How to pass list of arguments to method in R? - r

I'm trying to pass arguments as a list to a method. I'm creating methods of stuff to pass to a data.frame. Example:
dfApply <- function(df, ...) {
UseMethod("dfApply", df)
dfApply.sample <- function(df, size, ...) {
# Stuff
df <- sample_frac(df, size = size)
Now, if I call the function:
args <- list(size = 0.5)
class(df) <- c("sample", class(df))
df <- dfApply(df, args)
The method still receives it as a list().
Is there a way to pass arguments like this?
As mentioned in the comments, solves the problem (for now), but I have to define every argument in args:
args <- list(df = df, size = 0.5)
class(df) <- c("sample", class(df))
df <-, args)
Is this a wise way to implement methods? Doesn't seem right.


Name seurat function in r with name of each experiment/variable

I am using seurat to analyze some scRNAseq data, I have managed to put all the SCT integration one line codes from satijalab into a function with basically
SCT_normalization <- function (f1, f2) {
f_merge <- merge (f1, y=f2)
f.list <- SplitObject(f_merge, = "stim")
f.list <- lapply(X = f.list, FUN = SCTransform)
features <- SelectIntegrationFeatures(object.list = f.list, nfeatures = 3000)
f.list <<- PrepSCTIntegration(object.list = f.list, anchor.features = features)
return (f.list)
so that I will have f.list in the global environment for downstream analysis and making plots. The problem I am running into is that, every time I run the function, the output would be f.list, I want it to be specific to the input value name (i.e., f1 and/or f2). Basically something that I can set so that I would know which input value was used to generate the final output. I saw something using the assign function but someone wrote a warning about "the evil and wrong..." so I am not sure as to how to approach this.
From what it sounds like you don't need to use the super assign function <<-. In my opinion, I don't think <<- should be used as it can cause unexpected changes in objects. This is what I assume the other person was saying. For example, if you have the following function:
AverageVector <- function(v) x <<- mean(v, = TRUE)
Now you're trying to find the average of a vector you have, along with more analysis
x <- unique(iris$Species)
avg_sl <- AverageVector(iris$Sepal.Length)
Now where x used to be a character vector, it's not a numeric vector with a length of 1.
So I would remove the <<- and call your function like this
object_list_1_2 <- SCT_normalize(object1, object2)
If you wanted a slightly more programatic way you could do something like this to keep track of objects you could do something like this:
SCT_normalization <- function(f1, f2) {
f_merge <- merge (f1, y = f2)
f.list <- SplitObject(f_merge, = "stim")
f.list <- lapply(X = f.list, FUN = SCTransform)
features <- SelectIntegrationFeatures(object.list = f.list, nfeatures = 3000)
f.list <- PrepSCTIntegration(object.list = f.list, anchor.features = features)
to_return <- list(inputs = list(f1, f2), normalized = f.list)

How to find object name passed to function

I have a function which takes a dataframe and its columns and processes it in various ways (left out for simplicity). We can put in column names as arguments or transform columns directly inside function arguments (like here). I need to find out what object(s) are passed in the function.
Reproducible example:
df <- data.frame(x= 1:10, y=1:10)
myfun <- function(data, col){
col_new <- eval(substitute(col), data)
# magic part
object_name <- ...
# magic part
plot(col_new, main= object_name)
For instance, the expected output for myfun(data= df, x*x) is the plot plot(df$x*df$x, main= "x"). So the title is x, not x*x. What I have got so far is this:
myfun <- function(data, col){
colname <- tryCatch({eval(substitute(col))}, error= function(e) {geterrmessage()})
colname <- gsub("' not found", "", gsub("object '", "", colname))
plot(eval(substitute(col), data), main= colname)
This function gives the expected output but there must be some more elegant way to find out to which object the input refers to. The answer must be with base R.
Use substitute to get the expression passed as col and then use eval and all.vars to get the values and name.
myfun <- function(data, col){
s <- substitute(col)
plot(eval(s, data), main = all.vars(s), type = "o", ylab = "")
myfun(df, x * x)
Anothehr possibility is to pass a one-sided formula.
myfun2 <- function(formula, data){
plot(eval(formula[[2]], data), main = all.vars(formula), type = "o", ylab = "")
myfun2(~ x * x, df)
The rlang package can be very powerful when you get a hang of it. Does something like this do what you want?
myfun <- function (data, col){
.col <- enexpr(col)
unname(sapply(call_args(.col), as_string))
This gives you back the "wt" column.
myfun(mtcars, as.factor(wt))
# [1] "wt"
I am not sure your use case, but this would work for multiple inputs.
myfun(mtcars, sum(x, y))
# [1] "x" "y"
And finally, it is possible you might not even need to do this, but rather store the expression and operate directly on the data. The tidyeval framework can help with that as well.

