I have a dataframe in R concerning houses. This is a small sample:
Address Type Rent
Glasgow;Scotland House 1500
High Street;Edinburgh;Scotland Apartment 1000
Dundee;Scotland Apartment 800
South Street;Dundee;Scotland House 900
I would like to just pull out the last two instances of the Address column into a City and County column in my dataframe.
I have used mutate and strsplit to split this column by:
data<-mutate(dataframe, split_add = strsplit(dataframe$Address, ";")
I now have a new column in my dataframe which resembles the following:
c("High Street","Edinburgh","Scotland")
c("South Street","Dundee","Scotland")
How to I extract the last 2 instances of each of these vector observations into columns "City" and "County"?
I attempted:
data<-mutate(data, city=split_add[-2] ))
thinking it would take the second instance from the end of the vectors- but this did not work.
using tidyr::separate() with the fill = "left" option is probably your best bet...
dataframe <- read.table(header = T, stringsAsFactors = F, text = "
Address Type Rent
Glasgow;Scotland House 1500
'High Street;Edinburgh;Scotland' Apartment 1000
Dundee;Scotland Apartment 800
'South Street;Dundee;Scotland' House 900
separate(dataframe, Address, into = c("Street", "City", "County"),
sep = ";", fill = "left")
# Street City County Type Rent
# 1 <NA> Glasgow Scotland House 1500
# 2 High Street Edinburgh Scotland Apartment 1000
# 3 <NA> Dundee Scotland Apartment 800
# 4 South Street Dundee Scotland House 900
I thinking about another way of dealing with this problem.
1.Creating a dataframe with the split_add column data
c("High Street","Edinburgh","Scotland")
c("South Street","Dundee","Scotland")
test_data <- data.frame(split_add <- c("Glasgow, Scotland",
"High Street, Edinburgh, Scotland",
"Dundee, Scotland",
"South Street, Dundee, Scotland"),stringsAsFactors = F)
names(test_data) <- "address"
2.Use separate() from tidyr to split the column
new_test <- test_data %>% separate(address,c("c1","c2","c3"), sep=",")
3.Use dplyr and ifelse() to only reserve the last two columns
new_test %>%
mutate(city = ifelse(is.na(c3),c1,c2),county = ifelse(is.na(c3),c2,c3)) %>%
The final data looks like this.
Assuming that you're using dplyr
data <- mutate(dataframe, split_add = strsplit(Address, ';'), City = tail(split_add, 2)[1], Country = tail(split_add, 1))
I have a csv file that I have read in but I now need to combine every two rows together. There is a total of 2000 rows but I need to reduce to 1000 rows. Every two rows is has the same account number in one column and the address split into two rows in another. Two rows are taken up for each observation and I want to combine two address rows into one. For example rows 1 and 2 are Acct# 1234 and have 123 Hollywood Blvd and LA California 90028 on their own lines respectively.
Using the tidyverse, you can group_by the Acct number and summarise with str_c:
df %>%
group_by(Acct) %>%
summarise(Address = str_c(Address, collapse = " "))
# A tibble: 2 × 2
Acct Address
<dbl> <chr>
1 1234 123 Hollywood Blvd LA California 90028
2 4321 55 Park Avenue NY New York State 6666
df <- data.frame(
Acct = c(1234, 1234, 4321, 4321),
Address = c("123 Hollywood Blvd", "LA California 90028",
"55 Park Avenue", "NY New York State 6666")
It can be fairly simple with data.table package:
# assuming `dataset` is the name of your dataset, column with account number is called 'actN' and column with adress is 'adr'
dataset2 <- data.table(dataset)[,.(whole = paste0(adr, collapse = ", ")), by = .(adr)]
I'm new in R coding. I want to find code for this question. Display the city name and the total attendance of the five top-attendance stadiums. I have dataframe worldcupmatches. Please, if anyone can help me out.
Since you have not provided us a subset of your data (which is strongly recommended), I will create a tiny dataset with city names and attendance like so:
df = data.frame(city = c("London", "Liverpool", "Manchester", "Birmingham"),
attendance = c(2390, 1290, 8734, 5433))
Then your problem can easily be solved. For example, one of the base R approaches is:
df[order(df$attendance, decreasing = T), ]
You could also use dplyr which makes things look a little tidier:
df %>% arrange(desc(attendance))
Output of the both methods is your original data, but ordered from the highest to the lowest attendance:
city attendance
3 Manchester 8734
4 Birmingham 5433
1 London 2390
2 Liverpool 1290
If you specifically want to display a certain number of cities (or stadiums) with top highest attendance, you could do:
df[order(df$attendance, decreasing = T), ][1:3, ] # 1:3 takes the top 3 staidums
city attendance
3 Manchester 8734
4 Birmingham 5433
1 London 2390
Again, dplyr approach/code looks much nicer:
df %>% slice_max(n = 3, order_by = attendance)
city attendance
1 Manchester 8734
2 Birmingham 5433
3 London 2390
I want to extract a part of data from a column and and paste it in another column using R:
My data looks like this:
names <- c("Sia","Ryan","J","Ricky")
country <- c("London +1234567890","Paris", "Sydney +0123458796", "Delhi")
mobile <- c(NULL,+3579514862,NULL,+5554848123)
data <- data.frame(names,country,mobile)
> data
names country mobile
1 Sia London +1234567890 NULL
2 Ryan Paris +3579514862
3 J Sydney +0123458796 NULL
4 Ricky Delhi +5554848123
I would like to separate phone number from country column wherever applicable and put it into mobile.
