Website migration issues? - wordpress

So I have a website which is up and running. But now I want to change the hosting provider of my existing website due to certain issues.
Since, I am changing my hosting provider I thought I had do some website changes as well so I am going to buy a new WordPress theme from a third-party and run it on the new hosting provider.
My research
For what I learned, I will have to buy a different domain name and host my newly bought WordPress theme on it. And when I have made the desired changes to my WordPress theme then I can change the domain settings with my new hosting provider and redirect the old website links to the new website.
My question is
How can I host my new website on the same domain while my old website is still hosted? Is that even possible?
Is there a way where I can keep my existing website running while I am working on my new website but the new website needs to run on the same domain name as the old website was running on?

I will give you 3 solutions to solve this problem depending on your ability.
On live site running you login hosting and create new site dev after done you can point domain to new hosting and move code ( use plugin i think point domain + souce about 1 - 2h if update delay can 1 day ), if you are anxious you can temporarily turn off the indexing.
New hosting provider when payment done they'll send you link static domain temporary ( or use domain free: tk,,... ) and you working it after done you need point domain and update url in database.
Old hosting provider you can create new subdomain but point it to new hosting provider and working in new hosting when done you only point main domain to new hosting after use plugin clone to root site.
Can use DNS but you need you need to have experience with the system.
Hope to help you solve your problem.
You can learn plugin Duplicator best migration hosting.

This is what you should do.
Create a full backup of your exiting files and database
Activate the maintainance mode
Install your new theme into your current wordpress installation
Make the required changes
Once you are happy get a full back up including database
Do the DNS changes on your domain register
Upload your site, to your new host , to the correct path / folder
Wait for the DNS update and your are good to go.


When should I remove data from old host after completing the migration process?

Yesterday I manually migrated my website to another host. As my domain is in another company, hosting is in another and I wanted to move the hosting to another. So after transferring the data and updating the name server, my website is working fine as I've started receiving requests in new servers. Now I want to know when I can remove data from my old host and should I need to install WordPress on my my new host. As I moved it by copying all data and making folder by the same name to new host. Please help me on this.
Hosting was done manually
If you've done a manual migration, uploaded the backup of your db onto your new database, changed the db details in wp-config, and changed the URL in the wp-options table in your db (can be done using phpMyAdmin), there is no need to add a new WordPress installation on your new hosting.
Note that after migrating this way, you should navigate to settings > permalinks (in your wp dashboard) and click save. Also, download this and replace all instances of your previous installation to the new server (in case the directory or anything in the URL has changed)
You can compress all of WordPress's files in the root folder and upload it to the new web host. If you are keeping your old domain, you only need to export your database and upload it to the new web host. If you are changing domains (make sure to point the new domain to the new web host), you need to change your site's domain in Wp-admin > Permalink.
After that, you can remove data from the old host or request cancellation. Good Luck :D

ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR after migrating WordPress site to another site - attempting to create staging environment

I have a site hosted on 1&1 Ionos hosting. Purchased an SSL for the site from 1&1 Ionos as well. So let's say is what I have. Then I have another another site say hosted at the same place - still waiting for my business SSL to be approved hence the http.
So I exported the database from using plugin WP Migrated DB - setting the new URL and actual filepath.
Then I imported the database into a new database for my staging environment to be hosted at
I copied ALL the wordpress files for the site into exactly except I changed wp_config.php file to reflect the new database details. i.e username, database, location and password.
So I expected to be a complete replica of the original But when I browse to I get the following error:
This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response.
Try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
I can't even login to the admin panel of
Is what I tried even possible and if it is please tell me what I did wrong and how to fix it. I'd like to create a staging environment to test new themes and plugins before implementing on live environment. Critical to my original site is the aMember plugin which manages all the membership registration info. I've deleted the Really Simple SSL plugin folder from WP-Content/Plugins folder but the error remains.
Thanks in advance for any and all help and advice!
Step 1:
Check your .htaccess for rules enforcing https
Step 2:
Did you replace all links in the database? If not, you must search and replace all links from to
You can use a tool from:
Or just use command line wpcli (wp search-replace
Step 3:
Open the new '' in a incognito tab. Browser caching might still redirect you to https.

