Trouble deploying Spring Batch Admin Sample app on Tomcat 9 - spring-mvc

I downloaded the latest Spring Batch Admin:
I used mvn to package/install the application and got a WAR file in /target directory named:L spring-batch-admin-sample-2.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.war
I've installed Tomcat 9 locally. I create a server in Eclipse and deployed the project WAR into it.
When I try to access the app using http://localhost:8080/spring-batch-admin-sample I get a 404 Error in the browser. I tried to follow all the instructions in the reference document here, but still have no luck depoying the sample.
Can someone please drop me a hint.


Where to find coredump on Azure App Service using Linux?

I am using Azure App Service hosted on linux to use a .Net Core 6.0 app.
I have a null pointer error that is resulting in a segfault, that in turn is taking down the app service. I have had a few errors that result in segfaults so while I can fix the null pointer I really want to find why the container is crashing.
I can see the the following in AppServiceConsoleLogs:
/opt/startup/ line 17: 65 Segmentation fault (core dumped) dotnet xxx.dll
I am hoping if I can find the dumped core I might figure out the segmentation fault.
I have looked around the folders by going into the SSH console, but I cannot find anything that looks like memory dump.
Where to find coredump on Azure App Service using Linux?
I have deployed the .NET Core 6 App to Azure App service.
Navigate to Azure portal => your Deployed App Service => Advanced Tools => Go .
Click on - Site wwwroot.
Deployed files will be compiled into dll files.
Click on the file, you can see the content.
We can also check the files in Bash.
In Bash, Navigate to the Application root directory and run ls.You can see the deployed files.
In Configuration section => General Settings, check the startup command.
It has to be
dotnet YourAppName.dll
Make sure the dll is available in Bash or SSH.
We can find the core dumps in LogFiles/core folder.
But initially, it is disabled.
To enable it, we need to add the below command in Startup of the deployed app service.
ulimit -c unlimited
Thanks #Sourabh Edake for the command.
Restart the app. Whenever there is an exception, the core dump will be created in the mentioned LogFiles/core folder.

Deploying Spring MVC from SBT

I'm having trouble deploying my Spring MVC Webapp with the xsbt-web-plugin. When i'm using container:start everything works just fine, but when i'm trying to run the packaged .war file inside a tomcat instance the webapp isn't loaded. It is just starting a plain tomcat instance.
I had an error in my path that slipped through. I've overlooked this for days. Sorry.

Running dotnetcore Console application in Service Fabric Guest Executable

I am trying to run a dotnetcore Console application in a ServiceFabric GuestExecutable Container. While I was adding this GuestExecutable service to my SF application, I cofigured as follows
Code Package Folder -> ..repos\NewDllGuestSF\CoreConsole\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.0
Program -> CoreConsole.dll
Working Folder -> CodePackage
Here, I know I am trying to host this .dll file as my executable for the GuestExecutable service. This is what I am trying to do but could not somehow. When I tried the same with the treditional .NetFramework app and with an .exe executable, I am able to run it successfully on SF cluster. But I need to do is with dotnetcore application and of course with a dll executable.
So far I have tried is -
I can generate a dll as well as an exe while building my dotnetcore console application and use the generated .exe file in GuestExecutable. But here, I have to configure my console app to target multiple Frameworks as "netcoreapp2.0;net461", that is something I can not do for some reasons.
When I run my dotnetcore Console app with a dll executable in SF cluster, I faced the following error
Here if we see, the GuestExecutable service remains in healthy state but the application doesn't.
Can anyone please help me out on this, all I want to do is to host a .dll file as entry point in a GuestExecutable SF service.
As far as I understand you need to configure CodePackage in ServiceManifest.xml to run your .dll using external executable.
Here is the example how this could be done (please pay attention to IsExternalExecutable="true" attribute):
<CodePackage Name="Code" Version="1.0.0">
<ExeHost IsExternalExecutable="true">
<!-- We are using dotnet cli to launch our Service.dll -->
Hope it helps.

Issue in deploying Grails 3.1.9 application in WebSphere

I am trying to deploy an app developed in Grails 3.1.9 in WebSphere
I've generated .war file and installed successfully but, when I'm trying to access through link http://localhost/MyAPP/ following error appears:
Error 404: SRVE0190E: File not found: {0}
I am able to access the static resources in the app as below..
Pl. help at the earliest. Thanks in advance.
In WebSphere the application server port is 9080. So try accessing http://localhost:9080/MyAPP/ (you may not have deployed on web server)
Check SystemOut.log for specific issue. If it is related to data source then check the JDBC connection URL. If you are getting any NoClassDefFoundError, then add the corresponding jar in class path. In case of any resource loading issue, check the JDK version of your code and WebSphere.

Deploying an ASP.NET 5 Web App through ARM not working

I'm migrating an ASP.NET 5 Web App from manually deploying in Visual Studio to deploying through an ARM template. I can successfully provision the website and the deploy claims to succeed, but whenever I hit my endpoint I get a 404. It doesn't seem to be a configuration issue, as if I deploy the same web app into the same container through VS it works as expected.
Browsing through the files on the site, the only difference I can see is that there's no web.config when published through ARM, and I'm wondering if that might cause it.
The way the deploy seems to work is that ARM is calling "dnu pack" on my xproj to create a nupkg, and that deliberately strips out the web.config file. I get the following message:
The following commands will not be exported for global install: web.
I can't see any way of forcing "dnu pack" to include web.config.
Most of the documentation I can find refers to using a .zip file to upload, but that seems to be only for older versions of ASP.NET. Anyone got any pointers?
