Copy files to output directory QT - qt

I'm currently struggling to get a sub folder of my project to copy to the out directory. I had thought i had it all set up correctly but i guess i'm missing a step. When I run the make i get a "No rule to make target 'copyfiles'" message.
I know I could just make a new build step with a OS specific method, but i was hoping to avoid it cause I would like to build and run on a different OS eventually.
Yes this question has been asked before. However the solutions given in those questions have not worked for me. They throw errors or simply do nothing.
CONFIG(release, debug|release): DESTDIR = $$OUT_PWD/release
CONFIG(debug, debug|release): DESTDIR = $$OUT_PWD/debug
copytarget.path = $$DESTDIR/etc
copytarget.files += $$files(etc/*)
## === os specific dir separator ===
win32 {
copytarget.files ~= s,/,\\,g
copytarget.path ~= s,/,\\,g
message("found files for copytarget: "$$copytarget.files)
message("found files destination: "$$copytarget.path)
## === copy compiler for makefile ===
DirSep = /
win32: DirSep = \\
for(f,copytarget.files) tmp += $$PWD$$DirSep$${f} ## make absolute paths
copycompiler.input = tmp
copycompiler.output = $$DESTDIR$$DirSep${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}${QMAKE_FILE_EXT}
copycompiler.commands = $(COPY_FILE) ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT}
copycompiler.CONFIG = no_link no_clean
## other CONFIG options are: depends explicit_dependencies target_predeps
copycompiler.variable_out = QMAKE_DISTCLEAN
## == makefile copy target ===
copyfiles.recurse_target = compiler_copycompiler_make_all
copyfiles.depends = $$copyfiles.recurse_target
copyfiles.CONFIG += recursive
POST_TARGETDEPS += copyfiles ## copy files after source compilation
INSTALLS += copytarget


How to run QT's `lupdate`-tool with a `qmake CONFIG`?

This question has been posted before in the qt community:
I use such a construct in my project files:
TRANSLATION_NAME = authorization
where gen_translations.pri looks like so:
# parameters: var, prepend, append
defineReplace(prependAll) {
for(a,$$1):result += $$2$${a}$$3
TRANSLATIONS = $$prependAll(LANGUAGES, $$PWD/libs/$$TRANSLATION_NAME/translations/lib$${TRANSLATION_NAME}_, .ts)
qtPrepareTool(LRELEASE, lrelease)
for(tsfile, TRANSLATIONS) {
qmfile = $$shadowed($$tsfile)
qmfile ~= s,.ts$,.qm,
qmdir = $$dirname(qmfile)
!exists($$qmdir) {
command = $$LRELEASE -removeidentical $$tsfile -qm $$qmfile
system($$command)|error("Failed to run: $$command")
for(qmentry, $$list($$TRANSLATIONS_FILES)) {
qmpath = $$OUT_PWD/../translations
qmpathname = $$replace(qmpath,/,)
qmpathname = $$replace(qmpathname,\.,)
qmpathname = $$replace(qmpathname,:,)
qmpathname = $$replace(qmpathname," ",)
qmentity = qmfiles_$${qmpathname}
eval($${qmentity}.files += $$qmentry)
eval($${qmentity}.path = $$qmpath)
INSTALLS *= $${qmentity}
It generates the *.qm files for me and moves them to a defined location with make install.
I do not want qmake to execute that whole stuff for each build on my developing machine. Therefore I want to make it conditional by wrapping it for qmake:
TRANSLATION_NAME = authorization
That way I can decide when I want to get *.qm files and when not.
But then I am unable to run lupdate on the project file beforehand because it is blocked by that conditional.
I am sure, that someone has a better idea to accomplish the task.
Thanks in advance.
I'm sharing here my recipe for the vmpk project. I've borrowed it from the Arora project (I think). It is much simpler than yours, and I let qmake to decide if it is necessary regenerate any .qm files when the output has been erased or the input .ts has changed, like any other compiler does.
# update translations
win32:QMAKE_LRELEASE = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]\\lrelease.exe
!exists($$QMAKE_LRELEASE) { QMAKE_LRELEASE = lrelease }
updateqm.input = TRANSLATIONS
updateqm.output = $$OUT_PWD/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.qm
updateqm.commands = $$QMAKE_LRELEASE ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} -qm $$OUT_PWD/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.qm
updateqm.CONFIG += no_link target_predeps
translations/project_en.ts \
translations/project_cs.ts \
translations/project_de.ts \
translations/project_es.ts \
translations/project_fr.ts \
With this project file you can do, as always:
Anyway, Qt5 has a builtin CONFIG+=lrelease option that makes "updateqm.pri" deprecated.

