I am having an issue where I need to merge two dataframes but the common column has different cases (some have upper case and some have lower case)
Example Data:
authors <- data.frame(
surname = I(c("Tukey", "Venables", "Tierney", "Ripley", "McNeil")),
nationality = c("US", "Australia", "US", "UK", "Australia"),
deceased = c("yes", rep("no", 4)))
books <- data.frame(
name = I(c("tukey", "venables", "tierney",
"tipley", "ripley", "McNeil", "R Core")),
title = c("Exploratory Data Analysis",
"Modern Applied Statistics ...",
"Spatial Statistics", "Stochastic Simulation",
"Interactive Data Analysis",
"An Introduction to R"),
other.author = c(NA, "Ripley", NA, NA, NA, NA,
"Venables & Smith"))
m1 <- merge(authors, books, by.x = "surname", by.y = "name")
Data is taken from this question
I need to produce a result without changing the data i.e.
1) I do not have access to create a new column in the dataframe or
2) change the case in the dataframe or
3) create a new dataframe.
I understand that R is case dependent but some help would be really appreciated. Thanks.
Assuming that you can create temporary dataframes, I would do the following.
Store your data in temporary dataframes.
Create temporary columns with the transformations mentioned in your example.
Merge the temporary dataframes based on the transformations.
Remove unnecessary variables.
Translated in R, that gives.
books_temp <- books # store in temporary df
authors_temp <- authors
authors_temp$surname_temp <- str_to_title(authors_temp$surname) # transform columns
books_temp$name_temp <- str_to_title(books_temp$name)
m1 <- merge(authors_temp, books_temp, by.x = "surname_temp", by.y = "name_temp") # merge
m1$surname_temp <- NULL # discard unnecessary information
Note that it would be very hard to merge two dataframes containing information that require treatments without storing the intermediate transformations somewhere.
I am pretty new to R. This seems like a simple question, but I just don't know the best way to approach it. I have checked similar questions but have not found the answer I am looking for.
I have a list for data frames (actually tibbles) that I want to run through the convert() function from the hablar package to convert all of the data types for each variable in the data frames. I then want to overwrite the original data frames. Here is a simplified example data frame (N.B. all of the variables are currently factors). For simplicity I have made adm2 and adm3 the same as adm1, but there are different in my real data.
adm1 <- data.frame(admV1 = as.factor(c("male", "female", "male", "female")),
admV2 = as.factor(c("12.2", "13.0", "14.0", "15.1")),
admV3 = as.factor(c("free text", "more free text", "even more free text", "free text again")),
admV4 = as.factor(c("2019-01-01T12:00:00", "2019-01-01T12:00:00", "2019-01-01T12:00:00", "2019-01-01T12:00:00")))
adm1 <- as_tibble(adm1)
adm2 <- adm1
adm3 <- adm1
dis1 <- data.frame(disV1 = as.factor(c("yes", "no", "yes", "no")),
disV2 = as.factor(c("12.2", "13.0", "14.0", "15.1")),
disV3 = as.factor(c("free text", "more free text", "even more free text", "free text again")),
disV4 = as.factor(c("2019-01-01+T12:00:00", "2019-01-01+T12:00:00", "2019-01-01+T12:00:00", "2019-01-01+T12:00:00")))
dis1 <- as_tibble(dis1)
dis2 <- dis1
dis3 <- dis1
I have two 'types' of data frames: admissions and discharges. I defined the variables that need to be converted to each data type (N.B. In my real example each is a character vector containing more than one variable name):
# Define data types
adm_chr<- admV3
adm_num<- admV2
adm_fct<- admV1
adm_dte<- admV4
dis_chr<- disV3
dis_num<- disV2
dis_fct<- disV1
dis_dte<- disV4
I have then created a list of the datasets:
# Define datasets
adm_dfs<- list(adm1, adm2, adm2)
dis_dfs<- list(dis1, dis2, dis3)
This is what I have managed so far:
# Write function
convertDataTypes<- function(dfs, type = c("adm", "dis")){
outputs1<- dfs %>% lapply(convert(chr(paste0(type, "_chr")),
num(paste0(type, "_num")),
fct(paste0(type, "_fct"))))
outputs2<- dfs %>% mutate_at(vars(paste0(type, "_dte")),
ymd_hms, tz = "GMT")
# Run function
convertDataTypes(adm_dfs, "adm")
I think I need to then use lapply over outputs1 and outputs2 to assign the variables, but there is probably a much better way of approaching this. I would be very grateful for your input.
