I have a 25x25 matrix with numeric values and I want to choose through some conditions ! For example I want only the values from 0 to 0.2 to install them in another matrix how can I do this ?
which(x>0.2) # indices where x>0.2
h<-hist(x,breaks = seq(min(x),max(x),length.out = n+1),plot = F) # For multiple ranges and counts
h$breaks #n+1 break points
h$count #n counts of numbers between those breakpoints
What you want can be done with simple logical operations, see file R-intro.pdf that comes with your distribution of R, section 2.7 Index vectors; selecting and modifying subsets of a data set.
set.seed(1356) # make the results reproducible
m <- matrix(rnorm(25*25), 25) # input matrix
i <- 0 <= m & m <= 0.2 # logical index into 'm'
# create a result matrix with the same dimensions as the input
m2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(m), ncol = ncol(m))
m2[i] <- m[i] # assign the values you want
sum(i) # count of values in [0, 0.2]
sum(m < 0) # count of values less than zero
sum(m > 0.2) # count of values greater than 0.2
I have two large sparse matrices (about 41,000 x 55,000 in size). The density of nonzero elements is around 10%. They both have the same row index and column index for nonzero elements.
I now want to modify the values in the first sparse matrix if values in the second matrix are below a certain threshold.
# Generating the example matrices.
# Rows with values.
i <- sample(1:41000, 227000000, replace = TRUE)
# Columns with values.
j <- sample(1:55000, 227000000, replace = TRUE)
# Values for the first matrix.
x1 <- runif(227000000)
# Values for the second matrix.
x2 <- sample(1:3, 227000000, replace = TRUE)
# Constructing the matrices.
m1 <- sparseMatrix(i = i, j = j, x = x1)
m2 <- sparseMatrix(i = i, j = j, x = x2)
I now get the rows, columns and values from the first matrix in a new matrix. This way, I can simply subset them and only the ones I am interested in remain.
# Getting the positions and values from the matrices.
position_matrix_from_m1 <- rbind(i = m1#i, j = summary(m1)$j, x = m1#x)
position_matrix_from_m2 <- rbind(i = m2#i, j = summary(m2)$j, x = m2#x)
# Subsetting to get the elements of interest.
position_matrix_from_m1 <- position_matrix_from_m1[,position_matrix_from_m1[3,] > 0 & position_matrix_from_m1[3,] < 0.05]
# We add 1 to the values, since the sparse matrix is 0-based.
position_matrix_from_m1[1,] <- position_matrix_from_m1[1,] + 1
position_matrix_from_m1[2,] <- position_matrix_from_m1[2,] + 1
Now I am getting into trouble. Overwriting the values in the second matrix takes too long. I let it run for several hours and it did not finish.
# This takes hours.
m2[position_matrix_from_m1[1,], position_matrix_from_m1[2,]] <- 1
m1[position_matrix_from_m1[1,], position_matrix_from_m1[2,]] <- 0
I thought about pasting the row and column information together. Then I have a unique identifier for each value. This also takes too long and is probably just very bad practice.
# We would get the unique identifiers after the subsetting.
m1_identifiers <- paste0(position_matrix_from_m1[1,], "_", position_matrix_from_m1[2,])
m2_identifiers <- paste0(position_matrix_from_m2[1,], "_", position_matrix_from_m2[2,])
# Now, I could use which and get the position of the values I want to change.
# This also uses to much memory.
m2_identifiers_of_interest <- which(m2_identifiers %in% m1_identifiers)
# Then I would modify the x values in the position_matrix_from_m2 matrix and overwrite m2#x in the sparse matrix object.
Is there a fundamental error in my approach? What should I do to run this efficiently?
Is there a fundamental error in my approach?
Yes. Here it is.
