Hot change "Location" in the reply header 302 code from proxy-host. - nginx

I have the kubernetes-cluster and a few pods/containers with web-app. Pods connecting to each other by pod's name with listen port 9999 (like security-rest-api:9999, common-rest-api:9999, etc).
To outside listen nginx-pod with outside address
Nginx use follow configuration for interactive with app-pods.
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://web-console:9999/;
proxy_redirect http://web-console:9999/;
location /common {
proxy_pass http://common-rest-api:9999/common;
proxy_redirect http://common-rest-api:9999/;
location /security {
proxy_pass http://security-rest-api:9999/security;
proxy_redirect http://security-rest-api:9999/;
} }
It's working very well, but I have the one problem with 302-reply from app-pods:
If I try to login in my app, I get follow the 302 reply header:
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 0
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 10:37:50 GMT
Server: nginx/1.13.9
App-pods generated URL parameter "callbackUrl" from the Host request header Inside containers network and this URL parameter to get to the endpoint browser. Of course, next request get 404 code.
I can't to edit app-code (in app-pods don't use nginx), but I want to change 'security-rest-api:9999' to '' parameter in the Location 302 reply header. How I can do it?
redirect isn't suitable since this generate new 302-reply and not solve my problem.
sub_filter change only reply body, but not reply head (where is Location parameter).
request_uri not working too, since this parameter work with request header only.

No, It's not working.
I tested this situation and finded work's config:
if ($args ~* (.*)(callbackUrl=http://security-rest-api:9999/)(.*)) {
set $args $1callbackUrl=$3;
rewrite ^(.*)$ $1;
if ($args ~* (.*)(callbackURL=http%3A%2F%2Fsecurity-rest-api%3A9999%2F)(.*)) {
set $args $$3;
rewrite ^(.*)$ $1;
location /security {
proxy_pass http://security-rest-api:9999/security;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_redirect http://security-rest-api:9999/;
Later, I will try to use this config on the pre-production stand and if this work (or work after corrects) - I will write it here.
Thanks for help information:
And thanks for you all, too!
I tested this config and have 2 edits:
If you to use un-standart port - you need write "proxy_set_header Host $http_host;" in location section;
URL in attributes can be like "http://security-rest-api:9999/" and like "http%3A%2F%2Fsecurity-rest-api%3A9999%2F". You need to use both conditions for each type of attribute.
I corrected code with this edits


NGINX keep URL at /location/some-path and serve /location/?

Is this possible?
User enters
Nginx runs
URL displays
Is there a particular name for this type of action also?
You can use nginx redirection here -
location = /location/any-path {
return 301 /location;
You want to proxy_pass the request to another url and then proxy_redirect to alter the url displayed to the client.
Something like this:
location ~ /location/(.+) {
proxy_redirect /location/ /location/$1/;

