I am really excited about Realm Cloud and started building an app in my beta account.
I have my realm URL's like this:
static let MY_INSTANCE_ADDRESS = "myInstance.us1.cloud.realm.io" // <- update this
static let AUTH_URL = URL(string: "https://\(MY_INSTANCE_ADDRESS)")!
static let REALM_URL = URL(string: "realms://\(MY_INSTANCE_ADDRESS)/users")!
Then I log a user in like this:
let credentials = SyncCredentials.usernamePassword(username: self.userName.field.text ?? "", password: self.password.field.text ?? "", register: true)
SyncUser.logIn(with: credentials, server: RealmConstants.AUTH_URL) { (_, error) in
I log in and I see the user created successfully. However, I can not interact with the global realm. I understand this is by design in the latest ROS I would like to see a clear code example how to allow a new user access to the global realm.
Trying to write an automated test for a website that uses federated auth with ADFS.
In my Ci/CD pipeline I will not be running in an authenticated Windows context so my Playwright tests will encounter an ADFS credentials prompt, BUT when developing the tests we are working in an authenticated context and Windows Pass-through auth will kick in (NTLM is my guess).
How can I prevent that?
With a previous set of tests that I wrote using NightwatchJS the trick I used was to send a custom UserAgent string of a browser that is not registered in ADFS as being a browser that is supported for the NTLM challenge flow. (it was Opera Mini btw)
With Playwright the same trick doesn't work apparently, and I was hoping there is something better out there.
What I tried:
context = await browser.newContext({
userAgent: 'Opera/9.80 (Android; Opera Mini/12.0.1987/37.7327; U; pl) Presto/2.12.423 Version/12.16'
So.....after some more digging, after asking the correct question, which in the end was:
"How to disable Windows Integrated Authentication in Chrome?"
I found this checklist for conditions and this answer on SO.
The fix was to add a startup arg to chromium to disable WIA. Here's the important bit below:
browser = await chromium.launch({
args: ['--auth-server-whitelist="_"'],
This will make chrome present a basic auth prompt for credentials.
However, when I combined this with the custom userAgent string that is not amongst the useragents supported by the ADFS server, I managed to reach the login page of ADFS.
Again, OperaMini worked for me:
context = await browser.newContext({
userAgent: 'Opera/9.80 (Android; Opera Mini/12.0.1987/37.7327; U; pl) Presto/2.12.423 Version/12.16'
What worked for me is to combine a bit of #dutzu's answer with basic authentication for Playwright. Here's an example of doing this in C# for AD/NTLM authentication.
using var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();
await using var browser = await playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync(new BrowserTypeLaunchOptions
// Forces authentication to be required and not automatically passed through via your windows session
Args = new[] { "--auth-server-whitelist=\"_\"" },
Headless = false
var context = await browser.NewContextAsync(new BrowserNewContextOptions { HttpCredentials = new HttpCredentials { Password = "....", Username = "...." } }) ;
var page = await context.NewPageAsync();
await page.GotoAsync("https://some_website_that_uses_ntlm/");
You need to send calls to the Web Application Proxy or setup an internal one. Wep Application Proxy does not support Windows Integrated Authentication.
I was also having an ADFS form that I needed to authenticate against. In my case it was enough to create a browser context with http credentials, and then it just worked by itself.
const context = await browser.newContext({
httpCredentials: {
username: 'bill',
password: 'pa55w0rd',
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto('https://example.com');
Ref: https://playwright.dev/docs/network#http-authentication
I implemented the signinWithApple button on my Expo app, and it's working perfectly locally when i use the host.exp.Exponent on Services ID in Firebase authentification tab for Apple Sign in.
But when I create a standalone app, and I test it with TestFlight, it doesn't work anymore whether I use host.exp.Exponent, nothing, or my specific app service ID on Services ID.
What am I missing here?
handleApple = async () => {
const csrf = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15);
const nonce = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 10);
try {
const appleCredential = await AppleAuthentication.signInAsync({
requestedScopes: [
state: csrf,
nonce: nonce
const {
} = appleCredential;
if (identityToken) {
// login with credential
const provider = new firebase.auth.OAuthProvider("apple.com");
const credential = provider.credential({
idToken: identityToken,
rawNonce: nonce,
await firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(credential).then(user => {
I managed to make it work by using my bundle identifier (which is also my app id) on the Service ID field in firebase.
Error code :
Error: The audience in ID Token [##.app-videos] does not match the expected audience ##.signin.
But now the sign in with Apple on my website breaks.
I manage to make it work when I change the Service Id field to my specific app service ID (found in Identifiers > Services IDs).
So i'm stuck with an app that requires something and a website that requires an other. Why is that?
Should I do something specific when I rebuild my app so that the changes that I made to mu identifiers are taken into account?