Write a wrapper function to successfully take addition arguments (like subset) via ellipsis (...)

I am writing a function that calls another function (e.g. lm), and I would like to pass other
arguments to it using ellipsis (...). However, the data to be used is not
in the global environment, but inside a list. A minimal example:
L <- list(data = chickwts, other = 1:5)
wrapper <- function(list, formula = NULL, ...){
if (missing(formula)) formula <- formula(weight~feed)
lm(formula, data = list$data, ...)
wrapper(L, subset = feed != "casein") #fails
I can make it work using attach but I'm sure there is more efficient ways of doing it by specifying the evaluation frame...?
wrapper2 <- function(list, formula = NULL, ...){
if (missing(formula)) formula <- formula(weight~feed)
m <- lm(formula, ...)
wrapper2(L, subset = feed != "casein") #works
Another solution I have used before is to use list(...), and dealing with the arguments manually, but that would not be practical in the real situation.
I can see that this is fairly basic, but I couldn't find a solution. Any suggestion to the specific problem and also a link to a good conceptual explanation of environments in general would be appreciated.
We would need to construct a call and eval it.
wrapper <- function(list, formula = NULL, ...){
if (missing(formula)) formula <- weight ~ feed
cl <-
cl$list <- NULL
cl$formula <- formula
cl$data <- quote(list$data)
cl[[1]] <- quote(stats::lm)
Reproducible example:
L <- list(data = trees, other = 1:5)
wrapper(L, Height ~ Girth, subset = Volume > 20)

How to get Vectorize return the results invisibly?

I have a drawing function f that should not return any output.
f <- function(a=0) invisible(NULL)
After vectorizing f, it does return NULL.
f_vec <- Vectorize(f)
How can I prevent this, i.e. make the output invisible here as well.
I could of course use a wrapper to suppress it.
f_wrapper <- function(a=0) {
dummy <- f_vec(a)
Is there a way to avoid the wrapper and get what I want straight away?
Yeah there is. This new version of Vectorize will do it:
Vectorize_2 <- function (FUN, vectorize.args = arg.names, SIMPLIFY = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE) {
arg.names <- as.list(formals(FUN))
arg.names[["..."]] <- NULL
arg.names <- names(arg.names)
vectorize.args <- as.character(vectorize.args)
if (!length(vectorize.args))
if (!all(vectorize.args %in% arg.names))
stop("must specify names of formal arguments for 'vectorize'")
FUNV <- function() {
args <- lapply(as.list([-1L], eval, parent.frame())
names <- if (is.null(names(args)))
else names(args)
dovec <- names %in% vectorize.args
invisible("mapply", c(FUN = FUN, args[dovec], MoreArgs = list(args[!dovec]),
formals(FUNV) <- formals(FUN)
But, how did I know to do this? Did I spend 20 minutes writing a brand new version of Vectorize? NOPE! I just ran dput(Vectorize) to see the R code behind Vectorize and added the invisible where necessary! You can do this with all R functions. You don't even need the dput! Just run Vectorize!

R: How can I make a generic function read the class of arguments passed as a list?

Imagine I created a class "stem" with some S3 methods. i need to compare a number of stem objects with a function like
comp.default = function(smpc = x){
message("I am default")
comp <- function(x) UseMethod("comp", x)
comp.stem = function(listOfStemObjects, print = TRUE, more args){ a bunch of things}
comp(list(stem1, stem2))
The function doesn't recognize the class because the first argument is of class "list" and not stem. Ideally I would like to pass a variable number of objects stem1, stem2,..
Any help?
Thanks in advance, marco
comp <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("comp")
comp.stem <- function(x, ...)
lst <- list(...)
for(i in seq_along(lst))
# do stuff with each additional object passed in
comp(stem1, stem2)
