Zikula 1.3.9 News module not accepting google async script - zikula

I am using Zikula 1.3.9 but cannot get async Google ad script to work on News module. The script appears on screen as in HTML.

Any script tags inside user content is blocked by default to prevent XSS attacks.
You have at least two options:
Add your ad script to the News template file instead of the content.
Allow script tags in the security center (only if you trust all your editors).


firebase storage custom html page for errors like permission denied?

Is there a way to show a custom html page or redirect a user when storage throws errors like if file is not available, not sufficient permissions or in case of any other issues when the file can't be accessed/displayed?
So instead of the below
We need to show a custom page with our brand designs.
What are the options here?
No, there is not. You are using an API endpoint (download URL) meant for programmatic consumption or inline page insertion, not for loading into a browser to present a full web page.

Prevent GTM custom tags from firing on certain pages in an SPA?

We have an SPA and third-party clients that can use GTM to add custom tags (HTML + Javascript) that will execute in our application. Being an SPA, all the GTM scripts are loaded on first load of the application, so the scrips run immediately. We want to be able to blacklist those script from running on certain pages. How do we do this?
Note: This is an important feature that is needed from GTM, in so far as PCI v4 compliance is looking to prevent the use of any non-PCI compliant Javascript on payment pages. We want to still be able to allow GTM for analytics, but we want to specifically close off the option for our third-party to inject custom tags.

R Markdown in Weebly Blog

I can create a .rmd file within RStudio but Weebly only allows one to integrate R code.
I'd really like the R code portions of my blog posts to be interactive (Jupyter style) and show the plots, etc.
Question: How can I go about this.
You could accomplish this by creating a custom app with:
Weebly Element
Weebly Backend Service [OPTIONAL]
The element portion of the app would act as a container for the front-end code to load rendered content and necessary display libraries from the backend service portion of the app. You could also just have the element load an iframe of the content and allow an external service to handle rendering.
Then in your blog posts you would drag instances of the Element app and configure each instance to retrieve appropriate content from your backend service.
Of course, the backend service portion of the Weebly app is not mandatory, but "some" external service for rendering the R content would be, because the element app can have custom external settings which could be used to load content/settings on a per-instance basis that can be accessed using external settings (an external web service) to choose which data to render for display in the element.

Manage ads inside a Single Page Application

I m developing a Single Page Application (SPA). So, I use to refresh the page's HTML's content dynamically using Ajax requests.
I'd like to register to the DoubleClick for Publishers program, but I m wondering if my SPA is able to integrate advertising due to its dynamic content loaded without refreshing the page.
I saw this link: https://support.google.com/dfp_sb/answer/3058726
So I assume it's ok. But I'd like to be certain before starting using DFP. Could someone confirm please?
Then, sometimes I m using external html pages that I still load using Ajax. Should I consider writing the advertising banners JavaScript inside these external views, or directly inside the master page of my app?
Last question: How can I manage users having an adblocker software installed? Am I allowed to detect the presence of an adblocker software using JavaScript and then execute some specific code for this kind of users?
I'm working in a SPA and working with DFP successfully. Here is my feedback to your questions:
So I assume it's ok. But I'd like to be certain before starting using
DFP. Could someone confirm please?
Yes, you can refresh the banners using the method you are refering in the link you shared
Then, sometimes I m using external html pages that I still load using
Ajax. Should I consider writing the advertising banners JavaScript
inside these external views, or directly inside the master page of my
To load them externally will bring you to lower performance results. You can control everything from the main page and you will have better results.
Last question: How can I manage users having an adblocker software
installed? Am I allowed to detect the presence of an adblocker
software using JavaScript and then execute some specific code for this
kind of users?
This is something I have not started to work on it but you can detect (like forbes.com is doing on it website) and there are also projects on dealing with this.

How do I embed the share in another website?

I have a website in which I would like to embed the share using an iframe. The problem is how do prevent the user having to login (in the iframe). They are already authenticated at this point.
The parent application which is generating the iframe is on the same server/domain as the Alfresco install.
The parent application has its own authentication, but instead of storing its own passwords it queries Alfresco via REST.
There are two ways, i think:
The first is to provide token (you shoud have one in your parent app) to Share in iFrame, so use some javascript;
The second one is to use portlets, have a look for example at liferay wiki, at least document library should be accessible.
If you are using php, (Wordpress, joomla, etc) then this can be useful.
First of all you need to configure the share-security-config to allow put share content into an iframe configure iframe.
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="SecurityHeadersPolicy">
<value>ALLOW-FROM https://www.x.com</value>
<!--or just allow all-->
Then Configuring external authentication and last pass the header using that Configuring Alfresco Share to use an external SSO.
