Can kable read latex commands? - r

I have a table that contains cells with latex commands. For instance, one column header reads "\textit{Quantity}."
When I call kable on the table with the following code, the latex command (i.e., "\textit{Quantity}") appears in my document:
knitr::kable(table, format="latex")
When I change the format to "markdown", then the latex command gets interpreted (i.e., Quantity shows up in italics):
knitr::kable(table, format="markdown")
Is there any way to keep format="latex" but get the results of format="markdown"? I.e., I want the latex commands to be interpreted.

Yes, it can.
See the below example:
Display the above inside kable , you will see latex equation displayed correctly.


Formatting R output in an R Markdown documents

I have a code that generates a text output. For example:
pick <- sample(c("Alex", "Greta", "Zoe"), 1)
Is there a way of formatting the result in an R Markdown documents.
Say something like this if I wanted it to appear in bold on the report.
You can execute any R command in-text in an rmarkdown document without embedding it inside a chunk by placing it within ticks prefaced by the letter r (see below). You can then surround this r code with latex code, in this \bf{foo} for bold font, bookmarked by $. Try placing
The OP's chosen name is $\bf{`r sample(c("Alex", "Greta", "Zoe"), 1)`}$
inside an rmarkdown document. Or you could place the function in a chunk and then call it outside the chunk, anywhere in subsequent text, like this
The OP's chosen name is $\bf{`r pick`}$

Aligning XTable Output in R Markdown

I am putting an assignment together in R Markdown to PDF (through Latex) and been using xtable to nicely format my output. The below code generates a small table that I would like to align right in the document and have text wrap around it. Is there a way to achieve this?
summary.table <- xtable(ddply(aircon, ~when, summarise, Mean=mean(hours), StdDev=sd(hours)), caption="Mean and Standard Deviation (in Hours) Before and After Change")
print(summary.table, include.rownames=FALSE)
Given the update regarding using LaTeX to do the wrapping, how could I write this in R Markdown to take advantage of this? I have tried to print inline using r <code> but that didn't work.
I guess you could add the begin/end wraptable commands in the r-chunk that creates the table, like this:
cat("\\begin{wraptable}{r}{5.5cm} \n")
cat("\\end{wraptable} \n")
You can use the Includes mechanism documented here, to include a custom header.tex which would contain usepackages, etc.

Style a kable table knitted to pdf

I'm using kable to output a table from a data.frame in a R markdown document that is parsed to pdf.
This is the output:
I would like to style the table. Specifically I'd like to:
Increase cell height. The padding argument passed to kable() function didn't have effect.
Make the headings bold. (No idea about this).
I call kaggle() in a function that is then called into the chunk in the .Rmd file.
Thanks for your help
I don't know whether you tried already, but the kableExtra package offers a lot more features than kable. You could simply pipe your kable call into row specifications with
%>% row_spec (0, bold = T)
I couldn't find an option for cell height there. In case you'd generally want to change it you could either pass it as an option into the YAML header or change the default.tex file.

Excess backslashes in stargazer latex output

I get a weird result when trying to output my regression results into latex tables using the stargazer package in R: when I simply do
I get a perfectly fine latex table displayed in the R console that I can then copy and paste into my latex editor. However, when I use
the character object 'table' does not have the same latex output that one would expect given the results of the first line of code, but rather the same latex code as before with an additional backslash before every backslash in the original latex code, e.g. instead of \begin{document} I get \\begin{document}, instead of two backslashes for a line break I get three backslashes etc.
Any idea what is causing this behavior and how I could fix it?
Perfectly normal behavior, as backslashes in R string require an escape character that just happens to be... a baskslash!

Hmisc tilde rowname

I am trying to group row names in a R data frame for typesetting with the Hmisc latex() function. Problem is that latex() adds two tilde characters before each row name, and these show up in my document.
How can I either remove these characters or have them not show up?
test.df <- data.frame(row.names=letters[1:4], col1=1:4, col2=4:1, col3=4:7)
latex(test.df, file="", n.rgroup=c(2,2), rgroup=c("First","Second"))
The latex function occurs inside a knitr chunk. The resulting .Rnw file is compiled through the knit2pdf function, which uses pdfLatex by default, I think. All other tables/figures in the document compile fine, without any residual LaTex syntax showing up.
They will not show up if you use latex with a TeX processor:
test.df <- data.frame(row.names=letters[1:4], col1=1:4, col2=4:1, col3=4:7)
latex(test.df, file="test", n.rgroup=c(2,2), rgroup=c("First","Second"))
If you want to "capture" the text that is "printed" to the screen and remove the double tildes with sub then you probably need to use capture.output, because it appears that latex is not returning a value but is acting more like the cat function which has output to the screen as a side-effect:
out <- sub("^~~", "", capture.output(
latex(test.df, file="",
n.rgroup=c(2,2), rgroup=c("First","Second"))))
You could then use writeLines or cat with a file argument to send that text to a destination. I suppose it is possible that you could just put the sub call inline without diverting the results to a named object. That will depend on exactly how your are processing this text.
If you don't want to use LaTeX then i suggest either the ascii package that has pretty advanced options that do a nice raw text output (it also has the rgroup & n.rgroup options for grouping row names). If you are interested in getting the tables into a Word document (or just HTML) i suggest Markdown with my htmlTable function - the arguments are based upon the Hmisc latex arguments as I needed a replacement when I was switching to Markdown, thus all you need to do is change the function name to htmlTable after loading my package.
