access date format in query not working merged fields - ms-access-2010

I have two fields, stopdate and stoptime. I put together a query to merge these as one field. It looks valid, 01/02/2015 14:09:30, BUT, when I try to use this field (sort, filter criteria, ect) it is clear that it is being looked at as a text field. ive tried ([Stop Date]+[Stop Time]) AS Stopdatetime, as well as using the format function. I tried using Format([Stopdatetime],"mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn:ss") AS Date1 in my select statement.
Before anyone throws out "helpful tips", no, i cant change the regional settings, no, i cant force the users to store it as one field, and no, i cant create a new field to store the data. Thanks.

How about getting them as a date. Something like this when you are merging them:
SELECT DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, your_date_column)) +
DATEADD(day, 0 - DATEDIFF(day, 0, your_time_column), your_time_column)
FROM your_table
or you can also try something like this:
DATEADD(ms, DATEDIFF(ms, '00:00:00', [Time]), CONVERT(DATETIME, [Date]))
EDIT Notice you tagged ms-access-2010. Those should work for SQL Server 2008 and after but not sure for MS Access

This is way simpler to achieve than you expect:
Select [Stop Date] + [Stop Time] As [StopDateTime]
From YourTable
If fields are not of data type Date, convert these:
Select DateValue([Stop Date]) + TimeValue([Stop Time]) As [StopDateTime]
From YourTable


Incorrect default value passed to the SQL Server database

I have set my column to int not null default 1... but whenever I save my record, it sets default value for that record to be 0.
I am not setting it anywhere. I don't know where I am making a mistake.
I have debugged my code , and when I am passing new entity object it is setting default value for not null to 0 .May be it is something with LINQ, But I don't know how to handle it.I don't want to explicitly assign value.
For sql-server, you can use SQL Server Profiler to catch all the scripts you run into the DB.
This may show you some details
Try running this query, replacing the 'myTable' and 'myColumn' values with your actual TABLE and COLUMN names, and see what's returned:
OBJECT_NAME(C.object_id) AS [Table Name]
,C.Name AS [Column Name]
,DC.Name AS [Constraint Name]
,DC.Type_Desc AS [Constraint Type]
,DC.Definition AS [Default Value]
FROM sys.default_constraints DC
INNER JOIN sys.Columns C
ON DC.parent_column_id = C.column_id
AND DC.parent_object_id = C.object_id
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(DC.parent_object_id) = 'myTable'
AND COL_NAME(DC.parent_object_id,DC.parent_column_id) = 'myColumn'
Should return something like this:
[Table Name] [Column Name] [Constraint Name] [Constraint Type] [Default Value]
myTable myColumn DF_myTable_myColumn DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT ('0')
If the [Default Value] returned is indeed (1), then it means that you have set the constraint properly and something else is at play here. It might be a trigger, or some other automated DML that you've forgotten/didn't know about, or something else entirely.
I am not the world's biggest fan of using a TRIGGER, but in a case like this, it could be handy. I find that one of the best uses for a TRIGGER is debugging little stuff like this - because it lets you see what values are being passed into a table without having to scroll through mountains of profiler data. You could try something like this (again, switching out the myTable and myColumn values with your actual table and column names):
CREATE TABLE Default_Check
,Inserted_Value INT
CREATE TRIGGER Checking_Default ON myTable
INSERT INTO Default_Check (Inserted_Value)
SELECT I.myColumn
FROM Inserted I
This trigger would simply list the date/time of an update/insert done against your table, as well as the inserted value. After creating this, you could run a single INSERT statement, then check:
SELECT * FROM Default_Check;
If you see one row, only one action (insert/update) was done against the table. If you see two, something you don't expect is happening - you can check to see what. You will also see here when the 0 was inserted/updated.
When you're done, just make sure you DROP the trigger:
DROP TRIGGER Checking_Default;
You'll want to DROP the table, too, once it's become irrelevant:
DROP TABLE Default_Check;
If all of this still didn't help you, let me know.
In VB use
Property VariableName As Integer? = Nothing
In C# use
int? value = 0;
if (value == 0)
value = null;
Please check My Example:
create table emp ( ids int null, [DOJ] datetime NOT null)
1--Not working for Default Values
insert into emp
select '1',''
2 ---working for Default Values
insert into emp(ids) Values(13)
select * From emp