Nginx - Decode URL query parameter and forward it as request header

I need to send some basic auth credentials (es. user:pass) to nginx in the form of query parameter (es. and being able to forward them in the more usual Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz header form to a target server behind the proxy.
I'm already able to retrieve the value of the encoded auth string with a regular expression. The problem is that very often that value may contain some character that need to be percent-encoded in the URL. Es. user:pass! -> ?BASIC_AUTH=dXNlcjpwYXNzIQ== becomes ?BASIC_AUTH=dXNlcjpwYXNzIQ%3D%3D
Therefore, when I forward the request to the target server, I end up specifing Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzIQ%3D%3D which the target server will reject, giving a 401 Unauthorized.
How can I force nginx to decode the auth string before setting the Authorization header? Thanks in advance for your help.
Note: I can't send the auth string in the Authorization header in the first place due to some application-specific constraints.
"Pure" nginx solution
Unfortunately nginx does not provide a rich string operations set. I think there isn't a way to do global search-and-replace through some string (which can be a solution if we could replace all %2B with +, %2F with / and %3D with =). However there are circumstances under which nginx performs an urldecoding of some string - when this string becomes a part of an URI which will be forwarded to an upstream proxy server.
So we can add a value of a BASIC_AUTH request argument to the URI and make a proxy request to ourself:
# Main server block
server {
listen 80 default_server;
location / {
if ($arg_basic_auth) {
# "basic_auth" request argument is present,
# append "/decode_basic_auth/<BASE64_token>" to the URI
# and go to the next location block
rewrite ^(.*)$ /decode_basic_auth/$arg_basic_auth$1 last;
# No "basic_auth" request argument present,
# can do a proxy call from here without setting authorization headers
location /decode_basic_auth/ {
# This will be an internal location only
# Remove "basic_auth" request argument from the list of arguments
if ($args ~* (.*)(^|&)basic_auth=[^&]*(\2|$)&?(.*)) {
set $args $1$3$4;
# Some hostname for processing proxy subrequests
proxy_set_header Host internal.basic.auth.localhost;
# Do a subrequest to ourselfs, preserving other request arguments
# Additional server block for proxy subrequests processing
server {
listen 80;
server_name internal.basic.auth.localhost;
# Got URI in form "/decode_basic_auth/<BASE64_token>/<Original_URI>"
location ~ ^/decode_basic_auth/([^/]+)(/.*)$ {
proxy_set_header Authorization "Basic $1";
# Setup other HTTP headers here
proxy_pass http://<upstream_server>$2$is_args$args;
# Do not serve other requests
location / {
return 444;
Maybe this is not a very elegant solution, but it is tested and works.
OpenResty / ngx_http_lua_module
This can be easily solved with openresty or ngx_http_lua_module using ngx.escape_uri function:
server {
listen 80 default_server;
location / {
set $auth $arg_basic_auth;
if ($args ~* (.*)(^|&)basic_auth=[^&]*(\2|$)&?(.*)) {
set $args $1$3$4;
rewrite_by_lua_block {
ngx.var.auth = ngx.unescape_uri(ngx.var.auth)
proxy_set_header Authorization "Basic $auth";
# Setup other HTTP headers here
proxy_pass http://<upstream_server>;

conditional routing with nginx based on referer

I need to route traffic based on the http request origin. I have two environments and we need to redirect every http request for "/us-en" to Environment1 and others to Environment2 using "$http_referer".
Redirection based on location works.
location ~ /us-en {
proxy_pass Environment1;
proxy_set_header Host Environment1;
With '$http_referer' the below option does not work. Request your suggestion on the same.
if ($http_referer ~ ^https?://{
rewrite ^/us-en(/*)$ HOME_PAGE$1 break;
proxy_pass Environment1;
Error: nginx: [emerg] "proxy_pass" directive is not allowed here in /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf.
Note: By default all the traffic goes to Environment2 as an upstream configuration is present.
# needed if your proxy destination specified with domain name instead of IP address
location /home/ {
proxy_set_header Host HOST1;
# setup other proxied headers if needed
if ($http_referer ~ ^https?:// {
rewrite ^/home(/.*)$ HOME_PAGE$1 break;
proxy_pass https://HOST1:8080; # this can be specified by IP address
With such configuration requests to from (but not from!) will be proxied to https://HOST1:8080/HOME_PAGE/path/file. If you specify your proxy destination with domain name instead of IP address, you'll need to specify the additional parameter resolver in your server config. You can use your local name server if you have one, or use something external like Google public DNS ( or DNS provided for you by your ISP. Anyway such configuration leads to additional DNS lookups, so if you can, specify your proxy destination with IP address.
There is another way to do it with the valid_referers directive:
# needed if your proxy destination specified with domain name instead of IP address
location /home/ {
proxy_set_header Host HOST1;
# setup other proxied headers if needed
if ($invalid_referer = "") {
rewrite ^/home(/.*)$ HOME_PAGE$1 break;
proxy_pass https://HOST1:8080; # this can be specified by IP address
Update # 2020.11.11
Besides this answer somehow achieved a score of 5, the given solution has an extremely bad design (it isn't a good approach to have different content handlers in the location and the nested if block; moreover, having an if block with any directive other than from the nginx rewrite module should be avoided if possible) and won't work at all on early nginx versions (I wanna cry when I look at some of my early answers). An original OP question was
The logic should be like below but has some syntax mistakes.
if ($http_origin ~ '^http?://(') {
set $flag 'true';
if ($flag = 'true') {
location /home/ {
proxy_pass "https://HOST1:8080/HOME PAGE/";
Do Not proxy pass
It is unclear what do not proxy pass means. If it means returning some HTTP error (for example, HTTP 403 Forbidden), it can be done with the following configuration:
location /home/ {
if ($http_referer !~ ^https?:// {
return 403;
rewrite ^/home(/.*)$ HOME_PAGE$1 break;
proxy_set_header Host HOST1;
# setup other proxied headers if needed
proxy_pass https://HOST1:8080; # this can be specified by IP address
If do not proxy pass means to serve the request locally, the solution is more complex:
map $http_referer $loc {
~^https?:// loc_proxy;
default loc_local;
server {
location /home/ {
try_files /dev/null #$loc;
location #loc_proxy {
rewrite ^/home(/.*)$ HOME_PAGE$1 break;
proxy_set_header Host HOST1;
# setup other proxied headers if needed
proxy_pass https://HOST1:8080;
location #loc_local {
rewrite ^/home(/.*)$ HOME_PAGE$1 break;
root /path/to/required/page;
The try_files /dev/null #the_named_location; trick is taken from this excellent answer.
However now the edited OP's question states for a different requirements, which also could be achieved with the map directive help:
map $http_referer $environment {
~^https?:// Environment1;
default Environment2;
server {
location /home/ {
rewrite ^/home(/.*)$ HOME_PAGE$1 break;
proxy_set_header Host $environment;
# setup other proxied headers if needed
proxy_pass https://$environment;

