GNUPlot cannot be executed after mpirun command in PBS script - mpi

I have PBS command something like this
#PBS -N marcell_single_cell
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -l walltime=20000:00:00
#PBS -e stderr.log
#PBS -o stdout.log
# Specific the shell types
#PBS -S /bin/bash
# Specific the queue type
#PBS -q dque
#uncomment this if you want to debug the process
#set -vx
ulimit -s unlimited
#export PATH=$PBS_O_PATH
echo This job has allocated $NPROCS nodes
echo Cleaning old files...
rm -rf *.png *.plt *.log
echo Cleaning success
/opt/Lib/openmpi-2.1.3/bin/mpirun -np $NPROCS /scratch4/marcell/CellMLSimulator/bin/CellMLSimulator -ionmodel grandi2010 -solverType CVode -irepeat 4 -dt 0.01
gnuplot -p plotting.gnu
It got error something like this, thrown by the PBS error log.
/var/spool/torque/mom_priv/jobs/6265.node01.SC: line 28: gnuplot: command not found
I've already make sure that the path of GNUPlot is already been added to the PATH environment variable.
However, the strange part is, if I interchange the sequence of command, like gnuplot first and then mpirun, there isn't any error. I suspect that some commands after mpirun need some special configs, but I dunno how to do that
Already following this solution, but no avail.
sleep command not found in torque pbs but works in shell
it seems that the before and after mpirun still got error. and this is the which result:
which: no gnuplot in (/opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.9.293/bin/intel64:/opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.9.293/bin/intel64:/opt/pgi/linux86-64/9.0-4/bin:/opt/openmpi/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/prog/tools/grace/grace/bin:/home/prog/ansys_inc/v121/fluent/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.9.293/mpirt/bin/intel64:/opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.9.293/mpirt/bin/intel64:/scratch7/feber/jdk1.8.0_101:/scratch7/feber/code/apache-maven/bin:/usr/local/bin:/scratch7/cml/bin)
It's strange, since when I try to find the gnuplot, there is one in the /usr/local/bin
ls -l /usr/local/bin/gnuplot
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3262113 Sep 18 2017 /usr/local/bin/gnuplot
moreover, if I run those commands without PBS, it seems executed as I expected:
/scratch4/marcell/CellMLSimulator/bin/CellMLSimulator -ionmodel grandi2010 -solverType CVode -irepeat 4 -dt 0.01
gnuplot -p plotting.gnu

It's very likely that your system has different "login/head nodes" and "compute nodes". This is a commonly used practice in many supercomputing clusters. While you build and launch your application from the head node, it gets executed on one or more compute nodes.
The compute nodes can have different hardware and software compared to the head nodes. In your case, gnuplot is installed only on the head node, as you can see from the different outputs of which gnuplot. To solve this, you have three approaches:
Request the system administrators to install gnuplot on the compute nodes.
Build and install your own version of gnuplot in a file-system accessible from the compute nodes. It could be your home directory or somewhere else depending on your cluster. In general, the filesystem where your application is will be available. In your case, anywhere under /scratch4/marcell/ would probably work.
Run gnuplot on the head node after the MPI jobs finish as a post-processing step. PBS/Torque does not provide a direct way to do this. You'll need to write a separate bash (not PBS) script to do this.