If the 'dfs' are a list of data.frames, then
If the 'type' corresponds to each data.frame in the list use map2
convertDataTypes <- function(dfs, type = c("adm", "dis")) {
map2(dfs, type, ~ {
.type <- .y
map(.x, ~ .x %>%
convert(chr(str_c(.type, "_chr")),
num(str_c(.type, "_num")),
fct(str_c(.type, "_fct"))) %>%
mutate_at(vars(str_c(.type, "_dte")),
ymd_hms, tz = "GMT"))
dfsN <- list(adm_dfs, dis_dfs)
How can I rename multiple columns in a SparkR DataFrame at one time instead of calling withColumnRenamed() multiple time? For example, let's say I want to rename the columns in the DataFrame below to name and birthdays, how would I do so without calling withColumnRenamed() twice?
team <- data.frame(name = c("Thomas", "Bill", "George", "Randall"),
surname = c("Johnson", "Clark", "Williams", "Yosimite"),
dates = c('2017-01-05', '2017-02-23', '2017-03-16', '2017-04-08'))
team <- createDataFrame(team)
team <- withColumnRenamed(team, 'surname', 'name')
team <- withColumnRenamed(team, 'dates', 'birthdays')
Standard R methods apply here - you can simply reassign colnames:
colnames(team) <- c("name", "name", "birthdays")
SparkDataFrame[name:string, name:string, birthdays:string]
If you know the order you could skip full list and
colnames(team)[colnames(team) %in% c("surname", "dates")] <- c("name", "birthdays")
You'll probably want to to avoid duplicate names though.
I am faced with the following R transformation issue.
I have the following dataframe:
test_df <- structure(list(word = c("list of XYZ schools",
"list of basketball", "list of usa"), results = c("58", "151", "29"), key_list = structure(list(`coRq,coG,coQ,co7E,coV98` = c("coRq", "coG", "coQ", "co7E", "coV98"), `coV98,coUD,coHF,cobK,con7` = c("coV98","coUD", "coHF", "cobK", "con7"), `coV98,coX7,couC,coD3,copW` = c("coV98", "coX7", "couC", "coD3", "copW")), .Names = c("coRq,coG,coQ,co7E,coV98", "coV98,coUD,coHF,cobK,con7", "coV98,coX7,couC,coD3,copW"))), .Names = c("word", "results", "key_list"), row.names = c(116L, 150L, 277L), class = "data.frame")
In short there are three columns, unique on "word" and then a corresponding "key_list" that has a list of keys comma separated. I am interested in creating a new data frame where each key is unique and the word information is duplicated as well as the result information.
So a dataframe that looks as follows:
key word results
coV98 "list of XYZ schools" 58
coRq "list of XYZ schools" 58
coV98 "list of basketball" 151
coV98 "list of usa" 29
And so on for all the keys, so I would like to expand the keys unlist them and then reshape into a dataframe with repeating words and other columns.
I have tried a bunch of the following:
Created a unique list of keys and then attempted to grep for each of those keys in the column and loop through to create a new smaller dataframe and then rbind those together, the resulting dataframe however does not contain the key column:
keys <- as.data.frame(table(unname(unlist(test_df$key_list))))
ttt <- lapply(keys, function(xx){
idx <- grep(xx, test_df$key_list)
df <- all_data_sub[idx,]})
final_df <- do.call(rbind, ttt)
I have also played around with unlisting and reshaping, but I am not getting the right combination.
Any advice would be great!
May be we can use listCol_l from splitstackshape
listCol_l(test_df, 'key_list')[]
In case a base R solution is helpful for someone:
do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(test_df$key_list), function(i) {
merge(test_df$key_list[[i]], test_df[i,-3], by=NULL)
I'm working in R, but I need to deliver some data in SPSS format with both 'variable labels' and 'value labels' and I'm kinda stuck.