# This takes hours.
m2[position_matrix_from_m1[1,], position_matrix_from_m1[2,]] <- 1
m1[position_matrix_from_m1[1,], position_matrix_from_m1[2,]] <- 0
Syntax as mat[rn, cn] (whether mat is a dense or sparse matrix) is selecting all rows in rn and all columns in cn. So you get a length(rn) x length(cn) matrix. Here is a small example:
A <- matrix(1:9, 3, 3)
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
#[1,] 1 4 7
#[2,] 2 5 8
#[3,] 3 6 9
rn <- 1:2
cn <- 2:3
A[rn, cn]
# [,1] [,2]
#[1,] 4 7
#[2,] 5 8
What you intend to do is to select (rc[1], cn[1]), (rc[2], cn[2]) ..., only. The correct syntax is then mat[cbind(rn, cn)]. Here is a demo:
A[cbind(rn, cn)]
#[1] 4 8
So you need to fix your code to:
m2[cbind(position_matrix_from_m1[1,], position_matrix_from_m1[2,])] <- 1
m1[cbind(position_matrix_from_m1[1,], position_matrix_from_m1[2,])] <- 0
Oh wait... Based on your construction of position_matrix_from_m1, this is just
ij <- t(position_matrix_from_m1[1:2, ])
m2[ij] <- 1
m1[ij] <- 0
Now, let me explain how you can do better. You have underused summary(). It returns a 3-column data frame, giving (i, j, x) triplet, where both i and j are index starting from 1. You could have worked with this nice output directly, as follows:
# Getting (i, j, x) triplet (stored as a data.frame) for both `m1` and `m2`
position_matrix_from_m1 <- summary(m1)
# you never seem to use `position_matrix_from_m2` so I skip it
# Subsetting to get the elements of interest.
position_matrix_from_m1 <- subset(position_matrix_from_m1, x > 0 & x < 0.05)
Now you can do:
ij <- as.matrix(position_matrix_from_m1[, 1:2])
m2[ij] <- 1
m1[ij] <- 0
Is there a even better solution? Yes! Note that nonzero elements in m1 and m2 are located in the same positions. So basically, you just need to change m2#x according to m1#x.
ind <- m1#x > 0 & m1#x < 0.05
m2#x[ind] <- 1
m1#x[ind] <- 0
A complete R session
I don't have enough RAM to create your large matrix, so I reduced your problem size a little bit for testing. Everything worked smoothly.
# Generating the example matrices.
## reduce problem size to what my laptop can bear with
squeeze <- 0.1
# Rows with values.
i <- sample(1:(41000 * squeeze), 227000000 * squeeze ^ 2, replace = TRUE)
# Columns with values.
j <- sample(1:(55000 * squeeze), 227000000 * squeeze ^ 2, replace = TRUE)
# Values for the first matrix.
x1 <- runif(227000000 * squeeze ^ 2)
# Values for the second matrix.
x2 <- sample(1:3, 227000000 * squeeze ^ 2, replace = TRUE)
# Constructing the matrices.
m1 <- sparseMatrix(i = i, j = j, x = x1)
m2 <- sparseMatrix(i = i, j = j, x = x2)
## give me more usable RAM
rm(i, j, x1, x2)
## fix to your code
m1a <- m1
m2a <- m2
# Getting (i, j, x) triplet (stored as a data.frame) for both `m1` and `m2`
position_matrix_from_m1 <- summary(m1)
# Subsetting to get the elements of interest.
position_matrix_from_m1 <- subset(position_matrix_from_m1, x > 0 & x < 0.05)
ij <- as.matrix(position_matrix_from_m1[, 1:2])
m2a[ij] <- 1
m1a[ij] <- 0
## the best solution
m1b <- m1
m2b <- m2
ind <- m1#x > 0 & m1#x < 0.05
m2b#x[ind] <- 1
m1b#x[ind] <- 0
## they are identical
all.equal(m1a, m1b)
#[1] TRUE
all.equal(m2a, m2b)
#[1] TRUE
I know that some people may propose
m1c <- m1
m2c <- m2
logi <- m1 > 0 & m1 < 0.05
m2c[logi] <- 1
m1c[logi] <- 0
It looks completely natural in R's syntax. But trust me, it is extremely slow for large matrices.
I have a matrix in which I would like to find those columns that are very similar (I am not looking to find identical columns)
# to generate a matrix
Mat<- matrix(rexp(200, rate=.1), ncol=1000, nrow=400)
I personally thought of "cor" or "all.equal" and I did as follows, but did not work.
indexmax <- apply(Mat, MARGIN = 2, function(x) which(cor(x) >= 0.5, arr.ind = TRUE))
what I need as output is show which columns are highly similar and the degrees of their similarity (it can be correlation coefficient)
similar means their values are similar within some threshold (for example over 75% of the values residuals (e.g. column1-column2) are less than abs(0.5)
I would also love to see how then this is different from correlated. do they result in identical results ?