I want to combine date and time and compare with utc date

When I write this query
SELECT Convert(datetime,Convert(varchar,CAST(GETUTCDATE() AS DATE))+' '+
CONVERT(varchar, cast(meas_pain.datetime AS time))) FROM meas_pain
it works for me but when I use the same part in WHERE clause it gives error 'Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.'
FROM meas_pain LEFT JOIN schedules ON
WHERE meas_pain.schd_id=9150 AND
Convert(datetime,(Convert(varchar,CAST(GETUTCDATE() AS DATE))+' '+
CONVERT(varchar, cast(meas_pain.datetime AS time)))) <
can anybody explain??
I am not sure why this error does not appear in your select statement, since I can reproduce the error using just
Example of Error
You are relying on localised conversion settings, you should use explicit conversion, e.g.
By explicitly defining the date format to convert both to varchar and from varchar (111) you can avoid any implied conversions.
However, If your dates/times are stored as such there should be no need for all the conversion to and from varchar, this is just more chance for things to go wrong, and unnecessary work, you can simply add a time to a datetime. e.g.
SELECT [Date1] = #Date1,
[Date2] = #Date2,
[Date1/Time2] = CAST(CAST(#Date1 AS DATE) AS DATETIME) +
From what I can gather from your query you are just trying to get results where the time of meas_pain.datetime is less that the current UTC time, regardless of date. So you should be able to simplify your query to just:
FROM meas_pain
LEFT JOIN schedules
ON = meas_pain.schd_id
WHERE meas_pain.schd_id = 9150
And remove further redundant conversions.
Simplified example on SQL Fiddle
Apparently this time comparison is not what you are after (although it is what the query you have posted is doing), so I am assuming GETUTCDATE() is just for demonstration.
The conversion you are trying to perform is equivalent to this:
Another example on SQL Fiddle using the above conversion

SELECT MAX() contained within a DATEDIFF()

