I have a large dataframe with multiple columns (about 150).
There is a range of columns (Dx1, Dx2..until Dx30) which are diagnosis codes (the codes are numbers, but they are categorical variables that correspond to a medical diagnosis using the ICD-9 coding system).
I have working code to search a single column, but need to search all 30 columns to see if any of the columns contain a code within the specified range (DXrange).
The core dataframe looks like:
Case DX1 DX2 DX3 DX4...DX30
1 123 345 567 99 12
2 234 345 NA NA NA
3 456 567 789 345 34
Here is the working code:
## Defines a range of codes to search for
DXrange <- factor(41000:41091, levels = levels(core$DX1))
## Search for the DXrange codes in column DX1.
core$IndexEvent <- core$DX1 %in% DXrange & substr(core$DX1, 5, 5) != 2
## What is the frequency of the IndexEvent?
cat("Frequency of IndexEvent : \n"); table(core$IndexEvent)
The working code is adapted from "Calculating Nationwide Readmissions Database (NRD) Variances, Report # 2017-01"
I could run this for each DX column and then sum them for a final IndexEvent total, but this is not very efficient.
I would first normalize my data, before searching in the codes, such as the following example:
df <- data.frame(id = 1:5,
DX1 = sample(1:10,5),
DX2 = sample(1:10,5),
DX3 = sample(1:10,5))
df %>%
gather(key,value,-id) %>%
filter(value %in% 1:2)
or with just base R
df.long <- do.call(rbind,lapply(df[,2:4],function(x) data.frame(id = df$id, DX = x)))
df.long[df.long$DX %in% 1:2, ]
We could use filter_at with any_vars
df %>%
filter_at(vars(matches("DX\\d+")), any_vars(. %in% DXrange))
DXrange <- 41000:41091
I have a huge dataset with over 3 million obs and 108 columns. There are 14 variables I'm interested in: DIAG_PRINC, DIAG_SECUN, DIAGSEC1:DIAGSEC9, CID_ASSO, CID_MORTE and CID_NOTIF (they're in different positions). These variables contain ICD-10 codes.
I'm interested in counting how many times certain ICD-10 codes appear and then sort them from highest to lowest in a dataframe. Here's some reproductible data:
data <- data.frame(DIAG_PRINC = c("O200", "O200", "O230"),
DIAG_SECUN = c("O555", "O530", "O890"),
DIAGSEC1 = c("O766", "O876", "O899"),
DIAGSEC2 = c("O200", "I520", "O200"),
DIAGSEC3 = c("O233", "O200", "O620"),
DIAGSEC4 = c("O060", "O061", "O622"),
DIAGSEC5 = c("O540", "O123", "O344"),
DIAGSEC6 = c("O876", "Y321", "S333"),
DIAGSEC7 = c("O450", "X900", "O541"),
DIAGSEC8 = c("O222", "O111", "O123"),
DIAGSEC9 = c("O987", "O123", "O622"),
CID_MORTE = c("O066", "O699", "O555"),
CID_ASSO = c("O600", "O060", "O068"),
CID_NOTIF = c("O069", "O066", "O065"))
I also have a list of ICD-10 codes that I'm interested in counting.
GRUPO1 <- c("O00", "O000", "O001", "O002", "O008", "O009",
"O01", "O010", "O011", "O019",
"O02", "O020", "O021", "O028", "O029",
"O03", "O030", "O031", "O032", "O033", "O034", "O035", "O036", "O037",
"O038", "O039",
"O04", "O040", "O041", "O042", "O043", "O044", "O045", "O046", "O047",
"O048", "O049",
"O05", "O050", "O051", "O052", "O053", "O054", "O055", "O056", "O057",
"O058", "O059",
"O06", "O060", "O061", "O062", "O063", "O064", "O065", "O066", "O067",
"O068", "O069",
"O07", "O070", "O071", "O072", "O073", "O074", "O075", "O076", "O077",
"O078", "O079",
"O08", "O080", "O081", "O082", "O083", "O084", "O085", "O086", "O087",
"O088", "O089")
What I need is a dataframe counting how many times the ICD-10 codes from "GRUPO1" appear in any row/column from DIAG_PRINC, DIAG_SECUN, DIAGSEC1:DIAGSEC9, CID_ASSO, CID_MORTE and CID_NOTIF variables. For example, on my reproductible data ICD-10 cod "O066" appears twice.
Thank you in advance!