I've added variable labels to my data using the Hmisc's label function. This add the variable labels as a label attribute, which is handy when using describe() from the Hmisc package. The problem is that I cannot get the write.foreign() function, from the foreign package, to recognize these labels as variable labels. I imagine I need to modify write.foreign() to use the label attribute as variable label when writing the .sps file.
I looked at the R list and at stackoverflow, but I could only find a post from 2006 on the R list regarding exporting varibles labels to SPSS from R and it doesn't seem to answer my question.
Here is my working example,
# First I create a dummy dataset
df <- data.frame(id = c(1:6), p.code = c(1, 5, 4, NA, 0, 5),
p.label = c('Optometrists', 'Nurses', 'Financial analysts',
'<NA>', '0', 'Nurses'), foo = LETTERS[1:6])
# Second, I add some variable labels using label from the Hmisc package
# install.packages('Hmisc', dependencies = TRUE)
label(df) <- "Sweet sweet data"
label(df$id) <- "id !##$%^"
label(df$p.label) <- "Profession with human readable information"
label(df$p.code) <- "Profession code"
label(df$foo) <- "Variable label for variable x.var"
# modify the name of one varibes, just to see what happens when exported.
names(df)[4] <- "New crazy name for 'foo'"
# Third I export the data with write.foreign from the foreign package
# install.packages('foreign', dependencies = TRUE)
write.foreign(df,"df.wf.txt","df.wf.sps", package="SPSS")
[1] "df.wf.sps" "df.wf.txt"
When I inspect the .sps file (see the content of 'df.wf.sps' below) my variable labels are identical to my variable names, except for foo that I renamed to "New crazy name for 'foo'." This variable has a new and seemly random name, but the correct variable label.
Does anyone know how to get the label attributes and the variable names exported as 'variable labels' and 'labels names' into a .sps file? Maybe there is a smarter way to store 'variable labels' then my current method?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Eric
Content of 'df.wf.sps' export using write.foreign from the foreign package
DATA LIST FILE= "df.wf.txt" free (",")
/ id p.code p.label Nwcnf.f. .
id "id"
p.code "p.code"
p.label "p.label"
Nwcnf.f. "New crazy name for 'foo'"
1 "0"
2 "Financial analysts"
3 "Nurses"
4 "Optometrists"
1 "A"
2 "B"
3 "C"
4 "D"
5 "E"
6 "F"
Update April 16 2012 at 15:54:24 PDT;
What I am looking for is a way to tweak write.foreign to write a .sps file where this part,
id "id"
p.code "p.code"
p.label "p.label"
Nwcnf.f. "New crazy name for 'foo'"
looks like this,
id "id !##$%^"
p.code "Profession code"
p.label "Profession with human readable information"
"New crazy name for 'foo'" "New crazy name for 'foo'"
The last line is a bit ambitious, I don't really need to have a variables with white spaces in the names, but I would like the label attributes to be transferred to the .spas file (that I produce with R).
Try this function and see if it works for you. If not, add a comment and I can see what I can do as far as troubleshooting goes.
# Step 1: Make a backup of your data, just in case
df.orig = df
# Step 2: Load the following function
get.var.labels = function(data) {
a = do.call(llist, data)
tempout = vector("list", length(a))
for (i in 1:length(a)) {
tempout[[i]] = label(a[[i]])
b = unlist(tempout)
structure(c(b), .Names = names(data))
# Step 3: Apply the variable.label attributes
attributes(df)$variable.labels = get.var.labels(df)
# Step 4: Load the write.SPSS function available from
# https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2006-January/085941.html
# Step 5: Write your SPSS datafile and codefile
write.SPSS(df, "df.sav", "df.sps")
The above example is assuming that your data is named df, and you have used Hmisc to add labels, as you described in your question.