I am writing a report for the desktop support team in the company where I work. The report needs to produce a set of new starters within a specified time frame passed in from an ASP.NET application. Currently there is a one to many relationship between our Worker table and Contract table. We hire a lot of contractors and they sometimes come back after a number of months but are still treated like new starters as new machines need to be configured along with desk space.
A new contract is added for every pay review, job title change and new starter. We need to filter out all but the new starter. The newest contract that is added for job changes and pay reviews is always one day after the end date of the previous contract naturally. As I am only still a fresher in the grand scheme of things I am struggling with a set of functions I am trying to use to achieve my goal.
(dbo.[Contract].StartDate BETWEEN #StartDateF AND #EndDateF) AND DATEDIFF(day, SELECT MAX(StartDate)FROM dbo.[Contract] WHERE dbo.[Contract].Worker_ID = w1.Worker_ID, SELECT MAX(EndDate)FROM dbo.[Contract] WHERE dbo.[Contract].Worker_ID = w1.Worker_ID)> 1
I basically want to find out in the instance an employee has more than one contract, regardless of leaving and coming back or pay review, if the current active contract is one day different to the previous contract. This should by my thinking give me all new starters only.
Trouble is I am still trying to get my head around when to use aggregate functions not in a select and when to apply the HAVING clause.
Any help would be appreciated to help me understand why my lack of understanding is causing this query/logic to fail.
Ok I am still bashing away at this solution and this is syntactically incorrect. In an attempt to remove some of the ambiguity here is the query, with an update;
Declare #StartDateF varchar(10)
Set #StartDateF = '2012-08-03'
Declare #EndDateF varchar(10)
Set #EndDateF = '2012-09-04'
SELECT w1.Worker_ID, w1.Title, w1.FirstName, w1.Surname,w1.Gender, w1.DateofBirth,
dbo.[Contract].StartDate, (select w2.surname + ',' + w2.firstname from worker w2 WITH (NOLOCK) where w2.worker_ID = w1.manager)as Manager, dbo.Grade.GradeDescription AS JobTitle, dbo.Grade.Discipline,
CASE WHEN dbo.[Contract].ContractType_ID = 1 OR dbo.[Contract].ContractType_ID = 2 OR dbo.[Contract].ContractType_ID = 5 OR dbo.[Contract].ContractType_ID = 6
THEN 'Staff' ELSE 'Contractor' END AS ContractType
FROM dbo.Worker w1 WITH (NOLOCK) inner join
dbo.[Contract] WITH (NOLOCK) ON dbo.[Contract].Worker_ID = w1.Worker_ID inner join
dbo.Grade WITH (NOLOCK) ON dbo.Grade.Grade_ID = dbo.[Contract].Grade_ID
(dbo.[Contract].StartDate BETWEEN #StartDateF AND #EndDateF AND EndDate IS NULL)
group by
w1.Worker_ID, w1.Title, w1.FirstName, w1.Surname,w1.Gender, w1.DateofBirth,
dbo.[Contract].StartDate, manager, dbo.Grade.Discipline,dbo.Grade.GradeDescription, dbo.[Contract].ContractType_ID
Having DATEDIFF(day, SELECT MAX(StartDate)FROM dbo.[Contract] WHERE dbo.[Contract].Worker_ID = w1.Worker_ID, SELECT MAX(EndDate)FROM dbo.[Contract] WHERE dbo.[Contract].Worker_ID = w1.Worker_ID)
I have added the group by and the having clause but now I am getting the following errors
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 24
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SELECT'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 24
Incorrect syntax near ','.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 24
Incorrect syntax near ')'.
These all relate the the functions in the having clause no doubt you can see. But I cannot understand what is wrong with this query and this is mainly the question. I need to understand the SQL functions enough so that I can implement th correct solution.
I have followed up the DATEDIFF() function here
I can see that using functions within this function is acceptable according to the MS documentation.
Commenting out the Having clause gives me the result set I expect. It is showing people with changes to contracts(pay rise) but this is information that no one should be seeing, these are now the only records that need filtering out
I have made some improvements and overcome the error messages now, but I am still getting people where pay rises have occured. Here is the amended query from the group by
group by
w1.Worker_ID, w1.Title, w1.FirstName, w1.Surname,w1.Gender, w1.DateofBirth,
dbo.[Contract].StartDate, manager, dbo.Grade.Discipline,dbo.Grade.GradeDescription, dbo.[Contract].ContractType_ID, w1.Worker_ID
(((dbo.[Contract].StartDate BETWEEN #StartDateF AND #EndDateF)
AND COUNT(dbo.[Contract].Worker_ID) = 1)
((dbo.[Contract].StartDate BETWEEN #StartDateF AND #EndDateF)
AND DATEDIFF(day, (SELECT MAX(EndDate)FROM dbo.[Contract] WHERE dbo.[Contract].Worker_ID = w1.Worker_ID), (SELECT MAX(StartDate)FROM dbo.[Contract] WHERE dbo.[Contract].Worker_ID = w1.Worker_ID))>1))
To get workers with more than one contract, you would use:
select c.workerID
from Contract c
group by c.workerID
having count(distinct contractID) > 1
It sounds, though, like you only want to count everything but the new start ones. You can do this with something like:
select w.workerID
from Contract c
where c.ContractType = 'New'
group by w.workerID
having count(distinct contractID) > 1
Because you didn't provide the details of what the tables look like, what sample input data looks like, and the results you want to achieve, this is about the best that can be done.
WHERE ( (dbo.[Contract].StartDate BETWEEN #StartDateF AND #EndDateF)AND dbo.[Contract].Worker_ID
IN (select worker_id from dbo.[Contract]
group by worker_id
having count(worker_id) = 1))
((dbo.[Contract].StartDate BETWEEN #StartDateF AND #EndDateF)
AND DATEDIFF(day, (SELECT MAX(EndDate)FROM dbo.[Contract] WHERE dbo.[Contract].Worker_ID = w1.Worker_ID), (SELECT MAX(StartDate)FROM dbo.[Contract] WHERE dbo.[Contract].Worker_ID = w1.Worker_ID))>1
AND dbo.[Contract].Worker_ID = w1.Worker_ID )
Now works for me :)

