Vectorizing 'deparse(substitute(d))' in R? - r

I'm wondering why, when running my below using: bb(d = c(dnorm, dcauchy) ) I get an error saying: object 'c(dnorm, dcauchy)' not found?
P.S. But as I show below, the function has no problem with bb(d = c(dnorm)).
bb <- function(d){
d <- if(is.character(d)) d else deparse(substitute(d))
h <- numeric(length(d))
for(i in 1:length(d)){
h[i] <- get(d[i])(1) ## is there something about `get` that I'm missing?
# Two Examples of Use:
bb(d = dnorm) # Works OK
bb(d = c(dnorm, dcauchy) ) # Error: object 'c(dnorm, dcauchy)' not found
# But if you run:
bb(d = c("dnorm", "dcauchy"))# Works OK

Try this alternative where you pass the functions directly to your function
bb <- function(d){
if (!is.list(d)) d <- list(d)
sapply(d, function(x) x(1))
bb(d = list(dnorm, dcauchy))
bb(d = dnorm)
The c() function is meant to combine vectors, it's not a magic "array" function or anything. If you have collections of simple atomic types, you can join them with c(), but for more complicated objects like functions, you need to collect those in a list, not a vector.


How to update data.table variable within a function?

Sorry if this is a duplicate. I am very new to data.table. Basically, I am able to get my code to work outside of functions, but when I pack the operations inside of a function, they breakdown. Ultimately, I had hoped to make the functions age.inds and m.inds internal functions in a package.
# required functions ------------------------------------------------------
# create object
create.obj <- function(n = 100){
obj = list()
obj$inds <- data.table(age = rep(0.1, n), m = NA)
obj$m$model <- function(age, a){return(age^a)}
obj$m$params <- list(a = 2)
# calculate new 'age' of inds
age.inds <- function(obj){
obj$inds[, age := age + 1]
# calculate new 'm' of inds
m.inds <- function(obj){
ARGS <- list()
args.incl <- which(names(obj$m$params) %in% names(formals(obj$m$model)))
ARGS <- c(ARGS, obj$m$params[args.incl])
args.incl <- names(obj$inds)[names(obj$inds) %in% names(formals(obj$m$model))]
ARGS <- c(ARGS, obj$inds[, ..args.incl]) # double dot '..' version
# ARGS <- c(ARGS, inds[, args.incl, with = FALSE]) # 'with' version
obj$inds[, m :=$m$model, ARGS)]
# advance object
adv.obj <- function(obj, times = 1){
for(i in seq(times)){
obj <- age.inds(obj)
obj <- m.inds(obj)
# Example ----------------------------------------------------------------
# this doesn't work
obj <- create.obj(n = 10)
obj # so far so good
obj <- age.inds(obj)
obj # 'inds' gone
# would ultimately like to call adv.obj
obj <- adv.obj(obj, times = 5)
Also (as a side note), most of what I would like to do in my code would be vectorized calculations (i.e. updating variables in obj$inds), so I don't even know if going to data.tables makes too much sense for me (i.e. no by grouping operations as of yet). I am dealing with large objects and wondered if switching from data.frame objects would speed things up (I can get my code to work using data.frames).
OK, the issue with the printing has been solved thanks to #eddi. I am however unable to use these "inds" functions when they are located internally within a package (i.e not exported). I made a small package (DTtester), that has this example in the help file for adv.obj:
obj <- create.obj(n=10)
obj <- adv.obj(obj, times = 5)
# Error in `:=`(age, new.age) :
# Check that == TRUE. Otherwise, := and `:=`(...) are
# defined for use in j, once only and in particular ways. See help(":=").
Any idea why the functions would fail in this way?

Getting name of an object from list in Map

Given the following data:
list_A <- list(data_cars = mtcars,
data_air = AirPassengers,
data_list = list(A = 1,
B = 2))
I would like to print names of objects available across list_A.
f = function(x) {
nm <- deparse($x)
# nm object is only needed to properly name flat file that may be
# produced within Map call
if (any(class(x) == "list")) {
length(x) + 1
} else {
length(x) + 1e6
saveRDS(object = x,
file = tempfile(pattern = make.names(nm), fileext = ".RDS"))
[1] "dots[[1L]][[1L]]"
[1] "dots[[1L]][[2L]]"
[1] "dots[[1L]][[3L]]"
[1] 3
Desired results
I would like to get:
Following the comments, I have modified the example to make it more reflective of my actual needs which are:
While using Map to iterate over list_A I'm performing some operations on each element of the list
Periodically I want to create a flat file with name reflecting name of object that was processed
In addition to list_A, there are also list_B, list_C and so forth. Therefore, I would like to avoid calling names(list) inside the function f of the Map as I will have to modify it n number of times. The solution I'm looking to find should lend itself for:
Map(function(l){...}, list_A)
So I can later replace list_A. It does not have to rely on Map. Any of the apply functions would do; same applied to purrr-based solutions.
Alternative example
do_stuff <- function(x) {
nm <- deparse($x)
# nm object is only needed to properly name flat file that may be
# produced within Map call
if (any(class(x) == "list")) {
length(x) + 1
} else {
length(x) + 1e6
saveRDS(object = x,
file = tempfile(pattern = make.names(nm), fileext = ".RDS"))
Map(do_stuff, list_A)
As per the notes below, I want to avoid having to modify do_stuff function as I will be looking to do:
Map(do_stuff, list_A)
Map(do_stuff, list_B)
Map(do_stuff, list_...)
We could wrap it into a function, and do it in two steps:
myFun <- function(myList){
# do stuff
res <- Map(
f = function(x) {
#do stuff
# write to a file, here we might add control
# if list is empty do not output to a file
for(i in names(res)){
write.table(res[[ i ]], file = paste0(i, ".txt"))
Would something like this work ?
list_A2 <- Map(list, x = list_A,nm = names(list_A) )
trace(do_stuff, quote({ nm <- x$nm; x<- x$x}), at=3)
Map(do_stuff, list_A2)

