Switch from terminal style output to clickable output in Rmarkdown - r

I don't know the names for these things so I will attatche an image. Bassically I am used to being able to click through a dataframe inline on Rmarkdown. I just installed a freash version of R and Rstudio on my machine and the output looks like console output and it is not clickable. How do I change this?
This is what I would like
Note the ability to "thumb-through" the data by clicking "Previous" and "Next".

Thanks to #camille explanation, I tracked down the issue. It's a known bug in R v3.5 and an issue has been opened on github:


kable_styling() weird interaction with dark RStudio themes

I recently started using Rmarkdown for my R coding, and I found it extremely useful. However, I have the following issue:
When I want to show tables behind the code (not in the output, but on the rmarkdown code itself), and I use the option kable_styling() from kableExtra package to display a table, if I have a dark theme activated (ie. Tomorrow Night Bright), the table apperas with a white shadow that makes it hard to read (see picture below):
However, this does not happen when I use a light theme (see picture below):
Does anyone know why this happens or how could I fix it? I have already tried to change the output format and a bunch of stuff. If I remove the kable_styling() option the table is correctly displayed, but not the way I want it to be formatted.
Thanks in advance and sorry if I wasn´t clear when posting the question, it is the first time I do this.

Is there a way to keep editing cell and rendered cell open at the same time in a Jupyter Notebook?

I.e. for one cell in the notebook, the editing version and rendered version are presented side-by-side so you don't lose your place between editing and checking the rendered version. Particularly for Markdown cells.
Are there any plugins or add-ons which achieve this? Perhaps there is a hacky way to have two browser windows where one updates rendered cells in real time and the other is used for editing. I guess even something as simple as the "render cell" command being piped to a different window would do the trick.

R styler addin: how to setup?

I am using the R styler addin (https://github.com/r-lib/styler) to correct the coding style.
The illustration shown in the githib page shows a straighforward way to apply the style to the code.
Though, when I click the 'style active file" nothing happens.
I though that we would have to setup the styling function, but I am not able to do so.
Has anyone correctly use this addin before, that could hint on how to set it up correclty?

Issue with Rstudio version (Version 1.3.1073) "Giant goldenrod" when moving R studio window to new monitor doesn't display correctly

This is a basic question that I hope has a simple solution. When I move my Rstudio window to an external monitor display - it no longer rescales properly and instead is rendered completely useless - showing me only the lower portion of the window (see screenshot) and doesn't allow me to resize the window or adjust it in anyway to access the taskbar along the top. Has anyone else experienced this or have options for how this could be fixed?
I frequently need to shift my Rstudio window to different monitors, and I was doing this with no issue prior to installing the latest Rstudio version - so I am wondering if there must just be some setting that got reset when I updated the software, but I can't seem to figure it out. I have tried fixing scaling options in Windows by using the properties options on the Rstudio icon on my desktop - and then clicking on compatibility and High DPI settings, but messing around with that so far hasn't seemed to work. However I haven't tried all possible combinations as i thought I would check here first to see if someone could fast track this process for me. As you can see in the image - this display is impossible to work with. When I move it back - it works as it should. I am using Windows 10, and I update my software regularly. TY!
Ok, I was able to reproduce on a Lenovo with an external Dell monitor and address the problem by applying a fix proposed in another Stack Overflow thread. See below:
There is a solution, it comes from the option "Compatibility" of the execute file.
Close all current RStudio windows.
Right-click on the shortcut of RStudio (or the original .exe file) and choose Properties
In the RStudio Properties pop-up windows, choose the tab Compatibility
Select High DPI settings
Tick on option Override hide DPI scaling... and then choose System from the drop-down list.
Apply > OK.
(Re)open Rstudio to see the change
On my test system, this addressed the problem observed where the menu text became super large.
Stackoverflow original reference:
RStudio HiDPI support
This appears to be an issue with the version of QT used by RStudio. RStudio is built on top of the QT engine.
QT tracking Issue:
the issue is marked as fixed in QT version 5.9.0 and above.
Download RStudio preview and try that:
Why? The preview version of RStudio appears to use QtWebEngine/5.12.8, which implies the issue is addressed. If that does not resolve the issue you could file a bug with RStudio, or install and recompile RStudio from the source with an updated version of QT. You can check your QT version via the help, about box.
Hoping the above points you in the right direction. Stays safe and well.

It is possible to disable the search/ help function for a document in Rstudio?

For instance if someone send me a document and I open it in Rstudio is it then possible to disable the search/ help function for a document in Rstudio. i.e. so I can't get help in Rstudio when I solve exrcises? I hope my question make sense! Thanks in advance!
you can go to the RStudio menu-> Preferences -> Pane Layout
Then uncheck "Help" under Files, Plots, Packages, Help, Viewer. Click the Apply button, then OK. I am on a Mac, but I'm sure Rstudio in windows is similar.
