I downloaded sbt 1.1.4 but why was sbt 0.13 installed? - sbt

I downloaded sbt 1.1.4 msi for Windows from the scala download page.
I ran the msi. After typing sbt about, sbt downloaded all the required files.
When i ran sbt about, it said the version is 0.13

As I answered to a similar question (adapted):
Most likely, because you have a file project/build.properties with the 0.13 version.
So one thing is the version of the launcher that you installed and another is the version of the sbt you launch in particular project. If you don't set it explicitly in project/build.properties, sbt will try to run its own version (launcher's, i.e. 1.1.4 in your case).

short answer
might be best to go to Users/You/project/, delete everything and put a new build.properties file there with your desired sbt version before trying to install.
more detail, in case it helps someone
I had a similar problem. I'd updated sbt to 1.2 but when I uninstalled and tried reinstalling with the 0.13.7 installer, it would only install sbt 1.2 again. All of my projects had sbt.version=0.13.7, but I didn't realize (though it's obvious why) that there was a C:/Users/Me/project folder with version set to 1.2.
I deleted everything from that folder, put a new build.properties with the desired version, and then the 0.13.7 installer worked as expected.


MSYS2 Qt-creator examples not showing

I have installed qt-creator on windows 10 using msys2.
I installed packages according to https://wiki.qt.io/MSYS2
base-devel git mercurial cvs wget p7zip
perl ruby python2 mingw-w64-i686-toolchain mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
mingw-w64-i686-qt-creator mingw-w64-x86_64-qt-creator
I had previously installed qt from the official site but the mingw version is too old and I'd rather not have two mingw versions installed.
I have existing C:\msys64\mingw64\share\qt5\examples folder but it seems there are some folders missing from C:\msys64\mingw64\share\qt5\doc compared to the official install. Maybe that has something to do with it.
So the question: Is there a specific package I need to install so that the examples show up in the qt-creator examples page or something else?
I found in this place https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/any/qt5-examples/
decompress with
zstd -df qt5-examples-5.14.2-1-any.pkg.tar.zst
and then
tar xzf qt5-examples-5.14.2-1-any.pkg.tar
the examples are saved in /usr/share/doc/qt/examp,es
The qt-creator in msys2 distribution do not have examples installed. The msys2 also do not have separate package for it.
But as what #user3930978 found. You can use example package from archlinux site for workaround.
But unfortunately, msys2 qt5 configured with "-nomake examples" parameter. You need to modify generated file. The easiest way is still to install qt5 and creator with official full pack.

Full & complete uninstall QT Creator

How to uninstall QT Creator from Linux machine?
I have a corrupted install on a Debian Jessie machine. I have tried reinstalling, fixing, etc. and with no luck. I was advised to uninstall completely, grab the newest version and reinstall.
The problem is that I'm not sure how to do this and every time I try, QT keeps coming back with the same exact issues, I'm assuming because of some config files that are not getting deleted in the removal process.
Running qmake --version gives me this output:
QMake version 3.0
Using Qt version 5.6.2 in /home/greg/anaconda2/lib
Running pkg-config --modversion QtCore gives me this output:
Package QtCore was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `QtCore.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'QtCore' found
The problem is that I've got several versions installed, in different folders and I want to completely start over with a fresh install of QT Creator. Version 5.10 was installed yesterday via the QT maintenence tool, but for some reason won't run. I just need to remove it and start over. QT 5.9.3 and 5.10 are installed at /home/greg and you can see 5.6.2 is installed in my anaconda2 folder. Not sure how this happened. I'm still a newb so still learning.
How can I do a complete/full uninstall and removal of ALL QT creator files without deleting other QT files, such as KDE dependencies, etc., so that I can do a fresh install with new config settings????
Qt Creator creates some configuration files and subdirs in ~/.config/QtProject/ (also check ~/.config/Nokia/), which aren't cleaned up by removing the package (in general that's the case with all personal settings in your home directory). Removing them manually should solve that issue, if your diagnosis is right and it's not a more general problem of your system or setup.

OMNET++ 5.1.1 and Qt

I am installing OMNET++ 5.1.1. However, during the installation, it is reported that:
configure: error: Cannot build Qt apps, probably due to missing or too old Qt packages. Make sure Qt development packages are installed and newer than Qt 5.4. You can disable Qtenv by setting the WITH_QTENV variable to "no" in configure.user.
Then I download and install the Qt from https://www.qt.io/download/. But it still report the same problem. How can I solve this problem ? Thank you.
I assume you're running some kind of GNU/Linux, because on Windows and macOS, the bundled Qt libraries should just work.
Try installing the Qt5 development packages using your distro's native package manager, then they should be detected.
If you can't, or they are too old, take a look in the configure.user file, and adjust the value of the QT_PATH variable according to the instructions there.
Since the OS was clarified: On Windows, you don't need to download Qt, or any other library separately. They are all bundled with the OMNeT++ distribution, and should work fine.
Just make sure you always use the included mingwenv shell to install and run OMNeT++. In it, the environment variables are set up as necessary.
If you are installing OMNET++ on windows make sure you extract the zip file to a folder other than "Program Files" and deactivate your antivirus during the installation process.

How to force Quicklisp to download a library?

My Debian system has an old version of the FLEXI-STREAMS library installed as a dependency of some other Debian package. As a result, on every Lisp implementation on the system, ASDF automatically loads that library from somewhere deep in the bowels of the filesystem.
Since Quicklisp uses ASDF, (ql:quickload :flexi-streams) always loads the Debian version of FLEXI-STREAMS, and never downloads the latest version from the Quicklisp repository.
Removing the Debian version of this library will probably break whichever Debian package depends on it.
How do I get Quicklisp to ignore the local version and go ahead and install the latest version?
If the system is visible via ASDF, there is no way to force Quicklisp to use the Quicklisp-supplied version.
Removing the Debian version is the easiest option. If something else depends on it, that should be removed too.

QtWebKit gstreamer1.0 not found

I want to compile PhantomJS with gstreamer. I downloaded the source code and started the build process with
./build.sh --qmake-args WEBKIT_CONFIG+='use_gstreamer'
I get the following Error
Project ERROR: gstreamer-1.0 development package not found
I have an debian 8.0 system with installed libgstreamer1.0 and glib2.0 (installed with apt-get).
Can someone help me?
If you haven't installed them, you'll need the development packages as well which should be something like libgstreamer(X.X.X)-dev, where X.X.X is whichever version of gstreamer you have installed. The development package has the necessary header files required for compilation.
you may need to modify the build script to add "{GStreamerInstallDir}/1.0/{architecture}/lib/pkgconfig" to the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH configuration so cmake can find the package.
Not sure how to do this in your environment as I build on a windows OS where I just specify this using an environment variable from a wrapping batch script.