Nginx location part not being replaced in proxy_pass when using variable

I have a service listening on myservice.mycompany.local
We're proxifying request like this
server {
listen 80;
location /myservice/ {
proxy_pass http://myservice.mycompany.local/;
it all works fine requests on are correctly transformed into request to http://myservice.mycompany.local/api/1/ping as there is the trailing /
but now if we try to use a variable
server {
listen 80;
set $MY_SERVICE "myservice.mycompany.local";
location /acm/ {
proxy_pass http://$MY_SERVICE/;
the local service will only receive a requests to / with the URI part being lost
I've been able to reproduce this "problem" with several version of nginx
I'm able also to reproduce it locally by replacing the proxified service by a simple nc -l 8080 and using it as the value of my variable, so it really seems to be something happening inside nginx
And this behaviour is not covered in
You may have discovered an undocumented feature, but you can always use a rewrite ... break instead of proxy_pass aliasing:
server {
listen 80;
set $MY_SERVICE "myservice.mycompany.local";
location /acm {
rewrite ^/acm(/.*)$ $1 break;
proxy_pass http://$MY_SERVICE;

Nginx - custom login page

I'm trying to secure my webapp by using nginx base authentication.
What I'm looking for is a way to force the browser to show my custom html login page instead of the default login popup but still handle the authorization process.
I try to omit the 'WWW-Authenticate' header and the popup wasn't display but I've no idea how to force the browser to add the 'Authorization' header for each request.
hereby nginx.conf:
location /{
auth_basic "Restricted";
auth_basic_user_file htpasswd;
proxy_pass http://tomcat:8080/;
error_page 401 /login.html;
location = /login.html {
root html;
more_clear_headers 'WWW-Authenticate';
You need to add proxy_intercept_errors on; or you will not be able to define error_page. Otherwise NGINX just passes the HTTP 401 response back to the client.
location /{
auth_basic "Restricted";
auth_basic_user_file htpasswd;
proxy_pass http://tomcat:8080/;
proxy_intercept_errors on;
error_page 401 /login.html;
location = /login.html {
root html;
more_clear_headers 'WWW-Authenticate';
Syntax: proxy_intercept_errors on | off;
Default: proxy_intercept_errors off;
Context: http, server, location
Determines whether proxied responses with codes greater than or equal to 300 should be passed to a client or be intercepted and redirected to nginx for processing with the error_page directive.
*has* to be a better way to accomplish this, but i managed to do it with X-Accel-Redirect and php, here's how:
i wanted to have a custom login page for folder /foo/ (and recursively all its content)
... first i renamed the on-disk folder /var/www/html/foo to /var/www/html/internal_foo , then i added to nginx config:
location ~ /internal_foo {
# even if this is the default root, the internal-directive seems to prevent inheriting the root directive, so have to explicitly specify it here...
root /var/www/html;
location ~ /foo {
try_files "" /foo.php$is_args$args;
then i created a /var/www/html/foo.php with the contents:
// warning: script vulnerable to timing attack which can disclose existence of files. (realpath() is not constant-time)
// probably a hacker attempting ../../../etc/passwd schenanigans.
header("X-accel-redirect: ".$translated);
and voila, if a user is authorized, the request is sent to nginx, otherwise show_loginpage(); is executed (where you can put your custom login page), mission accomplished :)
If you really want to do this. The easiest way is to put the username and password into the url. Basic Authentication supports this. Change all requests to the format below and it will work:
"http://" + username + ":" + password + ""
