How heuristic function for A star path finding calculated? - path-finding

I am stuck with calculating heuristic for A star for the famous Arad to Bucharest problem. I could not understand two things in the standard problem.
How is the distance between two nodes calculated? For eg, Arad to Timisoara is given as 118 but it is not any straight line distance and also not actual distance in km/miles (checked in google).
How is the straight line distance from all nodes to Bucharest calculated? For eg, Arad to Bucharest is given as 366, but it is neither Euclidean or actual straight distance in km/miles.
Every note/lecture online I find simply takes the readymade heuristic table from Norwis's "Artificial intelligence: Modern approach" and illustrate. No one talks about how they calculated these values for this famous problem in first place.


A* with manhattan distance or euclidean distance for maze solving?

I have obtained all the possible paths of maze through image processing. Now, I want to use A* algorithm in order to find shortest path of maze. However, I am confused as to whether euclidean distance will be a better heuristic or manhattan distance. Does it depend upon maze type or is the choice of heuristic independent of maze type? Which distance (manhattan or euclidean) will be a good choice for the following possible paths and why? Please suggest.
PS. (Please add your reference too, if your have any. It will be helpful)
The objective of a Heuristic is to provide contextual information to the pathfinder. The more accurate this information is, the more efficient the pathfinder can be.
You have two contradicting requirements to get a good heuristic, which is good because it means there is a sweet spot. Here they are:
An Heuristic must be admissible, which means it shall never overestimate the distance. Otherwise, the algorithm will be broken and may return paths that are not even optimal.
An heuristic must return the largest distance possible. An heuristic that underestimates the remaining path from a cell, will favour that cell when another might have been better.
Of course the optimal Heuristic would return the exact, correct length (which generally is not achievable or defeats the purpose) because it cannot return a longer path without ceasing to be admissible.
In your case, it looks like you're dealing with 4-connected grids. In that case the manhattan distance will be a better metric than euclidian distance, because the Euclidian will under-estimate the cost of all displacements compared to Manhattan (due to the Pythagorean Theorem).
Whithout any further knowledge than 'the graph is a 4-connected Grid', there is no better metric than Manhattan. If however you manage to obtain more data (obstacle density, 'highways', etc.) then you might be able to devise a better heuristic - though keeping it admissible would be a very hard problem in itself.
EDIT Having a closer look, it looks like you have angled vertices in the bottom left. If that is so, you're not in a 4-connected graph, then you MUST use Euclidian distance, because Manhattan would not be admissible.
Its not clear what moves are available to your hero. Does you graph make up a rectangular grid like chess board and can you go diagonally in one step like king in chess? If yes then Chebyshev distance is the best
Otherwise use Euclidian distance.
You cant use Manhattan here if you want an optimal path because Manhattan heuristic is not admissible on diagonal routes (it overestimates them) so it can lead to suboptimal pathes

Triangulation algorithm using signal strength

I want to have an estimation of the location of a user using the surrounding cell towers. For each tower, I have a location and a signal strength. Now I use a simple means of the coordinates but it is not very accurate (the user is not necessarily between the two towers).
I guess the solution is to draw a circle around each tower (the less the signal strength is, the larger it will be) and them compute the intersection between the circles. I usually don't have more than 3 cell towers.
Any idea how ? I found the Delaunay triangulation method but I don't think it applies here.
Thank you
You need to convert each signal strength to an estimate of distance and then use each distance (as the radius of a circle) in order to triangulate. You'll need at least three transmitters to resolve ambiguity, and accuracy will not be great, since signal strength is only very approximately related to distance and is affected by numerous external factors in the real world. Note that in ideal conditions, signal strength follows an inverse square law with distance.

Is This Graph Embedding Possible & Does It Have A Name?

I want to project an undirected graph into the 2d plane such that:
the euclidean distance preserves the stepwise distance (i.e. if the shortest path between A and B is shorter than the shortest path between C and D, then the euclidean distance between A and B is less than the euclidean distance between A and B)
the minimum difference between the euclidean distance and the stepwise distance is minimized. Ideally the set of solutions is generated or described if there is not a unique minimum.
If this is not possible, what are the most minimal sets of constraints on the graph that make it possible? I'm interested in the question in general, although at the moment I want it for a finite lattice with its minimum removed.
It's called graph embeddng. There's even a theorem that gives an upper limit to the distortion. The embedding algorithm that I like the most is SDE. It's fairly easy to implement on any language if you have a SDP library.
Here's an algorithm that's a bit simpler.
I think the first requirement is impossible, at least for the general case. Consider a fully-connected graph consisting of four nodes, with all path-lengths equal. It's not possible to choose four points in 2D Euclidean space that exhibits the same property (other than 4 coincident points).
See Diego's answer for some useful information (my knowledge of graph theory is very limited!).

How do I calculate a normal vector based on multiple triangles sharing a vertex?