I'm using this, is it not enough?
expo build:ios --clear-provisioning-profile
I had the same problem and should solve it in the following way.
You must re-create GoogleService-info.plist in the Firebase console with the same bundleId as in the project in Xcode.
I'm implementing Sign in with Apple and noticed that the email and fullName properties of the returned ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential are only filled on the very first Sign-In for this Apple ID. On all subsequent Sign-Ins those properties are nil.
Is this a bug on iOS 13 or expected behaviour?
Here is the code I'm using to start the request:
#available(iOS 13.0, *)
dynamic private func signInWithAppleClicked() {
let request = ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider().createRequest()
request.requestedScopes = [.fullName, .email]
let controller = ASAuthorizationController(authorizationRequests: [request])
controller.delegate = self
controller.presentationContextProvider = self
I'm receiving the credential in this delegate method:
public func authorizationController(controller: ASAuthorizationController, didCompleteWithAuthorization authorization: ASAuthorization) {
guard let credential = authorization.credential as? ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential else { return }
let userIdentifier = credential.user
let token = credential.identityToken
let authCode = credential.authorizationCode
let realUserStatus = credential.realUserStatus
let mail = credential.email // nil
let name = credential.fullName // nil
Seems like a bug but after reading different posts on apple forums it looks like this seems to be the expected behaviour.
So some takeaways.
On the first time sign in with apple (signup) make sure to create user account on your backend.
In case of any connection error with your servers, make sure you save the user details locally (because you are not getting this next time) and keep retrying to create account on your backend.
For testing on device you can revoke your apple ID login for your app. After revoking it will work like a signup next time and you will get the details like (email, name, etc).
To revoke access on your device with IOS 13.
iPhone Settings > Apple Id > Password & Security > Apple ID logins > {YOUR APP} > Stop using Apple ID
In case you're wondering how to retrieve email second and subsequent times, here's a hint: use identityToken which contains encoded in JWT user authorisation data including email.
Import this library to decode JWT: https://github.com/auth0/JWTDecode.swift
try this code
import JWTDecode
// ...
if let identityTokenData = appleIDCredential.identityToken,
let identityTokenString = String(data: identityTokenData, encoding: .utf8) {
print("Identity Token \(identityTokenString)")
do {
let jwt = try decode(jwt: identityTokenString)
let decodedBody = jwt.body as Dictionary<String, Any>
print("Decoded email: "+(decodedBody["email"] as? String ?? "n/a") )
} catch {
print("decoding failed")
Or decode it at PHP backend like this:
print_r(json_decode(base64_decode(str_replace('_', '/', str_replace('-','+',explode('.', $identityTokenString)[1])))));
It is a correct behavior when implementing SignIn with Apple.
This behaves correctly, user info is only sent in the
ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential upon initial user sign up. Subsequent
logins to your app using Sign In with Apple with the same account do
not share any user info and will only return a user identifier in the
ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential. It is recommended that you securely
cache the initial ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential containing the user
info until you can validate that an account has successfully been
created on your server.
To overcome this issue we can store all the required information in Keychain. I have created Singleton class for SignIn With Apple. I am sure it will help you.
Git source: https://github.com/IMHitesh/HSAppleSignIn
You need to follow below steps:
Add the AppleSignIn folder into your project.
Enable SignIn with Apple in Capabilities.
Goto your UIViewController and Add Container view for SignIn with
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
appleSignIn.loginWithApple(view:viewAppleButton, completionBlock: { (userInfo, message) in
if let userInfo = userInfo{
}else if let message = message{
print("Error Message: \(message)")
print("Unexpected error!")
viewAppleButton.isHidden = true
This seems to be the expected behaviour:
This behaves correctly, user info is only sent in the
ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential upon initial user sign up. Subsequent
logins to your app using Sign In with Apple with the same account do
not share any user info and will only return a user identifier in the
ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential. It is recommened that you securely
cache the initial ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential containing the user
info until you can validate that an account has succesfully been
created on your server.
Source https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/121496#379297
This is not bug but it will indicate that your authentication successfully store to your device setting.
if you want to that all information again then you need to following this states.
go to your device -> Settings -> Apple ID -> Password & Security
-> Apps Using your Apple ID -> you get list of apps used sign in with apple {find your app} -> swift left of your apps row {show Delete option} -> click on Delete
restart your app or repress sign in with apple button
Now you can get all information
In https://developer.apple.com/documentation/signinwithapplerestapi/authenticating_users_with_sign_in_with_apple it says:
Because the user’s information isn’t shared with your app in any subsequent API calls, your app should store it locally, immediately after you receive it from the API response. In case of subsequent failures in your process or network, you can read the information from local storage and try processing it again.