Using correlation you could try (with a simpler matrix for demonstration)
Mat <- matrix(rnorm(300), ncol = 10)
corr <- cor(Mat)
res <-which(lower.triangle(corr)>.3, arr.ind = TRUE)
data.frame(res[res[,1] != res[,2],], correlation = corr[res[res[,1] != res[,2],]])
row col correlation
1 8 1 0.3387738
2 6 2 0.3350891
Both row and col actually refer to the columns in your original matrix. So, for example, the correlation between column 8 and column 1 is 0.3387738
I'd take linear regression approach:
Mat<- matrix(rexp(200, rate=.1), ncol=100, nrow=400)
combinations <- combn(1:ncol(Mat), m = 2)
sigma <- NULL
for(i in 1:ncol(combinations)){
sigma <- c(sigma, summary(lm(Mat[,combinations[1,1]] ~ Mat[,combinations[2,1]]))$sigma)
sigma <- data.frame(sigma = sigma, comb_nr = 1:ncol(combinations))
And residual standard error as an optional criteria.
You can further order data frame by sigma and get best/worst combinations.
If you want a (not so elegant) straightforward approach that's likely to be very slow for matrices of your size, you can do this:
Mat <- matrix(runif(40000), ncol=100, nrow=400)
col.combs <- t(combn(1:ncol(Mat), 2))
similar <- data.frame(Col1=NULL, Col2=NULL, Corr=NULL, Pct.Diff=NULL)
# Compare each pair of columns
for (k in 1:nrow(col.combs)) {
i <- col.combs[k, 1]
j <- col.combs[k, 2]
# Difference within threshold?
diff.thresh <- (abs(Mat[, i] - Mat[, j]) < 0.5)
pair.corr <- cor(Mat[, 1], Mat[, 2])
if (mean(diff.thresh) > 0.75)
similar <- rbind(similar, c(i, j, pair.corr, 100*mean(diff.thresh)))
In this example there are 2590 distinct pairs of columns with more than 75% of their values within 0.5 of each other (elementwise). You can check the actual difference and correlation coefficient by looking at the resulting data frame.
> head(similar)
Col1 Col2 Corr Pct.Diff
1 1 2 -0.003187894 76.75
2 1 3 0.074061019 76.75
3 1 4 0.082668387 78.00
4 1 5 0.001713751 75.50
5 1 8 0.052228907 75.75
6 1 12 -0.017921978 78.00
Perhaps it's not the best solution, but gets the job done.
Also, if you're unsure why I used mean(diff.thresh), it's because the sum of a logical vector is the number of TRUE elements. The mean is the sum divided by the length, which means that in this case it's the fraction of values within the threshold.
I have two vectors in R and want to generate a new matrix based on them.
a=c(1,2,1,2,3) # a[1] is 1: thus row 1, column 1 should be equal to...
b=c(10,20,30,40,50) # ...b[1], or 10.
I want to produce matrix 'v' BUT without my 'for' loop through columns of v and my multiplication:
v = as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow=length(a),ncol=length(unique(a))))
for(i in 1:ncol(v)) v[[i]][a==i] <- 1 # looping through columns of 'v'
v <- v*b
I am sure there is a fast/elegant way to do it in R. At least of expanding 'a' into the earlier version of 'v' (before its multiplication by 'b').
Thanks a lot!
This is one way that sparse matrices can be defined.
Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = seq_along(a), j = a, x = b)
# Setup the problem:
a <- sample(1:100, 1000000, replace = TRUE)
b <- sample(1:500, length(a), replace = TRUE)
# Start the timer
start.time <- proc.time()[3]
# Actual code
# We use a matrix instead of a data.frame
# The number of columns matches the largest column index in vector "a"
v <- matrix(0,nrow=length(a), ncol= max(a))
v[cbind(seq_along(a), a)] <- b
# Show elapsed time
stop.time <- proc.time()[3]
cat("elapsed time is: ", stop.time - start.time, "seconds.\n")
# For a million rows and a hundred columns, my prehistoric
# ... laptop says: elapsed time is: 2.597 seconds.
# these checks take much longer to run than the function itself
# Make sure the modified column in each row matches vector "a"
stopifnot(TRUE == all.equal(a, apply(v!=0, 1, which)))
# Make sure the modified value in each row equals vector "b"
stopifnot(TRUE == all.equal(rowSums(v), b))
Supposed that X contains 1000 rows with m columns, where m equal to 3 as follows:
X <- cbind(rnorm(1000,0,0.5), rnorm(1000,0,0.5), rnorm(1000,0,0.5))
Variable selection is performed, then the condition will be checked before performing the next operation as follows.
if(nrow(X) < 1000){print(a+b)}
,where a is 5 and b is 15, so if nrow(X) < 1000 is TRUE, then 20 will be printed out.
