Add dynamic page as funnel step in Google Analytics - google-analytics

I want to add as the first step of my funnel a dynamic page like this /profile/personal?new=1&ref_product_id=21666, where the id number is dynamic
It would be great to have some help with the best Regex for this type of situation.

This regex should cover it:


Google Analytics, internal link analytics?

I'll use StackOverflow as an example.
A user can reach a question/answer page from
outside of stackoverflow
from another page of stackoverflow
from a search result
from a link in other posts (link in another question or answer)
from Similar Questions section
from a user profile page
I'd like to know how those internal links are used.
Main question is What are the percentages of each type of links which led users to the Q/A page in stackoverflow
I want to know the answer for the Q/A pages as a whole not for each individual Q/A page.
Is this implementable using GA and if so, I'd like to hear a general guide so I can dig in.
Is there a term for this kind of analysis? (internal link analysis? Knowning a term helps me to google further..)
I found one way to do this using sitesearch.
It's from 2010, and not sure its still the best way to do it.
To be able to tell different links from the same page e.g. you will need to setup enhanced link attribution by requiring the plugin via this command
ga('require', 'linkid', 'linkid.js');
the plugin also requires decorating each link that reffers to the same destination (the question) a unique id. you can also chose to decorate a container element such as a div which holds link or its parent (up to 5 levels)
there are a number of ways to get at this data.
One way is a under reporting look at Behavior>Behavior Flow. The view crates a sunkey diagram. which you can narrow down using a custom segment + creating a content grouping. The advantage of the Behavior flow is that it is visual - but it is difficult to customize.
Another approach you could take is to locate the question in the Behavior > Site Content>All pages and the set the secondary dimension to "Previous Page Path". You can use the advanced filter to select a specific question, and to limit the previous pages to page paths matching the pattern for each type of page you discussed.
To view the attribution for different links you need to select the In-Page Analytics tab.
FYI, I've implemented it using Google tag manager.
I defined event navigateToQnA.
And fired the event with different event action for different type of clicks I care about.
Maybe bit laborious than the sitesearch method I linked in the question.
But cleaner in a sense that you don't pollute url parameters to collect the data.

Embed Google Analytics sessions (line graph and counter) in page

I am attempting to learn how to create a pretty simple widget to embed in a web page that will show the pageviews for that page to the reader. Just want to show views over the past 90 days, but as a total number and as a line graph.
I've been fussing with the Embed API reference guide at, and I have managed to create a basic dashboard - but I'm struggling to figure out how to take that code and target it down for only one property and how to filter the query to a particular URL.
Am I barking up the wrong tree, trying to use the embed API?
The embed API is not the way to go for this as it is designed for you to log in and look at your own data. You would need to use something like superProxy instead -

Set a tag to track links from a visual basic app in google analytics

I hope I can explain myself.
See. I have this little program where I put a link to my site, what I want to know if there's some way to add a tag into the URL so Google Analytics can count the amount of visitors coming from that program.
Like when you parse the GET in php.
something like http:\\\?something_to_google_analytics_to_read
If this is possible, I assume that I need also to configure that Tag into Analytic's, or?
As #SLaks pointed, I can find a step by step guide for create what I wanted in:
It is called Campaigns.

Google Analytics with a b2b site - tracking sub sections

I've implemented GA on our b2b site. It's strictly internal but we'd like to track behaviors of users to see if some of the sections on the site are relevant. So, it's working, but say you have and you want to also track
Do you set up a filter for this? I did try it and not sure if it's working quite yet. Any info/advice would be greatly appreciated. I am brand new to GA.
Not quite sure what you are asking.
If you want to know about metrics for the individual pages you'd go to to the Aquisition->Page Content reports. Overview will give you, well, an overview (you can use the filter box to look at the metrics for any specific Url), Content Drilldown will display a view structured by url hierarchy.
If you're after user behaviour you can create segments. If you want to know if somebody vistited the homepage and, after that, the /edit page you'd got to advanced segments (the arrow above the "Explorer" Tab in most views, click "create new segment", choose "sequence" from the advanced tab, choose page as dimension and "/" to filter for as step one, "/edit" as filter value for page two, enter a name for the segment and click save. Now you'll get all reports only for visitors who have visited those two pages, starting with the homepage.
There are a number of predefined segments, you should try them to see what they can do. You need a pretty good understanding of metrics and dimensions in GA to get the full value from segments, but the simple stuff (e.g. analyze differences between marketing channels) is already pretty useful.
So, for page performance seek out reports with page metrics and use filters. To analyze user behavior use segments which apply to most of the GA reports.
Hope that helps, if not you might to explain more specifically what you want to see in your reports.
You can create separate custom report for individual sections and drilldown by almost all the GA provided dimensions. please reffer the sampel provided.
Please access this URL in your browser as this is a predefined custom report which does the same thing you want. This will get saved under custom reports. You need to edit the custom report and give your own path/section insted of "/services/" under filters section

Filtering out URI in Google Analytics not working

I'm using Google Analytics to track pageviews on my website. However, there's a specific URL that I want to ignore (
So, inside filters, I have this filter:
Custom Filter-> Exclude-> Request URI-> ^/android_api-> Not Case Sensitive
However, "/android_api" is still showing up in "Top Pages".
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks a bunch!
Figured it out! Filtering doesn't work with the real-time portion of the analytics.
Are you certain your viewing your reports after you've created the filter? There could be some lingering data occurring in your top pages if your time span is set to encompass the data prior to the filter.
