I have the following algorithm that adds t consecutive numbers starting at s.
Addup (s,t)
Make result = s
For i from s to t-1
Result = Result + s + i
Return Result
So Addup (3,3) = 3+4+5 = 12 & Addup (4,5) = 4+5+6+7+8
How can this be made recursive?
In Python, for example:
def Addup(s,t):
if t == 1:
return s
return s + Addup(s+1, t-1)
I hope everyone is doing fine. I try to do some combinations of sets, but I have no clue how. If anyone can point me in any direction, it will be great. Here is the problem:
M = FiniteEnumeratedSet({1, 2})
P1 = cartesian_product([M]*2)
P1 = P.list()
P2 = cartesian_product([M]*4)
P2 = [p for p in P2 if p[0] <= p[1]]
C = P1 + P2 #len(C) total columns
R = P1*3 #len(R) total rows
What I would like to do is to construct a matrix where the number of columns represents the set C (16 columns) and the number of rows represents R (12 lines). The rule for each entrance it will be (some function entries):
if (i,j) in R and [(i,j) in C:
return -1
elif if (i,j) in R and [(i,u,j,v) in C or (u,i,v,j) in C]:
return 1
return 0
Unfortunately, I have no idea how to define the function entries that works.
Thank you.
I want to solve a mathematical problem in a fastest possible way.
I have a set of natural numbers between 1 to n, for example {1,2,3,4,n=5} and I want to calculate a formula like this:
s = 1*2*3*4+1*2*3*5+1*2*4*5+1*3*4*5+2*3*4*5
as you can see, each element in the sum is a multiplications of n-1 numbers in the set. For example in (1*2*3*4), 5 is excluded and in (1*2*3*5), 4 is excluded. I know some of the multiplications are repeated, for example (1*2) is repeated in 3 of the multiplications. How can I solve this problem with least number of multiplications.
Sorry for bad English.
Here is a way that does not "cheat" by replacing multiplication with repeated addition or by using division. The idea is to replace your expression with
1*2*3*4 + 5*(1*2*3 + 4*(1*2 + 3*(1 + 2)))
This used 9 multiplications for the numbers 1 through 5. In general I think the multiplication count would be one less than the (n-1)th triangular number, n * (n - 1) / 2 - 1. Here is Python code that stores intermediate factorial values to reduce the number of multiplications to just 6, or in general 2 * n - 4, and the addition count to the same (but half of them are just adding 1):
def f(n):
fact = 1
term = 2
sum = 3
for j in range(2, n):
fact *= j
term = (j + 1) * sum
sum = fact + term
return sum
The only way to find which algorithm is the fastest is to code all of them in one language, and run each using a timer.
The following would be the most straightforward answer.
def f(n):
result = 0
nList = [i+1 for i in range(n)]
for i in range(len(nList)):
result += reduce(lambda x, y: x*y,(nList[:i]+nList[i+1:]))
return result
Walkthrough - use the reduce function to multiply all list's of length n-1 and add to the variable result.
If you just want to minimise the number of multiplications, you can replace all the multiplications by additions, like this:
// Compute 1*2*…*n
if n = 1
return 1
res = 0
// by adding 1*2*…*(n-1) an entirety of n times
for i = 1 to n do
res += mult_all(n-1)
return res
// Compute sum of 1*2*…*(i-1)*(i+1)*…*n
if n = 1
return 0
// by computing 1*2*…*(n-1) + (sum 1*2*…*(i-1)*(i+1)*…*(n-1))*n
res = mult_all(n-1)
for i = 1 to n do
res += sum_of_mult_all_but_one(n-1)
return res
Here is an answer that would work with javascript. It is not the fastest way because it is not optimized, but it should work if you want to just find the answer.
function combo(n){
var mult = 1;
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++){
mult = 1;
for (var j = 1; j<= n; j++){
if(j != i){
mult = mult*j;
sum += mult;
return (sum);
Suppose I have the following array:
Is there an already implemented way to sort the array and that returns also the number of permutations that it had to make the algorithm to sort it?
For instance, I have to move 3 times to the right with the 6 so it can be ordered, which would give me parity -1.
The general problem would be to order an arbitrary array (all integers, with repeated indexes!), and to know the parity performed by the algorithm to order the array.
sortperm(a) - [ 1:size(a)[1] ]
Results in
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
sortperm shows you where each n-th index should go into. We're using 1:size(a)[1] to compare the earlier index to its original indexation.