The email would be given on the first time sign in. If the user do not "revoke" the apple sign in of your app (which is in the user's Apple ID of system setting page) the callback for signing in would be returned with a nil email value. You could save the user id and email info of the first time sign-in successful result, and when the next time sign in to judge the difference between the return and the saved info.
A better practice is to judge the the value of ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider.getCredentialState while your app is being "active" for syncing the sign-in state with back-end server in time.
Please refer to: How to Sign Out of Apple After Being Authenticated
I wrote a Helper class specific for this issue. This Helper class can help to save and retrieve the user info securely to and from keyChain.
I am using SwiftKeychainWrapper library to do the heavy task for me. Feel free to copy paste the helper class in your code.You might need to add any other extra information depending on your need.
import Foundation
import SwiftKeychainWrapper
/// A Helper class which abstract Keychain API related calls.
final class KeyChainService {
// MARK: - Properties
static let shared = KeyChainService()
/// Returns previous saved user name if available.
var appleUserName: String? {
return KeychainWrapper
.string(forKey: .appAppleUserName)
/// Returns previous saved user appleId/email if available.
var appleUserEmail: String? {
return KeychainWrapper
.string(forKey: .appAppleEmailId)
/// Saves the apple user name into keychain.
/// - Parameter name: Apple user name retrieved form AppleLogin.
/// - Returns: true if succeed otherwise false.
func saveAppleUserName(name: String?) -> Bool {
guard let name = name else {return false}
return KeychainWrapper.standard.set(
forKey: KeychainWrapper.Key.appAppleUserName.rawValue
/// Saves the apple user email into keychain.
/// - Parameter email: Apple userId/email retrieved form AppleLogin.
/// - Returns: true if succeed otherwise false.
func saveAppleEmail(email: String?) -> Bool {
guard let email = email else {return false}
return KeychainWrapper.standard.set(
forKey: KeychainWrapper.Key.appAppleEmailId.rawValue
/// Deletes both apple user name and saved Id from keyChain.
func deleteSavedAppleUserInfo(){
KeychainWrapper.standard.remove(forKey: .appAppleUserName)
KeychainWrapper.standard.remove(forKey: .appAppleEmailId)
// MARK: - KeychainWrapper + Extensions
extension KeychainWrapper.Key {
/// A random string used to identify saved user apple name from keychain.
static let appAppleUserName: KeychainWrapper.Key = "appAppleUserName"
/// A random string used to identify saved user apple email /Id from keychain.
static let appAppleEmailId:KeychainWrapper.Key = "appAppleEmailId"
how can I get profile picture from Microsoft account using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Facebook library? I tried using Claims, but they don't have profile picture value... I also tried looking in account's source control by checking image url, but I noticed that the url is made of some parameters that I can't get with claims, so I can't construct url like I can with facebook... Can someone can help me?
You can obtain the profile picture from Microsoft accounts by using Microsoft Graph:
Specific instructions on how to request the profile picture:
If you follow the quick start (select asp.net, click "Get an app ID and secret" and download the sample code), it's easy to obtain the data like so:
GraphServiceClient graphClient = SDKHelper.GetAuthenticatedClient();
var photoStream = await graphService.GetCurrentUserPhotoStreamAsync(graphClient);
EDIT: Sorry, forgot the asp.net core part (it doesn't seem that Microsoft.Identity.Client is available for asp.net core).
In ExternalLoginCallback you can obtain the access token from the ExternalLoginInfo object returned by var info = await _signInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();
Remember to set SaveTokens to true when configuring authentication (otherwise the access token won't be available):
.AddMicrosoftAccount(options =>
options.ClientId = Configuration["ExternalProviders:Microsoft:ClientId"];
options.ClientSecret = Configuration["ExternalProviders:Microsoft:ClientSecret"];
options.SaveTokens = true;
Then it's just a matter of making a http request - something like this:
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.SetBearerToken(info.AuthenticationTokens.Where(t => t.Name.Equals("access_token")).First().Value);
var pictureResult = httpClient.GetAsync("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/photo/$value").Result;
I am in the process to try to separate out the mobile from the desktop part of my application and thought I try DDP.connect as a means for the mobile application to share data with the desktop application.
My first hurdle is concerning Meteor internal collections and publications.
How am I supposed to authenticate users? I know I can call the login method to authenticate a user, but that still doesn't give me all the other nice reactive features I am used to with Meteor.users
Is this supposed to work, and if so what is the pattern.