Update: A Self-Contained Function
If you do not want to alter your original file, as in the example above, and if you are connected to the internet while you are using this function, you can try this self-contained function:
write.Hmisc.SPSS = function(data, datafile, codefile) {
a = do.call(llist, data)
tempout = vector("list", length(a))
for (i in 1:length(a)) {
tempout[[i]] = label(a[[i]])
b = unlist(tempout)
label.temp = structure(c(b), .Names = names(data))
attributes(data)$variable.labels = label.temp
write.SPSS(data, datafile, codefile)
Usage is simple:
write.Hmisc.SPSS(df, "df.sav", "df.sps")
The function that you linked to (here) should work, but I think the problem is that your dataset doesn't actually have the variable.label and label.table attributes that would be needed to write the SPSS script file.
I don't have access to SPSS, but try the following and see if it at least points you in the right direction. Unfortunately, I don't see an easy way to do this other than editing the output of dput manually.
df = structure(list(id = 1:6,
p.code = c(1, 5, 4, NA, 0, 5),
p.label = structure(c(5L, 4L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 4L),
.Label = c("0", "Financial analysts",
"<NA>", "Nurses",
class = "factor"),
foo = structure(1:6,
.Label = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"),
class = "factor")),
.Names = c("id", "p.code", "p.label", "foo"),
label.table = structure(list(id = NULL,
p.code = NULL,
p.label = structure(c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"),
.Names = c("0", "Financial analysts",
"<NA>", "Nurses",
foo = structure(1:6,
.Names = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"))),
.Names = c("id", "p.code", "p.label", "foo")),
variable.labels = structure(c("id !##$%^", "Profession code",
"Profession with human readable information",
"New crazy name for 'foo'"),
.Names = c("id", "p.code", "p.label", "foo")),
codepage = 65001L)
Compare the above with the output of dput for your sample dataset. Notice that label.table and variable.labels have been added, and a line that said something like row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = "data.frame" was removed.
NOTE: This will not work with the default write.foreign function in R. To test this you first need to load the write.SPSS function shared here, and (of course), make sure that you have the foreign package loaded. Then, you write your files as follows:
write.SPSS(df, datafile="df.sav", codefile="df.sps")
I'm working in R, but I need to deliver some data in SPSS format with both 'variable labels' and 'value labels' and I'm kinda stuck.
I've added variable labels to my data using the Hmisc's label function. This add the variable labels as a label attribute, which is handy when using describe() from the Hmisc package. The problem is that I cannot get the write.foreign() function, from the foreign package, to recognize these labels as variable labels. I imagine I need to modify write.foreign() to use the label attribute as variable label when writing the .sps file.
I looked at the R list and at stackoverflow, but I could only find a post from 2006 on the R list regarding exporting varibles labels to SPSS from R and it doesn't seem to answer my question.
Here is my working example,
# First I create a dummy dataset
df <- data.frame(id = c(1:6), p.code = c(1, 5, 4, NA, 0, 5),
p.label = c('Optometrists', 'Nurses', 'Financial analysts',
'<NA>', '0', 'Nurses'), foo = LETTERS[1:6])
# Second, I add some variable labels using label from the Hmisc package
# install.packages('Hmisc', dependencies = TRUE)
label(df) <- "Sweet sweet data"
label(df$id) <- "id !##$%^"
label(df$p.label) <- "Profession with human readable information"
label(df$p.code) <- "Profession code"
label(df$foo) <- "Variable label for variable x.var"
# modify the name of one varibes, just to see what happens when exported.
names(df)[4] <- "New crazy name for 'foo'"
# Third I export the data with write.foreign from the foreign package
# install.packages('foreign', dependencies = TRUE)
write.foreign(df,"df.wf.txt","df.wf.sps", package="SPSS")
[1] "df.wf.sps" "df.wf.txt"
When I inspect the .sps file (see the content of 'df.wf.sps' below) my variable labels are identical to my variable names, except for foo that I renamed to "New crazy name for 'foo'." This variable has a new and seemly random name, but the correct variable label.
