[index], to = X$end[index], channel = NULL,
header = FALSE, path = NULL)
In the manual test, you specify from = mvb$start[1], to = mvb$end[1]
In the function you created, you dont specify the arguments :
r <- read_wave(mvb$sound.files[i], mvb$start[i], mvb$end[i])
so that mvb$start[i] gets affected to index and mvb$end[i] to from.
You should write:
acianalyzeFUN <- function(mvb, i){
r <- read_wave(mvb$sound.files[i], from = mvb$start[i], to = mvb$end[i])
soundfile.aci <- acoustic_complexity(r, j=10)
This should explain the difference you observe.
Regarding the error, you create a vector of logical to collect the result, but acianalyzeFUN returns nothing : it just sets two variables r and soundfileaci without returning anything.

downloading data and saving data to a folder in batches

I have 200,000 links that I am trying to download, I have tried downloading it all in one go but I ran into memory issues.
I am trying to create a function which will download 1000 links at a time and save them in a folder.
A small sample of the data is as follows:
Data 1:
urls_to_parse <- c("https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1750/000104746918004978/a2236183z10-k.htm",
I then apply the following function to download these 10 links
parsed_files <- map(urls_to_parse, possibly(parse_filing, otherwise = NA))
Which stores it as a nice list, I can then apply names(parsed_files) <- urls_to_parse to name the lists as the links from where they were downloading them from. I can also use output <- plyr::ldply(parsed_files, data.frame) to store everything in a nice data frame.
Using the below data, how could I create batches to download the data in say batches of 10?
What I have currently:
start = 1
end = 100
output <- NULL
output_fin <- NULL
for(i in start:end){
output[[i]] <- map(urls_to_parse[[i]], possibly(parse_filing, otherwise = NA))
names(output) <- urls_to_parse[start:end]
save(output_fin, file = paste0("C:/Users/Downloads/data/",i, "output.RData"))
I am sure there is a better way using a function, since this code breaks for some of the results.
More data: - 100 links
urls_to_parse <- c("https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1750/000104746918004978/a2236183z10-k.htm",
Looping over to do batch job as you showed is a bad idea. If you have a 1000s of files to be downloaded, how do you recover from errors?
The performance is not solely depend on your computer's configuration, but the network performance is crucial.
Here are couple of suggestions.
Option 1
partition all URLs in to batches to be able to download them parallelly. The number of files to be downloaded could be equal to number of cores in your computer. Look at this question; reading multiple files quickly in R
store these batches in a queue objects - For ex: using a package like https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dequer/dequer.pdf
pop the queue and use the batch of URLs in your parallel file download function.
Use a retryable file download function like in -- HTTP error 400 in R, error handling, How to retry instead of forcing to stop?
Once the queue is completed, move to the next partition.
wrap the whole operation in a retryable loop. For example; How to retry a statement on error?
Why do I use a queue? Because you could retry on error easily.
A pseudo code
file_url_partitions <- partion_as_batches(all_urls, batch_size)
attempts = 3
while( file_url_partitions is not empty && attempt <= 3 ) {
batch = file_url_partitions.pop()
}, some_exception = function(se) {
attemp = attempt+1
Note: I don't have access to R studio/environment now hence no way to try.
Option 2
Download files separately using a download manager/similar and use downloaded files.
Some useful resources:

Documentum Document Content Share Location from SQL

I am trying to sort out how to find the physical location of a file on a mapped documentum share. There are several ways to do it using the API or DQL, but neither of those will scale to what we need to migrate data out of the system. Ultimately the plan is to migrate all data out and into a new system, but we need the file locations to plan this out.
The following resources have been helpful:
Running this DQL will give us the location, but the SQL provided does not return any data relevant to what we're trying to accomplish (or anything at all).
execute GET_PATH for '<parent_id_goes_here>'
Additionally, using the API with getpath returns valid data, but when choosing to show the SQL is gives the same query (a little further down) which doesn't actually give the location of the file.
This is the query provided with both when you choose 'Show the SQL'.
select a.r_object_id, b.audit_attr_names, a.is_audittrail,
a.event, a.controlling_app, a.policy_id,
a.policy_state, a.user_name, a.message,
a.audit_subtypes, a.priority, a.oneshot,
a.sendmail, a.sign_audit
from dmi_registry_s a, dmi_registry_r b
where a.r_object_id = b.r_object_id and a.registered_id = :p0 and (a.event = 'all' or a.event = 'dm_all' or a.event = :p1)
order by a.is_audittrail desc, a.event desc,
a.r_object_id, b.i_position desc;
:p0 = < parent_id >;
:p1 = dm_getfile
The above query returns nothing in PL/SQL, and removing the :p0/:p1 variables just returns audit data.
Any guidance on how to get this using SQL, or a DQL script that could be written to give the path and r_object_id in a CSV to join? I'm also open to other ideas of pulling data out of this system.
After a lot of digging I found that the best way to go about this is to convert the data ticket into your path. To quote the articles linked in the question:
The trick to determining the path to the content is in decoding the data_ticket's 2’s complement decimal value. Convert the data_ticket to a 2’s compliment hexadecimal number by first adding 2^32 to the number and then converting it to hex. You can use a scientific calculator to do this or grab some Java code off the net.
-2147474649 + 2^32 = (-2147474649 + 4294967296) = 2147492647
converting 2147492647 to hex = 80002327
Now, split the hex value of the data_ticket at every two characters, append it to file_system_path and docbase_id (padded to 8 bits), and add the dos_extension. Viola! you have the complete path to the content file.
C:/Documentum/data/docbase/content_storage_01/0000001/80/ 00/23/27.txt
This PowerShell code will do the conversion for you -- just feed it the data ticket.
$Ticket = -2147474649
$FSTicketInt = $Ticket + [math]::Pow(2, 32)
$FSTicketHex = [Convert]::ToString($FSTicketInt, 16)
$FSTicketPath = ($FSTicketHex -split '(..)' | ? {$_}) -join '\'
Then all you need to do is join the path with the content storage location using [System.IO.Path]::Combine().