The output should be,
> data
names country mobile
1 Sia London +1234567890
2 Ryan Paris +3579514862
3 J Sydney +0123458796
4 Ricky Delhi +5554848123
You can use the tidyverse package which has a separate function.
Note that I rather use NA instead of NULL inside the mobile vector.
Also, I use the option, stringsAsFactors = F when creating the dataframe to avoid working with factors.
names <- c("Sia","Ryan","J","Ricky")
country <- c("London +1234567890","Paris", "Sydney +0123458796", "Delhi")
mobile <- c(NA, "+3579514862", NA, "+5554848123")
data <- data.frame(names,country,mobile, stringsAsFactors = F)
data %>% as_tibble() %>%
separate(country, c("country", "number"), sep = " ", fill = "right") %>%
mutate(mobile = coalesce(mobile, number)) %>%
# A tibble: 4 x 3
names country mobile
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Sia London +1234567890
2 Ryan Paris +3579514862
3 J Sydney +0123458796
4 Ricky Delhi +5554848123
If you want to do this without the pipes (which I would not recommend because the code becomes much harder to read) you can do this:
select(mutate(separate(as_tibble(data), country, c("country", "number"), sep = " ", fill = "right"), mobile = coalesce(mobile, number)), -number)
I have a large dataset (Dataset "A") with a column Description which contains something along the lines
"1952 Rolls Royce Silver Wraith" or "1966 Holden".
I also have a separate dataset (Dataset "B") with a list of every Car Brand that I need (eg "Holden", "Rolls Royce", "Porsche").
How can I create a new column in dataset "A" that assigns the Partial strings of the Description with the correct Car Brand?
(This column would only hold the correct Car Brand with the appropriate matching cell).
Thank you.
Description New Column
1971 Austin 1300 Austin
A solution from the tidyverse
A <- data.frame (Description = c("1970 Austin"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
B <- data.frame (Car_Brand = c("Austin"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
A %>% mutate( New_Column= str_match( Description, B$Car_Brand)[,1] )
# Description New_Column
# 1 1970 Austin Austin
I want to split a street address into street name and street number in r.
My input data has a column that reads for example
205 Cape Road
32 Albany Street
cnr Kempston/Durban Roads
I want to split the street number and street name into two separate columns, so that it reads:
Street Number Street Name
205 Cape Road
32 Albany Street
cnr Kempston/Durban Roads
Is it in anyway possible to split the numeric value from the non numeric entries in a factor/string in R?
Thank you
you can try:
y <- lapply(strsplit(x, "(?<=\\d)\\b ", perl=T), function(x) if (length(x)<2) c("", x) else x)
y <- do.call(rbind, y)
colnames(y) <- c("Street Number", "Street Name")
I'm sure that someone is going to come along with a cool regex solution with lookaheads and so on, but this might work for you:
X <- c("205 Cape Road", "32 Albany Street", "cnr Kempston/Durban Roads")
nonum <- grepl("^[^0-9]", X)
X[nonum] <- paste0(" \t", X[nonum])
X[!nonum] <- gsub("(^[0-9]+ )(.*)", "\\1\t\\2", X[!nonum])
read.delim(text = X, header = FALSE)
# V1 V2
# 1 205 Cape Road
# 2 32 Albany Street
# 3 NA cnr Kempston/Durban Roads
Here is another way:
df <- data.frame (Street.Addresses = c ("205 Cape Road", "32 Albany Street", "cnr Kempston/Durban Roads"),
stringsAsFactors = F)
new_df <- data.frame ("Street.Number" = character(),
"Street.Name" = character(),
stringsAsFactors = F)
for (i in 1:nrow (df)) {
new_df [i,"Street.Number"] <- unlist(strsplit (df[["Street.Addresses"]], " ")[i])[1]
new_df [i,"Street.Name"] <- paste (unlist(strsplit (df[["Street.Addresses"]], " ")[i])[-1], collapse = " ")
> new_df
Street.Number Street.Name
1 205 Cape Road
2 32 Albany Street
3 cnr Kempston/Durban Roads