How to widen output window for text? - r

I am want to print the output of a linear mixed model and the texts wraps.
Is there option that gets around this problem?
I have tried option(width=1000) and tidy=TRUE,tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=600) to no avail.
Here is a minimum reproducible example.
title: "Untitled"
author: "NickHayden"
date: "5/8/2018"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## R Markdown
This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see <>.
When you click the **Knit** button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within the document. You can embed an R code chunk like this:
```{r cars}
df <- sample_n(diamonds, size = 100)
df <- df %>% mutate(randoms = rep(c("A","B", "C"), length.out = 100))
mod <- lmer(price ~ factor(color) * factor(clarity) * factor(cut) + (1|randoms), data = df)
Here the text should wrap around the window and lines may wrap under as well.

An anternative is to export the output to a text file. The following link shows how to achieve this.
Export R output to a file
test <- c("asb", "asb", "asb", "abc")
out <- capture.output(summary(test))
cat("My title", out, file="example_output.txt", sep="\n", append=TRUE)


Dynamic plots and tables inside Rmarkdown

I am new to Rmarkdown and shiny and forgive me for some naive questions. I have build a code in two parts first where I do all the processing and second where I call the Rmarkdown to knit it.
The first code example.R is as follows and works fine independently (with only glitch of plots being trimmed from sides):
# Create a label for the knitr code chunk name
## #knitr ExternalCodeChunk020
# Set up some sample data
# Display the xvars
# Note that I don't really want to display the xvars, but this line is included
# to demonstrate that text output won't show up in the RMarkdown in this example.
a <- ggplotly(ggplot(mtcars, aes(cyl,mpg)) + geom_boxplot())
b <- ggplotly(ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt,mpg)) + geom_point())
subplot(a, b, nrows=1)
DT::datatable(mtcars, class = "cell-border stripe", rownames = FALSE, filter ="top",
editable =TRUE, extension = "Buttons", options = list(dom="Bfrtip",
buttons =c("copy", "csv", "excel", "pdf","print")))
ggplotly(ggplot(mtcars,aes(x=mpg)) + geom_histogram(binwidth=5))
# Display the date and time
# Similar to xvars above, this line is intended to demonstrate that text output
# won't be displayed in this RMarkdown example.
The second part of the code (mrkdwn.Rmd) is where I try to knit and generate Rmarkdown report:
title: "Code Chunks"
author: "Author"
date: "November 13, 2020"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
This first code chunk prints the externally located code,
but it does not execute the code. The next code chunk
executes the externally located code, but it does not print code
itself. Text output is suppressed, and figures are plotted,
but only after all of the code is executed.
```{r DisplayCodeChunk, eval = FALSE, echo = FALSE}
```{r RunCodeChunk, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, results = 'hide'}
the output doesn't contain plots. I am not sure what is going wrong, could anyone of you help me in fixing this.
I know that an easy fix is to put both parts of the code together inside the Rmarkdown like this:
title: "test3"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## R Markdown
This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see <>.
When you click the **Knit** button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within the document. You can embed an R code chunk like this:
# Set up some sample data
# Display the xvars
# Note that I don't really want to display the xvars, but this line is included
# to demonstrate that text output won't show up in the RMarkdown in this example.
a <- ggplotly(ggplot(mtcars, aes(cyl,mpg)) + geom_boxplot())
b <- ggplotly(ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt,mpg)) + geom_point())
subplot(a, b, nrows=1)
DT::datatable(mtcars, class = "cell-border stripe", rownames = FALSE, filter ="top",
editable =TRUE, extension = "Buttons", options = list(dom="Bfrtip",
buttons =c("copy", "csv", "excel", "pdf","print")))
ggplotly(ggplot(mtcars,aes(x=mpg)) + geom_histogram(binwidth=5))
# Display the date and time
# Similar to xvars above, this line is intended to demonstrate that text output
# won't be displayed in this RMarkdown example.
## Including Plots
You can also embed plots, for example:
```{r pressure, echo=FALSE}
Since I need to process large datasets and generate graphs/plots and table I would prefer to keep them separately, so that my Rmarkdown doesn't crash. May be this is wrong and there could be a better approach, please suggest.
Many thanks for your time and help.

R Markdown elimination of `##` when printing data frame rows [duplicate]

I am using RStudio to write my R Markdown files. How can I remove the hashes (##) in the final HTML output file that are displayed before the code output?
As an example:
output: html_document
You can include in your chunk options something like
comment=NA # to remove all hashes
comment='%' # to use a different character
More help on knitr available from here:
If you are using R Markdown as you mentioned, your chunk could look like this:
```{r comment=NA}
If you want to change this globally, you can include a chunk in your document:
```{r include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = NA)
If your output is just HTML, you can make good use of the PRE or CODE HTML tag.
```{r my_pre_example,echo=FALSE,include=TRUE,results='asis'}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = NA)
HTML Result:
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: mtcars$mpg and mtcars$wt
t = 15.633, df = 32.633, p-value < 0.00000000000000022
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
14.67644 19.07031
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
20.09062 3.21725
Just PDF
If your output is PDF, then you may need some replace function. Here what I am using:
tidyPrint <- function(data) {
content <- paste0(data,collapse = "\n\n")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\t"," ")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\ ","\\\\ ")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\$","\\\\$")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\*","\\\\*")
content <- str_replace_all(content,":",": ")
The code also needs to be a little different:
```{r my_pre_example,echo=FALSE,include=TRUE,results='asis'}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = NA)
resultTTest <- capture.output(t.test(mtcars$mpg,mtcars$wt))
PDF Result
If you really need the page work in both cases PDF and HTML, the tidyPrint should be a little different in the last step.
tidyPrint <- function(data) {
content <- paste0(data,collapse = "\n\n")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\t"," ")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\ ","\\\\ ")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\$","\\\\$")
content <- str_replace_all(content,"\\*","\\\\*")
content <- str_replace_all(content,":",": ")
The PDF result is the same, and the HTML result is close to the previous, but with some extra border.
It is not perfect but maybe is good enough.

