How to achieve the equivalent of Refresh All (in Excel) in R? - r

The title to this really says it all. I am trying to automate a report in R, ideally, the Excel file would be imported into R, refreshed (as the said Excel file has a direct link to SQL) before finally outputting the result as an Excel file.
Finally, this report needs to automatically run without human intervention or supervision (hence the need for R).
Any help or ideas would be appreciated !


Writing .xlsx in R, importing into PowerBi error

I'm experiencing an odd error. I have a large dataframe in R (75000 rows, 97 columns) and I need to save it out and then import it into Power Bi.
At first I just did the simple:
and while it seems to export and looks fine in excel, the csv itself is all messed up when I look at the contents in Power Bi. Here's an example of what I mean:
The 'phase.x' column should only have "follow-up" or "treatment" in that column. In excel, looks great:
but that exact same file gets screwed up in Power Bi:
I figured that being a 'comma separated variable' file, there must be some extra comma somewhere, and I saved it as an .xlsx instead.
So, while in excel, I saved that .csv as an .xlsx and it opened great in Power Bi!
Jump forward a moment and instead of write_csv() in R, I use write.xlsx(). But now I get this error:
If I simply go to that file, open it in excel, save it and hit close, that error goes away and it can load into Power Bi just fine. I figure it has something to do with this question on here.
Any ideas on what I might be screwing up as I save it out of R? Somehow I can fix it in R and not have to open and save it every time?
In power BI check that your source has ignore quoted line breaks enabled. I've found this is often an issue with .csv files in PowerBI.

How to open mht file via R?

I met a problem to open mht files in R. There is an approach in which first I need to open it in Excel then save as .xlsx and after that read it in R.
But this way doesn't correspond to my requirements as soon as I need the program which must work automatically (no manual work needed).
But unfortunately I didn't found in the Internet how to do this.
Can someone advise me the way in which I can open file with mht format with some data in R?

Error in excel charts when overwrite data from R

I am trying to automate some of my tests in R to produce a static report in Excel. I have created a template in Excel which has a few charts and tables(sheet 1).
Now I run my R code to generate the data to fill in the same excel template file on Sheet 2.
I am using Openxlsx package to loadworkbook(excel template), next I overwrite data in sheet 2 by deleting the sheet and recreating it again with the new data so that the excel template has data for new test runs.
This runs without any error. But when I open my excel back the charts disappear with the !REF# error whereas as the tables are overwritten properly in the template(sheet1).
Has anyone come across such a scenario? The method I am using is a bit weird but can't think of any other alternative.
Thanks in advance!!
This definitely sounds weird. Something seems off, but I'm sorry I can't tell you what the issue may be. Anyway, I would say, just use R to generate the data and dump everything into Excel. Then, run some VBA in Excel to create the charts. I have no idea what your VBA skills are like, but I'm guessing it would be much easier to crate charts in Excel using VBA, rather than trying to do all of this with R.
Here are a few resources that you may find useful.
Finally, you can learn a lot by recording Macros and hitting F8 to step-through the code to see how everything works.

RStudio: Save data from Viewer

Due to a stupid mistake and a defective USB stick I lost a bunch of data and I am now trying to recover it.
Some of the the data is still displayed in the Viewer tabs when I open RStudio. However, I can only save R Scripts and R Markdownfiles out of the Viewer. The displayed data frames are nice and complete, I can sort and filter them in the Viewer, however, I cannot find a "save" option. Is there a possibility to save this displayed data into Rdata or csv or something similar?
I would suggest three different approaches, but none of them will necessarily work. I sort them according to my prior expectations of success.
1) You can copy all your data frame from the viewer and paste it into an external spreadsheet software to obtain a .csv file. E.g. through the "convert text to columns" button in MS Excel.
2) You can copy and paste the character string into an object that is passed to the text option of read.table or to dput(). Check out the "Copy your data" section of this famous SO question
3) Finally, you can get google Chrome's "Inspect Element" function to inspect the html code of the object in the viewer. Once you find the table you can copy paste and scrape with an html parser, e.g. using the rvest package. Good luck!
Thanks everybody, there is a way to access the data as Rdata files, which was kindly explained to me here
I used the second method and located the files in %localappdata%\RStudio-Desktop\viewer-cache.

Generating Excel file with XLConnect-Removed Feature: Format from /xl/styles.xml part (Styles)

I am using XLConnect in R for the purpose of daily report generation. I have a program that runs automatically at specific time to append the data for most recent date daily into an excel file (Excel 2007). The program works fine to do this task. But, sometimes when i open the excel file it says that "Excel found unreadable content. do you want to recover the content of this workbook?"
The best part of this issue is that i can't reproduce this issue again to know the exact root cause for the problem. It arises in a random manner. Because, when i try to run the program again it works fine. Can somebody help me to identify the root cause?
