Building a resources part of website which will be a collection of links and files, all added under a "resources" post type.
There are 6 main resource taxonomies (ie: Instructions, Manuals, etc) and then some children of those to better organize long lists of content.
The main archive page is just links to each top level tax, that's working fine.
When someone clicks "Instructions", what I'd like to do is first display all posts in the parent tax (Instructions), and then output each child tax under Instructions as a heading, followed by the posts within it.
So sample Instructions page might look like...
Instructions (name of parent topic)
Post One (these are just in parent tax)
Post Two
List item
Instructions Subtopic
Post One
List Two
Instructions Subtopic 2
Post One
List Two
Any feedback or starting points would be greatly appreciated!
I have a page containing a set of images linked to other pages. How can I make each of the linked pages a separate blog?
To give you some more context, each image represents a challenge that I set myself up to and I would like to have a separate 'blog' for each challenge to document my progress. So far I have managed to link pages together and navigate from the page containing all the challenges to the page containing the details about 1 single challenge. However the latter page is not a blog so I cannot add new posts to the page. If I try to write a new blog post it gets added above the challenges(list) page
This is a link to the page that I am refering to.
Thanks in advance for your help
What you need to do is use categories for your posts - like Challenge One and Challenge Two - and then your posts will be automatically organized into category archives. Add a third category - called All Challenges - to all the posts and that category archive will list all posts in all three categories by chronology.
The URLs to the category archive pages will be something like this, depending on your category names and slugs, and how you set up your category base in Settings>>Permalinks.
Link those category archive URLs from your images on your main page that has a gallery of images for each challenge post category.
You can make up custom category templates for each category, so the layout and design can be different.
There are multiple ways you can achieve this in WordPress. Let me tell you the easiest one:-
Using Post Categories
Follow the steps below:
Step1: Break your challenges into different categories, for example Challenge 1, Challenge 2, and so on... You can easily do that by creating and choosing the right category while writing a post.
Step2: Go Settings->Premalinks in your WordPress dashboard and choose "Post Name".
Step3: Now you have to find the new links for your challenge images. You can find these links in Post->Categories tab within your dashboard. Once you are in the categories browse page within your WordPress dashboard, just hover over the category whose link you want and you will see a "View" tab which will take you to that particular category page. This category page will show only the posts that you have published under that particular category.
Step4: Once you have the category link with you just update it in the respective challenge image link.
I hope you will be able to resolve your issue with this.
For a new project i like to have a single of my custom post type 'teams' as a parent of a custom post type archive and singles 'report' so i would like to have "Teams/{team-name}/reports/{report}".
I've tried to create a custom slug with the 'save_post' action/hook but it didn't work. On the editor page of a report i do have a custom field to select a team but ik look likes this is not usable on the save_post function yet. Does anyone have a suggestion?
Based on what you've indicated in the comments above, I'd be inclined to do away with the http://{website}/Teams/{team-name}/reports/{report} pretty URL and have a more simple http://{website}/Teams/{team-name} URL. It will be more intuitive to remember for visitors.
In the single for the Team CPT, you would include a loop for the archive type associated with the particular team. You COULD create a hierarchy of CPT where Reports are a child of Team but you will be heading down a slippery road that the parent/child relationship creates a lot of overhang when the types become populated.
There are a lot of threads about this, this is just one guys report on what happens when there are many hierarchical CPTs:
If you could create them as individual (non related) CPTs, and have a common category or taxonomy you could then in the single.php of your CPT include a loop for the archive, or alternatively in the archive for the reports, you could include a team header section. You could link the two on that taxonomy.
On a slightly different tact, if it is just some basic info you want to have about the team on the archive page, you could include a description in the reports taxonomy and depending on your theme (or custom coding) you could display that at the top of the reports archive.
I'm struggling to find a straight answer to this question, hoping a human bean can help because my googe-ing is getting me no where.
I have two content types 'News articles' and 'video articles'. Each of these currently has taxonomy terms, for example sake lets say they have two each, Politics & religion for news and funny & cats for videos.
What I am looking for is a way to add tags to individual nodes eg a political news article will have tags or keywords 'David Cameron, Syria, Pigs etc' Essentially highlighting what the article is about.
I would like these tags separate from the taxonomy terms. Mainy because I have used taxonomy terms to create sub headings for the content types. However, I would like a more generic tagging system which will allow me to tag a node with multiple tags.
(I intend to use this for search and filtering. Foe example if someone wants to view all the articles that are tagged with David Cameron they can. But I do not wish for David Cameron to be a sub heading under my content type of News because he could also be tagged in the video content type under funny.
Additionally, these tags or keywords should be easy to add to a node (during node creation), I should be able to add multiple tags and new tags should be as easy as adding existing tags (if I'm writing about Kanye West for the first time I would like to just type his name and a tag is added)
Does such a thing even exist?
