I am trying to use dplyr to mutate both a column containing the samegroup lag of a variable as well as the lag of (one of) the other group(s).
Edit: Sorry, in the first edition, I messed up the order a bit by rearranging by date at the last second.
This is what my desired result would look like:
Here is a minimal code example:
df <-
x = sample(seq(as.Date('2000/01/01'), as.Date('2015/01/01'), by="day"), 10),
group = sample(c("A","B"),10,replace = T),
value = sample(1:10,size=10)
) %>% arrange(x)
df <- df %>%
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(own_lag = lag(value))
df %>% data.frame(other_lag = c(NA,1,2,7,7,9,10,10,8,6))
Thank you very much!
A solution with data.table:
# to create own lag:
setDT(df)[, own_lag:=c(NA, head(value, -1)), by=group]
# to create other group lag: (the function works actually outside of data.table, in base R, see N.B. below)
df[, other_lag:=sapply(1:.N,
function(ind) {
gp_cur <- group[ind]
if(any(group[1:ind]!=gp_cur)) tail(value[1:ind][group[1:ind]!=gp_cur], 1) else NA
# x group value own_lag other_lag
#1: 2001-12-08 B 1 NA NA
#2: 2002-07-09 A 2 NA 1
#3: 2002-10-10 B 7 1 2
#4: 2007-01-04 A 5 2 7
#5: 2008-03-27 A 9 5 7
#6: 2008-08-06 B 10 7 9
#7: 2010-07-15 A 4 9 10
#8: 2012-06-27 A 8 4 10
#9: 2014-02-21 B 6 10 8
#10: 2014-02-24 A 3 8 6
Explanation of other_lag determination: The idea is, for each observation, to look at the group value, if there is any group value different from current one, previous to current one, then take the last value, else, put NA.
N.B.: other_lag can be created without the need of data.table:
df$other_lag <- with(df, sapply(1:nrow(df),
function(ind) {
gp_cur <- group[ind]
if(any(group[1:ind]!=gp_cur)) tail(value[1:ind][group[1:ind]!=gp_cur], 1) else NA
Another data.table approach similar to #Cath's:
DT = data.table(df)
DT[, vlag := shift(value), by=group]
DT[, volag := .SD[.(chartr("AB", "BA", group), x - 1), on=.(group, x), roll=TRUE, x.value]]
This assumes that A and B are the only groups. If there are more...
DT[, volag := DT[!.BY, on=.(group)][.(.SD$x - 1), on=.(x), roll=TRUE, x.value], by=group]
How it works:
:= creates a new column
DT[, col := ..., by=] does each assignment separately per by= group, essentially as a loop.
The grouping values for the current iteration of the loop are in the named list .BY.
The subset of data used by the current iteration of the loop is the data.table .SD.
x[!i, on=] is an anti-join, looking up rows of i in x and returning x with the matched rows dropped.
x[i, on=, roll=TRUE, x.v] ...
looks up each row of i in x using the on= condition
when no exact on= match is found, it "rolls" to the nearest previous value of the final on= column
it returns v from the x table
For more details and intuition, review the startup messages shown when you type library(data.table).
I am not entirely sure whether I got your question correctly, but if "own" and "other" refers to group A and B, then this might do the trick. I strongly assume there are more elegant ways to do this:
df.x <- df %>%
dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
mutate(value.lag=lag(value)) %>%
mutate(index=seq_along(group)) %>%
df.a <- df.x %>%
filter(group=="A") %>%
df.b <- df.x %>%
filter(group=="B") %>%
rename(value.lag.b = value.lag)
df.a.b <- left_join(df.a, df.b[,c("index", "value.lag.b")], by=c("index"))
df.b.a <- left_join(df.b, df.a[,c("index", "value.lag.a")], by=c("index"))
df.x <- bind_rows(df.a.b, df.b.a)
Try this: (Pipe-Only approach)
df %>%
mutate(groupLag = lag(group),
dupLag = group == groupLag) %>%
group_by(dupLag) %>%
mutate(valueLagHelp = lag(value)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(helper = ifelse(dupLag == T, NA, valueLagHelp)) %>%
mutate(helper = case_when(is.na(helper) ~ na.locf(helper, na.rm=F),
TRUE ~ helper)) %>%
mutate(valAfterLag = lag(dupLag)) %>%
mutate(otherLag = ifelse(is.na(lag(valueLagHelp)), lag(value), helper)) %>%
mutate(otherLag = ifelse((valAfterLag | is.na(valAfterLag)) & !dupLag,
lag(value), otherLag)) %>%
select(c(x, group, value, ownLag, otherLag))
Sorry for the mess.
What it does it that it first creates a group lag and creates a helper variable for the case when the group is equal to its lag (i. e. when two "A"s are subsequent. Then it groups by this helper variable and it assigns to all values which are dupLag == F the correct value. Now we need to take care of the ones with dupLag == T.
So, ungroup. We need a new lagged-value helper that assigns all dupLag == T an NA, because they are not correctly assigned yet.
What's next is that we assign all NAs in our helper the last non-NA value.