We can unlist the data into a vector, use %in% to subset the values from 'GRUPO1' and get the frequency count with table in base R
v1 <- unlist(data)
out <- table(v1[v1 %in% GRUPO1])
O060 O066 O061 O065 O068 O069
2 2 1 1 1 1
Here is a tidyverse solution using tidyr and dplyr:
pivot_longer(data, everything()) %>%
filter(value %in% GRUPO1) %>%
value n
<chr> <int>
1 O060 2
2 O061 1
3 O065 1
4 O066 2
5 O068 1
6 O069 1
I have a very large df with a column that contains the file directory for each row's data.
Example: D:Mouse_2174/experiment/13/trialsummary.txt.1
I would like to create 2 new columns, one with only the mouse ID (2174) and one with the session number (13). There will be different IDs and session numbers based on the row.
I've used sub as recommended here (match part of names in data.frame to new column), but only can get the subject column to say "D:Mouse_2174" I've added an additional line and can get it down to "D:Mous2174"
Is there a way to eliminate all chars before _ and after / to obtain mouse ID?
For session number, I'm not quite as sure what to do with multiple / in the directory name.
percent_correct_list$mouse_id <- sub("/.+", "", percent_correct_list$rn)
#gives me D:Mouse_2174
percent_correct_list$mouse_id <- sub("+._", "", percent_correct_list$mouse_id)
#gives me D:Mous2174
Here is sample code for the directories:
df <- data.frame(
rn = c("D:Mouse_2174/iti_intervals/9/trialsummary.txt.1",
What I want:
Maybe there's some way to do this earlier along in the process too (like when I import all the data into a df using lapply - but this is good as well)
For sure isnt an elegant solution. Only works if your ID and Session are always numbers...
df <- data.frame(
rn = c("D:Mouse_2174/iti_intervals/9/trialsummary.txt.1",
"D:Mouse_2185/iti_intervals/87/trialsummary.txt.1")) %>%
# Extract all numeric values from the string
mutate(allnums = regmatches(rn, gregexpr("+[[:digit:]]+", rn)))%>%
# Separate them
separate(allnums, into = c("id", "session", "idk"), sep = "\\,") %>%
# Extract them individually
mutate(id = as.numeric(regmatches(id, gregexpr("+[[:digit:]]+", id,))),
session = as.numeric(regmatches(session, gregexpr("+[[:digit:]]+", session)))) %>%
1 D:Mouse_2174/iti_intervals/9/trialsummary.txt.1 2174 9
2 D:Mouse_2181/iti_intervals/33/trialsummary.txt.1 2181 33
3 D:Mouse_2183/iti_intervals/107/trialsummary.txt.2 2183 107
4 D:Mouse_2185/iti_intervals/87/trialsummary.txt.1 2185 87
Here's a somewhat long-winded solution, using tidyr::separate. Perhaps there is something more concise/elegant.
It does assume that all values of rn take the same format.
new_df <- df %>%
# separate on / into 4 new columns
separate(rn, into = c(paste0("item", 1:4)), sep = "/", remove = FALSE) %>%
# remove unwanted columns
select(-item2, -item4) %>%
# separate again on _ into 2 new columns
separate(item1, sep = "_", into = c("prefix", "id")) %>%
# retain and rename desired columns
select(rn, id, session = item3)
rn id session
1 D:Mouse_2174/iti_intervals/9/trialsummary.txt.1 2174 9
2 D:Mouse_2181/iti_intervals/33/trialsummary.txt.1 2181 33
3 D:Mouse_2183/iti_intervals/107/trialsummary.txt.2 2183 107
4 D:Mouse_2185/iti_intervals/87/trialsummary.txt.1 2185 87
I would like to create a column in my data frame that gives the percentage of each category. The total (100%) would be the summary of the column Score.
My data looks like
Client Score
<chr> <int>
1 RP 125
2 DM 30
Client Score %
<chr> <int>
1 RP 125 80.6
2 DM 30 19.3
Note special character in column names is not good.
df %>%
mutate(`%` = round(Score/sum(Score, na.rm = TRUE)*100, 1))
Client Score %
1 RP 125 80.6
2 DM 30 19.4
Probably the best way is to use dplyr. I recreated your data below and used the mutate function to create a new column on the dataframe.
#Creation of data
Client <- c("RP","DM")
Score <- c(125,30)
DF <- data.frame(Client,Score)
#install.packages("dplyr") #Remove first # and install if library doesn't load
library(dplyr) #If this doesn't run, install library using code above.
#Shows new column
DF %>%
mutate("%" = round((Score/sum(Score))*100,1))
#Overwrites dataframe with new column added
DF %>%
mutate("%" = round((Score/sum(Score))*100,1)) -> DF
Using base R functions the same goal can be achieved.