Does anyone know how to get the label attributes and the variable names exported as 'variable labels' and 'labels names' into a .sps file? Maybe there is a smarter way to store 'variable labels' then my current method?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Eric
Content of 'df.wf.sps' export using write.foreign from the foreign package
DATA LIST FILE= "df.wf.txt" free (",")
/ id p.code p.label Nwcnf.f. .
id "id"
p.code "p.code"
p.label "p.label"
Nwcnf.f. "New crazy name for 'foo'"
1 "0"
2 "Financial analysts"
3 "Nurses"
4 "Optometrists"
1 "A"
2 "B"
3 "C"
4 "D"
5 "E"
6 "F"
Update April 16 2012 at 15:54:24 PDT;
What I am looking for is a way to tweak write.foreign to write a .sps file where this part,
id "id"
p.code "p.code"
p.label "p.label"
Nwcnf.f. "New crazy name for 'foo'"
looks like this,
id "id !##$%^"
p.code "Profession code"
p.label "Profession with human readable information"
"New crazy name for 'foo'" "New crazy name for 'foo'"
The last line is a bit ambitious, I don't really need to have a variables with white spaces in the names, but I would like the label attributes to be transferred to the .spas file (that I produce with R).
Try this function and see if it works for you. If not, add a comment and I can see what I can do as far as troubleshooting goes.
# Step 1: Make a backup of your data, just in case
df.orig = df
# Step 2: Load the following function
get.var.labels = function(data) {
a = do.call(llist, data)
tempout = vector("list", length(a))
for (i in 1:length(a)) {
tempout[[i]] = label(a[[i]])
b = unlist(tempout)
structure(c(b), .Names = names(data))
# Step 3: Apply the variable.label attributes
attributes(df)$variable.labels = get.var.labels(df)
# Step 4: Load the write.SPSS function available from
# https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2006-January/085941.html
# Step 5: Write your SPSS datafile and codefile
write.SPSS(df, "df.sav", "df.sps")
The above example is assuming that your data is named df, and you have used Hmisc to add labels, as you described in your question.
Update: A Self-Contained Function
If you do not want to alter your original file, as in the example above, and if you are connected to the internet while you are using this function, you can try this self-contained function:
write.Hmisc.SPSS = function(data, datafile, codefile) {
a = do.call(llist, data)
tempout = vector("list", length(a))
for (i in 1:length(a)) {
tempout[[i]] = label(a[[i]])
b = unlist(tempout)
label.temp = structure(c(b), .Names = names(data))
attributes(data)$variable.labels = label.temp
write.SPSS(data, datafile, codefile)
Usage is simple:
write.Hmisc.SPSS(df, "df.sav", "df.sps")
The function that you linked to (here) should work, but I think the problem is that your dataset doesn't actually have the variable.label and label.table attributes that would be needed to write the SPSS script file.
I don't have access to SPSS, but try the following and see if it at least points you in the right direction. Unfortunately, I don't see an easy way to do this other than editing the output of dput manually.
df = structure(list(id = 1:6,
p.code = c(1, 5, 4, NA, 0, 5),
p.label = structure(c(5L, 4L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 4L),
.Label = c("0", "Financial analysts",
"<NA>", "Nurses",
class = "factor"),
foo = structure(1:6,
.Label = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"),
class = "factor")),
.Names = c("id", "p.code", "p.label", "foo"),
label.table = structure(list(id = NULL,
p.code = NULL,
p.label = structure(c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"),
.Names = c("0", "Financial analysts",
"<NA>", "Nurses",
foo = structure(1:6,
.Names = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"))),
.Names = c("id", "p.code", "p.label", "foo")),
variable.labels = structure(c("id !##$%^", "Profession code",
"Profession with human readable information",
"New crazy name for 'foo'"),
.Names = c("id", "p.code", "p.label", "foo")),
codepage = 65001L)
Compare the above with the output of dput for your sample dataset. Notice that label.table and variable.labels have been added, and a line that said something like row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = "data.frame" was removed.
NOTE: This will not work with the default write.foreign function in R. To test this you first need to load the write.SPSS function shared here, and (of course), make sure that you have the foreign package loaded. Then, you write your files as follows:
write.SPSS(df, datafile="df.sav", codefile="df.sps")