How firebase functions realtime-db triggers work with offline writes? - firebase

When some a series of write operations happens into Firebase Realtime DB when client is off-line,it's stored in the client and added into the db once it get connected.
The behavior of Firebase Functions will depending on, how it is written to the database. Will it just sync two DB's as a single write operation?
Or will it trigger all these write operations?

I just tried this. You could try it yourself and verify the results on your own.
Each offline write to the exact same location in the database triggered a call to an onUpdate trigger at the same location.
However, you should not expect the triggers to be executed in any particular order. There is no guarantee to the order of events delivered to a Cloud Functions trigger, and they may all be executed in parallel to some degree.


How can I write to the Realtime Database, Cloud Storage and Firestore at the same time using transactions? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Couple Firebase Firestore and Firebase Storage calls together into a batch?
(2 answers)
Closed last month.
I'm developing an app in Flutter, I have a method called **CreateUser **which takes as parameters the user information, his profile picture, and a list of strings, I need to save the information in the Realtime Database, the picture in the Cloud Storage and the list in the Firestore.
I would like all these operations to be successful, if one of these should fail then I would like the others to undo the data they wrote. How can I implement the rollback of the other operations? Can I use transactions?
I've tried using transactions but I'm not sure if I can use them on different Databases.
I need to save the information in the Realtime Database, the picture in the Cloud Storage, and the list in the Firestore.
That's indeed possible, by performing one operation, right after another, only when the operation succeeds. For example, as soon as the operation for writing data to the Realtime Database completes, then inside the callback, perform the addition of the image to Storage. As soon as the addition of the image to Storage succeeds, perform the last operation of writing the data to Firestore.
I would like all these operations to be successful, if one of these should fail then I would like the others to undo the data they wrote.
There is no built-in mechanism for that. If you thought you can add to a batch operation, a Realtime Database write operation, a Firebase Storage file upload
and Firestore write operation and be sure that all three are complete, so you can have consistent data, please note that this is not possible. These operations are a part of different Firebase services and unfortunately, at the moment I'm writing this answer there is no way you can make them atomic, meaning all succeed or all fail with an exception.
How can I implement the rollback of the other operations?
You have to write code for that because none of the Firebase products support cross-product transactional operations. To solve this, you'll have to nest the calls during your write/upload operations and handle the error if the next operation fails. This means that you either have to delete the data from the Realtime Database and the file from Storage if the write operation in Firestore fails. Or only delete the data from the Realtime Database if the file upload to Storage fails.
But note, at some point in time, there will be a failure that the client can't roll back one of the delete operations. The most common approach for these inevitable failures which might happen is to make your code robust by handling exceptions and performing occasional cleanups in both places, Firebase Storage and Firestore, considering that the first operation is the one that writes data to the Realtime Database.
As discussed with the Firebase engineers, the reason is quite clear. Even if the Realtime Database and Cloud Firestore are both Firebase products, they are still different products. Besides that, Firebase Storage is a service within Google Cloud. So now, 2023-01-12 there is no way you we can do that. Hopefully, it will be available in the near future.
Can I use transactions?
No, and that's for the exact same reason as above.
One way I might address this, is to use the Firestore document write operation to trigger a Workflow [1] that can handle the three operations and rollback depending on failure state. That way you can also have a constant transaction record follow the process.
If you wanted to provide app feedback say to the user, you could have your app. wait for a DB record of completion (or error) get written and based on that report back to the user.

Is Firebase Firestore real-time updates using Cloud functions possible?

Going through this blog, I could see that my app would be better off using the Firebase cloud functions for Firebase Firestore rather than directly accessing Firestore using client-side SDK.
I can implement the Firestore READ operation using get(), WRITE operation using set() or update() &
DELETE using delete() methods. All these one-shot operations are fine.
Is possible to implement addSnapshotListener to fetch real-time updates? If yes, how?
While it technically is possible to use addSnapshotListener, there are not a lot of use-cases where this makes sense.
Cloud Functions are short-lived, a maximum of 9 minutes, so not well suited for scenarios where you need to listen to the database for longer times.
Typically, you'll want to instead define a separate Cloud Function that responds to the thing you'd otherwise want to listen to.
Realtime listeners are not compatible with the way Cloud Functions works. Functions can only run for a limited amount of time and are shut down after that timeout expires. Database listeners are indefinite, and will continue listening until they are removed. If you add a listener inside a function, the system will still shut it down after the function timeout expires.
It's unclear to me why you need a listener in a Cloud Functions, but it's almost certainly not the right thing to do, given the way functions work.