I for see there being hundreds if not thousands of tags as I described above.
Is this what taxonomies are?
Have I used taxonomies incorrectly?
essentially I am after the wordpress version of tags ( or similar to stackovdrflow's tag system
Drupal has the ability to handle tagging out of the box. Create a new taxonomy and the taxonomy as a field to your content type. When you add the new taxonomy field, select "Autocomplete term widget (tagging)" as the widget type and you now have a free tagging taxonomy field. You can add one or more new terms comma separated. Existing terms will show up in the autocomplete. Since this is a separate taxonomy it won't affect the existing taxonomy you are using to categorize content.
I have a Wordpress-blog with gift ideas where I write text based articles. I recently discovered Custom Post types which I believe is the solution to an feature I want to create.
What I want:
Be able to tag each custom post using the normal "Categories" and "Tags".
Create a 3x3 matrix with product images (custom posts) to be shown on top of each Category-view or Tag-view (followed by the typical article list in the category or tag).
Lets say I have a category "Gifts for mom" and tags "Pink", "Cheap"
In the category "Gifts for mom" I have 10 text articles (normal posts) discussing the difficulties of buying gifts for your mom
I create nine custom posts, each is a specific gift (e.g. A pink hairbrush). I want to place them in the Category "Gifts for mom" and tag them with "Pink".
When I view I want to be able to get a view:
Gifts for mom
Product Product Product
Product Product Product
Product Product Product
- This awesome article
- That awesome article
- Etc
I assume this is possible but don't really know where to begin. Could you point me in the right direction? Which Plugins do I need? Do I need to do any programming myself (or just plugin configuration)? Is this even possible?
The description is a bit broad, hence a bit broad answer.
Two things are needed:
1) A plugin to create the Custom Post Type.
It is considered best practice to let CPT's in Plugin territory. So you can swap designs and preserve your CPT functionality. In reality, you are asking for future problems letting this be handled by the theme.
Create your own plugin, which would contain a register_post_type and any extra configs.
Use an existent plugin, like Custom Content Type Manager.
Its Custom Fields features are quite handy as well.
Allows users to create custom content types (also known as post types) and standardized custom fields for each, including dropdowns, checkboxes, and images.
2) Learn how to use and customize WordPress Templates
Templates are the files which control how your WordPress site will be displayed on the Web. These files draw information from your WordPress MySQL database and generate the HTML code which is sent to the web browser. Through its powerful Theme system, WordPress allows you to define as few or as many Templates as you like all under one Theme. Each of these Template files can be configured for use under specific situations.
You can try the following:
Add a new Page for each category with the exact same name as the category.
In the Images menu attach to each of those pages the images you want.
In your script query for a page with a name identical to the current category, and pull all of its attachments
Is there anywhere online where one can find how to create custom blocks in the same way we can create custom content types in Wordpress. The desired result is to add a block that will allow the user to add/edit custom fields like client name, portfolio description, portfolio thumbnail.
I've created a free tool called "Designer Content" that lets you easily generate these custom blocks:
That being said, it is important to understand this key concept: In Concrete5, everything revolves around PAGES. In general, you want to try to establish an architecture where each piece of data is represented on its own page (a "details" page, which would roughly equate to a single blog post in Wordpress). Then you use the Page List block (usually creating a custom template for it to modify its look) to list out titles, links, and excerpts/photos from each of those "details" pages on a top-level "index" page (roughly equivalant to the home page or category archive in Wordpress).
For example, if you're building a portfolio site, you might want one top-level "Portfolio" page that shows a thumbnail and title of each piece, then a "Portfolio Item Detail" page type that contains one piece per page -- each living underneath the top-level "portfolio" index page.
The benefits of this approach are C5 gives you out-of-the-box tools to manage your "data" (pages) in this way -- users can add, edit, delete, and rearrange the pages via the "Sitemap" in the dashboard. Site search works without any modification -- each page (i.e. portfolio piece) will be its own search result with a link to a specific page. Also you then have more fine-grained control over access permissions if you ever decide to restrict access to only certain groups of people (registered users, etc.).
If you take this approach, you might find the "Page List Teasers" addon helpful (it will let the Page List block -- which you're using for your top-level "index" page -- to show actual content excepts from the pages instead of just a separate "description" field):
Or if you want to dive deeper and customize the page list template even more, I have a starting template with a ton of code comments in it explaining how to do different things here:
But... if you're only talking about small amounts of information and you think a separate page for each one is overkill, then the Designer Content approach I linked to first will work just fine.
You can find a HOW-TO on creating new blocks written by Franz Maruna on the concrete5 website.
Here is the link: Creating a New Block Type
There is also a simple block you can download and install to help you follow the developer tutorials. You can find that here: Simple block template