However, in case that X happens to be a vector because only one column is selected,
how can I check the number of data points when X can be either a matrix or vector ?
What I can think of is that
n <- nrow(X)
} else {
n <- length(X)}
if(n < 1000){print(a+b)}
Anyone has a better idea ?
Thank you
You can use NROW for both cases. From ?NROW
nrow and ncol return the number of rows or columns present in x. NCOL and NROW do the same treating a vector as 1-column matrix.
So that means that even if the subset is dropped down to a vector, as long as x is an array, vector, or data frame NROW will treat it as a one-column matrix.
sub1 <- X[,2:3]
# [1] TRUE
# [1] 1000
sub2 <- X[,1]
# [1] FALSE
# [1] 1000
So if(NROW(X) < 1000L) a + b should work regardless of whether X is a matrix or a vector. I use <= below, since X has exactly 1000 rows in your example.
a <- 5; b <- 15
if(NROW(sub1) <= 1000L) a + b
# [1] 20
if(NROW(sub2) <= 1000L) a + b
# [1] 20
A second option would be to use drop=FALSE when you make the variable selection. This will make the subset remain a matrix when the subset is only one column. This way you can use nrow with no worry. An example of this is
X[, 1, drop = FALSE]
Let's say you have a matrix
m <- matrix(1:25*2, nrow = 5, ncol=5)
How do you go from matrix subscripts (row index, column index) to a linear index you can use on the matrix. For example you can extract values of the matrix with either of these two methods
m[2,3] == 24
m[12] == 24
How do you go from (2,3) => 12 or 12 => (2,3) in R
In Matlab the functions you would use for converting matrix subscripts to linear indices and vice versa are ind2sub and `sub2ind
Is there an equivalent way in R?
This is not something I've used before, but according to this handy dandy Matlab to R cheat sheet, you might try something like this, where m is the number of rows in the matrix, r and c are row and column numbers respectively, and ind the linear index:
[r,c] = ind2sub(size(A), ind)
r = ((ind-1) %% m) + 1
c = floor((ind-1) / m) + 1
ind = sub2ind(size(A), r, c)
ind = (c-1)*m + r
For higher dimension arrays, there is the arrayInd function.
> abc <- array(dim=c(10,5,5))
> arrayInd(12,dim(abc))
dim1 dim2 dim3
[1,] 2 2 1
You mostly don't need those functions in R. In Matlab you need those because you can't do e.g.
A(i, j) = x
where i,j,x are three vectors of row and column indices and x contains the corresponding values. (see also this question)
In R you can simply:
A[ cbind(i, j) ] <- x
There are row and col functions that return those indices in matrix form. So it should be as simple as indexing the return from those two functions:
M<- matrix(1:6, 2)
#[1] 1
#[1] 3
rc.ind <- function(M, ind) c(row(M)[ind], col(M)[ind] )
[1] 1 3
Late answer but there's an actual function for ind2sub in the base package called arrayInd
m <- matrix(1:25, nrow = 5, ncol=5)
# linear indices in R increase row number first, then column
arrayInd(5, dim(m))
arrayInd(6, dim(m))
# so, for any arbitrary row/column
numCol <- 3
numRow <- 4
arrayInd(numRow + ((numCol-1) * nrow(m)), dim(m))
# find the row/column of the maximum element in m
arrayInd(which.max(m), dim(m))
# actually which has an arr.ind parameter for returning array indexes
which(m==which.max(m), arr.ind = T)
For sub2ind, JD Long's answer seems to be the best
Something like this works for arbitrary dimensions-
ind2sub = function(sz,ind)
ind = as.matrix(ind,ncol=1);
sz = c(1,sz);
den = 1;
sub = c();
for(i in 2:length(sz)){
den = den * sz[i-1];
num = den * sz[i];
s = floor(((ind-1) %% num)/den) + 1;
sub = cbind(sub,s);