This is not all because we still need to take care of some dupLag == F data points (you get that when you look at the complete tibble). First, we basically just change the second data point with the first mutate(otherLag==... operation. The next operation finalizes everything and then we select the variables which we'd like to have in the end.
I have a dataframe where each entry relates to a job posting in the NHS specifying the week the job was posted, and what NHS Trust (and region) the job is in.
At the moment my dataframe looks something like this:
df1 <- data.frame(
NHS_Trust = sample(1:30,20,T),
Week = sample(1:10,20,T),
Region = sample(1:15,20,T))
And I would like to count the number of jobs for each week across each NHS Trust and assign that value to a new column 'jobs' so my dataframe looks like this:
df2 <- data.frame(
NHS_Trust = rep(1:30, each=10),
Week = rep(seq(1,10),30),
Region = rep(as.integer(runif(30,1,15)),1,each = 10),
Jobs = rpois(10*30, lambda = 2))
The dataframe may then be used to create a Poisson longitudinal multilevel model where I may model the number of jobs.
Using the data.table package you can group by, count and assign to a new column in a single expression. The syntax for data.tables is dt[i, j, by]. Here i is "with" - ie the subset of data specified by i or data in the order of i which is empty in this case so all data is used in its original order. The j tells what is to be done, here counting the the number of occurrences using .N, which is then assigned to the new variable count using the assign operator :=. The by takes a list of variables where the j operation is performed on each group.
df1[, count := .N, by = .(NHS_Trust, Week, Region)]
A tidyverse approach would be
df1 <- df1 %>%
group_by(NHS_Trust, Week, Region) %>%
You can use count to count number of jobs across each Region, NHS_Trust and Week and use complete to fill in missing combinations.
df1 %>%
count(Region, NHS_Trust, Week, name = 'Jobs') %>%
tidyr::complete(Region, Week = 1:10, fill = list(Jobs = 0))
I guess I'm moving my comment to an answer:
df2 <- df1 %>% group_by(Region, NHS_Trust, Week) %>% count(); colnames(df2)[4] <- "Jobs"
df2$combo <- paste0(df2$Region, "_", df2$NHS_Trust, "_", df2$Week)
for (i in 1:length(unique(df2$Region))){
for (j in 1:length(unique(df2$NHS_Trust))){
for (k in 1:length(unique(df2$Week))){
curr_combo <- paste0(unique(df2$Region)[i], "_",
unique(df2$NHS_Trust)[j], "_",
if(!curr_combo %in% df2$combo){
curdat <- data.frame(unique(df2$Region)[i],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(curdat) <- names(df2)
df2 <- rbind(as.data.frame(df2), curdat)
# Region NHS_Trust Week Jobs combo
# 4495 15 1 4 0 15_1_4
# 4496 15 1 5 0 15_1_5
# 4497 15 1 8 0 15_1_8
# 4498 15 1 3 0 15_1_3
# 4499 15 1 6 0 15_1_6
# 4500 15 1 9 0 15_1_9
The for loop here check which Region-NHS_Trust-Week combinations are missing from df2 and appends those to df2 with a corresponding Jobs value of 0. The checking is done with the help of the new variable combo which is just a concatenation of the values in the fields mentioned earlier separated by underscores.
Edit: I am plenty sure the people here can come up with something more elegant than this.
I have data that looks like this:
Is there a way I can very efficiently (without much R code) retain only 'ID' cases where instances of 'X' are equal to zero? For example, in this case only ID number 3 should be retained in my data set.
using the data.table package, I was able to quickly pull this together
df <- data.table(ID=c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3), y=c(5,6,4,6,3,1,9,5,5), x=c(1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0))
df <- df[, .(ident = all(x ==0), y, x), by = ID][ident== TRUE] #aggregate, x, y and identifier by each ID
df[, ident := NULL] # get rid of redundant identifier column
df <- data.frame(ID=c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3), y=c(5,6,4,6,3,1,9,5,5), x=c(1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0))
subset(df, !ID %in% subset(df, x!=0)$ID)
That is, first find the ID's where x is not zero (subset(df, x!=0)$ID), and then exclude cases with those ID's (!ID %in% subset(df, x!=0)$ID)
try this:
first get all IDs for which any row has a non-zero value
Then use that to subset
df <- data.frame(ID=c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3), y=c(5,6,4,6,3,1,9,5,5), x=c(1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0))
exclude <- subset(df, x!=0)$ID
new_df <- subset(df, ! ID %in% exclude)
A base R option using ave, where we select the ID if all values (x) for the ID are 0.
df[ave(df$x == 0, df$ID, FUN = all), ]
# ID y x
#7 3 9 0
#8 3 5 0
#9 3 5 0
An equivalent dplyr solution would be
df %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
filter(all(x == 0)) %>%
# A tibble: 3 x 3
# ID y x
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 3. 9. 0.
#2 3. 5. 0.
#3 3. 5. 0.
I want to collapse multiple columns across groups such that the remaining summary statistic is the difference between the column values for each group. I have two methods but I have a feeling that there is a better way I should be doing this.