If your array is small, you can compute the determinant of the permutation matrix
function permutation_sign_1(p)
n = length(p)
A = zeros(n,n)
for i in 1:n
A[i,p[i]] = 1
In general, you can decompose the permutation as a product of cycles,
count the number of even cycles, and return its parity.
function permutation_sign_2(p)
n = length(p)
not_seen = Set{Int}(1:n)
seen = Set{Int}()
cycles = Array{Int,1}[]
while ! isempty(not_seen)
cycle = Int[]
x = pop!( not_seen )
while ! in(x, seen)
push!( cycle, x )
push!( seen, x )
x = p[x]
pop!( not_seen, x, 0 )
push!( cycles, cycle )
cycle_lengths = map( length, cycles )
even_cycles = filter( i -> i % 2 == 0, cycle_lengths )
length( even_cycles ) % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1
The parity of a permutation can also be obtained from the
number of inversions.
It can be computed by slightly modifying the merge sort algorithm.
Since it is also used to compute Kendall's tau (check less(corkendall)),
there is already an implementation.
using StatsBase
function permutation_sign_3(p)
x = copy(p)
number_of_inversions = StatsBase.swaps!(x)
number_of_inversions % 2 == 0 ? +1 : -1
On your example, those three functions give the same result:
x = [6,3,3,5,6]
p = sortperm(x)
permutation_sign_1( p )
permutation_sign_2( p )
permutation_sign_3( p ) # -1
so I've been working on a program in Python that finds the minimum weight triangulation of a convex polygon. This means that it finds the weight(The sum of all the triangle perimeters), as well as the list of chords(lines going through the polygon that break it up into triangles, not the boundaries).
I was under the impression that I'm using the dynamic programming algorithm, however when I tried using a somewhat more complex polygon it takes forever(I'm not sure how long it takes because I haven't gotten it to finish).
It works fine with a 10 sided polygon, however I'm trying 25 and that's what is making it stall. My teacher gave me the polygons so I assume that the 25 one is supposed to work as well.
Since this algorithm is supposed to be O(n^3), the 25 sided polygon should take roughly 15.625 times longer to calculate, however it's taking way longer seeing that the 10 sided seems instantaneous.
Am I doing some sort of n operation in there that I'm not realizing? I can't see anything I'm doing, except maybe the last part where I get rid of the duplicates by turning the list into a set, however in my program I put a trace after the decomp before the conversion happens, and it's not even reaching that point.
Here's my code, if you guys need anymore info just please ask. Something in there is making it take longer than O(n^3) and I need to find it so I can trim it out.
import math
def cost(v):
ab = math.sqrt(((v[0][0] - v[1][0])**2) + ((v[0][1] - v[1][1])**2))
bc = math.sqrt(((v[1][0] - v[2][0])**2) + ((v[1][1] - v[2][1])**2))
ac = math.sqrt(((v[0][0] - v[2][0])**2) + ((v[0][1] - v[2][1])**2))
return ab + bc + ac
def triang_to_chord(t, n):
if t[1] == t[0] + 1:
# a and b
if t[2] == t[1] + 1:
# single
# b and c
return ((t[0], t[2]), )
elif t[2] == n-1 and t[0] == 0:
# single
# c and a
return ((t[1], t[2]), )
# double
return ((t[0], t[2]), (t[1], t[2]))
elif t[2] == t[1] + 1:
# b and c
if t[0] == 0 and t[2] == n-1:
# c and a
return ((t[0], t[1]), )
return ((t[0], t[1]), (t[0], t[2]))
elif t[0] == 0 and t[2] == n-1:
# c and a
# double
return ((t[0], t[1]), (t[1], t[2]))
# triple
return ((t[0], t[1]), (t[1], t[2]), (t[0], t[2]))
file_name = raw_input("Enter the polygon file name: ").rstrip()
file_obj = open(file_name)
vertices_raw = file_obj.read().split()
vertices = []
for i in range(len(vertices_raw)):
if i % 2 == 0:
vertices.append((float(vertices_raw[i]), float(vertices_raw[i+1])))
n = len(vertices)
def decomp(i, j):
if j <= i: return (0, [])
elif j == i+1: return (0, [])
cheap_chord = [float("infinity"), []]
old_cost = cheap_chord[0]
smallest_k = None
for k in range(i+1, j):
old_cost = cheap_chord[0]
itok = decomp(i, k)
ktoj = decomp(k, j)
cheap_chord[0] = min(cheap_chord[0], cost((vertices[i], vertices[j], vertices[k])) + itok[0] + ktoj[0])
if cheap_chord[0] < old_cost:
smallest_k = k
cheap_chord[1] = itok[1] + ktoj[1]
temp_chords = triang_to_chord(sorted((i, j, smallest_k)), n)
for c in temp_chords:
return cheap_chord
results = decomp(0, len(vertices) - 1)
chords = set(results[1])
print "Minimum sum of triangle perimeters = ", results[0]
print len(chords), "chords are:"
for c in chords:
print " ", c[0], " ", c[1]
I'll add the polygons I'm using, again the first one is solved right away, while the second one has been running for about 10 minutes so far.
