NGINX failed after installing "nginx-extras" - nginx

Installed through:
apt-get install nginx-extras
After this, I tried do "service nginx restart" and "nginx -t" gets
no port in upstream "php5-fpm-sock" in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/[file]:84
Then I uninstalled nginx-extras
apt-get remove nginx-extras
But problem has not solved, it seems during installation some config was changed.
Question is what config has changed and how to fix?
Nginx 1.13.12 on Debian 8.

During instalation nginx-extras, it will ask smth about use current version of configs. Answer N.

try and remove all nginx installed packages and install nginx-full


php7.0-mcrypt can't install on ubuntu14.04

phpmyadmin show error [ The mcrypt extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.] on nginx. My PHP version is PHP (cli).
When I install php7.0-mcrypt, package doesn't exist.How to install php7.0-mcrypt?
As I understand from your message, you're using ubuntu 14.04. I recommend you upgrade your system. You could find this package in some latest reseases.
Or you could install this package manually wget && sudo dpkg -i php7.0-mcrypt_7.0.33-0ubuntu0.16.04.4_amd64.deb. But be careful, you could face some dependency hell and damage your OS.

NginX still running when uninstalled it

I have tried to uninstall NGinX from my Ubuntu using following command:
sudo apt-get remove nginx-core nginx-full nginx-light nginx-extras nginx-common
I have used below command as well
sudo apt-get remove --purge nginx*
And still see below screen when I check NginX processes running.
What is happening??
Try to run sudo killall nginx.
Try to clear the web browser cache. It works for me.

brew install 3rd party nginx modules on nginx to enable Headers More

I can't seem to figure out how to install the Headers More module for nginx when I've installed nginx using homebrew.
I've found I use homebrew to install nginx, and how to add 3rd modules? but this doesn't actually recompile nginx with this module. It's just downloads the module.
I've found nginx-full but event with the --with-headers-more option I can't seem this module working.
I keep getting this error:
nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "more_set_input_headers" in /usr/local/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/....
I installed successfully using the following command
brew install nginx-full --with-headers-more-module
Make sure your brew formulas are up to date
brew update

Nginx update on ubuntu fails

I am not nginx expert and having problems in configuring it.
Examples I found on web are slightly different so I wanted to update nginx 1.05 to 1.4.1 to see if it helps.
I have found instructions to install nginx from PPA as
apt-get install python-software-properties
add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable
apt-get update
apt-get install nginx
It seems as is it has installed but nginx -v is still telling me I have 1.0.5
What I missed?
Using ubuntu 11.10
NGINX maintains is own apt repository which means you don't need to use the PPA.
Firstly remove the added ppa:
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:nginx/stable
Then, if you're not running anything critical through nginx I would suggest running apt-get remove --purge nginx to completely remove nginx.
To use NGINX's repository add the following to `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx.list':
deb oneiric nginx
deb-src oneiric nginx
Then run apt-get update. Then reinstall using apt-get install nginx.
Hope that works.

"No package found" error when installing NGINX on CentOS 5

The command sudo yum install nginx returns the error No package nginx available. I've tried this before and it worked but now it doesn't.
Please help!
nginx isn't in the 'normal' Centos repositories. You can install the EPEL repository to gain access to it. There's a how to guide here - and a more up to date one here.
Once you have added the EPEL repo, you can then install with the yum command you referenced.