QMake subdir Template outputs into the build directory instead of the main directory

I am trying to use qmake's subdirs template. The problem is that the output directory specified in the sub projects is created in the build directory instead of the directory that is being referenced in the projects. other then that everything works normally. I was wondering if there is a way to fix this.
Dir Structure
-Apps/ --this gets created
-Other things
-Apps/ -- I want it to use this instead
----some logic files
----Parser files
TEMPLATE = subdirs
# where to find the sub projects - give the folders
Server.subdir = Server
Parser.subdir = Parser
muparser.file = muparser-2.2.5\build\
# what subproject depends on others
Server.depends = Parser
Parser.depends = muparser
SUBDIRS = muparser Parser Server
QT += core sql websockets xml
QT -= gui
TARGET = Server
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
CONFIG += thread
SOURCES += $$files(src/*.cpp, true) $$files(src/*.c, true)
HEADERS += $$files(src/*.h, true)
INCLUDEPATH += src src/things/include
LIBS += -L../lib -lParser
DESTDIR = ../Apps
QT -= gui
TARGET = Parser
SOURCES += parser.cpp
HEADERS += parser.h
INCLUDEPATH += ./include
LIBS += -L../lib -lmuparser
DESTDIR += ../lib
The reason for this is because there are DLL that are needed there.
Thank to Bill I was able to find a solution to the problem
I simply had to change the DESTDIR location for my apps to DESTDIR = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/../Apps_Win

qmake and generated qm files

What is the best (proper) way to organize compiled translations (*.qm) into resources?
*.qm files referred in qrc file and generated by two (three) extra targets this way:
trans_update.commands = lupdate $$_PRO_FILE_
trans_update.depends = $$_PRO_FILE_
trans_release.commands = lrelease $$_PRO_FILE_
trans_release.depends = trans_update $$TRANSLATIONS
translate.depends = trans_release
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += trans_update trans_release translate deploy
CONFIG(release, debug|release) {
PRE_TARGETDEPS += translate
but the problem is at the moment qmake runs first time, there're no qm files generated yet and make prints errors like:
RCC: Error in 'qml.qrc': Cannot find file ...
I don't like an idea of saving compiled qm files into VSC.
Is there a way to organize it nicely?
I like to point out a solution which I use in some projects. It might be far from perfect, but it works out nicely.
CONFIG(release, debug|release) {
TRANSLATION_TARGET_DIR = $${OUT_PWD}/release/translations
LANGUPD_OPTIONS = -locations relative -no-ui-lines
LANGREL_OPTIONS = -compress -nounfinished -removeidentical
} else {
TRANSLATION_TARGET_DIR = $${OUT_PWD}/debug/translations
LANGREL_OPTIONS = -markuntranslated "MISS_TR "
win32:LANGUPD = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]\lupdate.exe
else:LANGUPD = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/lupdate
win32:LANGREL = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]\lrelease.exe
else:LANGREL = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/lrelease
langupd.command = \
langrel.depends = langupd
langrel.input = TRANSLATIONS
langrel.commands = \
langrel.CONFIG += no_link
PRE_TARGETDEPS += langupd compiler_langrel_make_all
There might be a sensful tweak to lupdate options because the various builds (release and debug) generate different *.ts files which then trigger a change in the used VCS.
I also like to guide the tended reader to an example where experts use it.
The recommended way -- which may not have been available at the time this question was originally asked would be to use
TRANSLATIONS += <your *.ts files>
CONFIG += lrelease embed_translations
If you really need/want to build the qm files separately, I'd point to what qmake does with the above config and adapt it according to your needs. See
(Basically, it creates and adds a list of resources to RESOURCES).

