I have the following data:
df$x3=df$x1+runif(500,-50,50); df$x4=df$x2+runif(500,-5,5)
This data contains multicollinear data. If I do this:
t <- pcor(df, method = "pearson")
I see that X1/X3 and X2/X4 have an issues with multicollinearity. Now I have to manually screen the output. Is there a way to detect these items automatically? And any thoughts on what should is the threshold?
Regrading multicollinearity - there are many tests that can help you to detect multicollinearity. For example, you can calculate the "variance inflation factor" using the vif function in the car package.
fit <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4, data = df)
vifVues <- car::vif(fit)
In addition, Wikipedia has a full page about detecting multicollinearity, and this looks like a good blog post.
However, similar to what you did, I usually start with correlations in order to detect "problematic" high correlations. For that, you can try to "flatten" the correlation table and than to filter out high correlations.
Note: because I'm not familiar with ppcor I used Hmisc. However, the idea is the same.
#Flatten correlation matrix function
flattenCorrMatrix <- function (DF)
DF <- DF %>% as.matrix() %>% rcorr()
ut <- upper.tri(DF$r)
flat <- data.frame(row = rownames(DF$r)[row(DF$r)[ut]], column = rownames(DF$r)[col(DF$r)[ut]],
cor = (DF$r)[ut], p = DF$P[ut], n = DF$n[ut])
#using the function and filtering out the y variable and correlations higher than abs(0.7)
flattenCorrMatrix(df) %>%
filter(!grepl("y", row)) %>%
filter(cor > abs(0.7))
row column cor p n
1 x1 x3 0.9626412 0 500
2 x2 x4 0.9972960 0 500
I simulated a data set with the following assumptions:
x1 <- rbinom(100,0,0.5) #trt
x2 <- rnorm(100,0,1) # metric outcome
df <- data.frame(x1,x2)
Now I'm trying to include missing values with two different methods: First "missing completely at random" and second "missing not at random". Therefore I tried lots of packages, but it does not work, as I expacted.
For the first scenario (MCAR) I used:
df_mcar <- ampute(data = df, prop = 0.1, mech = "MCAR", patterns = c(1, 0))$amp
... and it seems to work (with probability of 10% only x2 has missing values - independently of x1)
For the second scenario I want - again - that only x2 has missing values, but this time with special assumption on x1: Only for x1 = 1 I want x2 to have missing values in 10% of cases.
So in variable x2 I want missing values with probability of p=0.1 for x1 = 1 and with probability of p=0 for x1 = 0.
I would be glad for any hint or a simple solution :)
PS: I often read something like prodNA(...) but it does not work
Could probably do something like:
df %>%
x2 = if_else(x1 == 1 & runif(n()) < .1, NA_real_, x2)
My R is currently too busy for me to run the code, though.
So I need to write a function that takes a data-frame as input. The columns are my explanatory variables (except for the last column/right most column which is the response variable). I'm trying to fit a linear model and track each model's adjusted r-square as the criterion used to pick the best model.
The model will use all the columns as the explanatory variables (except for the right-most column which will be the response variable).
The function is supposed to create a tibble with a single column for the model number (I have no idea what this is supposed to mean), subset of of explanatory variables along with response variable, model formula, outcome of fitting linear model, and others as needed.
The function is supposed to output: the model number, the explanatory variables in the model, the value of adjusted r-square, and a graph (I can figure the graph out on my own). I have a image of a table here to help with visualizing what the result should look like.
I figured out that this code will get me the explanatory and response variables:
cols <- colnames(data)
# Get the response variable.
y <- tail(cols, 1)
# Get a list of the explanatory variables.
xs <- head(cols, length(cols) - 1)
I know that I can get a model with something like this (ignore variable names for now):
model <- final_data %>%
group_by(debt) %>%
lm(debt ~ distance, data = .) %>%
I also know that I'm going to have to somehow map that model to each of the rows in the tibble that I'm trying to create.
What I'm stuck on is figuring out how to put all this together and create the complete function. I wish I could provide more details but I am completely stuck. I've spent about 10 hours working on this today... I asked my professor for help and he just told me to post here.
For reference here is a very early (not working at all) attempt I made:
best_subsets <- function(data) {
cols <- colnames(data)
# Get the response variable.
y <- tail(cols, 1)
# Get a list of the explanatory variables.
xs <- head(cols, length(cols) - 1)
# Create the formula as a string and then later in the lm function
# have it turned into a real formula.
form <- paste(y, "~", xs, sep = " ")
data %>%
lm(as.formula(form), data = .) %>%
I don't fully understand your description but I think I understand your goal. Maybe this can help in some way?:
lm_func <- function(df){
fit1 <- lm(df[, 1] ~ df[, 2], data = df)
fit2 <- lm(df[, 1] ~ df[, 3], data = df)
fit3 <- lm(df[, 1] ~ df[, 2], df[, 3], data = df)
results <- list(fit1, fit2, fit3)
names(results) <- paste0("explanitory_variables_", 1:3)
r_sq <- lapply(results, function(x){
r_sq_df <- rbindlist(r_sq, idcol = "df_name")
This gives you a dataframe of all the important outputs from which you can select adj.r.squared. Would also be possible to automate. As a side note, selecting a model based on R squared seems very strange, dangers of overfitting? a higher R squared does not necessarily mean a better model, consider looking into AIC as well?