Example data
test <- data.frame(year = rep(2010:2011, each = 2),
id = c("A","B"),
val = 1:4,
val2 = 2:5,
stringsAsFactors = F)
Using summarize_each
test %>%
group_by(year) %>%
summarize_each(funs(.[id == "B"] - .[id == "A"]), val, val2)
Using tidyr
test %>%
gather(key,val,val:val2) %>%
spread(id,val) %>%
mutate(B.less.A = B - A) %>%
select(-c(A,B)) %>%
The summarize_each way seems relatively simple but I feel like there is a way to do this by grouping on id somehow? Is there a way that could ignore NA values in the columns?
We can use data.table
setDT(test)[, lapply(.SD, diff), by = year, .SDcols = val:val2]
# year val val2
#1: 2010 1 1
#2: 2011 1 1
Here is my example
Student <- c('A', 'B', 'B')
Assessor <- c('C', 'D', 'D')
Score <- c(1, 5, 7)
df <- data.frame(Student, Assessor, Score)
df <- dcast(df, Student ~ Assessor,fun.aggregate=(function (x) x), value = 'Score')
The output:
Using Score as value column: use value.var to override.
Error in .fun(.value[0], ...) : unused argument (value = "Score")
While I want to get something like
A 1 NaN
B NaN 5
B NaN 7
What I am missing?
In addition, if I replace Score with
Score <- c('foo', 'bar','bar')
The output will be:
Using Score as value column: use value.var to override.
Error in .fun(.value[0], ...) : unused argument (value = "Score")
Any thoughts?
Since dcast spread among unique values of the left side of the formula I think you can achieve your goal with a (not so elegant hack) but I bet there are other ways to do that with table maybe.
dcast(df, Student + Score ~ ...)[-2]
Using Score as value column: use value.var to override.
Student C D
1 A 1 NA
2 B NA 5
3 B NA 7
The hack is to just spread by remaining Student and Score the same and then spread other variables (in this case Assessor) and the with [-2] remove the Score column in order to get the desired output (unless your first column is made by column names actually, which is impossible in base R; in that case you need a data.table solution)
Using the dev version of tidyr (0.3.0) get it from github.
First we complete the combinations of Student/Assessor, then we nest it all into a list, spread and then unnest the list into new rows.
df %>% complete(Student, Assessor) %>%
nest(Score) %>%
spread(Assessor, Score) %>%
unnest(C) %>%
Student C D
1 A 1 NA
2 B NA 5
3 B NA 7
I have grouped data that has blocks of missing values. I used dplyr to compute the sum of my target variable over each group. For groups where the sum is zero, I want to replace that group's values with the ones from the previous group. I could do this in a loop, but since my data is in a large data frame, that would be extremely inefficient.
Here's a synthetic example:
df <- tbl_df(as.data.frame(cbind(c(rep(1, 4), rep(2, 4)),
c(abs(rnorm(4)), rep(NA, 4)))))
names(df) <- c("group", "var")
df <- df %>%
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(total = sum(var, na.rm = TRUE))
Source: local data frame [8 x 3]
Groups: group
group var total
1 1 1.3697267 4.74936
2 1 1.5263502 4.74936
3 1 0.4065596 4.74936
4 1 1.4467237 4.74936
5 2 NA 0.00000
6 2 NA 0.00000
7 2 NA 0.00000
8 2 NA 0.00000
In this case, I want to replace the values of var in group 2 with the values of var in group 1, and I want to do it by detecting that total = 0 in group 2.
I've tried to come up with a custom function to feed into do() that does this, but can't figure out how to tell it to replace values in the current group with values from a different group. With the above example, I tried the following, which will always replace using the values from group 1:
CheckDay <- function(x) {
if( all(x$total == 0) ) { x$var <- df[df$group==1, 2] } ; x
do(df, CheckDay)
CheckDay does return a df, but do() throws an error:
Error: Results are not data frames at positions: 1, 2
Is there a way to get this to work?
There are a couple of things going on. First you need to make sure df is a data.frame, your function CheckDay(x) has both the local variable x which you give value df as the global variable df itself, it's better to keep everything inside the function local. Finally, your call to do(df, CheckDay(.)) is missing the (.) part. Try this, this should work:
df <- tbl_df(as.data.frame(cbind(c(rep(1, 4), rep(2, 4)),
c(abs(rnorm(4)), rep(NA, 4)))))
names(df) <- c("group", "var")
df <- df %>%
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(total = sum(var, na.rm = TRUE))
df <- as.data.frame(df)
CheckDay <- function(x) {
if( all( (x[x$group == 2, ])$total == 0) ) {
x$var <- x[x$group == 1, 2]
result <- do(df, CheckDay(.))
To expand on Brouwer's answer, here is what I implemented to accomplish my goal:
Generate df as previously.
Create df.shift, a copy of df with groups 1, 1, 2... etc -- i.e. a df with the variables shifted down by one group. (The rows in group 1 of df.shift could also simply be blank.)
Get the indices where total = 0 and copy the values from df.shift into df at those indices.
This can all be done in base R. It creates one copy, but is much cheaper and faster than looping over the groups.