"ErrorUtils caught an error" - Chrome console error with any Wordpress Facebook plugin - wordpress

I'm trying to use a Facebook likebox plugin on a staging site and I have tried some different plugins. Independently from plugin installed I receive the same error in Chrome console:
ErrorUtils caught an error: "Cannot listen to an undefined element. TAAL[2]". Subsequent errors won't be logged; see https://fburl.com/debugjs.
I think the problem is generated directly from Facebook plugin inclusion. Unfortunately the url https://fburl.com/debugjs isn't working.
This issue doesn't apparently create any problem to the site, but I would like to have a site without any error in console.
Tee site is http://millennium.alecss.it/
Let me know if you can help me, thank you very much.

This is the bug, when upgrade jQuery since 1.8.
Look in your code and replace to on('load')
//your code
//your code


I'm trying to send a form on my wordpress website using ajax, but its an error 500

The form is created using Contact Form 7, but the submit action is made with AJAX and a file php which made a database conection, the error return: 500 (Internal Server Error) on php file and: Uncaught TypeError: $(...).AjaxDebug is not a function on AJAX function.
In the debug file generated by WP there is nothing related with this error.
someone can help me to understand this problem?
I disabled the plugins one by one, hoping for the problem is a conflict, but nothing change.
you clean the cache?! use a plugin like Super Cache good luck

call wp_enqueue_media on wordpress page

I am using a custom theme that when I access http://ec2-54-255-182-157.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com/shop/ , it gives the error that
upload-media.js?ver=1:3 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'editor' of undefined
it happends at the code _orig_send_attachment = wp.media.editor.send.attachment;
some google search (like here https://codestag.com/how-to-use-wordpress-3-5-media-uploader-in-theme-options/
) suggests that "Above code snippet works on post edit page only, to make it work elsewhere you need to use wp_enqueue_media(); in your theme. Thanks to daviedR for correcting me on this."
Any idea how to do call wp_enqueue_media() on this page?
it turns out to be caused by mbstring is not enabled. After run yum install php56-mbstring and restart httpd service, it works good now.

GhostHunter Number of posts found: 0 issue

I'm using Ghost blog system and GhostHunter as searching engine. But when I search anything it returns me Number of posts found: 0.
Who knows, how to fix it?
As mentioned here I was getting the Ghost is not defined error message on the console in F12 dev tools.
I simply had to enable the Public API checkbox on the Labs tab under Settings on the Ghost Admin page.
For reference my script is:
rss: "{{#blog.url}}/rss/",
results: "#results"

All in one calendar month view previews don't hide

I am using the all in one calendar.
When I am in month view I can hover over items to get a preview of the event details. When I move my mouse away, or hit esc, or click away, no matter what I try, the preview remains.
This is annoying since the preview can cover up other days.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Here's a screenshot.
Note how the previews are all expanded and they don't go back .
If you need to view it you can go to timetolaugh.ca
The issue occurs in Chrome, FF, and IE.
Thanks for the help so far. I've inquired on the theme custom script here on the theme support page
Per #Pat_J's suggestion I have moved this from a comment to a potential answer.
Check to make sure that all your themes scripts are loading correctly. On page load I got a 404 error for one of the theme's custom script files (customscript.js) which could be causing the issue with all the other errors from jQuery mentioned by Pat J (I also got the same errors as Pat):
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://timetolaugh.ca/wp-content/themes/point/js/customscript.js?ver=3.8
I looked your theme up on wordpress.org and found it. Here is the file for v1.0.6 of the Point theme. Change the version number in the url below if you know you aren't running the latest version of the theme.
Save the file to your downloads folder (just ctrl+s in your browser) then upload it using an FTP client to your host in the /wp-content/themes/point/js/ folder. Backup any existing version of the customscript.js file that is on the server (might be a permissions issue which should be fixed by uploading)
If you are sure that it isn't a problem with page loading then I would build a jQuery script similar to the following:
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
jQuery(".ai1ec-event-popup").on('mouseleave', function () {
But please try to fix the page loading before patching with a script.

Drupal "page not found" error keeps getting logged in Recent Log Entries

Our website keeps logging a "page not found" error under the Drupal Recent Log Entries, but we do not know where it is coming from. When clicking into the detail of the error, the location is marked as "http:///*", user is "Guest", and severity is "warning". Does anybody have ideas on where we can find out what's causing these errors to log?
Page not found warnings like this can be caused every kind of code that triggers an http request, like loading a .js or .css file or an image. A way to debug this is the quick-and-dirty method described by Lullabot which means that you add a debug_backtrace() at the point where the warning is registered (in your case probably the watchdog() function, see the comment by Randy Fay).
PS. #Arvind: If you're using the Drupal API correctly, there shouldn't be too many drupal_goto calls in your code.
do you have atypo error in your code? check if you have mistakenly commented coz i see /* in the link.
This has to be a local error. I would check for my drupal_goto calls in my code.
this is my guess and i'm no drupal expert. let us know if it helps.
You might have an issue with your favicon like I did, although I don't recalling it generating errors in my watchdog.
It's what triggered a lot of page not founds on my setup.
Basically, you normally put your favicon in your root. However, some browsers ( I believe IE6 ) , don't check the root for your favicon, but your theme folder.
I just duplicated my favicon in my theme folder, and my problem was solved.
Worth a try.