Using Firebase as a backend for recurring tasks

I am working on a project that, currently, is 100% Firebase. Ideally, given I'm fully Firebase, I'd like to stay with Firebase for a next task which is updating some of the records based on external API calls once per day.
I'm currently using Firebase Functions for triggered events, not using it for API calls, everything that happens in the functions is after a user does something, and doesn't respond back to any clients (only responds back to the database for updates).
Is Firestore Cloud Functions a good place to run something like this that could call an external API and then update as necessary? I saw the scheduled functions that require the Blaze plan, have considered it but not sure if there's another approach that's better built for this task.
Cloud Functions that trigger on Firestore events probably aren't what you're looking for. Firestore triggers only fire when something in your Cloud Firestore database has changed. That means you need something that's writing to some document in the database in order to get the code to run. Which means you need a way to schedule that operation.
No matter what kind of trigger you write, you will need to be on a billing plan in order to make external requests anyway. So even if you somehow managed to put together a solution that uses Firestore triggers, your project would still need to be on a billing plan.
This approach is perfectly okay - in fact, I am using the exact same approach in my project which has 100% Firebase back-end. The overall (Firebase) Cloud Functions gives flexibility in terms of invocation i.e. they can be invoked based on trigger (e.g. storage or database event) or can be called with the HTTP end-point. So, depending on your need you can either use Firestore trigger or database trigger or call an end-point.
Switching to Blaze plan is perfectly fine since otherwise we can't call an external end-point. I switched to Blaze plan just a few months back and didn't pay anything for that as my usage is within the free limit.

Is transaction really required in a distributed counter?

According to firestore documentation:
a transaction is a set of read and write operations on one or more documents.
Transactions will fail when the client is offline.
Now the limitation in firestore is that:
In Cloud Firestore, you can only update a single document about once per second, which might be too low for some high-traffic applications.
So using cloud functions and running transactions to increment/decrement counters when the traffic is high will fail.
So they have discussed to use the approach of distributed counters.
According to the algorithm of distrbuted counter:
create shards
choose a shard randomly
run a transaction to increment/decrement the counter
get all the shards and aggregate the
result to show the value of a counter
consider you have a counter which is to be updated when a document is added and that counter is being displayed in the UI. Now for good UX, I cannot block the UI when network is offline. So I must allow creation/updation of documents even when client is offline and sync these changes once client is online so that everyone else listening to these changes receive the correct value of the counter.
Now transactions fail when the client is offline.
So my question for best user experience (even when offline) is:
Do you really require a transaction to increment a counter? I know
transactions ensure that writes are atomic and are either
successful/unsuccessful and prevent partial writes. But what's the
point when they fail offline? I was thinking maybe write them to local cache and sync it once the network is back online.
Should this be done via client sdks of via cloud functions?
Do you really require a transaction to increment a counter?
Definitely yes! Because we are creating apps that can be used in a multi user environment, transactions are mandatory, so we can provide consistent data.
But what's the point when they fail offline?
When there is a loss of network connectivity (there is no network connection on user device), transactions are not supported for offline use. This is because a transaction absolutely requires round trip communications with server in order to ensure that the code inside the transaction completes successfully. So, transactions can only execute when you are online.
Should this be done via client sdks of via cloud functions?
Please note, that the Firestore SDK for Android has a local cache that's enabled by default. According to the official documentation regarding Firestore offline persistence:
For Android and iOS, offline persistence is enabled by default. To disable persistence, set the PersistenceEnabled option to false.
So all read operations will come from cache if there are no updates on the server. So Firestore provides this feature for handle offline data.
You can also write a function in Cloud Function that will increment the counter while a new document is added or to decrement the conter while a document is deleted.
I also recommend you to take a look:
How to count the number of documents under a collection in Firestore?
So you may also consider using Firebase realtime database for that. Cloud Firestore and Firebase realtime database work very well together.
It allows one to upvote the answer even when the device is offline. After the network is online, it syncs to the server and the counter is updated. Is there a way i can do this in firestore when the device is offline.
This is also happening by default. So if the user tries to add/delete documents while offline, every operation is added to a queue. Once the user regains the connection, every change that is made while offline, will be updated on Firebase servers. With other words, all queries will be commited on the server.
Cloud fnctions are triggered only when the change is received and that can only happen when the device is online.
Yes, that correct. Once the device regains the network connection, the document is added/deleted from the database, moment in which the function fires and increases/decreases the counter.
Suppose I have made around 100 operations offline, will that not put a load on the cloud functions when the device comes online? What's your thought on this?
When offline, pending writes that have not yet been synced to the server are held in a queue. If you do too many write operations without going online to sync them, that queue will grow fast and it will not slow down only the write operations it will also slow down your read operations. So I suggest use this database for its online capabilities.
Regarding Cloud Functions for those 100 offline operations, there will be no issues. Firebase servers work very well with concurent operations.

Firestore: how can I get stream of updates from a server side?

tldr: I need to have Google Cloud Functions on my own backend.
I write application, which uses firebase (especially firestore) as a transport layer between my own backend written on nodejs and client applications.
Sometimes, I need to catch some events from client on backend, but i want to avoid perform http queries directly to my backend (because I need to catch offline status, and other problems). It is better to made some changes in firestore documents, catch that changes on my backend and perform some business logic.
As for now, It can be solved with Cloud Functions, but this solution is not acceptable, because of delay between event and function invocation, and lack of invocation order.
Yet another solution, which is currently used in my project, is to making some changes to firestore document, and adding extra document, called "event" to other collection. On a server side, using firebase-admin sdk, I subscribe to that "events" collection and get realtime updates of it.
This work great, but looks like overcomplicated. Is there any way to subscribe from my backend to get all updates of all documents of firestore? Ideal solution is to subscribe to updates, as it done in Cloud Functions:
The client and server SDKs don't have this capability. Cloud Functions is really your only way to get notified of changes in Firestore that match a wildcard pattern.