X <- round((DF$Score/sum(DF$Score))*100,1) #Creation of percentage
DF$"%" <- X #Storage of X as % to dataframe
DF #Check to see it exists
In base R, may use proportions
df[["%"]] <- round(proportions(df$Score) * 100, 1)
> df
Client Score %
1 RP 125 80.6
2 DM 30 19.4
I am trying to convert a large R data frame (3 million rows of patients by 400 columns of diagnoses), from short description e.g., “ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION, BENIGN” to the description ICD code e.g., “I10”. The short descriptions are in a data frame “DATA” and also include patient ID and age columns that I do not want changed. The data frame “Dictionary” is my list of words containing the short description and associated ICD code. There are over 20k combinations of descriptions and ICD codes in the actual dictionary list. To make the problem reproducible I have included code that recreates small samples of my larger DATA and Dictionary data frames.
DATA Sample
PAT_ID <- c(1,2,3)
DX_AGE_1 <- c(66,68,75)
DX_AGE_2 <- c(67,69,77)
DATA <- data.frame(PAT_ID, DX_1, DX_AGE_1,DX_2,DX_AGE_2)
Dictionary Sample
To <- c('E784', 'I10', 'Z125')
Dictionary <- data.frame(From, To)
My Desired output would look like the output of this code
PAT_ID <- c(1,2,3)
DX_1 <- c('E784','NA','I10' )
DX_AGE_1 <- c(66,68,75)
DX_2 <- c('I10','Z125','NA' )
DX_AGE_2 <- c(67,69,77)
OUTPUT <- data.frame(PAT_ID, DX_1, DX_AGE_1,DX_2,DX_AGE_2)
Your help is greatly appreciated!
Using Base R, you could do:
vec <- do.call(setNames,rev(unname(Dictionary)))
rapply(DATA, function(x)vec[x],'character', how= 'replace')
1 1 E784 66 I10 67
2 2 <NA> 68 Z125 69
3 3 I10 75 <NA> 77
Also you could use str_replace_all from stringr:
array(str_replace_all(as.matrix(DATA), vec), dim(DATA)))), names(DATA))
1 1 E784 66 I10 67
2 2 <NA> 68 Z125 69
3 3 I10 75 <NA> 77
I have a dataframe in R for which one column has multiple variables. The variables either start with ABC, DEF, GHI. Those variables are followed by a series of 6 numbers (ie ABC052689, ABC062895, DEF045158).
For each row, i would like to pull one instance of ABC (the one with the largest number).
If the row has ABC052689, ABC062895, DEF045158, I would like it to pull out ABC062895 because it is greater than ABC052689.
I would then want to do the same for the variable that starts with DEF######.
I have managed to filter the data to have rows where ABC is there and either DEF or GHI is there:
data_with_ABC <- test %>%
data_with_ABC_and_DEF_or_GHI <- data_with_ABC %>%
filter(str_detect(car, "DEF") | str_detect(car, "GHI"))
I don't know how to pull out let's say ABC with the greatest number
ABC052689, ABC062895, DEF045158 -> ABC062895
For a base R solution, we can try using lapply along with strsplit to identify the greatest ABC plate in each CSV string, in each row.
df <- data.frame(car=c("ABC052689,ABC062895,DEF045158"), id=c(1),
df$largest <- lapply(df$car, function(x) {
cars <- strsplit(x, ",", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
cars <- cars[substr(cars, 1, 3) == "ABC"]
max <- cars[which.max(substr(cars, 4, 9))]
car id largest
1 ABC052689,ABC062895,DEF045158 1 ABC062895
Note that we don't need to worry about casting the substring of the plate number, because it is fixed width text. This means that it should sort properly even as text.
Besides Tim's answer, if you want to do all ABC/DEF at one time, following code may help with library(tidyverse):
> df <- data.frame(car=c("ABC052689", "ABC062895", "DEF045158", "DEF192345"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> df2 = df %>%
+ mutate(state = str_sub(car, 1, 3), plate = str_sub(car, 4, 9))
> df2
car state plate
1 ABC052689 ABC 052689
2 ABC062895 ABC 062895
3 DEF045158 DEF 045158
4 DEF192345 DEF 192345
> df2 %>%
+ group_by(state) %>%
+ summarise(maxplate = max(plate)) %>%
+ mutate(full = str_c(state, maxplate))
# A tibble: 2 x 3
state maxplate full
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 ABC 062895 ABC062895
2 DEF 192345 DEF192345