qmake copy files created while building

I've got a library qmake project:
QT += gui
TARGET = qturtle
SOURCES += qturtle.cpp
HEADERS += qturtle.h\
docMake.commands = doxygen;
QMAKE_DISTCLEAN += doxygen_sqlite3.db
unix {
docInstall.path = /usr/share/doc/qturtle
docInstall.files = $$PWD/html/
headerInstall.files = $$HEADERS
headerInstall.path = /usr/include/qturtle
target.path = /usr/lib
INSTALLS += docInstall
INSTALLS += target
INSTALLS += headerInstall
docMake runs doxygen in the project directory, and creates the 'html' directory and its contents ( during build!)
'html' and its contents now should be copied to /usr/share/doc/qturtle, using the INSTALL variable.
BUT: qmake doesn't generate any code for docInstall install, because $$PWD/html and its contents do not exist during makefile generation. Could anybody tell me how to avoid this problem, or do I have to use cp?
Thanks in advance,
There are two approaches to address this problem.
Not to check againt the initially empty directory
docInstall.CONFIG += no_check_exist directory
Since this directory will be created on the fly, I would personally opt for this.
Create the directory explicitly
createDirs.commands = $$QMAKE_MKDIR $$PWD/html
This could be done either in a target or even in a system("$$QMAKE_MKDIR $$PWD/html") call, depending on your needs.

How to change Debug/Release output dir using qmake .pro file. Cross-plataform

I've read all post about it and none of solutions works in windows and linux. My current solution works pretty well in Windows, creating, if doesn't exist, the respective directory for debug or release.
I want to create all my object files (*.o) inside one of these folders. In windows I achieved this in linux my DESTDIR variable is empty. =|
# Input
HEADERS += Config.h \
keyboard.h \
keyboardgui.h \
keyboardkey.h \
Log.h \
main.h \
mainwindow.h \
FORMS += mainwindow.ui
SOURCES += Config.cpp \
keyboard.cpp \
keyboardgui.cpp \
keyboardkey.cpp \
Log.cpp \
main.cpp \
RESOURCES += Resources.qrc
# se for Windows
win32 {
# inclui a lib para acessar o DMI
LIBS += -lqaxcontainer
# Habilita a opcao de copia de diretorios
CONFIG += copy_dir_files
Debug:DESTDIR = debug
Release:DESTDIR = release
# copia a pasta configuracao para o diretorio de saida
win32 {
QMAKE_POST_LINK += copy /Y default_layout.kl $$DESTDIR
else {
QMAKE_POST_LINK += cp -a default_layout.kl $$DESTDIR
I tried to use the INSTALL var but without success. The debug directory is created and all object files is put there but when I changed the compilation mode to RELEASE the objects files continue to be moved to the debug directory and the RELEASE directory isn't created (I've tried to run qmake again). In both configurations my files (default_layout and layout) aren't copied to the output directory.
# Habilita a opcao de copia de diretorios
CONFIG += copy_dir_files
release:DESTDIR = release
release:OBJECTS_DIR = release/
release:MOC_DIR = release/
release:RCC_DIR = release/
release:UI_DIR = release/
debug:DESTDIR = debug
debug:OBJECTS_DIR = debug/
debug:MOC_DIR = debug/
debug:RCC_DIR = debug/
debug:UI_DIR = debug/
INSTALLS += config_files
config_files.path = $$DESTDIR
config_files.filename = default_layout.kl
config_files.filename += layout.kl
I think the reason it works on Windows and not on Linux is because you capitalized "Debug" and "Release". The examples I have found all have them as lower case (see second example in this section on the qmake document page.)
The other thing I question is the use of DESTDIRS. DESTDIRS tells qmake where you want to put the TARGET. If you want to directly control where only the object files are put, you should use OBJECT_DIRS.
Personally, I use qmake's INSTALLS keyword to do copy extra files where they need to go. It does mean executing both a make and a make install, but it does produce a more platform dependent code.
If I assume you want the TARGET and the objects in 'debug' or 'release', I would do it like this:
# Habilita a opcao de copia de diretorios
debug {
DESTDIR = debug
OBJ_DIR = debug
DESTDIR = release
OBJ_DIR = release
# copia a pasta configuracao para o diretorio de saida
config_files.path = $$DESTDIR
config_files.files = default_layout.kl
INSTALLS += config_files
If you are running QtCreator, you can add the make install step to the building settings by selecting the "Projects" icon in the left hand tool bar. Next, select "Add Build Step", "Make", and set the "Make arguments" to install. You will have to do this for each build configuration.