Let me know if this helps at all or if I can refine the answer a little more towards your goal.
lm_func <- function(df) {
lst <- c()
for (i in 2:ncol(df)) {
ind <- i
form_df <- df[, 1:ind]
form <- DF2formula(form_df)
fit <- lm(form, data = df)
lst[[i - 1]] <- glance(fit)
names(lst) <- paste0("explanitory_variables_", 1:length(lst))
lst <- rbindlist(lst, idcol = "df_name")
This assumes your first column is y and you want a model for every additional column.
OK one more UPDATE:
I think this does everything possible but is probably overkill:
#First function takes a dataframe containing only the dependent and independent variables. Specify them by variable name or column position.
#The function then returns a list of dataframes of every possible order of independent variables (y ~ x1 + x2...) (y ~ x2 + x1...).
#So you can run your model on every possible sequence of explanatory variables
formula_func <- function(df, dependent = df["Sepal.Length"], independents = df[c("Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species")]) {
independents_df_list <- permn(independents) #length of output should be the factorial of the number of independent variables
df_list <- lapply(independents_df_list, function(x){ #this just pastes your independent variable as the first column of each df
cbind(dependent, x)
permd_df_list <- formula_func(iris) # voila
# This function takes the output from the previous function and runs the lm building in one variable each time (y ~ x1), (y ~ x1 + x2) and so on
# So the result is many lms building in one one independent variable at a time in every possible order
# If that is as confusing to you as it is to me then check final output. You will see what model formula is used per row and in what order each explanatory variable was added
lm_func <- function(form_df_list, df) {
mega_lst <- c()
mega_lst <- lapply(form_df_list, function(x) {
lst <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(2:ncol(x)))
for (i in 2:ncol(x)) {
ind <- i
form_df <- x[, 1:ind]
form <- DF2formula(form_df)
fit <- lm(form, data = x)
lst[[i - 1]] <- glance(fit)
names(lst)[[i-1]] <- deparse(form)
lst <- rbindlist(lst, idcol = "Model_formula")
everything_list <- lm_func(permd_df_list, iris) # VOILA!!!
#Remove duplicates and return single df
everything_list_distinct <- everything_list %>%
rbindlist() %>%
## You can now subset and select whichever column you want from the final output
I posted this as a coding exercise so let me know if anyone spots any errors. Just one caveat, this code does NOT represent a statistically sound approach just a coding experiment so be sure to understand the stats first!
I´ve spent days searching for the optimal models which would fulfill all of the standard OLS assumptions (normal distribution, homoscedasticity, no multicollinearity) in R but with 12 variables, it´s impossible to find the optimal var combination. So I was trying to create a script which would automatize this process.
Here the sample code for calculations:
x1 <- runif(100, 0, 10)
x2 <- runif(100, 0, 10)
x3 <- runif(100, 0, 10)
x4 <- runif(100, 0, 10)
x5 <- runif(100, 0, 10)
df <- as.data.frame(cbind(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5))
model <- lm(x1~x2+x3+x4+x5, data = df)
# check for normal distribution (Shapiro-Wilk-Test)
rs_sd <- rstandard(model)
# check for heteroskedasticity (Breusch-Pagan-Test)
# check for multicollinearity
# models without outliers
# identify outliers (calculating the Cooks distance, if x > 4/(n-k-1) --> outlier
cooks <- round(cooks.distance(model), digits = 4)
df_no_out <- cbind(df, cooks)
df_no_out <- subset(df_no_out, cooks < 4/(100-4-1))
model_no_out <- lm(x1~x2+x3+x4+x5, data = df_no_out)
# check for normal distribution
rs_sd_no_out<- rstandard(model_no_out)
# check for heteroskedasticity
# check for multicollinearity
What I have in mind is to loop through all of the var combinations and get the P-VALUES for the shapiro.test() and the bptest() or the VIF-values for all models created so I can compare the significance values or the multicollinearity resp. (in my dataset, the multicollinearity shouldn´t be a problem and since to check for multicollinearity the VIF test produces more values (for each var 1xVIF factor) which will be probably more challenging for implementing in the code), the p-values for shapiro.test + bptest() would suffice…).