Inconsistent mounting behaviour with SLURM and Singularity

I am completely new to using SLURM to submit jobs to a HPC and I am facing a peculiar problem that I am not able to resolve.
I have a job.slurm file that contains the following bash script
#SBATCH --job-name singularity-mpi
#SBATCH -N 1 # total number of nodes
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00 # Max execution time
#SBATCH --partition=partition-name
#SBATCH --output=/home/users/r/usrname/slurm-reports/slurm-%j.out
module load GCC/9.3.0 Singularity/3.7.3-Go-1.14 CUDA/11.0.2 OpenMPI/4.0.3
binaryPrecision=600 #Temporary number
while getopts i:o: flag
case "${flag}" in
i) input=${OPTARG}
o) output=${OPTARG}
*) echo "Invalid option: -$flag" ;;
mpirun --allow-run-as-root singularity exec --bind /home/users/r/usrname/scratch/points_and_lines/:/usr/local/share/sdpb/ sdpb_2.5.1.sif pvm2sdp $binaryPrecision /usr/local/share/sdpb/$input /usr/local/share/sdpb/$output
The command pvm2sdp is just some specific kind of C++ executable that converts a XML file to a JSON file.
If I submit the .slurm file as
sbatch ./job.slurm -i /home/users/r/usrname/scratch/points_and_lines/xmlfile.xml -o /home/users/r/usrname/scratch/points_and_lines/jsonfile.json
it works perfectly. However, if I instead submit it using srun as
srun ./job.slurm -i /home/users/r/usrname/scratch/points_and_lines/xmlfile.xml -o /home/users/r/usrname/scratch/points_and_lines/jsonfile.json
I get the following error -
A call to mkdir was unable to create the desired directory:
Directory: /scratch
Error: Read-only file system
Please check to ensure you have adequate permissions to perform
the desired operation.
I have no clue why this is happening and how I can go about resolving the issue. I tried to mount /scratch as well but that does not resolve the issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated since I need to use the srun inside another .slurm file that contains multiple other MPI calls.
I generally use srun after salloc. Let's say I have to run a python file on a GPU. I will use salloc to allocate a compute node.
salloc --nodes=1 --account=sc1901 --partition=accel_ai_mig --gres=gpu:2
Then I use this command to directly access the shell of the compute node.
srun --pty bash
Now, you can type any command as would do on your pc. You can try nvidia-smi. You can run Python files python
In your case, you can simply load modules manually and then run your mpirun command after srun --pty bash. You don't need the job script.
One more thing, sbatch and srun are customised for each HPC, so we can't say what exactly is stopping you from running those commands.
At Swansea University, we are expected to use job scripts with the sbatch only. Have a look at my university's HPC tutorial.
Read this article to know the primary differences between both.

How to scatter chunks of data on cluster nodes without running out of memory

I wrote a code in Python which implements mpi4py to scatter chunks of data across the processors of a cluster. Each processor writes the given chunk of data into a .txt file, then all these .txt files are merged in one.
Everything is working as expected.
However, for very large .txt files, the cluster is complaining about memory:
mpiexec noticed that process ... rank ... on node ... exited on signal 9 (Killed)
I'm trying to set the parameters in the PBS file in a way which avoids this issue. So far, this is not working:
#PBS -S /bin/bash
## job name and output file
#PBS -N test
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -o job.o
##PBS -l select=16:mpiprocs=1:mem=8000mb
#PBS -l select=4:ncpus=16:mem=4gb
#PBS -l walltime=03:00:00
ulimit -Hn
# number of processes
echo $NPROC
module load anaconda/2019.10
source activate py3
echo starting run in current directory $CURRDIR
echo " "
mpiexec -n $NPROC -hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE python $CURRDIR/
echo "finished successfully"
Any idea?
MPI uses distributed memory, that is, if you have more data than fits in one process, you spread it over multiple processes, for instance on multiple computers. So "scattering" data often doesn't make sense: it assumes that all this too-much data actually fits on one process. For a true MPI program, your processes all create their own data, or read it from a file, but you never have all data in one place.
So if you're dealing with lots of data, then a scattering approach will of course run out of memory, but it's the wrong way to approach your problem to begin with. Rewrite your program and make it truly distributed memory parallel.

Linux cluster, Rmpi and number of procesess

Since the beginning of November, I'm stuck in to run a parallel job in a Linux cluster. I already search A LOT on the internet searching for information but I simply can't progress. When I start to search for parallelism in R using cluster I discovered the Rmpi. It looked quite simple, but now I don't now more what to do. I have a script to send my job:
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -N ANN_residencial
#PBS -q linux.q
#PBS -l nodes=8:ppn=8
source /hpc/modulos/bash/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/hpc/nlopt-2.4.2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export CPPFLAGS='-I/hpc/nlopt-2.4.2/include '$CPPFLAGS
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/hpc/nlopt-2.4.2/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
# OPENMPI 1.10 + GCC 5.3
source /hpc/modulos/bash/
mpiexec --mca orte_base_help_aggregate 0 -np 1 -hostfile ${PBS_NODEFILE} /hpc/R-3.3.0/bin/R --slave -f sunhpc_mpi.r
And this is the beginning of my R program:
cl <- startMPIcluster()
So here is my questions:
1- Is this way I should initialize the processes (i.e. using starMPIcluster whitout a parameter and using at the command line -np 1)?
2- Why when I use this commands the MPI complains with it's frase?
An MPI process has executed an operation involving a call to the
"fork()" system call to create a child process....
OBS: He said that for all the 64 processes (because there are 8 nodes with 8 cpus and I'm creating 63 processes)
3- Why when I use this commands on a machine of 60 CPU's he just spawn two workers?
Finally, I got it!
To run a parallel program in R using the Rmpi in a cluster you need to configure the job script according to the system. Next on the command line:
mpiexec --mca orte_base_help_aggregate 0 -np 1 -hostfile ${PBS_NODEFILE} /hpc/R-3.3.0/bin/R --slave -f sunhpc_mpi.r
You have to modify to:
mpiexec -np NUM_PROC -hostfile ${PBS_NODEFILE} /hpc/R-3.3.0/bin/R --slave -f sunhpc_mpi.r
On the R code, you must not detail anything 'startMPIcluster()' So, the code will exactly as I wrote above.