Evaluate listed strings to create function object in r

I need a function created by a list of commands to fully evaluate so that it is identical to the "manual" version of the function.
Background: I am using ScaleR functions in Microsoft R Server and need to apply a set of transformations as a function. ScaleR is very picky about needing to be passed a function that is phrased exactly as specified below:
functionThatWorks <- function(data) {
data$marital_status_p1_ismarried <- impute(data$marital_status_p1_ismarried)
I have a function that creates this list of transformations (and hundreds more, hence the need to functionalize its writing).
transformList <- list ("data$ismarried <- impute(data$ismarried)",
"data$issingle <- impute(data$issingle)")
This line outputs the evaluated string that I want to the console, but I am unaware of a way to move it from console output to being used in a function:
cat(noquote(unlist(bquote( .(noquote(transformList[1]))))))
I need to evaluate functionIWant so that it is identical to functionThatWorks.
functionIWant <- function(data){
eval( cat(noquote(unlist(bquote( .(noquote(transformList[1])))))) )
identical(functionThatWorks, functionIWant)
EDIT: Adding in the answer based on #dww 's code. It works well in ScaleR. It is identical, minus meaningless spacing.
functionIWant <- function(){}
formals(functionIWant) <- alist(data=NULL)
functionIWant.text <- parse(text = c(
paste( bquote( .(noquote(transformList[1]))), ";", "return(data)\n")
body(functionIWant) <-"{"), functionIWant.text))
Maybe something like this?
# 1st define a 'hard-coded' function
f1 <- function (x = 2)
y <- x + 1
# [1] 16
# now create a similar function from a character vector
f2 <- function(){}
formals(f2) <- alist(x=2)
f2.text <- parse(text = c('y <- x + 1', 'y^2'))
body(f2) <-"{"), f2.text))
# [1] 16

R: on.exit - use returned value without knowing its name

I have below function. I cannot alter the function in any way except the first block of code in the function.
In this simple example I want to display apply some function on returning object.
The point is the name of variable returned by function may vary and I'm not able to guess it.
Obviously I also cannot wrap the f function into { x <- f(); myfun(x); x }.
The below .Last.value in my on.exit call represents the value to be returned by f function.
f <- function(param){
# the only code I know - start
on.exit(if("character" %in% class(.Last.value)) message(print(.Last.value)) else message(class(.Last.value)))
# the only code I know - end
# real processing of f()
a <- "aaa"
if(param==1L) return(a)
b <- 5L
if(param==2L) return(b)
# function
# [1] "aaa"
# aaa
# [1] 5
# integer
# [1] 32
Above code with .Last.value seems to be working with lag (so in fact not working) and also the .Last.value is probably not the way to go as I want to use the value few times like if(fun0(x)) fun1(x) else fun2(x), and because returned value might be a big object, copy it on the side is also bad approach.
Any way to use on.exit or any other function which can help me to run my function on the f function results without knowing result variable name?
In a similar way to how you are modifying the function, you could easily wrap it as well. Here's a reproducible example.
append.log<-function(x) {
idx.dt <- data.table:::`[.data.table`
idx.wrap <- function(...) {
x<, as.list(substitute(...())), envir=parent.frame())
append.log(if(is(x, "data.table")) {
} else { NA })
dt<-data.table(a=1:10, b=seq(2, 20, by=2), c=letters[1:10])
Since R 3.2.0 it is fully possible, thanks to new function returnValue.
Working example below.
f <- function(x, err = FALSE){
pt <- proc.time()[[3L]]
if(err) stop("some error")
dt <- data.frame(a = 1:5, b = letters[1:5])
f(dt, err=T)
f(dt[dt$a %in% 2:3 & dt$b %in% c("c","d"),])

How to get Vectorize return the results invisibly?

I have a drawing function f that should not return any output.
f <- function(a=0) invisible(NULL)
After vectorizing f, it does return NULL.
f_vec <- Vectorize(f)
How can I prevent this, i.e. make the output invisible here as well.
I could of course use a wrapper to suppress it.
f_wrapper <- function(a=0) {
dummy <- f_vec(a)
Is there a way to avoid the wrapper and get what I want straight away?
Yeah there is. This new version of Vectorize will do it:
Vectorize_2 <- function (FUN, vectorize.args = arg.names, SIMPLIFY = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE) {
arg.names <- as.list(formals(FUN))
arg.names[["..."]] <- NULL
arg.names <- names(arg.names)
vectorize.args <- as.character(vectorize.args)
if (!length(vectorize.args))
if (!all(vectorize.args %in% arg.names))
stop("must specify names of formal arguments for 'vectorize'")
FUNV <- function() {
args <- lapply(as.list([-1L], eval, parent.frame())
names <- if (is.null(names(args)))
else names(args)
dovec <- names %in% vectorize.args
invisible("mapply", c(FUN = FUN, args[dovec], MoreArgs = list(args[!dovec]),
formals(FUNV) <- formals(FUN)
But, how did I know to do this? Did I spend 20 minutes writing a brand new version of Vectorize? NOPE! I just ran dput(Vectorize) to see the R code behind Vectorize and added the invisible where necessary! You can do this with all R functions. You don't even need the dput! Just run Vectorize!