I´ve tried to write several scripts which would automatize the process but without succeed (unfortunately I´m not a programmer).
I know there´re already some threads dealing with this problem
How to run lm models using all possible combinations of several variables and a factor
Finding the best combination of variables for high R-squared values
but I haven´t find a script which would also calculate JUST the P-VALUES.
Especially the tests for models without outliers are important because after removing the outliers the OLS assumptions are fullfilled in many cases.
I would really very appreciate any suggestions or help with this.
you are scratching the surface of what is now referred to as Statistical learning. the intro text is "Statistical Learning with applications in R" and the grad level text is "The Elements of Statistical learning".
to do what you need you use regsubsets() function from the "leaps" package. However if you read at least chapter 6 from the intro book you will discover about cross-validation and bootstrapping which are the modern way of doing model selection.
The following automates the models fitting and the tests you made afterwards.
There is one function that fits all possible models. Then a series of calls to the *apply functions will get the values you want.
fitAllModels <- function(data, resp, regr){
f <- function(M){
apply(M, 2, function(x){
fmla <- paste(resp, paste(x, collapse = "+"), sep = "~")
fmla <- as.formula(fmla)
lm(fmla, data = data)
regr <- names(data)[names(data) %in% regr]
regr_list <- lapply(seq_along(regr), function(n) combn(regr, n))
models_list <- lapply(regr_list, f)
unlist(models_list, recursive = FALSE)
Now the data.
# Make up a data.frame to test the function above.
# Don't forget to set the RNG seed to make the
# results reproducible
x1 <- runif(100, 0, 10)
x2 <- runif(100, 0, 10)
x3 <- runif(100, 0, 10)
x4 <- runif(100, 0, 10)
x5 <- runif(100, 0, 10)
df <- data.frame(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
First fit all models with "x1" as response and the other variables as possible regressors. The function can be called with one response and any number of possible regressors you want.
fit_list <- fitAllModels(df, "x1", names(df)[-1])
And now the sequence of tests.
# Normality test, standardized residuals
rs_sd_list <- lapply(fit_list, rstandard)
sw_list <- lapply(rs_sd_list, shapiro.test)
sw_pvalues <- sapply(sw_list, '[[', 'p.value')
# check for heteroskedasticity (Breusch-Pagan-Test)
bp_list <- lapply(fit_list, bptest)
bp_pvalues <- sapply(bp_list, '[[', 'p.value')
# check for multicollinearity,
# only models with 2 or more regressors
vif_values <- lapply(fit_list, function(fit){
regr <- attr(terms(fit), "term.labels")
if(length(regr) < 2) NA else vif(fit)
A note on the Cook's distance. In your code, you are subsetting the original data.frame, producing a new one without outliers. This will duplicate data. I have opted for a list of indices of the df's rows only. If you prefer the duplicated data.frames, uncomment the line in the anonymous function below and comment out the last one.
# models without outliers
# identify outliers (calculating the
# Cooks distance, if x > 4/(n - k - 1) --> outlier
df_no_out_list <- lapply(fit_list, function(fit){
cooks <- cooks.distance(fit)
regr <- attr(terms(fit), "term.labels")
k <- length(regr)
inx <- cooks < 4/(nrow(df) - k - 1)
#df[inx, ]
# This tells how many rows have the df's without outliers
sapply(df_no_out_list, NROW)
# A data.frame without outliers. This one is the one
# for model number 8.
# The two code lines could become a one-liner.
i <- df_no_out_list[[8]]
df[i, ]
I'm trying to implement my own linear regression likelihood ratio test.
The test is where you take the sum of squares of a reduced model and the sum of squares of a full model and compare it to the F statistic.
However, I am having some trouble implementing the function, especially when dealing with dummy variables.
This is the dataset I am working with and testing the function on.
Here is the code so far:
The function inputs are the setup matrix mat, the response matrix which has just one column, the indices (variables) being test, and the alpha value the test is at.
linear_regression_likelihood <- function(mat, response, indices, alpha) {
mat <- as.matrix(mat)
reduced <- mat[,c(1, indices)]
q <- 1 #set q = 1 just to test on data
p <- dim(mat)[2]
n <- dim(mat)[1]
f_stat <- qf(1-alpha, df1 = p-q, df2 = n-(p+1))
beta_hat_full <- qr.solve(t(mat)%*%mat)%*%t(mat)%*%response
y_hat_full <- mat%*%beta_hat_full
SSRes_full <- t(response - y_hat_full)%*%(response-y_hat_full)
beta_hat_red <- qr.solve(t(reduced)%*%reduced)%*%t(reduced)%*%response
y_hat_red <- reduced%*%beta_hat_red
SSRes_red <- t(response - y_hat_red)%*%(response-y_hat_red)
s_2 <- (t(response - mat%*%beta_hat_full)%*%(response - mat%*%beta_hat_full))/(n-p+1)
critical_value <- ((SSRes_red - SSRes_full)/(p-q))/s_2
if (critical_value > f_stat) {
return ("Reject H0")
else {
return ("Fail to Reject H0")
Here is the setup code, where I setup the matrix in the correct format. Data is the read in CSV file.
data <- data[, 2:5]
mat <- data[, 2:4]
response <- data[, 1]
df <-data.frame(mat$x3)
dummy <- acm.disjonctif(df)
mat <- cbind(1, mat[1:2], dummy)
linear_regression_likelihood(mat, response, 2:3, 0.05)
This is the error I keep getting.