202.1177 93.5606
177.3577 159.5286
138.2164 194.8717
73.9028 189.3758
17.8465 165.4303
2.4919 92.5714
21.9581 45.3453
72.9884 3.1700
133.3893 -0.3667
184.0190 38.2951
397.2494 204.0564
399.0927 245.7974
375.8121 295.3134
340.3170 338.5171
313.5651 369.6730
260.6411 384.6494
208.5188 398.7632
163.0483 394.1319
119.2140 387.0723
76.2607 352.6056
39.8635 319.8147
8.0842 273.5640
-1.4554 226.3238
8.6748 173.7644
20.8444 124.1080
34.3564 87.0327
72.7005 46.8978
117.8008 12.5129
162.9027 5.9481
210.7204 2.7835
266.0091 10.9997
309.2761 27.5857
351.2311 61.9199
377.3673 108.9847
390.0396 148.6748
It looks like you have an issue with the inefficient recurision here.
def decomp(i, j):
for k in range(i+1, j):
itok = decomp(i, k)
ktoj = decomp(k, j)
You've ran into the same kind of issue as a naive recursive implementation of the Fibonacci Numbers, but the way this algorithm works, it'll probably be much worst on the run time. Assuming that is the only issue with you're algorithm, then you just need to use memorization to ensure that the decomp is only calculated once for each unique input.
The way to spot this issue is to print out the values of i, j and k as the triple (i,j,k). In order to obtain a runtime of O(N^3), you shouldn't see the same exact triple twice. However, the triple (22, 24, 23), appears at least twice (in the 25), and is the first such duplicate. That shows the algorithm is calculating the same thing multiple times, which is inefficient, and is bumping up the performance well past O(N^3). I'll leave figuring out what the algorithms actual performance is to you as an exercise. Assuming there isn't something else wrong with the algorithm the algorithm should eventually stop.
For ex.
double size = 10.35;
i should get
value = 1035;
exponent = -2;
so when i re calculate i will get 10.35.
i.e 1035 * 10^-2 = 10.35;
Please help me.
Thanks in advance
In general this is not possible since the fractional part of a double is stored in powers-of-2, and might or might not match powers-of-10.
For example: When looking at powers-of-2 vs powers-of-3: Just like 1/2 == 2^-1 == 5 * 10^-1 has a match, 1/3 == 3^-1 == ?? does not have a match.
However, you can approximate it.
It would have an answer if you would ask for powers-of-2. In that case you can just look at the double representation (see IEEE-754 here) and extract the right bits.
Very simplistically (in C#):
double size = 10.36;
int power = 0;
while (size != (int)size)
size *= 10.0;
Console.WriteLine("{0} * 10 to the {1}", size, power);
Though I'm sure with a bit more thought a more elegant solution can be found.
This doesn't go the other way where you've got a large number (103600 say) and want to get the smallest value to some power (1036 * 10^2).
I had to do something very similar. Here's a solution in Python (it hasn't been tested very well):
def normalize(value, fdigits=2):
Convert a string representing a numerical value to value-digit/exponent form.
Round the fractional portion to the given number of digits.
value the value (string)
fdigits the number of digits to which to round the fractional
# if empty string, return error
if not value:
return None
# split value by decimal
v = value.split('.')
# if too many decimals, return error
if len(v) > 2:
return None
# add empty string for fractional portion if missing
elif len(v) == 1:
# assign whole and fractional portions
(w, f) = v
# pad fractional portion up to number of significant digits if necessary
if len(f) < fdigits:
f += ('0' * (fdigits - len(f)))
# if the number of digits in the fractional portion exceeds the
# number of digits allowed by fdigits
elif len(f) > fdigits:
# convert both portions to integers; use '0' for whole portion if missing
(wi, fi) = (int(w or '0'), int(f[:fdigits]))
# round up if first insignificant digit is gteq 5
if int(f[fdigits]) >= 5:
fi += 1
# roll whole value up if fractional portion rounds to a whole
if len(str(fi)) > fdigits:
wi += 1
fi = 0
# replace the whole and fractional strings
(w, f) = (str(wi), ("%0" + str(fdigits) + "d") % fi)
# derive value digits and exponent
n = w.lstrip() + f
l = len(n)
x = -fdigits
n = n.rstrip('0')
x += (l - len(n))
# return value digits and exponent
return (int(n), x)