R - Gamma Cumulative Distribution Function - r

I want to calculate the Gamma CDF for an array of data that I have. I have calculated the alpha and beta parameters, however I am not sure of how to calculate the CDF in R,(Is there something like Matlab's gamcdf?).
I have seen some people use fitdistr, or pgamma, but I do not understand how to put the alpha and beta values or I do not need them at all?

A gamma distribution is defined by the two parameters, and given those two parameters, you can calculate the cdf for an array of values using pgamma.
# Let's make a vector
x = seq(0, 3, .01)
# Now define the parameters of your gamma distribution
shape = 1
rate = 2
# Now calculate points on the cdf
cdf = pgamma(x, shape, rate)
# Shown plotted here
Note that the Gamma has different ways it can be parameterized. Check ?pgamma for specifics to ensure your 2 parameters match.


Gamma Likelihood in R

I want to plot the posterior distribution for data sampled from gamma(2,3) with a prior distribution of gamma(3,3). I am assuming alpha=2 is known. But a graph of my posterior for different values of the rate parameter centers around 4. It should be 3. I even tried with a uniform prior to make things simpler. Can you please spot what's wrong? Thank you.
dat <- rgamma(100,shape=2,rate=3)
alpha <- 3
n <- 100
post <- function(beta_1) {
posterior<- (((beta_1^alpha)^n)/gamma(alpha)^n)*
vlogl <- Vectorize(post)
A tricky question and possibly more related to statistics than to programming =). I initially made the same reasoning mistake as you, but subsequently realised to be more careful with the posterior and the roles of alpha and beta_1.
The prior is uniform (or flat) so the posterior distribution is proportional (not equal) to the likelihood.
The quantity you have assigned to the posterior is indeed the likelihood. Plugging in alpha=3, this evaluates to
(prod(dat^2)/(gamma(alpha)^n)) * beta_1^(3*n)*exp(-beta_1*sum(dat)).
This is the crucial step. The last two terms in the product depend on beta_1 only, so these two parts determine the shape of the posterior. The posterior distribution is thus gamma distributed with shape parameter 3*n+1 and rate parameter sum(dat). As the mode of the gamma distribution is the ratio of these two and sum(dat) is about 66 for this seed, we get a mode of 301/66 (about 4.55). This coincides perfectly with the ``posterior plot'' (again you plotted the likelihood which is not properly scaled, i.e. not properly integrating to 1) produced by your code (attached below).
I hope LifeisBetter now =).
But a graph of my posterior for different values of the rate parameter
centers around 4. It should be 3.
The mean of your data is 0.659 (~2/3). Given a gamma distribution with a shape parameter alpha = 3, we are trying to find likely values of the rate parameter, beta, that gave rise to the observed data (subject to our prior information). The mean of a gamma distribution is the shape parameter divided by the rate parameter. 100 observations should be enough to mostly overcome the somewhat informative prior (which had a mean of 1), so we should expect beta to take values somewhere in the region alpha/mean(dat), not 3.
#> [1] 4.54915
I'm not going to show the derivation of the posterior distribution for beta without TeX, but it is a gamma distribution that includes the rate parameter from the prior distribution of beta (betaPrior = 3):
n <- 100
dat <- rgamma(n, 2, 3)
alpha <- 3
betaPrior <- 3
post <- function(x) dgamma(x, alpha*(n + 1), sum(dat) + betaPrior)
curve(post, 2, 6)
Notice that the mean of beta is at ~4.39 rather than ~4.55 because of the informative prior that had a mean of 1.