Error in solve.default(as.matrix(c)) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 1.63035e-18
I know it has to do with taking the inverse of the matrix after it is multiplied, but the function is unable to do so. I thought it may be due to the dummy variables having too small of values, but I am not sure of any other way to include the dummy variables.
The test I am doing is to check whether the factor variable x3 has any affect on the response y. The actual answer which I verified using the built in functions states that we fail to reject the null hypothesis.
The error originates from line
beta_hat_full <- qr.solve(t(mat)%*%mat)%*%t(mat)%*%response
If you go through your function step-by-step you will see an error
Error in qr.solve(t(mat) %*% mat) : singular matrix 'a' in solve
The problem here is that your model matrix does not have full column rank, which translates to your regression coefficients not being unique. This is a result of the way you "dummyfied" x3. In order to ensure full rank, you need to remove one dummy column (or manually remove the intercept).
In the following example I remove the A column from dummy which means that resulting x3 coefficients measure the effect of a unit-change in B, C, and D against A.
# Read data
data <- read.csv("data_hw5.csv")
data <- data[, 2:5]
# Extract predictor and response data
mat <- data[, 2:4]
response <- data[, 1]
# Dummify categorical predictor x3
df <-data.frame(mat$x3)
dummy <- acm.disjonctif(df)
dummy <- dummy[, -1] # Remove A to have A as baseline
mat <- cbind(1, mat[1:2], dummy)
# Apply linear_regression_likelihood
linear_regression_likelihood(mat, response, 2:3, 0.05);
# [,1]
#[1,] 8.291975
#[1] "Reject H0"
A note
The error could have been avoided if you had used base R's function model.matrix which ensures full rank when "dummyfying" categorical variables (model.matrix is also implicitly called in lm and glm to deal with categorical, i.e. factor variables).
Take a look at
mm <- model.matrix(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = data)
which by default omits the first level of factor variable x3. mm is identical to mat after (correct) "dummification".
I have one data set in an excel/csv form. I wish to run many simple linear regressions/correlations (each with a p-value).
I have several independent variables (x's) and one dependent variable (y).
The variables are all columns of data, not rows. Each column has the name of the data type in the first cell, and all the numerical data in the lower cells.
I want to create a loop instead of manually running each test, but I'm unfamiliar with loops in R. If anyone could help, I would greatly appreciate it.Thanks!
Without more detail it's hard to know for sure, but using dplyr and broom might get you where you need to go.
For example, this runs a linear model for each group:
mtcars %>%
group_by(cyl) %>%
do(tidy(lm(mpg ~ wt, data = .)))
For more detail, may I suggest: http://r4ds.had.co.nz/many-models.html
Here is my attempt to use a simulated data set to demonstrate 1) "manually" compute correlations, and 2) iteratively calculate correlation by a for loop in R:
First, generate data simulation with 2 independent variables x1 (normally distributed) and x2 (exponentially distributed), and a dependent variable y (same distribution as x1):
set.seed(1) #reproducibility
## The first column is your DEPENDENT variable
## The rest are independent variables
data <- data.frame(y=rnorm(100,0.5,1), x1=rnorm(100,0,1), x2= rexp(100,0.5))
"Manually" compute correlation:
cor_x1_y <- cor.test(data$x1, data$y)
cor_x2_y <- cor.test(data$x2, data$y)
c(cor_x1_y$estimate, cor_x2_y$estimate) #corr. coefficients
## cor cor
## -0.0009943199 -0.0404557828
c(cor_x1_y$p.value, cor_x2_y$p.value) #p values
## [1] 0.9921663 0.6894252
Iteratively compute correlation and store results in a matrix called results:
results <- NULL # placeholder
for(i in 2:ncol(data)) {
## Perform i^th test:
one_test <- cor.test(data[,i], data$y)
test_cor <- one_test$estimate
p_value <- one_test$p.value
## Add any other parameters you'd like to include
##update results vector
results <- rbind(results, c(test_cor , p_value))
colnames(results) <- c("correlation", "p_value")
## correlation p_value
## [1,] -0.0009943199 0.9921663
## [2,] -0.0404557828 0.6894252