JavaFX Application not loading fxml files when exported to a jar file - javafx

I have just finished my first java project, however I can't seem to get it to build properly. It will load the initial fxml file that the whole calculator runs on, however when I try to add a holiday/break in the holiday/break menu a dialogpane is supposed to display so the user can fill information, but I keep getting a location not set error when I run the jar file in the cmd. It all works when I launch it in intellij but not in the jar.
This is how I have my files set up. I made a resource directory in the FinishedCalCulator project and marked it as the resource root
This is how I set the Location of the FXML file into the loader. This works when I run it in Intellij but not in the jar file.
Project Structure
Running through CMD
Invocation Target Exception/Location not set error
I have looked around and found a few posts talking about putting all of the fxml files into a resource file and I did that and got it working again in Intellij, but it still will not display the dialog panes when I try to add them. I'm not really sure what I am doing wrong here. I don't think I fully understand what I am doing wrong. Any help would be great.

To expand on my comment...
In your code you are calling getResource("/addHolidayDialog.fxml"). Your resource's filename, however, is AddHolidayDialog.fxml. Simply change the "a" in your code to "A" and your code should work.
Running from Intellij
When you run your application from Intellij it uses the output files in the out/production/classes directory. In other words, the classes are not in a JAR file. When you call getClass().getResource("/addHolidayDialog.fxml") you will get a URL like:
Which works on Windows despite the fact the file is actually named AddHolidayDialog.fxml because Windows has a case-insensitive file system.
Running from JAR
Then you export your project to a JAR and run it from there. Calling the same getResource code you will now get a URL (if the code worked) like:
What your code actually returns from getResource, however, is null. According to the JAR file, the resource addHoldiayDialog.fxml doesn't exist. It'll happily tell you that AddHolidayDialog.fxml does exist, however. The reason for this being that a JAR file has a case-sensitive "file system".


Running a self-contained exe without deps.json

I have a net5.0 app that's self-contained. I do not need the deps.json file since all of my dependencies exist already in the output folder so I removed the file with <GenerateDependencyFile>false</GenerateDependencyFile>. However, whenever I run my application I get the following message:
Cannot use file stream for [myapp.deps.json]: No such file or directory
The program itself runs fine as I expected but is there a way for me to remove this message somehow?
Edit: Also wanted to mention that we have a little hack that prevents the use of deps.json and that's another reason why I need it removed.

QWebview examples: only runs in specific directory

I'm trying to create a Qt app with a webview. I started out with a very simple UI with nothing more than a QWebview. When trying ui->webview->SetUrl(""); the application crashes on something with openssl.
Auto configuration failed
3348:error:0200107B:system library:fopen:Unknown error:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.c:169:fopen('c:cygwinhomeAdministrateurbuildslavefull-windows_xp_32buildgpac_extra_libs/c:cygwinhomeAdministrateurbuildslavefull-windows_xp_32buildgpac_extra_libs/ssl/openssl.cnf','rb')
3348:error:2006D002:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:system lib:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.c:174:
3348:error:0E078002:configuration file routines:DEF_LOAD:system lib:.\crypto\conf\conf_def.c:199:
I continues trying the examples. Domtraversal is one of the easier applications so i tried to build and run this. It works.
Changed the url to "" which also works (so no ssl issues there).
When i run the debug or release .exe it works normally (qt's bin path is in my path var so there are no dll problems), but when i move the executable to say, my Desktop it does not run.
I've tried several different things:
when i have any tree with the same amount of folders up to "build-domtraversal-Desktop_Qt_5_0_2_MSVC2010_32bit-Debug" as the folder it is build in continues by release with the executable in it (so: c:/test/test/test/test/test/test/build-domtraversal-Desktop_Qt_5_0_2_MSVC2010_32bit-Debug/release/app.exe) it works
When i add folders inside the release folder (...-Debug/release/test/test/app.exe) it works
When i change the name of either "build-domtraversal-Desktop_Qt_5_0_2_MSVC2010_32bit-*" or release folders it does not work (exept for the end of the build folder name)
When i change the name of the app itself it works.
When i change the folder structure to D:/* it does not work
When i turn off shadow build it does not work anymore in debug mode either. Unless i move the output .exe back into a folder structure where it did work.
There must be a path somewhere in the .pro.user or somewhere else i haven't thought about. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Cause right now I'm starting to believe in magic...

