use solution from rootsolver in objective function - r

I'm solving for the roots of an objective function using the rootSolve package. Here is the code, which give me a plot displaying the roots and prints the solutions:
P_func <- function (x) (0.11)*(-10^6/(10^4-(x/0.03))+20)*(10^4-(x/0.03)^2/(10^6))
curve(P_func(x), 0, 8000)
abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
All <- uniroot.all(P_func, c(0,8000))
points(All, y = rep(0,length(All)), pch = 16, cex = 2)
I want to take the roots and plug them into another function:
W_func <- function (x) (10^4-x/0.03)
Where the value of x is defined by each of the solutions I found for P_func. Is there a simple way to do this?

Yes there is indeed a simple way.
All is a vector and your W_func accepts a vector as argument. So just use W_func(All).


evaluating piecewise function (Error in curve(..., : 'expr' did not evaluate to an object of length 'n')

I am trying to create a piecewise function using R. I am having trouble with my plot function
a <- function(x){
ifelse(( x <-1),0,ifelse((-1<x & x<2),(x^3+1)/9ifelse((x>2),1,NA)))
plot(a,xlim=c(-5,5), ylim = c(-4, 7), col = "red")
I am not sure if I never created my function properly or if there is something wrong with the way that I have plotted it. The piecewise function is a little confusing because it's a straight line of 1 and 0 at its intervals and from -1 to 2 it's a weird function.
There are two typos in your function; one is tricky.
(1) missing a comma before the third ifelse (this is probably a cut-and-paste error); (2) in x<(-1), you need parentheses (or at least a space) so R doesn't think you're assigning the value 1 to x (i.e. x <- 1).
a <- function(x) {
ifelse(( x <(-1)),0,ifelse((-1<x & x<2),(x^3+1)/9,
plot(a,xlim=c(-5,5), ylim = c(-4, 7), col = "red")

Surface of bivariate discontinuous function

I have a bivariate step function that I want to create a surface of. The function looks essentially as follows:
df<-data.frame(a = rnorm(100, 0, 10), b = rnorm(100, 0, 10))
mean(df$a * x >= df$b * y)
When I use plot3d of the rgl package, I always receive an error message like
Error in dim(zvals) <- dim(xvals) :
dims [product 10201] do not match the length of object [1]
What is the problem here? Is there any alternative how to 3d-plot my function?
The problem is the definition of f. plot3d(f) is going to pass in vectors for x and y, and your function is going to take the mean of everything and return a single value.
The simplest way to fix this is to call the Vectorize function, which wraps f in loops to compute it separately for each x, y pair. For example, with your definition of f as in the question,
plot3d(Vectorize(f), xlim = c(-2,2), ylim = c(-2, 2))
produces this plot:

Creating a beta distribution Q-Q plot

My task is to create 100 random generated numbers from beta distribution and compare that random variable with beta distribution using quantile plot.
This is my attempt:
Random_Numbers_Beta <- rbeta(100, 1, 1)
qqPlot(Random_Numbers_Beta, "beta", list(shape = 1, rate = 1))
Unfortunately something is wrong. This is an error which occurs:
Error in (function (x, densfun, start, ...) :
'start' must be a named list
Can something be done with that issue?
First, you had to specify that list(shape = 1, rate = 1) is the start parameter; right now this list is being treated as a value for the confbounds parameter. Second, it's actually not shape and rate, but shape1 and shape2, as in, e.g., ?dbeta.
qqPlot(Random_Numbers_Beta, "beta", start = list(shape1 = 1, shape2 = 1))
Again inspecting ?qqPlot you may see that ... is for "further graphical parameters: (see par)." Hence, you may modify the plot the way you like; e.g., adding col = 'red'.
Also notice that Beta(1,1) is simply the uniform distribution on [0,1] and, hence, its quantile function is the identity function. That is, qbeta(x, 1, 1) == x for any x in [0,1]. So, you may also simply work directly with
x <- seq(0, 1, length = 500)
plot(quantile(Random_Numbers_Beta, x), x)
abline(a = 0, b = 1, col = 'red')
if you don't need the confidence bounds.
One can notice, however, that the two plots are a little different. Given your task, it would seem that you need the second one.
In the first one, it looks like qqPlot fits a beta distribution for your data and uses its quantiles, which apparently isn't exactly the identity function. That is, it doesn't use the exact knowledge about the parameters. The second plot uses this knowledge.

Using user-defined functions within "curve" function in R graphics

I am needing to produce normally distributed density plots with different total areas (summing to 1). Using the following function, I can specify the lambda - which gives the relative area:
sdnorm <- function(x, mean=0, sd=1, lambda=1){lambda*dnorm(x, mean=mean, sd=sd)}
I then want to plot up the function using different parameters. Using ggplot2, this code works:
qplot(x, geom="blank") + stat_function(fun=sdnorm,args=list(mean=8,sd=2,lambda=0.7)) +
but I really want to do this in base R graphics, for which I think I need to use the "curve" function. However, I am struggling to get this to work.
If you take a look at the help file for ? curve, you'll see that the first argument can be a number of different things:
The name of a function, or a call or an expression written as a function of x which will evaluate to an object of the same length as x.
This means you can specify the first argument as either a function name or an expression, so you could just do:
to get a plot of the function with its default arguments. Otherwise, to recreate your ggplot2 representation you would want to do:
curve(sdnorm(x, mean=8,sd=2,lambda=0.7), from = 0, to = 30)
curve(sdnorm(x, mean=18,sd=4,lambda=0.30), add = TRUE)
The result:
You can do the following in base R
x <- seq(0, 50, 1)
plot(x, sdnorm(x, mean = 8, sd = 2, lambda = 0.7), type = 'l', ylab = 'y')
lines(x, sdnorm(x, mean = 18, sd = 4, lambda = 0.30))
EDIT I added ylab = 'y' and updated the picture to have the y-axis re-labeled.
This should get you started.

ggplot2: easy way to plot integral over independent variable?

I'm integrating a function f(t) = 2t (just an example) and would like to plot the integral as a function of time t using
awesome_thing <- function(t) {2*t}
integrate(awesome_thing, lower=0, upper=10)
However, I would like to plot the integral as a function of time in ggplot2, so for this example the plotted points would be (1,1), (2,4), (3,9), ..., (10,100).
Is there an easy way to do this in ggplot (e.g., something similar to how functions are plotted)? I understand I can "manually" evaluate and plot the data for each t, but I thought i'd see if anyone could recommend a simpler way.
Here is a ggplot solution and stat_function
# create a function that is vectorized over the "upper" limit of your
# integral
int_f <- Vectorize(function(f = awesome_thing, lower=0,upper,...){
integrate(f,lower,upper,...)[['value']] },'upper')
ggplot(data.frame(x = c(0,10)),aes(x=x)) +
stat_function(fun = int_f, args = list(f = awesome_thing, lower=0))
Not ggplot2 but shouldn't be difficult to adapt by creating a dataframe to pass to that paradgm:
plot(x=seq(0.1,10, by=0.1),
y= sapply(seq(0.1,10, by=0.1) ,
function(x) integrate(awesome_thing, lower=0, upper=x)$value ) ,
The trick with the integrate function is that it retruns a list and you need to extract the 'value'-element for various changes in the upper limit.