This is what integrated completely with a remote server (except code refresh, which forgets user session)
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Meteor.connection = DDP.connect('http://remote.site.com');
Accounts.connection = Meteor.connection;
Meteor.users = new Meteor.Collection('users');
SomeCollection = new Meteor.Collection('remote_collection');
// rest if the code just as always
This way you can use login directly (via accounts-base, accounts-passed, etc) and don't need to call a login method. Just add accounts-ui and include {{>loginButtons}} and it works
I had a similar problem. I wanted to have two different front-ends (although both are for desktop) to the same back-end, so they could use same database, publications, and methods. After looking through Meteor's source code (version I've managed to do this as follows.
1) Start back-end server project.
$ meteor --port 3100
2) In front-end project(s), put following in server/server.config.js.
var backendUrl = process.env.BACKEND_URL;
if (backendUrl) {
__meteor_runtime_config__.BACKEND_URL = backendUrl;
__meteor_runtime_config__.ACCOUNTS_CONNECTION_URL = backendUrl;
console.log('config', __meteor_runtime_config__);
3) In front-end project(s), put following in client/lib/client.connection.js. APS is just a namespace for my application. Be sure to have this loaded before you use subscriptions or methods (that's why it's in lib folder).
if (typeof APS == 'undefined') APS = {};
var backendUrl = __meteor_runtime_config__.BACKEND_URL;
if (backendUrl) {
APS.backendConnection = DDP.connect(backendUrl);
Meteor.connection = APS.backendConnection;
_.each(['subscribe', 'methods', 'call', 'apply', 'status', 'reconnect', 'disconnect'], function(name) {
Meteor[name] = _.bind(Meteor.connection[name], Meteor.connection);
console.log('connected to backend', APS.backendConnection);
4) Start front-end server with BACKEND_URL environment variable pointing to your back-end server.
$ BACKEND_URL= meteor
That's all. Refresh on client works OK. And we don't have to fiddle with Accounts.*.
UPDATE: Just found a problem with my solution. When calling server methods, this.userId is always null. This is because Meteor.connection and Accounts.connection were two separate connections, despite to the same BACKEND_URL. Upon authentication, user ID gets associated only with the latter. Fixed client.connection.js is as follows.
if (typeof APS == 'undefined') APS = {};
var backendUrl = __meteor_runtime_config__.BACKEND_URL;
if (backendUrl) {
APS.originalConnection = Meteor.connection;
// Accounts is already connected to our BACKEND_URL
APS.backendConnection = Accounts.connection;
// Reusing same (authenticated) connection for method calls and subscriptions
Meteor.connection = APS.backendConnection;
_.each(['subscribe', 'methods', 'call', 'apply', 'status', 'reconnect', 'disconnect'], function(name) {
Meteor[name] = _.bind(Meteor.connection[name], Meteor.connection);
console.log('Connected to backend', APS.backendConnection);
You can authenticate using code like this:
var connection = DDP.connect("<url>")
To authenticate
connection.call("login", {"password":"qwerty","user":{"username":"user_1"}});
to get the user, add this on the other server)
whoami: function() { return Meteor.user() }
Then you can run further commands as if you were authenticated, like this to get who's logged in
User account creation/Authentication:
In client.js, create a DDP connection and set it to Accounts.connection
Accounts.connection = Meteor.remoteConnection;
Create an Accounts.users collection in the client and subscribe its contents from the external server as below.
Accounts.users = new Meteor.Collection('users', {connection: Meteor.remoteConnection});
Now call the login method required as below and set the token returned in the localStorage. This works for all the internal clicks and routing.
Meteor.loginWithPassword(login_email, login_password, function(err) {
if (err)
pageSession.set("errorMessage", err.message);
return false;
console.log("logged in as "+Meteor.userId());
var token = Accounts._storedLoginToken();
localStorage.setItem('_storedLoginToken', token);
The problem with the above code is that, the token is reset after every manual client refresh. The result object contains the below signed in information. We have to take the token and login with token for every external client refresh.
tokenExpires:Thu Jul 20 2017 12:46:31 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
In client.js, start-up call the loginwithtoken function with the returned token as below, whenever there is no user available.
var user = Meteor.user();
var token = localStorage.getItem('_storedLoginToken');
console.log("Token"+token +user);
Meteor.loginWithToken(token, function(err){
// this is going to throw error if we logged out
if(!err) {
console.log('logged in !!!! ',token);
Meteor throws an error while logging in with the token,
Error logging in with token: Error: You've been logged out by the server. Please log in again. [403]
To overcome this issue, we have to write a tracker function to track the logged in session and login again if required. This is basically a hack suggested in meteor forums.
Tracker.autorun(function () { var user = Meteor.user(); var token
= localStorage.getItem('_storedLoginToken'); if(user==null){ console.log("Token"+token +user); if(token)
Meteor.loginWithToken(token, function(err){
// this is going to throw error if we logged out
if(!err) {
console.log('logged in !!!! ',token); }
}); } });
Reset the localStorage if user navigates to the login path. In Layout.js,