Publish of application fails to find file that exists

I've run into this issue when trying to publish my application today that I have published many times before. I'm trying to publish to a directory.
The issue I have is, if I go to my app directory C:\www\clients\clientsite\app\clientproject\Properties\PublishProfiles where the error below says it can't find the file I can clearly see the git.pubxml file.
Copying file Properties\PublishProfiles\git.pubxml to obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\Properties\PublishProfiles\git.pubxml failed. Could not find file 'Properties\PublishProfiles\git.pubxml'.
I've checked directory security settings and those are proper. I tried deleting my bin and obj but nothing is making a difference.
Often times the solution here is to edit the project file itself in notepad.
The trick to finding the afflicted path is to inspect the OUTPUT window, not the ERROR LIST window.
Once you find the afflicted file path, search for it in the project file and remove the reference.
In most cases the troublesome lines in the project file look like :
<Content include="{your path}" />
Continue to remove the includes until publishing works.
IMPORTANT: if you keep Visual Studio open while you're doing this, you must accept the "reload all" prompt.
I just ran into this after removing all unversioned files from my filesystem (which caused some .pubxml.user files to be lost.
If you right click the project node and click "publish", then select the publish profile that is causing problems, then simply close the publish dialog, Visual Studio will ask if you want to save changes... when you click yes, it regenerate the .pubxml.user file and everything works again.
Have you ensured that the file actually exists in the project? I have had problems working in a team where some file I wrote ended up not appearing in VS as a project file, so when we published, it didn't exist in the publish. If you can't find it inside VS, ensure that you are not debugging, and drop the file into the project file structure, then publish as normal.
VS was saying it couldn't find that file because the git.pubxml file in that directory was of type USER File and it needed to be PUBXML. When I added the correct file type from another version of that same project, I was able to publish the project again. I believe the PUBXML file was removed by mistake in source control.
It usually happens to binary files after updating it. Some packages remove it's own .xml and .pubxml files, while visual studio still believes that it is a part of the project.
What you need to do it to check for a Yellow Triangle besides the file name in the project directory tree, and remove that files, they're useless since your project compiles without errors.
try changing the publishing settings. if you check "Precompile during publishing" this will recreate your .pubxml.user file
I looked in Solution Explorer under the PublishProfiles section and found that the file was excluded and had a "!" by it showing a warning that the file wasn't found. I deleted it, then went into my Publish settings to edit a profile. I changed something (for me to compile files during publish.) Then I tried republishing the solution, and it worked!

Injected code in *.ASPX.VB file at pre-build event is not compiled, have to compile twice, why?

I have a pre-build event in a web project in Visual Studio (2012 but same behaviour in 2010).
The prebuild invoke a simple exe which look for every filename.aspx.vb file if there is a matching filename.html in the folder.
If it does, it just read the filename.html as a string (escaped and minified) and inject it as a string also in the finename.aspx.vb something like :
myStribBuilder.Append("This is where the html code from the external file is going")
Let say i made a modification on filename.html I save and I compile and test the website. It should reflect the latest change when calling filename.aspx
Here what happens :
If I have a very light project with one page or two, it does work. It compiles fine as expected.
Then project get bigger and it doesn't work anymore. I mean code is injected but not compiled as expected, if I refresh filename.aspx on webserver I will still have same version but if I open filename.aspx.vb on VS the code is in there. Second compilation works 100% ok.
I can live with that but I have to compile TWICE each time for testing purpose after html files changes.
This doesn't make sense to me.
What "pre-build" means if in fact it seems to cache the code right on compilation request before executing the prebuild routine.
So, how can I be sure to inject code in my *.vb file before compilation begins ?
I figured out the problem was not VS not waiting for exe to complete on prebuild, but rather having the filename.aspx.vb opened when compiling.
The code update itself on the IDE (with options set to autoupdate externally modified opened page) but I guess the compile process keep the pre-build version of the opened file, which make sense in a way.
If I close the file before compiling it is ok.
Now I wonder if there is a workaround to this, but I understand it is not common practice to externally modify on the fly opened files in IDE before compilation. I do however rely heavily on this technique.

FlexUnit4 in IntelliJ

When I try to run test with FlexUnit4 and IntelliJ, I get this error:
SecurityError: Error #2148: SWF file file:///C|/Users/LIC/Projects/ProgramJef/out/production/Flex%2DClient%2DTests/%5Fflexunit.swf cannot access local resource file:///C|/Users/LIC/Projects/ProgramJef/out/production/Flex%2DClient%2DTests/textLayout_1.1.0.604.swf. Only local-with-filesystem and trusted local SWF files may access local resources.
at mx.core::CrossDomainRSLItem/load()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
at mx.core::RSLListLoader/loadNext()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
at mx.core::RSLListLoader/load()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
at mx.preloaders::Preloader/initialize()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\preloaders\]
at mx.managers::SystemManager/[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
at mx.managers::SystemManager/initHandler()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
I really wouldn't know what the problem is here, and I can't find anything on it online. Even on IntelliJ and FlexUnit4 there's not much to find...
You must allow the resulting SWF access to your file system. Set the Flashplayer trust settings in a file. On Linux this file must be in
(for Windows there is a similar path somewhere) and create a file that lists the output path of your project, e.g.
In case 'target' is our output folder.
Did you set up your test sources folder right? In Project Settings under Modules, add Flex and click Flex and add Text Source Folders using the tree structure on the right hand side.
(IntelliJ 9.0.2)