how to sample from an upside down bell curve

I can generate numbers with uniform distribution by using the code below:
How can I sample randomly generated numbers that fall more frequently closer to the minimum and maxium boundaries? (Aka an "upside down bell curve")
Well, bell curve is usually gaussian, meaning it doesn't have min and max. You could try Beta distribution and map it to desired interval. Along the lines
min <- 1
max <- 20
q <- min + (max-min)*rbeta(10000, 0.5, 0.5)
As #Gregor-reinstateMonica noted, Beta distribution is bounded on both ends, [0...1], so it could be easily mapped into any bounded interval just by scale and shift. It has two parameters, and symmetric if those parameters are equal. Above 1 parameters make it kind of bell distribution, but below 1 parameters make it into inverse bell, what you're looking for. You could play with them, put different values instead of 0.5 and see how it is going. Parameters equal to 1 makes it uniform.
Sampling from a beta distribution is a good idea. Another way is to sample a number of uniform numbers and then take the minimum or maximum of them.
According to the theory of order statistics, the cumulative distribution function for the maximum is F(x)^n where F is the cdf from which the sample is taken and n is the number of samples, and the cdf for the minimum is 1 - (1 - F(x))^n. For a uniform distribution, the cdf is a straight line from 0 to 1, i.e., F(x) = x, and therefore the cdf of the maximum is x^n and the cdf of the minimum is 1 - (1 - x)^n. As n increases, these become more and more curved, with most of the mass close to the ends.
A web search for "order statistics" will turn up some resources.
If you don't care about decimal places, a hacky way would be to generate a large sample of normally distributed datapoints using rnorm(), then count the number of times each given rounded value appears (n), and then substract n from the maximum value of n (max(n)) to get inverse counts.
You can then use the inverse count to make a new vector (that you can sample from), i.e.:
x <- rnorm(100000, 100, 15)
x_tib <- round(x) %>%
tibble(x = .) %>%
count(x) %>%
mutate(new_n = max(n) - n)
new_x <- rep(x_tib$x, x_tib$new_n)
qplot(new_x, binwidth = 1)
An "upside-down bell curve" compared to the normal distribution can be sampled using the following algorithm. I write it in pseudocode because I'm not familiar with R. Notice that this sampler samples in a truncated interval (here, the interval [x0, x1]) because it's not possible for an upside-down bell curve extended to infinity to integrate to 1 (which is one of the requirements for a probability density).
In the pseudocode, RNDU01() is a uniform(0, 1) random number.
x0pdf = 1-exp(-(x0*x0))
x1pdf = 1-exp(-(x1*x1))
ymax = max(x0pdf, x1pdf)
while true
# Choose a random x-coordinate
# Choose a random y-coordinate
# Return x if y falls within PDF
if y < 1-exp(-(x*x)): return x

Empirical CDF vs Theoretical CDF in R

I want to check the "probability integral transform" theorem using R.
Let's suppose X is an exponential random variable with lambda = 5.
I want to check that the random variable U = F_X = 1 - exp(-5*X) has a uniform (0,1) distribution.
How would you do it?
I would start in this way:
nsample <- 1000
lambda <- 5
x <- rexp(nsample, lambda) #1000 exponential observation
u <- 1- exp(-lambda*x) #CDF of x
Then I need to find the CDF of u and compare it with the CDF of a Uniform (0,1).
For the empirical CDF of u I could use the ECDF function:
ECDF_u <- ecdf(u) #empirical CDF of U
Now I should create the theoretical CDF of Uniform (0,1) and plot it on the same graph of the ECDF in order to compare the two graphs.
Can you help with the code?
You are almost there. You don't need to compute the ECDF yourself – qqplot will take care of this. All you need is your sample (u) and data from the distribution you want to check against. The lazy (and not quite correct) approach would be to check against a random sample drawn from a uniform distribution:
qqplot(runif(nsample), u)
But of course, it is better to plot against the theoretical quantiles:
# the actual plot
qqplot( qunif(ppoints(length(u))), u )
# add a line
qqline(u, distribution=qunif, col='red', lwd=2)
Looks pretty good to me.

Probability transformation using R

I want to turn a continuous random variable X with cdf F(x) into a continuous random variable Y with cdf F(y) and am wondering how to implement it in R.
For example, perform a probability transformation on data following normal distribution (X) to make it conform to a desirable Weibull distribution (Y).
(x=0 has CDF F(x=0)=0.5, CDF F(y)=0.5 corresponds to y=5, then x=0 corresponds to y=5 etc.)
There are many built in distribution functions, those starting with a 'p' will transform to a uniform and those starting with a 'q' will transform from a uniform. So the transform in your example can be done by:
y <- qweibull( pnorm( x ), 2, 6.0056 )
Then just change the functions and/or parameters for other cases.
The distr package may also be of interest for additional capabilities.
In general, you can transform an observation x on X to an observation y on Y by
getting the probability of X≤x, i.e. FX(x).
then determining what observation y has the same probability,
I.e. you want the probability Y≤y = FY(y) to be the same as FX(x).
This gives FY(y) = FX(x).
Therefore y = FY-1(FX(x))
where FY-1 is better known as the quantile function, QY. The overall transformation from X to Y is summarized as: Y = QY(FX(X)).
In your particular example, from the R help, the distribution functions for the normal distribution is pnorm and the quantile function for the Weibull distribution is qweibull, so you want to first of all call pnorm, then qweibull on the result.

Need random sample: Weibull distribution with specific inter-arrival times

I am using R, and would like to generate a number of observations using rweibull(n, shape, scale = 1).
I have the arrival rate (i.e. 1/interarrival time), but I do not know how to use it in rweibull function.
The scale parameter is what you need to be working with and the shape parameter is what needs to be set to 1 to create an exponential distribution. The scale parameter is 1/rate:
interT = 8
plot( density(rexp(100, rate=1/interT)) )
with( density(rweibull(100, scale=interT, shape=1)),
lines(x,y, col="red"))
(But if you are using the survival package you need to be aware that the parameters are different.)