Rscript not working in qsub cluster

I have two Rscripts named iHS.hist.R and Fst.hist.R. I know both scripts work. When I use the following commands in my directory in my ubuntu terminal I get a histogram plot for each script (two total if I do both scripts)
module load R
Rscript iHS.hist.R
or I could do Rscript Fst.hist.R
The point is I know they both work.
The problem is that each Rscript takes about 20 minutes to run because my data is pretty big. And unfortunately it's only going to get bigger. I have access to a cluster and I would like to make use of that. I have created two .sh scripts to send to the cluster with qsub but I am running into issues. Here is my script for my iHS.hist.R script.
#PBS -N iHS.plots
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -l walltime=2:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8
#PBS -l mem=4gb
###############related commands
###edit it
#code in qsub
###############cut columns we don't need
cut -f1,2,3,4 /group/stranger-lab/ebeiter/test/SNPsnap_mdd_5_100/matched_snps_annotated.txt > /group/stranger-lab/ebeiter/test/SNPsnap_mdd_5_100/cut.matched_snps_annotated.txt
cut -f1,2 /group/stranger-lab/ebeiter/test/SNPsnap_mdd_5_100/input_snps_insufficient_matches.txt > /group/stranger-lab/ebeiter/test/SNPsnap_mdd_5_100/cut.input_snps_insufficient_matches.txt
###############only needed columns remain
cd /group/stranger-lab/ebeiter
module load R
Rscript iHS.hist.R
The cuts in the beginning are for setting up the data in the right format.
I have tried qsub and it gives me a job. I check on it, and after about 10 minutes it finishes. So I'm assuming it's running my Rscript. I check the error file and it's empty. I check the log file and it does not give me the usual null device 1 that I get after my jpeg is completed in my Rscript. I don't get the output jpeg file for the Rscript when the cluster job is done. I do get the output jpeg file if I just did the Rscript on it's own like at the top of this. Any idea what is going on?

error on running mpi job

I'm trying to run a MPI job on a cluster with torque and openmpi 1.3.2 installed and I'm always getting the following error:
"mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it could not find an executable:
Executable: -p
Node: compute-101-10.local
while attempting to start process rank 0."
I'm using the following script to do the qsub:
#PBS -N mphello
#PBS -l walltime=0:00:30
#PBS -l nodes=compute-101-10+compute-101-15
mpirun -npersocket 1 -H compute-101-10,compute-101-15 /home/username/mpi_teste/mphello
Any idea why this happens?
What I want is to run 1 process in each node (compute-101-10 and compute-101-15). What am I getting wrong here?
I've already tried several combinations of the mpirun command, but either the program runs on only one node or it gives me the above error...
Thanks in advance!
The -npersocket option did not exist in OpenMPI 1.2.
The diagnostics that OpenMPI reported
mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it could not
find an executable: Executable: -p
is exactly what mpirun in OpenMPI 1.2 would say if called with this option.
Running mpirun --version will determine which version of OpenMPI is default on the compute nodes.
The problem is that the -npersocket flag is only supported by Open MPI 1.3.2 and the cluster where I'm running my code only has Open MPI 1.2 which doesn't support that flag.
A possible way around is to use the flag -loadbalance and specify the nodes where i want the code to run with the flag -H node1,node2,node3,... like this:
mpirun -loadbalance -H node1,node2,...,nodep -np number_of_processes program_name
that way each node will run number_of_processes/p processes, where p the number of nodes where the processes will be run.