ASP.Net SQL Where Date is after Today

Hi all I have the following Query made using the Query Builder in Visual Studio.
SELECT Schd_ID, Schd_Date, Schd_Avaliable, Schd_Nights, Schd_Price, Accom_ID
FROM Schedule
WHERE (Schd_Avaliable = 'Yes') AND (Accom_ID = Accom_ID)
I want to add another WHERE statement which adds where Schd_Date is after todays date, any ideas?
Assuming SQL Server, the GETDATE() function returns the date and time the statement was run at:
Use the following for finding dates greater than the current date at midnight:
WHERE Schd_Date > DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE()))
However, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is the ANSI means of getting the current date and time in a database. Beyond that, date functionality is not consistent between databases so you'd have to tell us what you are dealing with for better answers.
If this is SQL Server you could use the GETDATE() function to return the current date and compare against it:
Schd_ID, Schd_Date, Schd_Avaliable, Schd_Nights, Schd_Price, Accom_ID
(Schd_Avaliable = 'Yes')
(Accom_ID = Accom_ID)
(Schd_Date > GETDATE())
SELECT Schd_ID, Schd_Date, Schd_Avaliable, Schd_Nights, Schd_Price, Accom_ID
FROM Schedule
WHERE (Schd_Avaliable = 'Yes') AND (Accom_ID = Accom_ID) AND (GETDATE() < Schd_Date)
This should work
I guess this expression can be used as a date representing the current date on the format yyyy-mm-dd (without the hours,minutes and seconds).
(Datepart('yyyy',getdate())+ '-' +Datepart('m',getdate())+ '-' + Datepart('d',getdate()))
SELECT Schd_ID, Schd_Date, Schd_Avaliable, Schd_Nights, Schd_Price, Accom_ID
FROM Schedule
WHERE (Schd_Avaliable = 'Yes') AND (Accom_ID = Accom_ID) AND
(Schd_Date >= (Datepart('yyyy',getdate())+ '-' +
Datepart('m',getdate())+ '-' +

SQL Date Search without time

I have a query that searches by date. the dates in the database include the time. How do I search on just the date only.
select *
from weblogs.dbo.vwlogs
where Log_time between #BeginDate and #EndDAte
and (client_user=#UserName or #UserName Is null)
order by Log_time desc
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#BeginDate", txtBeginDate.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#EndDAte", txtEndDate.Text);
Leave your sql mostly as is and just fix your parameters:
cmd.Parameters.Add("#BeginDate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value =
cmd.Parameters.Add("#EndDAte", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value =
// add one to make search inclusive
You also want to check to make sure your textboxes are valid datetimes first, but you should get the idea.
The only caveat here is that due to a quirk with the BETWEEN operator it will match the first instant of the next day. So, to fix that we write the query like this:
FROM vwlogs
WHERE Log_time >= #BeginDate AND Log_Time < #EndDate
AND (client_user=#UserName OR #UserName IS NULL)
Pay special attention to the comparision operators around the date.
The first thing to do is to remove the times from the dates. If you want to do this in the sql server code you can use something like the code below. I have this as a function on all the databases I work on
cast(floor(cast(#fromdate as float)) as datetime)
The next thing to worry about is the where criteria. You need to make sure you select everything from the start of the from date to the end of the to date. You also need to make sure queries for one day will work which you can do with a date add like this
Where LogTime >= #fromdate and LogTime < DateAdd(dd, 1, #todate)
In SQL round the start and end date to Whole Dates and use >= #BeginDate and very specifically < #EndDAte. The "rounding" process is not very elegant I'm afraid
SELECT #BeginDate = DATEADD(Day, DATEDIFF(Day, 0, #BeginDate), 0),
#EndDAte = DATEADD(Day, DATEDIFF(Day, 0, #EndDAte) + 1, 0)
select *
from weblogs.dbo.vwlogs
where Log_time >= #BeginDate
and Log_time < #EndDAte
and (#UserName Is null OR client_user=#UserName)
order by Log_time desc
Note that I've moved "#UserName Is null" first, as there is some evidence that this test will easily pass/fail, and will cause the second more CPU intensive test (client_user=#UserName) to be ignored if the first test is TRUE (may be TommyRot of course ...)
Also, for best performance, you should explicitly name all the columns you need, and not use "SELECT *" (but that may just have been for the purpose of this question)
If you want to change the sql instead,
TRUNC(Log_Time) will reduce every datetime to to that date at midnight.
Make sure that you build your index on the column as TRUNC(Log_TIME) so it's usable.
Another gotcha - truncating your end date will NOT include that date! Consider:
WHERE Log_Time >= #BeginDate AND Log_Time < #EndDate
If #EndDate is truncated it will be midnight and not match anything on that day. You'll need to add a day!
Clean up the dates by adding the following line before your query...
This will floor your begin date to the lowest possible time (00:00:00.000), and ceiling your end date to the highest possible (23:59:59.997). You can then keep your BETWEEN query exactly as it was written.
select *
from weblogs.dbo.vwlogs
where Log_time between #BeginDate and #EndDAte
and (client_user=#UserName or #UserName Is null)
order by Log_time desc
Hope this helps.