How to get programatically the file path from a directory parameter in abap?

The transaction AL11 returns a mapping of "directory parameters" to file paths on the application server AFAIK.
The trouble with transaction AL11 is that its program only calls c modules, there's almost no trace of select statements or function calls to analize there.
I want the ability to do this dynamically, in my code, like for instance a function module that took "DATA_DIR" as input and "E:\usr\sap\IDS\DVEBMGS00\data" as output.
This thread is about a similar topic, but it doesn't help.
Some other guy has the same problem, and he explains it quite well here.
I strongly suspect that the only way to get these values is through the kernel directly. some of them can vary depending on the application server, so you probably won't be able to find them in the database. You could try this:
TYPES: BEGIN OF t_directory,
log_name TYPE dirprofilenames,
phys_path TYPE dirname_al11,
END OF t_directory.
DATA: lt_int_list TYPE TABLE OF abaplist,
lt_string_list TYPE list_string_table,
lt_directories TYPE TABLE OF t_directory,
ls_directory TYPE t_directory.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_line> TYPE string.
* get the output of the program as string table
listobject = lt_int_list.
with_line_break = abap_true
list_string_ascii = lt_string_list
listobject = lt_int_list.
* remove the separators and the two header lines
DELETE lt_string_list WHERE table_line CO '-'.
DELETE lt_string_list INDEX 1.
DELETE lt_string_list INDEX 1.
* parse the individual lines
LOOP AT lt_string_list ASSIGNING <l_line>.
* If you're on a newer system, you can do this in a more elegant way using regular expressions
CONDENSE <l_line>.
SPLIT <l_line>+1 AT '|' INTO ls_directory-log_name ls_directory-phys_path.
APPEND ls_directory TO lt_directories.
Try the following
data : dirname type DIRNAME_AL11.
ID 'VALUE' FIELD dirname.
Alternatively if you wanted to use your own parameters(AL11->configure) then read these out of table user_dir.

PHPExcel - Value from a Cell referencing to another Cell Did Not Obtained Properly

I'm having this problem when I tried to extract information from excel files. Here's my situation, I have 34 Excel files which I received from my various users.
I'm using PHP version 5 to extract from the Excel files. My script will loop for every files, and looping again according to sheet name, and lastly looping again according to cell addresses.
The problem arised when the users had entered into a cell for e.g. =+A1 which means the users referencing the cell value to another cell due to it has the same value with cell A1.
When I checked in mysql (as I saved those for future use) I found from the record for a particular cell is identical with another record obtained from the same cell but in different excel file. What I meant is that, as my php script will loop from one file to another file, the first time PHPExcel read for e.g cell C3 which has some value USD3,000.00 the next files the PHPExcel may go to the same cell C3 but this time the C3 cell contain a formula that referencing to cell A1 ("=+A1" formula)which has value USD5,000.00.
PHP script suppose to record in mysql for USD5,000.00 but it didn't. I suspect that the PHPExcel script did not clear the variable at first round. I've tried unset($objPHPExcel) and destroy the variable but it still happening.
My coding is simple as follows:
$inputFileType = PHPExcel_IOFactory::identify($inputFileName);
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($inputFileType);
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($inputFileName);
//to obtain date from FILE and store in DB for future comparison
$validating_date_reporting = $objPHPExcel->getSheet(0)->getCell('C10')->getValue();
$validating_date_reporting = PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::toFormattedString($validating_date_reporting,"YYYY-MMM-DD");
$validating_date_reporting = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($validating_date_reporting));
//first entry
$entry = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `'.$table.'`(`broker_code`, `date`, `date_from_submission`) VALUES("'.$broker_code.'","'.$reporting_date.'","'.$reporting_date.'")') or die(mysql_error());
foreach($cells_array as $caRef=>$sName)
foreach($sName as $sNameRef=>$cells)
$wksht_page = array_search($caRef, $sheetNameArray);
$cell_column = $wksht_page.'_'.$cells;
echo $inputFileName.' '.$caRef.' '.$cell_column.'<br>';
$value = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndexByName($caRef)->getCell($cells)->getCalculatedValue();
echo $value.'<br>';
$record = mysql_query('UPDATE `'.$table.'` SET `'.$cell_column.'` = "'.$value.'" WHERE broker_code = "'.$broker_code.'" AND date_from_submission = "'.$validating_date_reporting.'"') or die(mysql_error());
I really hope that you can help me out here..
thank you in advance.
PHPExcel holds a calculation cache as well, and this is not cleared when you unset a workbook: it has to be cleared manually using:
You can also disable calculation caching completely (although this may slow things down if you have a lot of formulae that reference cells containing other formulae) using:
before you start processing your files
This is because currently PHPExcel uses a singleton for the calculation engine. It is in the roadmap to switch to using a multiton pattern later this year, which will effectively maintain a separate cache for each workbook, alleviating this problem.
Note that simply unsetting $objPHPExcel does not work. You need to detach the worksheets before unsetting $objPHPExcel.
as described in section 4.3 of the Developer Documentation. And this is the point where you should also add the PHPExcel_Calculation::flushInstance();