Moving WordPress to another domain

I have been making a website for a friend of mine.
It's for a school. Now I want to move the entire WordPress site to his domain.
I was going to follow this guide: (also unless I am mistaken this guide says I don't need to install WordPress on the new domain, the install.bak that the plugin creates. will install it for me???)
But I wanted to know if the SO community knew a better way?
Does your domain have a host? if yes download your existing file and upload it to host.
also dont forget to configure your database in host..
It's easiest way drop a mail or call to hostiong provider say i want to change domain name and set DNS server to new domain and change DNS to old domain.
and check... :)

Post locally hosted wordpress site online

Can we upload a locally hosted wordpress site to any host or just the ones that support wordpress? I am using serverpress desktop-server to create wordpress sites locally, but I am really in a fix trying to find how I can publish them online.
You can upload your locally hosted site to any server that satisfies the minimum requirements WordPress needs to work. Those requirements are given in the following link.
Welcome to stack overflow :)
I think your question has been asked already, Please search on stack overflow to see if someone has asked the same question already to avoid getting your question down voted for being a duplicate.
Anyways here's what you gotta do...
First, duplicate your site (you need to be an admin).
Then download zip file and installer.php and upload to your new host.
Then Create a new DB for your installation on your host.
Now assuming you uploaded to root of your site and your domain is head over to
Type in your db credentials and name (Warning Be careful with db name if you enter another pre existing DB it will be wiped out! ) details and domain related details.
It will take a 5 - 10 minutes or more depending on your site size and new servers speed.
Finally... You'll be presented with Success notice, check out the logs if you want to... Next thing you need to do is to login to your new site at and save the permalinks page in settings to fix permalinks.
Voila! You just got your site migrated from localhost to a live server, Congrats!
Initial server doesn't have to be localhost you can follow same procedure to move your site from to
Hope that helps :-)

Understanding how DNS will point to new site

Please can someone help me to clarify what issues i might have when the hosting company changes the DNS settings to point away for the current old site (basic html) and to the new WordPress version of the web site?
Both sites are with the same hosting company (I cannot change hosts or hosting names now, my client and the hosting company are long term business partners). I think the server that the current live website is unable to host WordPress. So they set up another server for WordPress and called it something completely different.
Old website address
Current Location of new WordPress site on hosting server:
I think this bit is important!!
The new website is on a Windows Server and uses pretty perma links and also the .html pages plugin. There are also some redirects going to 7 pages on the old site. Everything is currently working ok.
Nest week the hosting company are going to change the DNS settings to point to the new website which will hopefully become the new website with the new address of
The hosting company have also said that I should not have used Permalinks at the moment because once the DNS is pointed to the new site the links will have become permanent (well I had already set up permalinks before they told me). I have not used the full address when making any links within the site.
Will the 'Find & Replace' plug-in on the database still work ok to make any required changes? I am confused as to how the DNS change actually works, will this affect what the links are called in the database or can I still change them from:
I presume I will need to change the Word Press address and site address in the settings panel to, once the DNS propagation has finished.
Very long winded I know but any help would be much appreciated.
Ok - I will do the best I can to answer these 8-)
Please can someone help me to clarify what issues i might have when
the hosting company changes the DNS settings to point away for the
current old site (basic html) and to the new WordPress version of the
web site?
When you change your DNS - it's like moving into a new house.
The whole building can change - so it sounds like you're leaving a Windows environment for a Linux environment. Which is cool.
What happened on the old site - should not really impact the new site OTHER than the fact that search engines will still try to remember the old sites structure. It will take time for the search engine to realize that things have changed and that pages are new or missing.
301 Redirection can help with this.
Both sites are with the same hosting company (I cannot change hosts or
hosting names now, my client and the hosting company are long term
business partners). I think the server that the current live website
is unable to host WordPress. So they set up another server for
WordPress and called it something completely different.
Old website address Current
Location of new WordPress site on hosting server:
I think this bit is important!! The new website is on a Windows Server
and uses pretty perma links and also the .html pages plugin. There are
also some redirects going to 7 pages on the old site. Everything is
currently working ok.
WordPress can use permalinks. If you have moved pages around - like and it's not called - you will need to create a 301 Redirect to let search engines know.
Nest week the hosting company are going to change the DNS settings to
point to the new website which will
hopefully become the new website with the new address of
The hosting company have also said that I should not have used
Permalinks at the moment because once the DNS is pointed to the new
site the links will have become permanent (well I had already set up
permalinks before they told me). I have not used the full address when
making any links within the site.
I don't think using permalinks will cause a problem. They aren't "permanent". Nothing is - it's all in a transient state.
Will the 'Find & Replace' plug-in on the database still work ok to
make any required changes? I am confused as to how the DNS change
actually works, will this affect what the links are called in the
database or can I still change them from: to
Sounds like this plugin is outside of the WordPress install? If so - it should still work.
If it's a plugin your hosting provider is giving you, then there should be no problems.
I presume I will need to change the Word Press address and site
address in the settings panel to,
once the DNS propagation has finished.
Yes, make sure to update your General Settings prior to the site going live so you don't have any down time.