If I have a mesh of triangles, how does one go about calculating the normals at each given vertex?
I understand how to find the normal of a single triangle. If I have triangles sharing vertices, I can partially find the answer by finding each triangle's respective normal, normalizing it, adding it to the total, and then normalizing the end result. However, this obviously does not take into account proper weighting of each normal (many tiny triangles can throw off the answer when linked with a large triangle, for example).
I think a good method should be using a weighted average but using angles instead of area as weights. This is in my opinion a better answer because the normal you are computing is a "local" feature so you don't really care about how big is the triangle that is contributing... you need a sort of "local" measure of the contribution and the angle between the two sides of the triangle on the specified vertex is such a local measure.
Using this approach a lot of small (thin) triangles doesn't give you an unbalanced answer.
Using angles is the same as using an area-weighted average if you localize the computation by using the intersection of the triangles with a small sphere centered in the vertex.
The weighted average appears to be the best approach.
But be aware that, depending on your application, sharp corners could still give you problems. In that case, you can compute multiple vertex normals by averaging surface normals whose cross product is less than some threshold (i.e., closer to being parallel).
Search for Offset triangular mesh using the multiple normal vectors of a vertex by SJ Kim, et. al., for more details about this method.
This blog post outlines three different methods and gives a visual example of why the standard and simple method (area weighted average of the normals of all the faces joining at the vertex) might sometimes give poor results.
You can give more weight to big triangles by multiplying the normal by the area of the triangle.
Check out this paper: Discrete Differential-Geometry Operators for Triangulated 2-Manifolds.
In particular, the "Discrete Mean Curvature Normal Operator" (Section 3.5, Equation 7) gives a robust normal that is independent of tessellation, unlike the methods in the blog post cited by another answer here.
Obviously you need to use a weighted average to get a correct normal, but using the triangles area won't give you what you need since the area of each triangle has no relationship with the % weight that triangles normal represents for a given vertex.
If you base it on the angle between the two sides coming into the vertex, you should get the correct weight for every triangle coming into it. It might be convenient if you could convert it to 2d somehow so you could go off of a 360 degree base for your weights, but most likely just using the angle itself as your weight multiplier for calculating it in 3d space and then adding up all the normals produced that way and normalizing the final result should produce the correct answer.

Optimal rotation of 3D model for 2D projection

I'm looking for a way to determine the optimal X/Y/Z rotation of a set of vertices for rendering (using the X/Y coordinates, ignoring Z) on a 2D canvas.
I've had a couple of ideas, one being pure brute-force involving performing a 3-dimensional loop ranging from 0..359 (either in steps of 1 or more, depending on results/speed requirements) on the set of vertices, measuring the difference between the min/max on both X/Y axis, storing the highest results/rotation pairs and using the most effective pair.
The second idea would be to determine the two points with the greatest distance between them in Euclidean distance, calculate the angle required to rotate the 'path' between these two points to lay along the X axis (again, we're ignoring the Z axis, so the depth within the result would not matter) and then repeating several times. The problem I can see with this is first by repeating it we may be overriding our previous rotation with a new rotation, and that the original/subsequent rotation may not neccesarily result in the greatest 2D area used. The second issue being if we use a single iteration, then the same problem occurs - the two points furthest apart may not have other poitns aligned along the same 'path', and as such we will probably not get an optimal rotation for a 2D project.
Using the second idea, perhaps using the first say 3 iterations, storing the required rotation angle, and averaging across the 3 would return a more accurate result, as it is taking into account not just a single rotation but the top 3 'pairs'.
Please, rip these ideas apart, give insight of your own. I'm intreaged to see what solutions you all may have, or algorithms unknown to me you may quote.
I would compute the principal axes of inertia, and take the axis vector v with highest corresponding moment. I would then rotate the vertices to align v with the z-axis. Let me know if you want more details about how to go about this.
Intuitively, this finds the axis about which it's hardest to rotate the points, ie, around which the vertices are the most "spread out".
Without a concrete definition of what you consider optimal, it's impossible to say how well this method performs. However, it has a few desirable properties:
If the vertices are coplanar, this method is optimal in that it will always align that plane with the x-y plane.
If the vertices are arranged into a rectangular box, the box's shortest dimension gets aligned to the z-axis.
EDIT: Here's more detailed information about how to implement this approach.
First, assign a mass to each vertex. I'll discuss options for how to do this below.
Next, compute the center of mass of your set of vertices. Then translate all of your vertices by -1 times the center of mass, so that the new center of mass is now (0,0,0).
Compute the moment of inertia tensor. This is a 3x3 matrix whose entries are given by formulas you can find on Wikipedia. The formulas depend only on the vertex positions and the masses you assigned them.
Now you need to diagonalize the inertia tensor. Since it is symmetric positive-definite, it is possible to do this by finding its eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Unfortunately, numerical algorithms for finding these tend to be complicated; the most direct approach requires finding the roots of a cubic polynomial. However finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix is an extremely common problem and any linear algebra package worth its salt will come with code that can do this for you (for example, the open-source linear algebra package Eigen has SelfAdjointEigenSolver.) You might also be able to find lighter-weight code specialized to the 3x3 case on the Internet.
You now have three eigenvectors and their corresponding eigenvalues. These eigenvalues will be positive. Take the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue; this vector points in the direction of your new z-axis.
Now, about the choice of mass. The simplest thing to do is to give all vertices a mass of 1. If all you have is a cloud of points, this is probably a good solution.
You could also set each star's mass to be its real-world mass, if you have access to that data. If you do this, the z-axis you compute will also be the axis about which the star system is (most likely) rotating.
This answer is intended to be valid only for convex polyhedra.
In you can find
"In this paper, we study how to select view points of convex polyhedra such that the silhouette satisfies certain properties. Specifically, we give algorithms to find all projections of a convex polyhedron such that a given set of edges, faces and/or vertices appear on the silhouette."
The paper is an in-depth analysis of the properties and algorithms of polyhedra projections. But it is not easy to follow, I should admit.
With that algorithm at hand, your problem is combinatorics: select all sets of possible vertexes, check whether or not exist a projection for each set, and if it does exists, calculate the area of the convex hull of the silhouette.
You did not provide the approx number of vertex. But as always, a combinatorial solution is not recommended for unbounded (aka big) quantities.