Remove progress bar from knitr output

I'm analyzing some data and would like to do a Simpsons paradox on R. I've installed the Simpsons package and loaded the library. Here is an example based on the package documentation:
output: html_document
#generating data
g1=cbind(Coffee1, Neuroticism1)
g2=cbind(Coffee2, Neuroticism2)
g3=cbind(Coffee3, Neuroticism3)
colnames(data2) <- c("Coffee","Neuroticism")
example <- Simpsons(Coffee,Neuroticism,data=data2)
This is returning a plot with 3 clusters (exactly what I need). However, when I Knit the Rmd file to HTML, I'm getting a lot of equals signs (======) with a percentage next to it like a loading grid which I would like to remove from my final output.
You can suppress any output messages in R by setting the knitr chunk option. If we wish to hide all code output other than plots, we can use the following solution:
output: html_document
```{r echo=FALSE, results='hide', fig.keep='all', message = FALSE}
#generating data
g1=cbind(Coffee1, Neuroticism1)
g2=cbind(Coffee2, Neuroticism2)
g3=cbind(Coffee3, Neuroticism3)
colnames(data2) <- c("Coffee","Neuroticism")
example <- Simpsons(Coffee,Neuroticism,data=data2)
I would note that this package seems to print out a lot more content that most packages, and therefore the combination of options are quite long.
An easier method would probably be to move the plot to a separate chunk and have all the analysis run before it. The include argument can be used to suppress all outputs, but this includes plots, hence why we must use two chunks:
```{r, include = FALSE}
# your code to build model
Check out the full list of knitr chunk options here

P-values significance not showed in stargazer html regression table

I am having trouble with the Notes significance (asterisks) not appearing when using stargazer to format html tables. The result is ok when using latex.
Here is my source file "teste.Rmd"
title: "Untitled"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
```{r data}
#some data
X = rnorm(500,10,3)
Y = 10+ 3*I(X^1.2) + rnorm(500)
# models
m1 = lm(Y~X)
m2 = lm(Y~X+I(X^2))
```{r res,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='asis'}
stargazer(m1,m2,type = 'html',title = 'Models' )
The result is below
The same with latex produces this
As you can see the asterisks in Notes are formatted correctly with latex but not with html option. How to get the same behavior with html?
Maybe it is a bug as #jaySf said in the comments to the original question. But based on #tmfmnk's answer and htmltools package I ended with a workaround. This is the updated relevant part of the source file.
```{r res,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='hide'}
stargazer(m1,m2,type = 'html',title = 'Models', out = "table1.html")
```{r, echo=FALSE}
Now I got the desired result
Try adding customized notes using notes and notes.append parameters as follows:
stargazer(m1,m2,type='html',notes="<span>***</span>: p<0.01; <span>**</span>: p<0.05; <span>*</span>: p<0.1",notes.append=F)
I originally thought that using backslash to escape * will work, e.g. notes="\\*\\*\\*: p<0.01; \\*\\*: p<0.05; \\*: p<0.1". Unfortunately, it doesn't. I also tried to use the HTML code of *, i.e. *, e.g. notes="***: p<0.01; **: p<0.05; *: p<0.1". Still it doesn't work.
However, surrounding * with an HTML tag works. It doesn't have to be <span></span>. I tried <b></b>, etc. and they worked.
When exported through out it is working fine:
stargazer(m1,m2,type = 'html',
title = 'Models',
out = "/path/table.html")

How to generate report in pdf format using R

I am trying to find out the R code which will give me the output of the statistical analysis(i.e. Regression, DOE, Gage RR) in pdf or html format by using R ( Not by using R-studio). I want to generate report of my statistical analysis. Is there any R code which we can run in to the R to make pdf or html file ??. I know it for graphs only,
This code gives me graph in pdf but I want all the summary of fit (ANOVA) and all information that R generates. Thanks
Yes, RMarkdown/knitr is the way to go.
See here for the documentation for creating a pdf document.
Your Rmd file might look something like the following:
title: "Report"
author: "XXX"
date: "January 7, 2017"
output: pdf_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## Output
x <- rnorm(100, 40, 3)
y <- rnorm(100, 100, 5)
fit <- lm(y ~ x)
## Plot
```{r plot, echo=FALSE}
For an html document, simply change to output: html_document.
Render the pdf or html document with rmarkdown::render('filepath/yourfile.Rmd')
